Way of the Devil

Chapter 1006: Reconverge

The British Empire.

Under the faint blue sky, a pure white ring building is as solemn and elegant as a church.

The crystals with spikes on the top of the building stand tall and spurt into the sky.

There are a large number of unknown gray spiked giant vines around them, which are entangled with bulges, like the giant snakes of the ancient times, with a diameter of several tens of meters.

Hahahaha! ! !

In the center of the ring-shaped building, in the white palace, a burly old man with white hair is laughing and looking happy.

Lu Sheng and Ban Sai sat on the side, surrounded by a few young and beautiful ladies and gentlemen accompanied and laughed.

On the lower platform below, there are several princes and princesses of the Linglan Empire, accompanied by the sitting. They can all see the face, the time is strictly nervous.

There are still a lot of big aristocrats sitting with them, talking and laughing, and looking at themselves.

The singing and dancing music is moving slowly.

Lu Sheng had a faint smile on his face and listened to the local customs of Dilansi.

"I have been landscaping for more than 10,000 years. I said that this national convention is not too much. Especially today, there are two major celebrations that come together at the same time. It is even more unique and unique!" Dilansi smiled.

"The president of the road, the vice president of Bansai, your arrival, let me be brilliant, just today is the day when I signed the peace treaty with the Gulan Empire. Please also ask the two of you to be a witness."

"Of course no problem." Lu Sheng nodded.

Although the banquet is very boring, I have to say that Dylans is a good emperor with a good personality. It is always fun to chat with him, and his mood is relaxed and unconstrained.

"Two national guests, please take a break, after the king signed the treaty, come with him again." Dilansi apologized slightly.

"It doesn't matter, we are very curious, and it is not bad to see the signing of the treaty ceremony." Lu Sheng could not help.

"So, okay." Dilans did not force, let Lu Sheng two people watched.

He himself got up and sat on the highest throne, overlooking the bottom, holding a ruby ​​gold cane in his hand.

"Today, the war is coming to an end and peace is coming again. Then, the messengers from Quran and Idia, say your answer."

"The dear King of the Slovakia, according to the agreement, the 13th Resource Star and the 11th Logistics Star should be occupied by the Quran Empire. In addition, we have also eliminated the last resistance of Bentola. So there Of course, it should be divided into our country."

"My border with Idiya is close to the border of Bentola and the Union. According to the original agreement, the 30% of the territory there should be my income."

"This is unreasonable. According to the pre-war agreement, my Linglan empire is the most expensive, especially for the attack of the Alliance’s death fortress. The loss is not small, so the follow-up planet starting from the seventh star should belong to me."

Representatives of the three countries began to argue in the halls.

Lu Sheng was very interested in listening to it.

This is the root of the three great powers. After becoming a victorious country, it is splitting against the defeated country.

Xunlan, this is a hegemonic country.

Dylans himself is also an extremely admired hegemonism. They had to launch aggression against the surrounding empire because of population pressure. The three surrounding powers formed a consortium to carry out a large-scale sweeping of the remaining smaller coalitions.

There are countless battles erupting every day, just as the three ancestors of the Qing dynasty were against the mother of pain.

Lu Sheng’s class match was whispering to Lu Sheng’s voice when he was bored.

Because no one dares to put a tape recorder around Lu Sheng, so he is the safest on this side.

Dilanth the Great is an extremely ambitious person, but at the same time he is also a measured monarch.

Lu Sheng looked at him and laughed at him. From time to time, he could still be active and take care of himself.

Soon, the territory of the defeated country of a dozen planets was divided.

The messengers took a break and replaced them with a group of dancers and musicians.

The dancers who came up this time only wore light and thin pieces of cloth, and even the most critical three points were not covered.

However, their dancing posture is very similar to that of gymnastics. There are many postures such as opening a word, kicking a leg, and so on.

Seeing the presence of males one by one, the breath is slightly heavy.

Although the musicians are also dressed in dignified and awe-inspiring, they have also chosen beautiful women who are superior in appearance.

Among them are men and women.

The main hall door was slowly closed, and a waiter stood with a fruit plate and stood behind the VIPs wearing a butterfly. Waiting to wait at any time.

"Enjoy the fruits of victory! All the kings!" Dilans opened his arms and made a laugh like a lion.

"Long live the land!!"

"Long live the land!!"

"Long live your majesty!!"

Many of the big aristocrats below have a toast.

Lu Sheng saw Dylans toasting him far away. He also picked up the cup and drank two in a lively atmosphere.

On the side of the class, I don’t know when I’m already chatting with a beautiful princess who looks good, but the enchanting princess is in the corner.

Looking at the red face of the class, I wanted to look up and sneak a sneak peek, and there was no daring stupidity. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly, and some were speechless.

"You are different from them." A delicate voice came from him.

Lu Sheng didn't have to look at it, and he knew that it was the beauty that Sunland arranged for him to enjoy.

"Of course not the same," he replied casually.

“Do you not like the type of me?”

The beauty is dressed in a long white gold dress, and the skirt is ripped open to the side, revealing the slender legs that are not worn.

Her face was painted with exquisite makeup, her waist was full of grip, and her long blond hair was like a waterfall.

It seems that the temperament is noble and inexplicable.

"No, I don't like it, just" Lu Sheng didn't finish, the entrance to the hall is not far away, a small door on the side, and a few wearing gold silk short robes, there are mixed colors in the body, see It looks like a juggling.

"The messenger of Avila, my brother Jin Pan, I thought you are not coming! Come just right! Hahaha!" The great emperor Dylans laughed and got up and greeted him.

He took a short-haired man who led the few people and walked all the way to Lu Sheng.

"This one is"

"I don't need to introduce it. The president of the research institute, which is far-reaching, will win the road and destroy the black light. I still know."

The short-haired man looks at the first sight and gives a gentle and savvy temperament. But when you look at it carefully, you can feel that there is a touch of indifference under his gentle appearance.

He reached out to Lu Sheng.

"It's nice to meet you, the powerful Lu Sheng president. You can call me Jin Pan, or Pan, I represent Avila and send you a sincere blessing."

"Avila?" Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow.

This is a name that I have never heard of, but it seems that it is not temporary intention to come to see the other party's appearance. Looking at the way of Emperor of the Great, Lu Sheng is skeptical. He is invited to come here, it is probably from the front of this Avi. Pull the messenger's handwriting.

"So, you come to see me, what is the purpose?" Lu Shengwei raised an eyebrow and looked at Jinpan calmly.

"Avila is a very special place. Our ancestors, who have been in the Iron Flag for many years, set a certain foundation, so the understanding of this universe is not too shallow." Jin Pan smiled.

"Not long ago, our nationals inquired about your name in the Tianqijie branch of the Iron Flag Association. So this opportunity, I will take the initiative to send me to talk with you."

“Oh? Iron Flag?” Lu Sheng sneaked out and dig out the strange platform that he had used himself.

"Yes, simply, we are Avila, one of the branches of the Iron Medal of the Devil World." The messenger Kim Pan explained with a smile.

"You just said it to me, are you not afraid?" Lu Sheng looked slightly. "The weak, nothing can protect."

"We are coming with goodwill." Jin Pan insisted, but his heart was faintly oozing out of sweat.

The Iron Flag will be very mysterious and strong, but it does not mean that Avila is also very strong. At least, Avila, who is based on the virtual level, is weaker than the Linglan Empire, not to mention the weird research. giant.

"You, very courageous." Lu Sheng looked at Jin Pan for a while, and when he was about to hold on, he finally spoke.

“Thank you for your compliments.” Jin Pan’s body relaxed slightly.

"So, talk about your intentions." Lu Sheng said freely.

"We hope to get your friendship. Someone suddenly came to me and waited for the influence area, and left this in our general meeting. We want to hand it over to you." Jin Pan took an oval-shaped carved branch vine pattern from the sleeve. Dark gold ornaments, handed it to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took over the ornaments, and immediately felt a faint ridiculous force pouring into the body.

"In fact," he slightly doubled his eyes.

A familiar voice came from his ear.

"I want to see you" is the voice of Wang Jing.

Lu Sheng got up straight.

"Where are you?" He also swayed in spirit and turned it into a voice from the bag in his hand.

"I am at the border" Wang Jing replied gently.

Lu Sheng was silent. Quickly understood the meaning.

"wait for me!"

He immediately stopped looking at the rest of the people, closed his eyes, and a trace of black gas rushed from the top of his head. In a blink of an eye, he penetrated through the layers of the atmosphere, and the space swayed and was instantly pierced by black gas.

The space gradually splits, revealing the size of the rice.

The black gas penetrates precisely. Along the seven-colored rotating tunnel, slammed into the Pentium's colorful river.

Below the river, a quiet and beautiful figure is quietly suspended in the water, looking far away from the black air.

The black gas changed for a while, and the eyes turned into a tall and burly road.

"I thought you wouldn't come so fast." Lu Sheng's gentle whisper.

"I don't have much time, just for the time being, come here for a trip." Wang Jing smiled.

She slowly moved over and leaned in to win the road.

"Love me."

Lu Sheng grabbed her and slammed down and kissed deeply.

Hey! ! !

At about the same time, the two of them quickly expanded and became huge. Their mouths were directly restored to their original shape. The road was full of jagged, huge layers of mouth-shaped teeth. The kisses of death were like Wang Jing’s fangs. Big mouth.

Sharp and hard fangs collide and splash a golden spark.

Hey! !

The two giants entangled each other, and the bang rushed out of the water and entangled in the mother river.

Lu Sheng’s hard black scales, which are barbed and streaked, cut sparks and scars on Wang Jing’s tiger-shaped dragon body.

The flesh and blood continually splashed out and sprinkled into the mother river below.

"Don't stop!!" Wang Jing snarled and made a huge tiger cub. The wound on her body just healed instantly.

Lu Sheng once again moved into a three-headed flamingo with a huge long tail. The three black big mouths kissed every part of Wang Jing from three directions.

Large chunks of fleshy scales are shredded and swallowed. Lu Sheng couldn't help but eat a few mouthfuls, but immediately resisted.

"Don't! Don't stop! Eat me!" Wang Jing snarled again. The flesh and blood that had just been bitten on her body quickly healed.

Lu Sheng saw it and was no longer restrained. With a roar, Wang Jingyu slammed behind him.

The size of the two monsters is rapidly expanding, getting bigger and bigger, and getting longer. Finally, one did not pay attention, and slammed into a small cosmic entrance on the side.

As soon as he entered, an asteroid that stood in front of them was the first to bear the brunt of the huge impact of the road, hitting a bang and sag on the spot.

The inside of the planet quickly cracked a large dark red crack, and then burst into a round of dazzling halo.

In the halo, Lu Sheng and Wang Jing entangled and rolled, constantly horrifying.

Hey! ! !

Lu Sheng couldn't help but bite Wang Jing's neck, and a lot of blood was shot from the neck. But the wound immediately healed and recovered.

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