Way of the Devil

Chapter 1010: Admission one

At dusk.

Lu Sheng slowed down the library door, and he and the gatekeeper greeted him, watching him go out and find someone to play chess.

He himself unveiled the cufflinks and slowly walked to an open space behind the library.

This open space was originally used to park vehicles. Unfortunately, the library has become more and more backward since the funds were insufficient. The books were not updated and could only be barely maintained.

The large open space that was originally left behind can only be so absurd, not a car.

Lu Sheng put the prepared water bottle aside and then stood in a shaded position at the corner of the open space.

The spiral nine-life method takes the artistic conception of the spiral dna. The ultimate goal of the nine lives is to go directly to the deep layers of the gene chain and completely transform life.

Drinking saliva, Lu Sheng slowly stood in the corner, his arms drooping, his eyes closed.

After a quiet breath for a while.

Hey! !

Suddenly, his fingers popped open, lightning-like positions on his chest and shoulders, and dozens of points.

With a quick click, the blood and muscle flow nodes on his body were instantly picked up.

The muscles start to tremble like cramps, and the blood speeds up.

His whole body muscles began to look like a clockwork and kept tightening. Even the head is a tiny circle.

The sweat instantly oozes the pores of the skin and quickly drenches the shirt along his clothes.

call! call! call!

Lu Sheng sighed and gasped, so he persisted for dozens of seconds, and the effect of the click was slowly subsided. Forced to open by muscles and blood.

He closed his eyes for a dozen seconds and then started a second round of new exercise.

This is the real exercise method of the spiral nine life method. By quickly hitting your own muscle nodes, you can create muscle contractions like sputum, and fight against yourself to exercise your strength.

Just like the right and left hands fighting each other, the principle of this law is the same.

After nine such times, Lu Sheng’s entire person almost collapsed.

The sweat under the feet wet the ground.

He took a breath and rested for a while, then picked up the water bottle and slowly slammed it into his mouth.

After waiting for ten minutes, the breath calmed down, and he cleaned up and got up and left.

Soon, the sound of the battery car slowly went away.

The calm was restored again on the open ground.

It took a few more minutes.

In the corner, a little fat man with a crisp face in his mouth, just walked out, staring at the position of Lu Sheng exercise just now, without saying a word, his eyes straight.

"Oh, hey."

On the side of the wall not far from him, a figure was looking far through the glass window of the guard room.

That person is awesome.

"Sure enough, this administrator really hides the secret." Orange feels a little excited.

Nowadays, despite the extremely advanced technology, this area is a marginal area. Apart from the inter-satellite liaison station, the rest of the area does not actually enjoy much scientific and technological benefits.

Many places still live an ordinary life, and even many technological products are updated. This is also the slowest.

I have heard of oranges very early. In ancient times, there were a group of high-ranking hermits who liked to hide in the city.

Almost all of this group of people are in a perfect way, extraordinary

"It’s hard, I lived for 16 years and finally met a real adventure!?" Liu Orange was a little excited.

Inside and outside the open space, the two people are just as excited at this time.

A few days later.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the library's access door not far away, looking at the people who were reading in twos and threes.

These people are all taking books from the library, focusing on reading here, there will be an automatic recycling system, as long as the book is put in, you can easily return the book to the original place.

This is also the greatest help for Wang Mu can manage the entire library by himself. It is also the only place where Lu Sheng feels that the world is a technological world.


Lu Sheng looked at the time, it is almost time to close, 6:31 pm.

There are still a few boys and girls in the hall who are turning around.

One of the little fat guys, and a little girl who often borrows books, don't know why, some nervous keep watching him.

Of course, Lu Sheng certainly knows why they always look at themselves.

After practicing for a few days, he noticed that the two men were watching and peeking. But he didn't care.

These two people are selected from this group of borrowing books, and the family should be the best two.

But what he expected was that today, the orange, actually brought a girlfriend to come over.

Lu Sheng still has the same face, although the food intake has increased greatly in the past two days due to the practice, the money on hand is getting less and less, and it is estimated that it can only last for a week.

As the retreat time was getting closer, the little fat man finally couldn't help but took the initiative to walk towards Lu Sheng.

At this point, the entire library is left with him and Liu Orange. The rest of the people slowly left.

The weather was a bit dark and dark, and there were rumors of thunder coming from time to time. It seemed that it was going to rain.

The little fat man is very round. He walked up and two small short legs swayed. It seemed to be overwhelmed. The fat on his face squeezed his eyes into a seam. His only advantage is that the skin is particularly white and tender.

The child is about fifteen or six years old and is about the same size as the orange. He wore a thin black t-shirt and a huge robot animation model on his chest.

The trousers are white shorts, which are quite normal and look like an honest student.

He walked to the road to win.

"The uncle is actually, yesterday, I saw you practicing." He did not know where to start from, but he finally chose to be honest.

Lu Sheng’s eyes were lifted from the book in front of him and landed on the face of this little fat man.


He didn't talk, but only his gaze, he let the little fat body tremble slightly.

"I, I, I", the little fat man has a lot of money at home. He has seen the fitness coaches and fighting coaches that his older brother has invited, but those are different from the one who is in front of him.

He sneaked into Lu Sheng for several days in a row, and he has discovered how magical the way the body can be slightly reduced by fingering.

In addition to the follow-up, he saw Lu Sheng’s one-on-one practice boxing, which was completely different from those he had seen before.

Since then, he has understood his mind, this one is not the ordinary fighting coach he has seen before.

The little fat man has already reached the point where he is enchanted, and in a flash he has added countless follow-up plots to Lu Sheng’s brain.

What is the hermit master who was expelled from the division, the peerless man who retired from the city, the older generation who was trapped by the situation, etc.

"Uncle! I want to worship you as a teacher!!" The little fat man slammed his head down, seriously respectful and positive.

His attitude was as serious as ever, and even when he asked the old man to buy him and other people, he was not so serious.

He swears that this is the most serious and sincere moment of his life.

"Worm me as a teacher?" Lu Sheng did not change his face, pointing his finger at the wall in the corner on the right.

The little fat man followed the look.

There was a handwritten piece of paper on the wall that was twisted and twisted.

The above clearly stated: enrollment tutorials, teaching paintings, and a monthly registration fee of one thousand. Painting is three thousand a month.

Underneath the paper there, I have already stood two young people, and it’s the orange and the orange.

"Teacher, come on! Isn't it officially started today?"

""Little fat man is struck by lightning

Say good peers?

Say good only to his own secret?

Say good only to his adventures? ? !

The little fat man shouted in his heart.

But Lu Sheng can ignore his so many psychological activities. Standing up, patted the clothes and walked toward the orange and the other girl.

The two girls took the initiative to find a door yesterday to help him tutor foreign languages. He thought about it and simply wrote a notice for the enrollment tutoring class.

The tuition fee is also the market price.

It is not easy to teach subject matter in his own way.

Although psychological guidance is also limited here, there is no extraordinary ability. But flicking a few students is still a breeze. Under the guidance of my heart, it is not easy for them to devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning.

Before going to the notice, Lu Sheng looked at the next orange.

Liu Orange and Chen Hongqi, the two girls are considered to be in the middle of the upper body, the body is barely okay, not fat or thin, but not perfect, there are many places to see that growing up will definitely become obese.

"Teacher, we have to tutor the language and Cain."

"Yes, every day is less than eight o'clock after the closing. Three classes a week, you are ready to eat dinner, or how to arrange." Lu Sheng casually.

"Today we brought our own food, so I will be there first. Teacher, do you want to eat something first?" Liu Orange asked very thoughtfully.

"No need to."

"Teacher! I have to tutor me too!!" The little fat man over there was also a fart.

"Pay money, sign up." Lu Sheng did not return, heading for the second floor.

The three quickly followed.

The girl who came with the orange seemed to be a little scared, holding her girlfriend's hand all the way.

Lu Sheng took the person to the newspaper room on the second floor, opened the window to breathe, and then let the other three people find the stool themselves.

Then he turned on the computer and started playing the photocopying textbook.

“Tutorial is the standard course content, but Kain is not in the scope of the professor, so it has to be counted.”

"Good teacher." Willow should hurry.

Lu Sheng quickly sorted out the overall grammatical structure of the drop-down language, and at the same time screened out the most commonly used vocabulary, started a little bit from scratch, and explained the architecture of the whole Lag.

A class was successfully completed. All three people feel that the whole person is not generally fond of learning. I can’t wait to get back home and I’m immersed in learning.

After teaching the class, the two girls of Orange and Orange went back in advance. Under the influence of psychological guidance, they could not wait to go back to an all-night use for crazy learning.

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