Way of the Devil

Chapter 1001: Chest one

Countless gods are like storms, rushing into the road to win the body.

The concentration of the power is too large, and even a faint blue-silver has been formed. This is also the first time that Lu Sheng has seen the high concentration of color.

He stepped into the world channel step by step.

The seven colored tunnels are constantly turning, and the inner walls are like smeared with countless messy paints.

Lu Sheng floated forward, and his body continued to shine with a rich faint blue-silver atmosphere, which is the power of almost overflowing the body.

He put all his powers into his own main body, and he decided to do it.

The practice of the evil gods, the practice of the ruins, and the practice of the soul world, all of them are driven by the power of the power of the gods.

This integration is more like a link merge.

Three powerful and powerful forces are entangled in the body of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng can feel that his soul is expanding, growing bigger and stronger. It is approaching the limit of an inexplicable perception.

That limit seems to be very close to him.

A large number of madness surged and tried to force this limit.

But the upper limit barrier of the soul makes him unable to accommodate more soul power. The physical strength has reached an unprecedented limit.

The whole body has reached a wonderful level of saturation. More power and energy, no matter which energy is converted into, can no longer be absorbed by the flesh.

It’s almost time to export.

Lu Sheng is ready to face any bad situation.

He glanced at the remaining power of the dark blue interface. The previous crazy consumption has already consumed more than half of the inventory, and now there are still 60 million outstanding players in the interface.

And his thousand gods decided to raise the number of layers again under the madness of the previous one.

Directly impacted the fifteenth floor.

"At the beginning, there were only eleven layers, and there were more than one billion of them. It was not so much to raise so much in one breath.

It should be the evil world and the wilderness, as well as the world of soul power. In three places, my ascension piled up and produced a chain of qualitative changes. So you can jump to several levels in one breath."

Lu Sheng hovered at the entrance to the Devil's Circle and stopped slowly.

"It’s just fifteen, is it the true limit of my humanity?" He has heard that countless predecessors have been blocked at this limit and can’t go any further.

It is precisely because of this that the Terran has never been able to reach the same realm of the ancient beast and the Protoss.

After a decade of glory, the spirit is extremely horrible. If it is not without the ancient animal, they can completely unify the whole world.

The Terran, as the saying goes, is just like many intelligent races. At the beginning, it is the natural life that is born by the stars and the heat on the planets on the edge of the stars.

For the Protoss, the Terran is no different from the grass that grows on the side of the road, or the small ants that climb in the grass.

Even this gap is even bigger.

Above the sacred, there are dead stars, and there is a stronger existence.

"Forget it, there will be time in the future, you must carefully look for ways to break through the limits." Lu Sheng looked at the vortex at the entrance in front of him, and the mind adjusted the power, and the whole body floating and overflowing breath was completely withdrawn from the body.


The whirlpool slowly separated, and Lu Sheng’s eyes showed an empty black hall with no space.

There is a diamond-shaped window around the hall where you can see the shining stars outside.

"What about people?" Lu Sheng stunned, actually no one in the field?

He stepped forward and gently fell on the ground.

But as soon as he landed, he felt a violent shock in his feet, and he continued to come from afar.

I didn't have time to think about it. Lu Sheng's figure floated and flew away in the direction of the shock.

Pass through a piece of metal hall, room, passage. He soon came to the core area of ​​the import and export office.

A circle of light blue starlight, just like a cockroach, spreads from the entrance and exit, and spreads along the surrounding metal wall floor.

Lu Sheng slowly stopped and looked at the ripples that slowly spread to his face.

He reached out and squeezed it gently, and slowly smashed it in a circle.

The star spirit, the ancient beast, these two extremely heavy names made his heart more and more heavy.

“Is the research still unsustainable?”

He is very heavy and knows that he is strong anyway. If he does not break through the limits, he will never be able to match these two races.

There are some things that you can't do, but if you don't even do it, you can never achieve it.

Lu Sheng is very clear. With his current strength, if you want to counter these two forces, you can say that it is an idiotic dream.

But there are some things that you don't know if you don't know what to do.

"Big husband, do something wrong! If you can, I don't want to, but" Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes, silenced for a moment, once again opened.

Thousands of psychological guidance started slowly, but this time, the target is his own.

In order to explode the most powerful force, you must invest everything in yourself.

It’s only a matter of death!

"come on."

Lu Sheng clenched his fists, and behind him there were several huge shadows that were twisted and twisted.

He strode to the exit.



Anxi madly waved a little blue starlight while resisting the three stars on the opposite side.

The special phase shifting magical array method allowed their attacks to be transferred to the distant universe.

The stars in the distance of the space station burst open and turned into countless rays of light and dust.

Anxi’s face, body, does not break open a crack of blood, as if the porcelain is about to be broken.

The Protoss is not essential, and once such an injury occurs, it is almost on the verge of reaching the limit and is about to collapse.

However, he did not hesitate to stop, and still waved his hand to block the opposite offensive.

"Do you want to persist? You know that you can't stop us."

Sifrak stood calmly behind him, with a tribute in his eyes.

"I just do what I want to do, nothing more. It doesn't matter to others." Anxi smiled. He turned to look at the other two research conferences that were being played against others.

The North French yarn was just a knife in the middle of the shoulder, and the worm in the pupil of the eye suddenly succumbed to one. At the same time, the injury on her shoulder quickly improved and recovered.

"We just want to maintain our last pure land." Anxi’s eyes flashed the warmth of living with her younger siblings.

There used to be a great deal for him. He was born to be a lonely star. He was destined to not be able to keep his relatives from birth. Doomed lonely life.

In fact, he originally left the whirlpool of war, just want to find a quiet place for himself to settle himself.

It was just such a good place to meet the research meeting before death. He thought about it. Anyway, he was also planning to commit suicide. It is better to give them some contribution before dying.

"Anyway, I decided to die, why not do something, leave something?" Anxi smiled, and the porcelain crack on his face slowly leaked out of the dark blue blood.

For the blood on his face, he was unheard of, and he carried a dark blue short sword on his right and slowly walked toward the opposite three stars.

A fluffy star collided around him, like a blue flower that was constantly blooming and dying.

"The ring leads to the meteorite!" One of the stars of the opposite side of the star, a sudden burst of red vortex, a violent rush out of dozens of red Mars.

Mars rushed to Anxi.

It's just a spot that looks like Mars, but in reality, it's dozens of huge meteorites of great quality.

Anxi’s dagger slammed forward in a lightning bolt.

A dark blue light curtain emerges slowly, and a triangular blue star map shines on the light curtain, with a special virtual shadow like a water bottle in the center.

The light curtain and the meteorite collide together, and the blink of an eye melts away from each other.

Qingyang Datong leader snorted and saw that he could not get it here, and slowly came out.

"Get out! I am coming!!"

He began to grow a lot of gray fine hair, and his eyes slowly turned like a ball, and the golden glow was illuminated.


A pair of arms jerked out from his back, followed by a second pair, a third pair, a fourth pair, and a fifth pair!

The dense arms stretched out, and the first pair of arms of Qingyang Grand Commander slowly gathered two short spears of electro-optical light.

"The universe breathes!"

He slammed the two spears forward and stabbed them outward.

Hey! !

In an instant, the purple electric light passed through the space, and everything around it seemed to slow down.

Except for two short spears.

The two spears spun to each other, like twins, suddenly crossed the gap and stabbed Anxi.

"Nine soul tigers." Anxi short-swords, a moment to stab nine light spots, nine points into a single, turned into a deep blue giant tiger roaring.

Bang! !

Ban Sai and others were shocked by the huge explosion and then retreated.

Even with the phase transfer array method, there is no way to completely transfer all of this power.

A glimmer of power will instantly rupture the surrounding bridge.

Bansai struggled to support the formation, although he relied on the enormous computational power of the sensation and the massive energy of the entire space station, he barely maintained the phase transfer array method.

But as the power of the fight is getting bigger and bigger, he is more and more difficult to support.

"Not yet able to get it?" Not far away, there were two big-headed geeks wearing red robes. The two were surrounded by three curved white lights, gently falling on the bridge and looking over here.

As they landed, a deadly horrible gravitational pull instantly pulled people in shape.

This gravitational force is silent, colorless and invisible, but the dead silence contained in it is the ground that spreads to the touch, all gray, shabby, aging.

It’s like the time has passed and the speed has gone up countless times.

The heads of the two big-headed geeks are all similar to triangles. The back of the head has sharp, dense thorns that look like hair, but they are actually black spikes.

Both eyes look like eyes, but when you look at them carefully, you can see that it is two hollows. They don't have a nose, no mouth, and the sound seems to be generated by some kind of vibration of energy.

"Death Star!"

"Star Alliance's death penalty guards the dead star!!"

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