Way of the Devil

Chapter 1068: Melee II

Lu Sheng is not very familiar with the group of reincarnations, but the status is still clear.

Especially after he controlled a large number of reincarnations and learned the so-called plot from their mouths. This has cast doubt on this group.

So far, he has probably understood the operating mechanism of the reincarnation. But what is the so-called main god, what is the idea? It is not known.

Train so many so-called reincarnations and let them kill themselves. In the end, nothing will result in some individuals with the strongest heart.

So what are the ultimate goals of these individuals?

Lu Sheng looked at the creeping meat in the test box and fell into thought.


The wall behind him was suddenly blown away by the flame.

The guards around the extremes quickly formed a wall of people, blocking Li Shaozong and Lu Sheng.

Li Shaozong’s face changed slightly, but when he blinked his way, he quickly calmed down.

“Look at what the purpose of these unsolicited guests is.”

"Isn't even the county town can't block it?" Lu Sheng returned to the gods and looked at the blasted wall with interest.

This is the first time he has seen a more powerful role in the reincarnation.

Even the former Su Shi and others will not be the opponents of Baijun City. As his core disciple for continuous guidance and reinforcement. White County has a strong power and superb speed.

Even more troublesome is that his wolf shape can have extremely strong endurance. Speed ​​and endurance, these two points are enough to kill any opponent. Even with one-to-many, you can take it easy.

Lu Sheng carefully looked at a few people who came out of the hole.

To his surprise.

Two white-faced masked men with obvious traces of reincarnation, the messy mess of power, exposed them. But they also have uniforms wearing black double-headed eagle signs.

It seems obvious that these people are an organization.

"Who is Li Shaozong?" The first white robe was cold.

Lu Sheng reached out and stopped Li Shaozong who was ready to speak.

"What is the purpose of your visit here? Can you tell me?"

The white robe eyes fell on Lu Sheng, and the pupils shrank slightly.

"We are not interested in conflicting with you. If you can not participate in this matter, I will take the initiative to send a gift."

"Heavy gift? What is the gift?" Lu Sheng smiled. "Are you?"

The white robe is a little glimpse.

"I am sorry, Wang Mu, Jiu Ming Tang is suspected of participating in the terrorist attack. We are the reviewers from the headquarters of the Empire Nianneng Alliance. I hope that you can cooperate with us for comprehensive screening."

A silver-haired woman wearing a black uniform with a double-headed eagle was cold-sounding.

"Imperial Nianneng League?" The smile on Lu Sheng’s face gradually disappeared.

Hey, hey, hey!

In the darkness of the side, a tall, red-scarred silhouette slowly walks out of the shadows.

"Teacher, give it to me. You continue." The figure reveals his face, and it is Ansha who had voted in the meeting before.

Unlike the use of nuclear energy in red thorns, he focuses on the development of electromagnetic energy.

At this time, not only the exoskeleton armor was worn, but also the latest electromagnetic energy manipulation technique was added, adding a destroyer system to itself.

Lu Sheng nodded, slowly stepped to the left to continue to view.

Li Shaozong was a little uneasy, but at this time he could only follow closely and was surrounded by bodyguards.

"Looking for death! Grab them!" The white robe was cold.

The people of the White Gown and the Nianneng Alliance all flew toward several people.

A pair of silver sands quickly condensed into a variety of weapons, flying toward Li Shaozong and a ticket bodyguard.

"Magnetic spin!" Ansha grabbed a big hand and an invisible force instantly enveloped the audience.

All the flying silver sand weapons were all nailed in the air in an instant, and they could not move.

Lu Sheng no longer cares about the movement behind him. He trusted Ansha's strength as one of the most stable ones in his disciples. Ansha never said anything unsure about things.

Just a few steps away, a large glass container in front of me, I don’t know when there was a red-haired woman holding a red pistol.

"Li Shaozong, there is no need to struggle again. I can give you a good gift by handing it over." The woman walked slowly toward Lu Sheng and everyone came forward.

The situation was a mess, but Lu Sheng immediately understood the roots.

Part of the reincarnation should be teamed up with the Nianneng League. Or borrow a part of the power of the Nianneng Alliance.

Now that he has joined the blue starlight, he is no longer biased to maintain his neutrality.

Lu Sheng’s eyes fell on the woman in front of her eyes, and her heart was a little tired.

These reincarners are almost pervasive and can be seen anywhere.

"Ansha, kill her." He faintly said.

boom! !

A red figure suddenly flew past him and fell heavily on the ground.

It is awesomely just as a fierce Ansha.

Lu Sheng’s voice was a meal, and the faint gentle smile on his face finally solidified.

Ansha struggled to get up from the ground and was covered in blood. It seemed to have experienced a hard fight.

But Ren Lusheng, how to reason, also felt that it was impossible for the people who had just injured him into this appearance.

Hey! !

The aiming sound of a firearm that opened the insurance in the darkness around it came.

A little blue arc flashed and flicked, and soon the arc suddenly came out of an armored soldier wearing blue full armor.

They had pure white heavy weird firearms in their hands, and all the muzzles were aimed at Lu Sheng and others in the field.

"I'm sorry, I thought Hurley had already said it before. We represent the Alliance and formally issued a screening order to the Nine-Life Group." The white mask man came out quietly.

“Screening order?” Lu Sheng repeated it.

"Instructed by the commander-in-chief of Belian, in the next seventh sea fleet manipulation, La Merle de Luya. Come here to arrest the nine hands of the nine life group, the nine kings of the main Wang Mu." The man's voice is powerful, low and clear.

"Let me go, Wang Mutang."

"I asked for an emergency immunity." Lu Sheng took a heart and reached out to take out a golden scroll and shake it gently.

The scroll is full of fine empire-encrypted text symbols.

This is the amulet he got from Nesian. As a noble nobleman, Nesian, it is not surprising that there is such a good thing like a life-saving character.

"Unfortunately, you are not an imperial aristocrat. According to the regulations, you cannot apply for an exemption on a felony." The white robe man was unmoved. "Please, Wang Tangzhu."

Lu Sheng gave a slight glimpse and immediately laughed.

"is it?"

Originally it was to watch the play and watch the reincarnation compete for research drugs. I did not expect that he became the protagonist here.

The movement of the Nian League is coming too fast.

When he sent Zheng Huan to the Ministry of Health to send out the gap between the Horus family, he immediately sent someone to arrest him.

He gently put the reel up.

"So, come on, come and arrest me." He stepped out of the protective circle of the bodyguards.

An invisible sense of depression slowly spread from him, and it quickly increased.

"I am here, come on, as long as you can get close to me." Lu Sheng’s mouth twitched slightly. Showing a strange arc.

The pressure in the air is getting bigger and bigger and getting heavier.

The bulletproof glass on the side blasted the crack.

The sturdy hard metal floor slowly sag down one by one.

The people who read the Alliance and the several reincarnations didn't feel much at first, but as the pressure grew bigger and heavier, they gradually couldn't help relying on their own bodies.

Two people quickly supported themselves with a shield-like isolation. A reincarnation begins to release a defensive shield that relieves stress.

The white robe's forehead gradually oozes sweat, and his mind's protective cover swells out a circle of twisted ripples. It may be overwhelmed at any time.

"You dare to arrest!?!" He snapped.

But the shock of the sound can't be passed. In the middle of the air, it was offset by the weight of a circle of terror.

"What are you talking about. I can't hear you." Lu Sheng smiled. The dark red fluorescence is slowly illuminated in the eyes.


The pressure is once again raised.


A Nianneng of the Nianneng League spurted out a spurt of blood and fell unconscious on the spot.

In addition, several numerologists have retreated in horror. Soon only two people stayed in the same position.

"You dare to arrest!!" The white robes who took the lead bowed and shouted in a difficult voice.

"I am sorry, I can't hear what you are saying." Lu Sheng smiled, slowly moving forward, step by step.

His footsteps are slow and light, just like the idlers who walk outside and go on an outing.

But it is such a very light footstep, every step, as if to tap in the depths of everyone's heart.


It is also a master of the Nianneng League, who bleeds and falls to the ground, and soon disappeared.

The air is like a burning flame, constantly twisting and beating.

The huge terrorist pressure is constantly approaching with the road, and it is squeezed inside and outside the body.

"You!!" manipulation caused the ripples on the Latin American body to burst, and his eyes were covered with dense blood. If at the beginning he can take care of the surrounding subordinates, then with the approach of Lu Sheng.

He has no care for others, and he has done his best to support himself.

Lu Sheng is approaching step by step. As the distance shrinks, the pressure begins to increase in geometric progression.

Sweat, like a broken stream, flows down his cheeks to his chin, and drops drop by drop. In the midair, it is instantly evaporated by some invisible pressure.

"The sky above the sky, the sky is innocent, and the earth is extremely.

With a great look at the starry sky, with thousands of stars as a guide, stepping into the air, infinite freedom. You said, is this arrogant or longing? ”

Lu Sheng suddenly opened slowly.

"People always like to do what they can't do," he sighed.

"Do you say this?" Lu Sheng raised his finger and gently pointed toward the white robe.

"Roaring, Li Yinglong!!!"

The wall behind the crash was broken, and a huge black energy wave a few meters wide roared like a black dragon to the road.

Lu Sheng jerked back and the black dragon had reached a few centimeters from his face.

Hey! ! ! Bang! ! !

In a flash, a black light column went from bottom to top, breaking the ground of the institute and rushing into the sky.

The black light column of the sky is wrapped around the white lightning, piercing the atmosphere and slowly slamming into the stars.

The surface of the star body is centered on the light column, and a white halo is slowly exploded.


The side of the double star was empty, and a huge warship with a length of tens of thousands of miles slowly drove out of the darkness.

The densely packed battleships are all white and silver, and each surface is engraved with the double-headed eagle's dynasty.

On the front of a battleship, the back is silvery in the cockpit.

A majestic old man in a pure white military uniform is sitting in the main control position of the battleship. His gaze fell straight on a circle of white flares that exploded on the surface of the planet.

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