Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 542: Backing against the sky

Strong and terrifying blood poured out of the Tian Yaozi's body, surging and rolling, as if to pay homage to some mysterious thing, and finally flooded into his heavenly spirit.


The heavens and the earth roared and the void shook. I saw a simple lampstand filled with incomparable mystery and terrifying aura slowly floating in the sky, and the terrifying aura sealed the whole place, completely cutting off the path of the three Ye Hao.

"this is"

"Jidao Emperor Soldier!"

"Could it be the legendary ancient lamp of the Yaozu?"

The sudden change caused Ye Hao's heart to roar, and Yun Miaoxuan and Qi Hanlin seemed to have thought of something, and the expressions on their faces were unprecedentedly ugly.

In the ruins below, the Tian Yaozi was thin and thin, as if he had been emptied of all his blood, extremely frightening.

Above him, a simple lampstand that seemed to be made of bronze slowly floated up and down. On the lampstand, a faint green flame was beating, unpredictable.

Although the flame is weak, it exudes a turbulent and majestic demon energy, endless, as if an unimaginable great demon was born, making the entire world tremble, terrifying.

"That is the Supreme Soul Lamp!"

Looking at that simple lampstand, Ye Hao's black eyes couldn't help but shrank, and stormy waves could not help but burst into his heart.

The ancient lamp on the head of the demon is very similar to the supreme soul lamp that Venerable Cang Kun blew out of the Kunlun restricted area.

The only difference is that the soul lamp that Venerable Cang Kun blew himself was only a lampstand, and it was not lit, while the ancient lamp above the Tian Yaozi's head had a very terrifying and strange flame on it.

"No need to guess, it is indeed the Supreme Soul Lamp." Qi Hanlin's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, "Moreover, this supreme soul lamp is so big it is against the sky."

Ye Hao's figure was shocked, and an unbelievable guess appeared in his heart.

"You guessed it right, it is indeed the supreme soul lamp of the demon master of the Demon Race."

Yun Miaoxuan's face was also extremely ugly, and he clearly recognized the origin of this ancient lamp.

Ye Hao's mind roared, his face showed unprecedented shock.

It is reported that the Supreme Soul Lamp and the breakthrough of the Supreme Realm have a vital connection, and it should be just an illusion.

Ye Hao has never heard of anyone whose supreme soul lamp can be condensed into a real thing and become an emperor soldier of the extreme path. This is simply too shocking.

"The demon master of the world is shocked and beautiful. He was invincible for an era, so naturally he can't judge it with common sense."

Qi Hanlin smiled bitterly, with a feeling of admiration on his face, that can make him such a peerless evildoer show such a look, and only those who are waiting to shock the ancients and the present.

The ancient sky demon lamp is indeed a supreme soul lamp. It was the demon master who stepped into the realm of saints. When he became enlightened, he stripped out his own soul lamp with great magical powers and refined it into a supreme imperial army to suppress the monster race. Foundation.

This ancient lamp is so big that it is against the sky. It is a top rank among the Emperor Dao's soldiers. It is the supreme treasure of the demon clan. No one in the field thought that this time the demon would bring this prestigious demon. light.

"Jiejie, even if the current supreme can't come out, do you think I will come to the Southern Territory without the slightest preparation?"

The demon's voice was hoarse, and the pale golden vertical pupils seemed to lose their luster, but there was a cold murderous intent.

"Originally, I didn't want to go this far, but you deceived people too much and refused to give up." The sky demon's dry face was murderous, "Then I have to leave you here forever."

"Qi Hanlin, Yun Miaoxuan, this is the two of you looking for death on your own!" Tian Yaozi laughed wildly, "I am really curious, if you two die, how would Yaochi Holy Land and Jixia Academy react."

"If this is the case, do you think you are still out of the Southern Territory?"

auzw.com Yun Miaoxuan spoke coldly with a pretty face.

"Not only the Sky Demon Ancient Lantern, this time he also brought the Demon Sacred Bell."

Qi Hanlin smiled bitterly, he finally entered the ruins, naturally knowing the situation outside.

Hearing that, Ye Hao and Yun Miaoxuan’s expressions have changed drastically. The Demon Sacred Bell is the real supreme sage soldier. It is the enlightenment tool of the demon master who is the world’s most powerful. It is the greatest heritage of immortal orthodoxy.

They didn't expect that this time the Tian Yaozi had brought two treasures of the monster clan, and almost emptied the background of the monster clan, so preparations could not be said to be insufficient.


Ye Hao was very decisive, and brought Lu Guan directly to the depths of the ruins, followed by Yun Miaoxuan and Qi Hanlin.

The way out has been sealed by the ancient sky demon lamp, they can only go deeper, otherwise there will be absolutely no vitality.

After all, no matter how strong they are, they will never be able to contend with a real Supreme Dao imperial soldier, let alone a treasure made by the master of the world.

"Did you go?"

The Tian Yaozi laughed wildly, suddenly pinched the tactics, and suddenly, the quaint lampstand above lightly shook, and while the light blue flame was swaying, an extremely terrifying breath erupted.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook dramatically, the void roared, and the space was constantly torn, a slender illusory figure suddenly appeared.


As soon as this figure condensed, without even taking any action, Ye Hao, Qi Hanlin, and Yun Miaoxuan seemed to be bombarded by an unimaginable force, spouting a mouthful of blood, and Lu Guan screamed and fell into a coma. past.


The ruins shook wildly, and it seemed that they couldn't bear the breath of this figure, and even the large Luo Tianyuan disk hidden above was roaring, seeming to have been under great pressure.

This figure is really too terrifying. He wears a green robe, slender and misty. He can't see his face, but he has a unique and supreme evil spirit.

He seems to be able to represent the heaven and the earth, the Eternal Avenue, black hair shawl, majestic and majestic shore, like an insurmountable monument, standing in the void like this, seems to have come across the ages, suppressing the heavens and the mountains and rivers, terrifying.

The demon master, the ancient demon saint!

Ye Hao's mind was trembling, and these supreme powerhouses were too terrifying. The Dao Ze projection contained in a refining weapon was enough to crush them and couldn't resist.


The demon child laughed wildly, the Yin Jue changed, and the figure in the void reached out his palm and shook it lightly.


The world collapsed, the space shattered, and an unimaginable terror pressure made Ye Hao and the three scalp numb, and an unprecedented crisis of life and death enveloped them.


Without the slightest hesitation, the strength of the three of them burst out, all using the strongest magical powers to resist, but there was no suspense, they were blown away like flies, blood spurted from their mouths, and even their bodies almost shattered.

Huh huh!

Fortunately, the three of them were very human. At the last moment, they used their own cards to barely block the next blow. Although they suffered heavy losses, they swiftly rushed toward the depths of the ruins and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"Three mice, do you think you can escape?"

The Tian Yaozi laughed in a dark voice, staggered to his feet, and rushed toward the depths of the ruins.

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