Way of the Devil

Chapter 1043: Wave one

The blood fog human form has just flown out. Innumerable powers surged, and in just two seconds, they were completely integrated into the body of Lu Sheng.

At the same time, the modifier box in his field of vision also showed new content.

‘Spiral nine life method: the fifth life bone. (Characteristics: hardening of the skin, strengthening of muscle strength, optimization of endocrine, blood variability, separation of bone blood.)

Everything else is the same, only the last bone and blood separation.

Lu Sheng carefully sensed, and the spirit glanced through the body again, but suddenly found that his bone marrow was like a living creature, and he tried to struggle outside.

He has seen countless races, countless energy categories, and his heart is shocked, but there is no chaos.

Consciousness followed the veins to speculate one or two, and suddenly understood what was going on.

"What is your heart??"

The **** human form just now, is actually the result of his inner distracting thoughts, is the demon in his heart. Or, it is the heart of Wang Mu.

The **** human form is the battle of the devil that he must face after his body reaches this level. Only after defeating the **** human form, can he truly achieve the fifth life.

The most troublesome thing is that the **** human forms have exactly the same realm and combat experience, even the talents and traits are exactly the same.

Once it can't be solved in time, it will grow in the future and it will be endless.

"The mystery is troublesome. If this thing can't be solved in time, it will be several consecutive opponents that are completely similar to themselves." Lu Sheng brows his lock.

"I didn't expect that even I would come up with this stuff."

He slowly straightened his body and his body was badly deficient. The **** fog just mixed with his bone marrow. This spurt and replaced with the average person is half life.

"It seems that the body has to deal with this matter." He slowly began to adjust his body, letting the energy of the body begin to escape, and make minor modifications in the body.

At the same time, the training of the injury was also carried out.

Time passed slowly, I don’t know how long it took, Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground.

The previous boost was too expensive and he continued to add a lot of nutrients and blood.

Quickly open the kitchen door, he rushed straight toward the refrigerator, where there is a special potion to supplement the body's deficit.


The kitchen door just slipped open, and Lu Sheng’s original gloomy face suddenly disappeared.

On the ground inside, seven black purple gourds are neatly arranged.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!!" The seven gourds swayed wildly. Make a cheerful call.


Lu Shengbi stood expressionless at the door.

After a long while, he only came back to the gods, pressed the heart of the vomiting impulse, and felt the extremely familiar taste from the seven gourds.

"This is the blood of the blood that I just squirted." He moved his mind and went forward.

In a sudden time, the simple consciousness of the seven attachments to envy quickly linked to his consciousness.

"Sure enough" Lu Sheng’s heart is clear.

This is the natural deception of the demon.

The demon originated from the basic rules of the universe, but the demon body of Lu Sheng, the natural fraud that comes with it, is completely deceived with the natural rules of the world.

Not to mention these few demons.

Not long after they left, they sensed the body of the road, and they were deceived by natural fraud, thinking that they have their own loved ones.

"Looking at the self-independence consciousness, eat it first." Lu Sheng can feel the inside of these gourds, and has produced some kind of wonderful differentiation.

Seven gourds represent seven different attributes.

While maintaining the atmosphere of natural fraud, he slowly walked to the gourd.

Gently pinching the first gourd, Lu Sheng felt the ultimate ice. It seems to contain some kind of power from ice.

Gently pick up the gourd, he put it in his mouth quietly, and took a bite.


An indescribable sweet scent poured into his mouth.

It’s like having been eating meat for a long time, hungry, and suddenly tasted a warm and delicious broth.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes intoxicated, unconsciously, and the gourd in his hand had only a little bit of debris left.

When he returned, he suddenly found that his injuries were all back to normal. The damage of the blood marrow is as if it has never been lost.

"This is based on my magical thoughts, absorbing the power of the specific attributes of this world, and the fruits of this?"

A gourd was eaten, and the other six gourds seemed to start to feel a little uneasy. Slightly shaking, it seems that you may have to run at any time.

Lu Sheng quickly strengthened the distribution of natural fraud and continued to move toward the second gourd.

"Grandpa?" There was a low child in the gourd.

"Grandpa took you to a good place." Lu Sheng was atoned, with no expression.

"Don't be afraid, it will be a little painful at first, just fine."


He was very fast, and he picked up the gourd in lightning and stuffed it into his mouth.

The slap-sized gourd was instantly bitten and swallowed.

A circle of black glow flashed through his body, and Lu Sheng suddenly felt that his whole body bones were becoming harder and more energetic.

The bone marrow is connected with the brain, and some wonderful changes are happening rapidly.

The third gourd, the fourth gourd, did not react, and was eaten by Lu Sheng.

The breath on his body has expanded to four times that of the previous one.

The horrific power that is so large that it is about to explode is rapidly in his body, flowing at high speed with blood and endocrine.

This power is arrogant and strong, and it is stimulating that the bone marrow of the road is as boiling as boiling water.

He insisted on going to the fifth gourd.


The remaining two gourds seemed to feel something bad and began to shake violently.

"Don't be afraid that Grandpa will take you to see things." Lu Sheng constantly distributed the body of the magic, and once again stabilized the last two gourds.

The two gourds trusted him very much and soon returned to normal.

At this time, Lu Sheng’s breath has been five times stronger than before. And this is still only a foundation, the bone marrow is constantly creating new blood cells, and before the transformation, it is hard to add red blood cells.

Lu Sheng once again picked up a gourd, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed a few mouthfuls. The body is full of flavor.

His vision finally fell on the last gourd.

He walked slowly and his hand just extended.

The gourd suddenly swayed.

"Do you want to eat me?" The sound came from the gourd.

Lu Sheng’s hand was a meal.

"Yeah. You are part of my split. This is not called eating. This is called return." He corrected.

"I am different." This gourd seems a bit strange.

"In just one hour and thirty-two minutes of my birth, I witnessed that there is something in the real world dimension that is attached to me." The gourd made it clear. "If you promise not to eat me, I can tell you a big secret."

"Big secret?" Lu Sheng hesitated.

"Yes, you always wanted to figure out, but there is no way and the secret of the way." Hulu continued.

Lu Sheng’s intuition feels that the other party should be true.

He paused.

"Let's talk about it first."

The gourd is silent.

"It's a secret about nothingness."

Lu Sheng thought about it, and finally settled his heart.

"Well, I promise you."

"you swear!"

"I swear." Lu Sheng solemnly said.

five minutes later.

Lu Sheng looked dignified and walked out of the kitchen. Gently wipe off the gourd residue at the corner of the mouth and put the last **** of the gourd into the mouth and swallow it.

From the last gourd mouth, he knew the true secret of the world about blue starlight.

"I didn't expect it to be as troublesome as the Devils here."

Lu Sheng’s heart became more and more dignified.

All the gourds he ate, each with different attributes. The last one is with the most rare vain attributes.

After eating seven gourds, it means that there are seven more powerful different attributes in the road.

It is not the body, but the body of this king.

Lu Sheng feels that the emptiness is in his body, like a black hole that constantly absorbs energy, and all other forces are in opposition to it. Around him constantly spinning.

What is even more bizarre is that with the fusion of the power of the gods, the power of nothingness and the power of the remaining six attributes begin to merge with the seven organs of the body.

Among them, nothingness is integrated into his left eye.

This kind of fusion is extremely fast and extremely concealed. Lu Sheng has not reacted yet, and the power of the seven powers is quickly combined.

At the end of the breakthrough, Lu Sheng stood in the living room, watching the poor blue power of two million units left on the dark blue interface, sighing in a low voice.

Fortunately, his physical strength at this time, the overall improvement of seven times.

If he meets Netherian again, he is confident that he can completely kill him within three strokes.

But this world is not only a manipulation of Nesian. There must be more powerful manipulations.

Lu Sheng took a break and then adjusted the interest rate at home to open the phone, receive text messages and calls.

The breakthrough in the bone marrow is continuous, and the sevenfold increase is far from over. Lu Sheng can still feel that he is still improving at an unpleasant and slow pace.

Strength, speed, five senses, and so on, are all improved.

He needs time and more time to grow.

The ninth theater, the central Fishall star.

Between the white and undulating palaces.

Nessiah was ugly, wearing a pure white gold cloak, and a white armor flew towards the center of the palace.

Soon, he flew over a large empty palace and slowly hovered in front of a huge blue palace like a pyramid.

"Belon adults." Nesian respectfully bowed toward the palace gate.

"I am back."

"You are coming back too late." A sharp man's voice came from inside the palace gate.

"The above has sent a messenger to urge, we must complete a thorough investigation of the star domain under its jurisdiction by the end of the month."

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