Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 876: Thunder Strike

And looking at the blackness, as if the dark sky was lowered a lot, Ye Hao's eyes twitched slightly, and a large amount of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Only when he walked out of the True Phoenix Nest, after seeing the outside scene, Ye Hao knew that today's level was definitely not easy to pass. With the fall of the three supreme saints, the guardians from outside the region would never give up easily.

Originally, he wanted to use the True Phoenix Skyfire, but this is his trump card to deal with the Supreme and even the Saints. It should not be exposed at this moment. Otherwise, with precautions, even if the True Phoenix Skyfire is terrifying, it is estimated that it will not be able to swallow the true Supreme-level giant. .

The True Phoenix Skyfire could not be used, so Ye Hao had only the last choice to induce his own Nirvana.

There are too many strong people in the field, not to mention a few quasi-emperors, there are dozens of people in the Celestial and Xiaoyao realm alone. Facing such a terrifying force, he has no vitality at all with his cultivation in the celestial phenomena .

Fortunately, after being tempered by the True Phoenix Heavenly Fire, Ye Hao was already able to sense his Nirvana, as long as he moved his mind, he would be able to adjourn his body. If he succeeded, he would truly step into Nirvana from then on.

With this hole card, Ye Hao had already faintly anticipated the outside scene even when he was in the True Phoenix Nest, but he still didn't have much fear to walk out, because he knew very well that even the true supreme would not dare Intervene when others are crossing the catastrophe, otherwise the Leiwei that you have to endure is absolutely terrifying to unimaginable, and it can be called a catastrophe.

Originally, after stepping into the second round of Tyrant Blood, Ye Hao had full confidence in going through his Nirvana. After all, his current physique is already a strong man who can overcome Nirvana. There would be too big a problem, so after he walked out of the True Phoenix Nest, he secretly began to summon his Thunder Tribulation.

What Ye Hao didn't expect was that it seemed that there were too many strong players in the field. At this moment, the robbery clouds gathered in the sky were so terrifying, especially among the robbery clouds, he felt even more The thunderous power of thighs seemed to kill him as long as it fell.

Nirvana, who was originally confident that he could survive, became an unprecedented horror, far beyond Ye Hao’s imagination. Even if his physique was able to overcome Nirvana’s physical tribulation, there was a moment in his heart. No bottom.


And when Ye Hao was worried, the dark and heavy black clouds on the sky were already rolling, and dense lightning intertwined and flickered, tearing the void into black cracks, and the scene was extremely terrifying.


Without the slightest hesitation, the Zhu Wei tribe quasi-emperor who stood proudly in front of Ye Hao burst out to the extreme at this moment, galloping away in extreme horror, and cursing the former madly in his heart. You need to know that he is a powerful quasi-emperor. In the thunder tribulation, the real supreme tribulation is to be overcome.

In the face of this calamity, even the supreme who overlooked the heavens and ten thousand domains did not want to think about it, let alone Zhu Wei clan quasi-emperor, there was no trace of confidence in going through this calamity.

"You bastard, still want to run?"

But when he noticed that the Zhu Wei clan quasi-emperor had fled, Ye Hao was busy with a look of madness in his eyes, "I said don’t force me to shoot, you **** don’t believe me! Now my Nirvana has become so terrifying. , All because of you bastard, do you still want to leave?"

call out!

In the endless chattering anger, Ye Hao urged Sanqing to travel to the sky, and also exploded the speed to the extreme, but after all, he only had the cultivation base of the celestial phenomenon, and the speed and the quasi-emperor were not at the same level. Fortunately, he The scope of the Nirvana Tribulation this time was too wide, almost covering a radius of 100,000 li, so even if the speed was not as good as the former, the Zhu Wei clan quasi-emperor still could not rush out of the range of the thunder Tribulation.


"Damn little beast, don't follow this seat!"

Looking at the young man who was constantly chasing after him, Zhu Wei's scalp exploded, especially the increasingly violent Thunder Sea above, which made him feel unprecedented fear and panic.

"Come here, don't you want to find out how your saint son fell? Come and check!"

From the rear, Ye Hao kept pursuing, so that the strong along the way would flee far away like a snake and scorpion, not dare to stay at all.

"This kid is crazy! He is completely crazy!"

"The horror of Nirvana Tribulation, no celestial phenomena cultivator dare to take it lightly. This Shen Xuan dared to use the thunder Tribulation to defeat the Emperor Zhun, he is a lunatic!"

"Huh! The dog jumped the wall in a hurry. If Nirvana is triggered in this state, he will undoubtedly die, and he will be blasted into ashes!"

In the distance, some of the Taoist powers who were a little further away finally escaped from the thunder tribulation, all of them looked frightened, their faces were full of lingering fears, and some people cursed Ye Hao again and again, and yelled loudly. The moment their eyes came, these people closed their mouths as if being hit by thunder, and their eyes were full of panic.

They were really scared. If the former rushed towards them with a hot head, even if they were only on the edge of the thunder robbery, the unpredictable thunder might be enough to completely kill them.


At this moment, the Zhu Wei clan quasi-emperor, who is constantly fleeing in the cloud of robbery, has completely blown up his whole body, and a deep crisis of life and death emerges in his heart. Under the madness, he has continuously blasted out a series of spiritual power training and magical skills. The terrifying power of the quasi-emperor realm powerhouse is fully revealed at this moment.

It’s a pity that Heavenly Tribulation has its own rules. Since Ye Hao provokes Thunder Tribulation, even the real supreme can’t kill it before the Tribulation is over. Therefore, Zhu Wei's Zhunhuang tribe’s overwhelming offensive was finally destroyed. The thunder that fell in the robbery cloud was defeated, unable to hurt Ye Hao at all.

"Battle bastard, let you not force me to shoot, now you think you still run?"

Behind, Ye Hao looked crazy and yelled, but as soon as his words spread, in the surging robbery cloud above, a red-colored thunder abruptly slammed down, which was as thick as a mountain peak, tearing the void directly into pitch black. Terrible crack.


Feeling the terrifying power of the scarlet thunder, Ye Hao couldn't help but feel hairy in his heart, and an extremely strong life-and-death crisis emerged. He couldn't help but explode, but he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately urged his internal strength.


In an instant, the void erupted with a earth-shaking roar, and Ye Hao's figure was directly overwhelmed by lightning.

However, apart from him, dozens of thunderbolts fell in the distant void. The power was countless times more terrifying than the scarlet thunderbolt. They all fell on the powerhouses who were too late to get out of the robbery cloud, especially At the location where the Zhu Wei Clan quasi-emperor was, a dark thunder fell, filled with a thick breath of death, making this half-step supreme scalp exploded, and unprecedented fear appeared in his eyes.

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