Way of the Devil

Chapter 1032: Wedding banquet two

"It doesn't make sense." Lu Sheng's feet constantly conveyed a subtle tremor, and a large amount of power was transmitted to the ground by him to digest the impact force with the earth.

It is extremely horrible to have a full-fledged explosion of a high-ranking numerologist focused on a thin wire.

This wire does not know what it is made. Under the force of the giant force, it is actually continuous, and the toughness is too strong to describe.

"You know, why do I come here personally?" Lu Sheng lifted his foot and walked toward Li Ze step by step.

Compared with Zheng Huan, Li Ze’s ability to read is still a lot worse. Although they are all high-ranking numers, there are also strength gaps.

"You.....!!?" At this time, Li Ze is sweaty, his blood vessels are exposed, and he has exhausted all his strength.

However, Lu Sheng actually took all his thoughts and walked toward him step by step.

He realized for a moment that he should have met the top players. It is rumored that there is a stronger top level in the senior Nian Neng.

Everyone at that level is equivalent to a huge fleet of star-defying fleets.

"Life always needs to face a lot of choices." Lu Sheng said again. "Now, it’s time for you to make another decision...."

The Pula Shield family has faced many winds and waves and has also faced many choices. And now....

Li Ze feels that he is facing the toughest choice ever.

The other party actually went to the strongest point of the whole family without any scruples, himself.

As a high-ranking numerologist, he not only has the power to read the teacher, but also has a huge network of contacts, and he also has contacts with domestic senior officials.

But all this is rooted in the identity of his senior Nian Neng.

And now....

"What the **** are you...? Who?" His forehead was full of sweat. Just now, in just ten minutes, he converted several hidden and powerful ways of attacking.

But for the man in front of him, it seems to be ineffective, completely losing the reaction.

"As you can see, I am Wang Mingtang Wang Mu. I am here because I am willing to give you a chance." Lu Sheng gently put the fine needle of the needle on Li Ze's suitcase. on.

"You have been stuck in place for three years?" he asked again.

Li Ze’s eyes narrowed.

"How do you know!? What is your identity??"

"I can let you break through.... Going stronger." Lu Sheng took off his glasses and revealed a pair of strange red eyes.

Deep in the eyes, it seems that there is some kind of deep vortex that is slowly turning.

Li Ze just glanced at it inadvertently, and then he looked dull and the whole man’s head was paused.

An invisible species of extinction was silently planted into the depths of his heart.



The Pula Shield family in the province of Arnos, the scaly mining company in charge, is silent and easy to master.

Li Ze, the family patriarch, was completely surrendered to Lu Sheng, and the scaly mine under his arm was naturally not necessary for transfer.

Lu Sheng once again went to the warehouse of the Pula Shield family and waited until the next day.

When I came out, I had more than 200 million more powers.

At this time, Jiu Ming Tang also held a new member acceptance ceremony in Anming City.

Li Ze joined the Jiu Ming Tang together with two other senior numerologists of his family.

The news came out that the entire province of Arnolds was in a state of turmoil.

The power of the Pula Shield family spreads throughout the province, and it can almost be said to be a giant.

But the owner of such a Big Mac family, together with two senior Nian Neng, actually joined a small organization that had only risen for less than a year.

A small unknown organization similar to civil forces.

This big news, although the media did not appear on the surface, but many in the mainland, many well-informed people, are strongly curious about the new organization of Jiu Ming Tang.

Lu Sheng did not care about this. As long as it is not as strong as him, after being defeated by it, the soul will be swayed into the genius and become a member of his majesty.

Li Ze and the Pula Shield family are just one of them.

Now, he temporarily solved the urgent need for the scales. The improvement of the fifth life of the next layer is estimated to be barely enough. The power of more than 200 million units made him sigh for the first time, and it is worthy of the super-energy world.

This is just a planet, so you can harvest so much power.

Next, before digesting the Platonic family's scaly mine, he did not intend to expand himself. The mining of the boulder mine took time, but he couldn't wait that long.

After a while, he planned to leave the city of Anmin and go to the mining area to directly absorb the power. As for the rest, let the people search for their own expansion.

However, before that, he had to go to the wedding reception of his son, Wang Mutang.



On the outskirts of Anmin City, within the Wanfule Hotel.

Hotel ballroom.

A round table with a table of wine and drinks was placed on the table.

Wang Mu’s uncle Wang Junhao took his son Wang Cheng and stood at the door to welcome the guests.

Wang Junhao is over seventy years old. It still looks very good. Wang Cheng is a man who has always been a child. He has always been a favorite, and his son is very competitive. He has not been spoiled. From a young age, it is also a knowledgeable book, with a degree of advancement and retreat, and a mild temper.

The Wang Cheng work unit is a public winery in the city and is considered a state-owned enterprise cadre. Most of the wine produced is for superiors and is generally not sold.

This time he married, the factory is willing to put a bottle on each table, it is a gift. This also makes Wang Cheng and his 爹王军豪 quite face.

Wang Junhao has worked in cigarette factories for decades and has never seen this face.

More and more guests are coming in. Seeing that it is almost two o'clock noon, it is about to start a formal wedding banquet.

After Wang Junhao sent in a guest, he looked at his watch.

"Have your cousin come?" He asked Wang Cheng, who was wearing a suit and a groom suit.

"I didn't see it....but he gave me a call and said that he will come." Wang Cheng is also a bitter smile.

For Wang Mu, the cousin, he is also very helpless.

He always wanted to introduce Wang Mu to another job. The welfare is good, and he can also buy some money and buy a house.

But he just doesn't want to die.

"He is this person.... Hey, the phone is not black, it is progressing. I will call him later. When you get in time, the master will arrange it." Wang Junhao said. "Don't let Yan Yan wait for a long time."

"Well, I know." Wang Cheng quickly nodded.

He was originally planning to get engaged, but because it was progressing too fast, it was now changed to marriage.

I did it with my sister’s University Xie Shiyan.

The two waited for a while, and finally, Wang Cheng’s eyes were sharp, and he saw the road win that slowly swept down the taxi.

He quickly walked up a few steps and grabbed Wang Mu.

"How come? Quick, it's worse! I will take you to the table where you are sitting!"

Lu Sheng looked at the memory of Wang Mu, and also put the man in the suit of the groom in front of him and Wang Cheng, the cousin of Wang Mu.

He just used the bone-reduction method to slightly reduce his body shape, so it looks more sturdy than before, and it is normal.

Let Wang Cheng pull him and walk into the wedding banquet hall. Lu Sheng and Dabo Wang Junhao greeted each other, and greeted the aunt who was resting on the side, and was taken by Wang Cheng to the table of relatives and friends.

Although it is a relative and friend, but Lu Sheng looked around, the person sitting on the side is not familiar to him.

It seems to be the relative of the woman's family.

The cousin also sat at this table, just opposite him.

The cousin Wang Xiaoyun was only 18 years old this year. Only after finishing college, he is going to study in the field. Now is the age of youthful and beautiful.

Only she and Wang Mu are not familiar with this cousin. Sitting in the seat is just a hard drive to play.

Lu Sheng did not pay attention to it. He planned to sit for a while and drink with a glass of wine.

Sitting on his left side, is a young woman in a green dress, with a handsome face, a face of the melon seeds, and the legs under the skirt are still well-proportioned. It is a bit rich, and the black stockings with tight elasticity are chosen. And the hips are very tight. It looks very sensual.

"You are the man on the side of the man? How do you feel that there are not many people on your side?" The girl spoke completely without a cover, a casual look.

"I don't know, I just came." Lu Sheng returned the sentence.

"I feel that this light is a bit too bright." The woman complained. "It’s all spotlights, I don’t dare to look up.”

Lu Sheng was too lazy to pick up the words, but his eyes glanced around and Wang Mu’s parents came.

Wang Mu’s father is the younger brother of the uncle, and he may come, but the mother is different. The relationship is not so close, and it may not come.

The uncle and the cousin Wang Cheng also came in at this time, and the master of ceremonies began to arrange. The bride is a young girl with a slim figure and a good looks.

Although not pretty, it looks gentle and doesn't have a charm.

The ceremonies said that the two men followed the movements and talks, and the music sounds louder and changed into a wedding march.

The following guests applauded and clap their hands from time to time, and the atmosphere was quite warm.

After the speech, I put on the ring, and then all kinds of catwalks. After the set went, the two newcomers were tired.

Lu Sheng sat down and watched. Although not his own, but Wang Cheng and Wang Mu have a good relationship, and the uncle is also very close to Wang Mu, and even he is also very impressed with the Dabo family.

This was originally thought to be just engaged, so the gift was not heavy, but now it is just married, the gift should be changed before.

Lu Sheng thought about what gifts should be given for a while.



On the outskirts of Anming City, in the roadside wasteland.

Zheng Huan squatted on the ground and reached out and gently pulled out a thin, translucent alloy needle from the ground. The brow is locked.

Just after he opened the whereabouts, he was ready to notify the former collaborators and cancel the cooperation.

I did not expect to receive the news of the collaborators immediately.

His whereabouts have long been exposed, and the Horus family has officially sent members to prepare for his cleansing.

Now, he has no cover for the identity of the Alliance members, a bounty hunter, nowhere in the inexplicable death, no one cares.

At most, because he is a senior Nian Neng, he can report the weekly report for a few days.

However, he did not expect that the other party came so fast. Put away the alloy needle, Zheng Huan looked up into the distance.

"Zheng Huan." In the distance of the wasteland, two men and a woman dressed in white close-fitting uniforms slowly descended from the sky and landed less than a hundred meters away from him.

"This time, you can't escape...." The woman looked cold and her eyes were full of killings.

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