Way of the Devil

Chapter 1035: Night road one

The golden light column completely inundated the central area of ​​the store, about ten flat areas.

After ninety generations had done all this, the stone dragon behind him suddenly collapsed.

This stone dragon is used to temporarily locate the precise position. At this time, the light cannon is falling, and he is also making the best use of it.

He rushed to the front of a ruin, and a few smashed stones, holding a bee that was already in a semi-conscious state from below.

"Xiao Ni! It's okay!? Xiao Ni! It's okay!? You won't have anything, rest assured, I am here, I am!" He anxiously held the bee in his arms.

"Go!" The special bee's thoughts can be specialized in detecting and detecting. She opened her eyes with difficulty and squeezed out a word.

"Okay!! Let's go now!" The ninety generation also knew that the situation was not good, because the air defense agreement, the only one he can mobilize here, is a lightweight small single-flight ship.

Although the main gun of the small spaceship is much stronger than himself, in case it cannot solve the other party completely

He picked up the bee, and the body vacated and flew away.

Hey! !

Suddenly he was shocked and turned his head and looked back.

A huge stone wall that is more than ten meters wide is actually hovering at a high speed, hitting him like a frisbee.

When he found out, he was too late to dodge.

The violent airflow was squeezed out, and the stone wall was like a fly swatter. The two men were smashed from the sky and hung in a 90-story skyscraper not far away.

The building slammed and broke from the waist. The upper half of the building slowly fell down.


The harsh alarm sounded in the air over the city.

A large number of anti-aircraft police ships vacated, with light blue and white stripes, flying quickly toward this side.

Lu Sheng slowly got up from the ground and smoked white smoke all over his body.

He glanced at more and more air defense police ships. The broken building has accidentally injured many innocent passers-by.

Although he hypnotized pedestrians from several nearby streets.

However, there are still many people in the distance who have been killed and injured.

He heard someone crying and calling his mother, and a wife calling for her husband. More brothers rushed toward the hospital with their sisters.

"The world is so cruel." Lu Sheng was shocked, and a large piece of black ash fell from his body. Showing the upper body of the **, the man with the nine life hall behind him put on a black jacket.

"Although I am so merciful and full of kindness, the result of the battle will be innocent casualties."

"We have done the best preparation for the owner. This is not your fault." The nine-department disciple on the side whispered.

"Yeah, we have tried our best." Lu Sheng was silent and nodded.

"Let's go." He turned and left in the distance.

For the two Nianneng who were set in the building, he didn’t even look at it.


A large amount of gravel was opened.

Ninety generations held a special bee, and both of them were full of tears and barely drilled from the top of the half of the building.


The ninety generations spurted a spurt of blood.

If you are a beekeeper, you may die at any time.

The ninety generations themselves were actually hit hard, but at this time they also supported, holding the bee flying away.

It’s just that neither of them noticed, the red marks on their arms flashed away, and soon disappeared into the depths of the skin.

From today, the species of extinction on them will make them completely live in the shadow of Lu Sheng.

As long as Lu Sheng needs it, they will completely succumb to Lu Sheng’s arrogance and be willing to do things for him.

The hegemony of the evil spirits, combined with the powerful power of the fourth life, produces an incomparable effect.

As long as it is a person who enters a hostile state with Lu Sheng, the body will spontaneously ignite a red blood fire mark.

As long as he is defeated by Lu Sheng, or delayed by him for a certain period of time, blood fire will encourage the body's blood, leaving a species of extinction in his body.

Of course, this kind of extermination is resistant.

In other words, when you win with Lu Sheng, you must quickly defeat him. Otherwise, if you fall into delay, the situation will quickly tilt toward Lu Sheng.

Under the ground, Lu Sheng was stepping into the black car under the guard of the disciple. Someone put on a black fox.

It seems that the heart is aware that Lu Sheng looked up at the sky and vaguely saw a small point flying away.

He knows that the two men are basically settled. After going back, they will have nightmares every night, bear the pressure from him, and eventually have to give in and take the initiative to contact them to surrender to him.

Of course, they can't do this either, but the result of not doing this is that they are ultimately tortured by the ecstasy and can't rest. From then on, the spirit is dysfunctional, and suicide is also very likely.

"We need time." The door closed and the road was faint.

It’s a white county town.

"Master, since the two are high-ranking numerologists, and they are still the people who can understand the alliance, the masters of the Horus family, will they follow up?" Baijuncheng is somewhat worried, and thoroughly understands the huge group of the faculty alliance. Later, he became worried about this.

"Don't worry." Lu Sheng calmly said, "They know what to do."

Those who have been planted into the genocidal species will be tortured as long as they resist the erosion of the genocide.

But once it is completely no longer resisted, it will be integrated into the evil spirits and become a loyal minister who is considered by Lu Sheng everywhere.

The vehicle slowly headed for the distance. The rear is followed by a black car.

Remove the Jiu Ming Tang Dahan who was injured by the aftermath of the battle. The rest of the good man left the police to cooperate with the police.

Their task is mainly to guide the injured to the aftermath and to appease the mood of the masses.

The main leader of the police is actually jealous of the behemoth of Jiu Ming Tang. This Jiu Ming Tang is not only an ordinary community organization, but a powerful institution with a military background.

The most important thing is that they not only do not disturb the people, but also take the initiative to help the police solve some problems in the weekdays, and the degree of cooperation is extremely high.

Therefore, the main leaders in the city have a good impression of it. Although it is jealous of its power, as long as it does not cause trouble, everyone is also good for me.

But then, a building was actually cut off from the battle aftermath. Such a big thing, although Jiu Ming Tang claimed that it was from two escaping terrorists who were at risk.

But this fool can know that it is the perverted power of the nine life hall.

The so-called underworld forces are simply not enough to describe the Nine Gods. These scales are already the so-called extremely fierce forces.

Soon, the police appease, Jiu Mingtang out of humanitarianism, made a contribution, and compensated the victim's family one by one.

For the current Jiu Ming Tang, money is not a problem at all. In particular, after successively accepting the scales industry, there is also the addition of the Pula Shield family. Various industries have sprung up like mushrooms.

The members of the church are intertwined like a cobweb. They have the identity of the Nine Gods, and the small community does not dare to provoke.

No one dares to make any moths on the white road.

The funds are guaranteed by the inside of the church, and members can borrow each other. Business will also support each other and exchange.

Under such a circumstance, the situation of Jiu Ming Tang is getting bigger and bigger.

half year later.

Inside a private residence in Anmin.

The warm water sprinkled from the shower head and evenly drenched on Lu Sheng’s face.

He wiped his hair, and the warm water ran down the hair and cheeks.

Get out of the shower quickly. He wrapped a white bathrobe, tied it at random, rubbed his hair, and walked out of the shower room so wet.

Passing through the bathroom mirror, the mirror reflected what he was like at the moment.

Black short hair is supple and sharp. The hair is a bit long and covers a little bit of the eye.

In the messy hair room, a pair of calm and indifferent black eyes are like crystals, reflecting everything from the outside world.

Although the body is covered with a bathrobe, the contours of the muscles are still clearly visible.

The normal state of the road wins, the body curve is not as horrible as the spiral nine life method.

The spiral nine life method has initially revealed its horror essence.

Once fully operational, the fourth life, the powerful force from the blood, even through some mysterious connection, illuminate all the organisms within a hundred meters. Leave blood in their blood.

The creatures that have been left with blood marks, once they can't leave the 100-meter range within the specified time, then all the creatures will be completely planted into the species of extinction, and the soul will surrender to Lu Sheng.

This is simply a horror aura of group attack and single kill.

Lu Sheng walked slowly to the living room sofa to sit down.

This home is the tallest new building in Anming, the 125-storey Falcon Building.

Sitting in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, Lu Sheng can look at the night view of the entire city of Anmin.

Half a year.

The power of Jiu Ming Tang is almost all over the province of Arnos.

Under the rapid expansion of this giant, many businessmen who were not interested in this aspect had to be forced to join.

Because only by joining them, you can enjoy the vast network of relationships and commercial resources that are shared throughout.

With the cooperation of huge resources and contacts, doing almost anything can get twice the result with half the effort. This has also led countless people to sharpen their heads and want to join them.

In addition to the core department, Jiu Ming Tang has opened the Ministry of Commerce and the Three Holy Departments.

The Ministry of Commerce manages all commercial resources. The Sansheng Department is a combination of the wolf shape, the crane shape, the Suzaku, and the three reaction units.

They are responsible for the security of the Nine Gods and the entire forces.

The core department is the core force of Jiu Ming Tang which belongs to Lu Sheng.

The entire core, a fixed number of people, maintained on the number of ten people. After Lu Sheng defeated the two senior numerologists of Horus on the spot, the informed core was completely boiling.

Interest in load fighting is skyrocketing.

Even the main gun of the flying ship can not hurt the road, but you can imagine the power and horror of the Nine Gods.

The pursuit of power is the nature of mankind.

Lu Sheng sat on the sofa and sorted out the current situation in his mind.

Nowadays, there are already four people in the core department, and they can start the formal practice of the spiral nine life.

White County brothers, red thorns, Ansha. As for the rest, I am still practicing load fighting.

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