Way of the Devil

Chapter 1054: Transaction 2

"Presumably you have already received a request from the chairman of the mining cloud group, Bai Haopan?"

In a branch of Jiu Ming Tang, Lu Sheng had just inspected the operation here and was found by Su Shi.

Several people walked to the side of the lounge to sit down.

Just sitting down, Su Shi couldn't wait to ask Lu Sheng.

“You mean the mine cloud group?” Lu Sheng was a stranger. "What? Is there a problem?"

"White 颂 ,, this woman's strength is very strong, you must be very careful!" Su Shi solemnly said.

"In many of us, there are a lot of people who don't rely on frontal battles to win. They have a lot of tricks, and you may be tricked if you are not careful."

“Is it?” Lu Sheng smiled. “I want to see if she can make any tricks for me. In addition, you can rest assured that since I promised your cooperation, I would not be half-hearted.”

"We just hope that you must be careful about this person." Su Shi was anxious, but she knew that it was useless at this time.

This is the person who knows the white disc, the captain of the cross sword, the strength is super strong, even in the angel team and the magic spirit team, can also rank in the forefront.

Even in this extremely dangerous and dangerous world, it is by no means a good name. She has heard a lot of rumors about the white disc, this woman seems to have some special means for np.

Lu Sheng saw their concerns and smiled.

"You came over to remind me of this?"

"There is still something else." Su Shizheng said. "We hope to get your help."

"What is the power of Jiu Ming Tang to help you solve a little trouble, it is still very easy." Lu Sheng said freely.

He has the ambition to say this, especially after the successful acceptance of Nesian.

His strength has greatly increased. Naturally, I am more confident to say this.

Su Shi and a few people looked at each other and saw a trace of happiness from the other side's eyes.

They did not expect to speak so well after they had won the trust of Lusheng.

This cross-sword shows that it is going to be crushed on the front. The opponent's assassin has lurked to the nearby area. One of them was almost traumatized yesterday.

"This is the case. Yesterday, one of our companions found that an opponent has lurked near the residence. This time we hope to use your strength to help find out this person.

As a reward, we can pay for some of your specialties in your hometown. ”

Su Shi said, taking out a pure green fruit from the sleeve.

This is a fist-sized round fruit with a crystal-clear, fine-grained surface and a subtle fragrance.

"This is called the moon fruit, eat one, can quickly replenish physical strength, restore the injury, and can supplement a certain amount of special ability in the body. The most important thing is that it can be used to build the moon well." Su Shi changed the terminology.

Lu Sheng took a curious look at it.

“Do you eat it directly?” he asked.

"Yes, eat it directly." Su Shi nodded. "But this may be very wave"

Lu Sheng pinched the fruit and threw it directly into his mouth, gently chewing.

The fruit looks very fleshy, but at the entrance, it instantly turns into a liquid and flows down the throat. After a second, it was completely gone.

Just after a nap, Lu Sheng immediately felt that an inexplicable heat flow in the body slowly gave birth and spread throughout the body.

"This kind of thing can be made in batches. I can absorb the power of moonlight every day and make two. If it is soaked in water and placed in the moonlight, it can also make the water produce special strength all the year round. There is a similar supplementary effect."

Su Shi looked at Lu Sheng and killed one, and couldn't help but drop blood.

This is the embryonic fruit of the moon well.

Such a bite would cost her months of lunar energy.

Even if she is pregnant with the blood of the top night elf, she can’t afford it.

"Is there still?" I don't know that I just ate a road win of a future moon well. At this time, I looked at Su Shi again.

"Nothing" Su Shi channel. "The fruit you just ate, I need to accumulate moonlight for years to make one."

"You said before that this fruit can soak water, so that the water has a similar effect. How long can it last?" Lu Sheng came to interest.

"The fruit will dissolve and locate, forming a moon well. As long as there is moonlight, the energy source will continue to produce the moon well water." Su Shi said with a heartache.

She actually just wanted to say that it would be wasteful to eat it directly.


"And this effect?" Lu Shengyi, this main **** team is not awkward, everything has.

The eternal moon well can be artificially created.

"Yes. For the sake of this ability, I died for a lifetime. In the end, I was forced to get it by luck. Unfortunately, my original purpose was not just to make the moon well." Su Shi was a bit stunned.

"It doesn't matter. If you look back, you will get me dozens of things. I have another report!" Lu Sheng waved his hand and sent the task.

"I wonder if I can help me to upgrade the repair of a thousand locks to a fruit for a new layer?" Su Shi asked carefully.

According to the suggestion of the Lord God, the master Wang Mu in front of him should be able to directly improve for them.

Lu Sheng is also stunned. Su Shi actually knew that he had a way to let them improve directly.

But he turned to think, this may be from the Lord God.

Although he is confident and powerful, he is not going to surpass the legendary Lord God.

"I do, there are ways to directly improve your cultivation. However, this quick method has no small aftereffects, which will have adverse effects on the body and even on life."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you can achieve success." Su Shi hurry. The three people behind her also showed subtle ecstasy.

The enemy squad will arrive immediately. If this time can improve the repair of the dragon lock, then this foreign skill will be able to play a good defense and supplement effect.

"The promotion is very simple. Thousands of locks are basically hard work determined by the strength of the body.

Therefore, improving the physical strength can improve the cultivation of this practice. I have a kind of exercise technique, which can make your body hardness increase in a short time, but it may have to suffer a little pain," Lu Sheng explained.

"It doesn't matter, we are not afraid of pain!" Su Shi several people have come out.

Lu Sheng does not lie, the upgraded version of self-limiting exercise, or simply the Hell version, can quickly improve the actual physical strength of others in the case of overdraft potential.

"That's good, find a time for us."

"Just now!" Su Shizheng interrupted.

"One person upgrades once and needs to exchange one moon fruit." Lu Sheng offered the price. He is very interested in the fruit just now.

After eating the fruit, I felt a lot of stamina. Now, he can automatically spurt a stream of heat every other moment, filling the whole body.

"Good!" Su Shi felt the heart is bleeding. But in another place, my own moon fruit can not find such a good buyer.

"One day, who is coming today?" Lu Sheng does not matter. Anyway, this is a slap in the face of him.

"Me!" Dean died only once, and he was also bearish about what happened to the pain. Take the initiative to stand up.

Lu Sheng nodded and slowly stood up.

Dean followed and stood up. His height of one meter nine is high in front of ordinary people, but in front of Lu Sheng, he is obviously thin and big.

"What to do? Is it here?" he asked carefully.

"Nothing, it will soon pass." Lu Sheng extended his right hand and gently pressed on Dean's shoulder.

"Nothing, come on, if this pain can't help, I won't choose the meat shield career." Deen smiled and took off his shirt, revealing a solid bronze muscle.

After a while.

"Mom~!! My my God is saving my life!!~Mom~ No, I am dying!!"

Deen was soft and rolling around the ground. But he is not crying but laughing.

"I have said it for a long time, it is only a little painful. It is really a little pain. The rest are very happy." Lu Sheng stood on the side and shrugged.

"Do you think he is not very happy now?" He pointed to Dean on the ground.

"The head of the church is blue," Su Shi could not help but remind. Looked at Dean's smirk. Her mind was originally prepared for psychological preparations.

"Nothing, just laughing a little bit of myocardial infarction. I just pat." Lu Sheng did not care.

"Myocardial infarction!!" Su Shi was shocked by a few people, and quickly rushed to pick up Deen, a variety of first-aid treatment.

Dean’s face has begun to smile and be purple.

Lu Sheng came forward and slaps his head.

Hey! !

He was very fast, and a momentary, he went to Dean and slapped, and the whole room was shaking.

Deen slammed his body, and a slap of blood spurted out, then his eyes turned over and he fell to the ground and did not wake up.

Su Shi’s few people saw it as a shock.

"Nothing. Just take off, just go back and cultivate for a while." Lu Sheng calmly said.

Su Shi and several people felt that the heart was like a roller coaster ride. After a while, I heard it, and quickly rushed up to lift the person up. After rushing to say goodbye to Lu Sheng, he took Deen and left the branch.

After Lu Sheng watched them leave, he sighed.

After that, I went to the warehouse to absorb the newly arrived scales, and after harvesting a batch of sentimental powers, I rushed to my home.

The negotiation with the Mine Cloud Group is very important. The Mine Cloud Group has mastered the production of scaly minerals in more than ten provinces. If it is thoroughly discussed, it is very likely that it will be able to collect billions of units of power.

So Lu Sheng is going to talk about this business anyway.

If it goes well, after this time, maybe he can enter the sixth life brain. As for the woman named Bai Yudie, the other side is here to think about seeing him face to face.

In fact, he is also trying to defeat her in front, perhaps to plant a kind of evil in his heart. To achieve the goal of defeating the soldiers without fighting.

Yesterday he had arranged a red thorn and took people to the Mine Cloud Group.

When they are right, they are going to hand over.

If they are not right, they are going to robbery.

He is a straight-eyed man who wins business. He doesn't like those curved roads. Everyone is refreshing and pays with one hand. If you can't, you will hand over the delivery.

Anyway, the transaction is completed and everyone is still a friend. Dragging and pulling is a waste of time on both sides.

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