Way of the Devil

Chapter 1019: Land one

If Ding Ning is only to raise money alone, it does not involve Jiu Ming Tang, but the problem now is that the thinking organization has obviously affected everyone's senses of Jiu Ming Tang.

Some businessmen who might have paid for the support of the Nine Gods are very likely to be unable to invest again because of investment thinking institutions.

After all, thinking institutions are not a small thing, and the cost is not small.

Baijuncheng looked at the master, and Lu Sheng’s face was expressionless and seemed to be completely unconcerned.

He didn't know if it was forbearance or really didn't care. But now, he has clearly felt that the surrounding guests look at the sight of themselves and others, and there is a slight change.

Not a small part of these sights are accompanied by jokes. Obviously, a well-known nine-minded church is the gap between formal key universities and pheasant universities compared with formal thinking institutions.

Baijuncheng has not been studying with Lusheng for a long time, but he has rich experience. Unlike other children, he has traveled to the world outside, and he knows how well Lu Sheng is.

So he was unwilling.

At this time, Ding Ning began to introduce the two young people who were admitted.

The two young people seemed to be the children of the guests present. They walked out of the crowd directly and stood politely next to Ding Ning.

"Next. I want to introduce two disciples under my door." Ding Ning smiled and pointed a little boy and girl.

"The two of them are the official disciples that I received when I officially entered the Nianneng two years ago. One is called Zhou Xiang, the other is Zhou Yixiang. I think there are many people who have seen them."

"It turned out to be the two children of Zhou's family. These two children still grew up watching me, I didn't expect it." Bai Anmin smiled and held the road.

"Zhou did not expect to be silent. I had a relationship with Mr. Ding in the morning. I said that Mr. Ding is willing to come to me to start a thinking institution here. There is still such a reason."

A beautiful lady with a jewel of jewels smiled.

"There are also reasons for this. In fact, at the beginning, I was free to choose a few places. I hesitated for a long time." Ding Ning smiled and chatted with people who were approaching.

Some people hold their own identities and see more people around them.

However, some people are disregarding the face, business people, and a lot of cheeky, but they only know that the opportunity is rare, and can be associated with a teacher, it is a good thing.

As for what is the face of the breakpoint.

After a while, Ding Ning surrounded four or five people. The people outside are simply unable to get in.

The voices here are full of people, but the roads are scarce and there is no one to care about.

Originally, there may be many people in this weight loss class who came to consult and ask, but now they are covered up by the limelight of the thinking organization. Everyone wants to get in touch with Ding Ning.

"It's really snobbish. A large group of people are not ashamed, and they all go around, just like what foraging." Bai Anyi couldn't help but ridicule.

White County looked down on Lu Sheng’s face.

"Teacher, do you want to show your hands?" This is his party set up by the White House for the Wang Shi. Now it is the head of Ding Ning who can steal the limelight.

People like them who practice martial arts, the blood is the most vigorous, now they are riding on the face, do not give a look at the color, others really think that they are so bullying?

Bai County has already made up his mind to make a noise.

Lu Sheng looked at Ding Ning's side and felt that he was lacking in interest. He was completely unhappy with the kind of competition for the limelight.

30 million funds can be obtained, the rest, it does not matter. Because he didn't have any idea of ​​holding a large chain, he didn't feel anything about the so-called rush.

"Don't care. If the money can be raised, we don't have to conflict with them. People don't provoke us." Lu Sheng said freely.

"Big brother, read the teacher, is it strong?" Bai Anyi whispered on the side.

Baijuncheng saw several people gazing at themselves and knew that everyone might not know, and they nodded.

"It's very strong, but I haven't seen it before. I just heard people say that the real ability to be a teacher is very strong. However, I want to install the exoskeleton armor, I and An Yi should"

"No" suddenly inserted a voice and interrupted the White County.

A few people looked up and saw that it was Bai Anmin.

The white house chief, at this time frowned, staring at his two sons.

"I warn you, you can't make trouble, read the strength of the teacher, beyond your imagination! If you want to cause trouble, don't even think about it!"

"Daddy, we just watched it!" The white county town was cold.

"The state has a formal subsidy for the Nianneng, and the status is equivalent to the Lieutenant-level! There are various kinds of tax reduction and exemption systems. I am not looking down on you, but the Nine-Mind Church and the thinking institution are not a grade." Anmin Shen Shen.

"Do you know the minimum assessment criteria for a good teacher?" He followed the whisper.

White County and Bai Anyi shook their heads, but they were still not convinced.

"The minimum standard is to be able to control a small warship alone." Bai Anmin said.

"That is just the technical operation." Bai Anyi does not care.

"The minimum weight of a warship is ten tons. It is a small warship that is single-handed and similar to a fighter.

But you don't even think about it. If you can manipulate a ten-ton battleship, what would be the result if you switch to a very small flying device? "White Anmin cold channel.

When the words came out, everyone was in a hurry.

The white county town immediately changed its face.

If you switch to a very small metal flying device, then the lethality of Nianneng will increase dramatically.

Manipulating the capabilities of warships to operate small metal flying devices

"So, don't be impulsive." Bai Anmin said that he said to his son, but in fact, he did not say to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng also heard this.

He was a bit strange. He didn't intend to use anything. This white father and son are so nervous.

Bai Anmin stayed here for a while and left.

Halfway through the party, Bai Anmin quietly gave 30 million cheques to Baijuncheng in advance, and he handed them over to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng also handed over the borrowed notes written in advance. After that, he was too lazy to take care of the other and he was ready to get up and leave.

But suddenly Baijuncheng was called by a friend in the field and said a few words. After returning, the face of Baijuncheng has always been somewhat unsightly.

He did not say that Lu Sheng was not easy to ask. When I got up, I was going to leave with my disciples.

"Teacher, I have something to do in advance at home. You see if the younger brother will accompany you first." Baijuncheng whispered to Lusheng Road.

"What happened?" Lu Sheng saw that he had a problem. Just squatting and not saying.

"Nothing, the teacher is at ease, just a small problem, I will be able to handle it very quickly." Baijuncheng seriously.

"Are you sure?" Lu Sheng asked again.

"OK." White County is sure.

Lu Sheng nodded and was about to get up and walk towards the door.

Suddenly there was a subtle scream at the corner of the second floor. It seems that some people are quarreling there, and they may have moved.

Lu Sheng took a turn and looked directly at the second floor.

"What happened?" He looked at the expression of the White County. It was obvious that he knew what was inside, but he did not say it.

"Go and see." Lu Sheng no longer said, turned and went straight to the second floor.

Bai Anyi and Wei Handong brothers and sisters followed. One by one, I am eager to try. Anyone who has worked hard for a few months, in this occasion, wants to prove how much skill and achievements he has.

"Teacher!" Baijun City had no time to stop, and quickly followed, but it was already late.

Lu Sheng took a quick walk to the second floor.

At the stairway on the second floor, Bai Anmin and Zhou Jia’s family, Zhou Ying, stood opposite each other.

Zhou Ying was smug, and gently held the handle fan in his hand. Behind him stood Ding Ning and the children of two Zhou family, and even a few guests who came to visit, a little and a half stood behind them.

Remove the remaining neutral, only a few people stand beside Bai Anmin.

This makes Bai Anmin more and more seemingly weak.

Bai Anmin is very embarrassed, and he does not know what trouble he has encountered.

"Big Brother, that land, since Mr. Ding is fancy, we buy it at the price of the market price. It is reasonable and reasonable. You now show a look of no retreat. Who is it for?" Zhou Ying smiled. Mingdao.

Bai Anmin never dreamed that this Ding Ning was actually a heavy card that Zhou Jia called to specifically target him.

He spent more than a billion yuan on his hands and invested in a plot of land near the city.

In the current downturn of real estate, investing in the land is not much more profitable, but Bai Anmin does not value the land, but the mine beneath it.

Metal ruthenium is one of the most commonly used synthetic metal materials in the interstellar age and is commonly used to prevent cosmic rays and high-energy radiation.

The price is high and the output is scarce.

The Zhou family now seems to have got the news, and I don’t know the channel from which he learned. Now it is using the pressure of Ding Ning to force him to transfer the land.

And look at Ding Ning's appearance, obviously also know the inside story.

"Zhou Xiong said that it is just a matter of this land. I have invested almost all of my money. Now all the other plates are laid out. If you transfer this original price, don’t you want to let all the rest of the preparations go. ?

Is this a bit unreasonable? "Bai Anmin pulled a smile in front of his face, and he was low."

"I really can't say it." Ding Ning smiled and said.

"If this is not the case, we will buy your land at a premium of 130% of the market price. I really like that position. I also ask the White House to cut love."

"I" Bai Anmin flashed in the eyes.

For that piece of land, he invested only a hundred percent of the funds with a lot of human relationships, and could not use the money to estimate.

At this time, at the side of the stairway, a few people from Jiu Ming Tang strode upstairs, and the action was vigorous and vigorous, and it was quite a kind of temperament.

Lu Sheng took the lead and looked at Bai Anmin at first sight after going upstairs.

Bai Anmin is also a glimpse, seeing Baijun City whispering something around Lu Sheng. His heart sank and he knew that it was a bad thing.

Lu Sheng probably understood the cause and effect, and hinted slightly that Wei Handong behind him stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"What do you do? There is a place in the land, and there are shares in it."

"How? You are like a posture to buy land? So many people are blocking the white house, and the first one of my life is not going to pass."

Wei Handong, righteously, said that he first directly defined the nature.

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