Way of the Devil

Chapter 1095: Save one

A small amount of footsteps echoed in the dark underground parking lot.

Tang En snorted and pulled the upper body out of the window of a car.

"Get it, if I didn't learn to repair a car before, I really can't do it well. This car is now us."

"Don't you say walking?" Lu Sheng was speechless.

"Since they have passed by, they are prepared." Dunn would never say that it was just that he saw this favorite model, so he couldn’t move his legs.

The two quickly got into the car and slammed and the car was slowly started.

“How much oil is there?” Lu Sheng asked.

"Not much, enough for us to get to the place." Dunn skillfully twisted the key, and did not know where he got it, the lights turned on.

The lacquered black car slowly moved towards the parking lot.

The sound of the engine is very weak, obviously proportional to the grade of the car.

Sitting in the car, Lu Sheng almost does not feel that he is moving.

"Hey, Dunn." He took back the line of sight that fell outside the window and looked at the driver's seat.

But in the driver's seat, it is a white-skinned woman with a ponytail!

Dunn’s eyes turned white and fell asleep on the co-pilot.

Under the driving of a woman, the car does not say a word, the faster it opens, the faster it opens.

Lu Sheng’s eyes widened and he quickly reached out and twisted the door on Tang’s side. He also twisted the door and flew out.

噗通! !

The two men rolled to the ground, the car opened the door and turned a corner, hit the fence on the side of the road, and rushed down from the viaduct.

Hey! ! !

A loud noise. Then I rolled over a few times and I didn’t move anymore.

Lu Sheng climbed up from the ground. This body's ability to reflect is weaker than he thought. Fortunately, his realm is still there, even if he just rolled off the door at high speed, he was not injured.

It was just that Dunn was miserable, and a hole was hanged on the thigh, and the blood flowed like a note.

Lu Sheng took off his t-shirt and quickly pressed the blood vessels on the side of the wound and tied it with a t-shirt. Avoid a lot of bleeding.

"Fortunately, I didn't hurt the artery." He roughly judged that although the world's human body structure is different from the world he used to contact, the basic place still has many similarities.

"Hey," Dunn slowly woke up from a coma.

"My God!" He saw the mouth on his thigh at a glance, and immediately the sweat came down.

"Are you just driving? How come suddenly to the co-pilot?" Lu Sheng asked.

"I don't know." Dunn bit his teeth, "pain!! It hurts!! I am going to die!!"

"Forbearance, look for a supermarket or pharmacy on the side. Maybe you can find pure water to wash it." Lu Sheng helped him to walk to the side of the road.

The viaduct came down, and there was a roadside supermarket on the side. It was empty and there was no one.

But Lu Sheng was unable to believe everything that the eyes saw at this time.

When I first got on the bus, I saw that Dunn drove. The result came out in less than a minute and suddenly became another woman I didn’t know.

The level of trouble in this world may still be above his expectations.


The two slammed into the glass door of the supermarket, and the road triumphantly pulled off the chain lock and strode in.

It seems that the supermarket has been looted, and the shelves are empty, with only a few things.

Dunn limped behind Lu Sheng.

"This supermarket I used to come here often. At that time, there was Pellady sold here, now"

"Pelati? What?" Lu Sheng asked casually.

Throwing a magazine behind him, he caught it with his backhand and got his eyes in front of him.

On the cover of the magazine on the white background, there is a black-skinned girl with a voluptuous body. The girl only wears a three-point style, and her long hair is scattered, and there is a kind of wild and sexy.

There is a line on the side: Pera, a more lasting choice

"Okay." Lu Sheng shook his head.

The two were in the supermarket and soon found a few bottles of pure water from the back warehouse.

Lu Sheng rinsed the wound with Dunn with pure water, then found some clean disposable underwear, and when the package was removed, the gauze was bandaged.

After finishing this, the sky outside is also faintly darkened.

Lu Sheng used the flashlight he found, illuminating, and took Dunn in the room behind the supermarket.

Make sure you don't meet those weird guys. This alone found a room, moved some of the food and drink found, closed the door, and locked it.

The two will rest on the sofa and bed.

Tang En shrinks in the gap under the bookcase, the flashlight does not open, the whole person curled up, obviously a small space, which makes him seem to have more security.

He looked at Lu Sheng, lying on a single couch.

"Thomas. You said we can find other living people?"

"Sure." Lu Sheng calmed.

“Why is this so sure?”

"Why? Maybe this is the intuition of being a man?" Lu Sheng smiled.

"Do men also have intuition?"

"Why not?"

Lu Sheng’s hand was playing with a pink phone, and the screen of the phone flashed with a touch of fluorescence. The top shows the lock screen of the original owner.

It was a young, long-haired girl who looked like a good man. The girl’s eyes are large and there is a watery feeling of affection. A dark red tight sweater highlights the tall body of the upper body.

But let Lu Sheng care a little, is a line of text messages recorded below the lock screen.

In general SMS prompts, there will be some simple content at the beginning, which will be displayed on the lock screen.

This is the case at this time. The beginning of the text message is:

‘The flame outside is just ignited. in case'

I can't see more behind.


Lu Sheng turned off the screen.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Dunn's voice came from under the bookcase.

"Nothing. I want to resume fighting training." Lu Sheng replied casually.

"Have you practiced before?"

"Well, I have practiced a little."

"Where is the firearm?" Dunn curious.

"This is not, but I believe my fist more than a gun." Lu Sheng replied.

"Can a fist be better than a gun? If you practice for more than ten years, I can shoot with a pistol."

Lu Sheng cocked his fingers to indicate the snoring.

The voice of Dunn stopped short.




A very rhythmic footstep, slowly coming from outside the small supermarket.

Soon, outside the room window, in the hallway, a dark figure, slowly passing through the room, heading towards the innermost warehouse.

The footsteps gradually disappear as the distance increases.

After a long while, I couldn’t hear the sound completely, and Lu Sheng gave a sigh of relief.

“No?” Dunn whispered, quietly exploring a head from under the bookcase.

"Well, let's go." Lu Sheng nodded. "It should be fine, take a rest."

"Call and rest, I hope everything will go well tomorrow." Tang En breathed a sigh of relief.


The two stopped talking. Just quiet each.

The light of the flashlight was turned off by the road.

He put the phone in his hand to the side with a little moonlight coming in through the window. Then level your body and close your eyes to rest.

But before the break, he still needs to do one thing.

"Deep blue." Lu Sheng heart meditation.


The light blue interface popped up in front of his eyes.

"Only display the box of the world." Lu Sheng gave instructions again.

Immediately, a lot of skill boxes that were already densely packed, quickly shrink and cut, and finally there is only one residue left.

‘The illusion of sorrow and sorrow: no entry, (trait: no.)’

"That's this, give me the illusion of killing the magic to kill the punch to the realm of entry." Lu Sheng looked at the three colored spar on the eye. The power of 30 billion yuan should be enough at the beginning. Not in a hurry.

The order was just completed, and the box in front of the road was blurred.

A few seconds later, Lu Sheng felt a cold cold in the heart of his chest. This cold current flowed through the blood vessels, and there was still some warm body temperature, which quickly dropped to an exaggerated level.

But this feeling only lasted a little bit.

Soon, the blurred boxes are restored to clarity.

‘The illusion of the heart to kill the punch: getting started. (Characteristics: None)’

"唔" has just started the assassination of the boxing, giving the feeling of Lu Sheng, just as the body's overall function is strengthened, but this reinforcement is mostly sensitive and precise. The improvement of one's own strength and physique is very limited.

"I have never walked this route before, let's try it first." Lu Sheng probably estimated the power of the consumption, about ten units.

"Getting started is ten units to send power, it is worthy of being the top high-energy world. Let's take a look at the effect." Feeling the constant stirring power of the body, Lu Sheng also slowly closed his eyes and squatted for a while.

Although this body may be very strong in the future, it is still only the physical fitness of ordinary students.

The necessary rest and sleep are still needed.

Slightly slept for more than four hours, when the sky was bright, Lu Sheng was awake from his sleep.

He rubbed his cheek and got up from the sofa.

Seeing Dunn under the bookcase huddled into a ball, leaning his head against the wall, and slept soundly. It seems that he hasn't slept for a long time.

Did not alarm Tang En.

Lu Sheng got up and down from the sofa and squatted, and there were some numb feet in the activity.

He raised his fist and gently punched a punch.

“The power boost is small, but it’s a lot faster. It’s like a good guy who has been practicing boxing for years.”

Lu Sheng probably estimated the next, if the previous Thomas, can play one or two punches a second, in a normal level.

So now, he can make three punches in one second. And all are standard jabs.

"The body is also lighter, better, better than I expected. Then, as long as the body is fully adapted to accept this reinforcement, it will continue to improve."

As with other worlds, the strengthening of the power is also a process of necessity. This is an ongoing process that is not completed in one fell swoop.

Lu Sheng estimated the next time, it takes about two days to upgrade the next layer.

"If this is in other worlds, this kind of elementary boxing can be adapted without a long time. What is like here?"

Lu Sheng also understood at this time that the most troublesome place in the world is not in the consumption of the increased power, but in the buffer and strengthening time that the body needs every time he raises.

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