Way of the Devil

Chapter 1097: Denomination one

The shredded footsteps spread slowly at the entrance of the mall.

Lu Sheng walked in front, and Dunn followed the temple. The two had flashlights in their hands, and they took photos from time to time.

Around the lobby on the first floor, rows of shops were ruined, and a lot of messy goods and garbage bags were scattered on the floor tiles.

Some places can still see tiny blood.

"Be careful not to look at the person's face for the first time. As long as you don't alarm them, generally these abnormalities are not dangerous." Tang En said.

"Be careful to protect yourself. I don't have to worry about it here." Lu Sheng said casually.

He walked against the wall for a while, and quickly touched it in a shop, made two sunglasses and threw it to Dunn.

"Don't wear this."

"This is good." Tang En sighed. "It’s so dark and wearing sunglasses, it’s estimated that this will happen."

"Be careful. There is a martyrdom here. We split up and use this link when we meet someone." Lu Sheng touched two walkie-talkies from a digital store and threw it to Dunn.

"The battery is installed by itself, there are a lot of them here." Lu Sheng refers to the index code store counter.

"Is it here at a time?" asked Dunn.

"No, if you don't find it, go directly to the second floor. Of course, if you are afraid, you can wait for me here. Remember to contact at any time." Lu Sheng did not care.

"Are you looking at me at this time? Although I am not as strong as you, but this is courageous!" Tang En's face was somewhat red.

"That's good, let's get started." Lu Sheng put on sunglasses, slammed the walkie-talkie and turned to walk deep into the mall.

Dunn also vomited and took the flashlight to the other side of the passage.

"Remember to tap the intercom every ten minutes." The sound of Lu Sheng suddenly came from the intercom.


"If you don't knock, it means something is wrong, try to be quiet as soon as possible."


In the dark, Lu Sheng squats on the walkie-talkie and puts the stab-resistant gloves on, so that I can hang out slowly.

The mall is large, there are three ring centers on the first floor, and the three rings are linked together to form the first floor of the entire mall.

There are a variety of shops in the mall, but mainly clothes and digital stores, and occasionally mixed with drinks.


Lu Sheng hit an empty can at the foot of the road.

The aluminum cans make a harsh rolling sound in a quiet environment.


Suddenly, the sound came to an abrupt end.

Lu Sheng passed through the ink and saw the cans colliding in the darkness, a figure standing on the door of a shop.

The figure did not move and faced him. It seems to be watching him.

I can't see each other's faces through sunglasses, but this strange feeling is obviously a strange anomaly.

Lu Sheng and Dunn can't tell whether they are alive or dead, called anomalies. This is a temporary title.

After all, they can't find more appropriate adjectives at a time to describe these strange existences.

Lu Sheng stayed in the footsteps and calmly looked at each other's feet.

This person does not feel any heartbeat, breathing, pulse or even blood flow.

It is as if it does not exist, it is empty.

After a while, Lu Sheng slowly moved. Going in the distance.

He walked gently for a while and found that the man did not move, and he stepped up slightly and continued to go further.

At this time, a billboard erected in front of a shop blocked his sight.

Just for a moment, after crossing the billboard, Lu Sheng could not see the figure.

Spit a sigh, Lu Sheng looked around and looked around, then took out the phone and looked at the time. It was almost ten minutes. He turned on the intercom and tapped it.

There was also a knocking sound back there.

Turn off the machine, and Lu Sheng took a circle and picked up a new digital store.


The glass door seems to be somewhat deficient in lubrication, and the joints emit a slight rubbing sound.

In this quiet and dark environment, such a little bit of sound is also slightly harsh.

There is no one in the store. The things in the counter were still quietly placed in the same place, no one moved.

Lu Sheng began to look up and quickly found a bunch of batteries of various models. He immediately turned over a plastic bag and put it all on.

"Who!" Suddenly there was a rush of low drink at the door of the store.

It seems to be a woman.

Lu Sheng moves a meal. Look up and look at the door.

Through the sunglasses you can see something in the hands of a tall and thin figure, slowly entering the store.

"Someone?" He smiled and put down his hand.

"Living?" He tried to ask.

"Who are you?!?" There was a lot of vigilance in the woman's voice. Nothing is relaxed because he is the same living person.

"I have passed by here, come in and look for it, see if there are survivors." Lu Sheng answered truthfully.

"What about finding it?" The woman whispered. "Okay, now, roll right away, leave here!"

"Friend, don't be nervous, I am not malicious. Do you know there are other survivors here? Or are you one?"

"I don't want to say the second time, now, immediately! Roll right away!!" The woman snapped.

"Don't be nervous, friend, I am not malicious, I just happened to pass by here."

"Roll!! Why don't you understand people?"


The firearms opened the sound of insurance.

The smile on Lu Sheng’s face slowly disappeared.

"Friend, you need to relax."

Hey! !

He stepped forward, his gun on his shoulder, and his right elbow on his woman's neck.

Then mix the right leg and put the person down directly.


He stepped on the woman's lower abdomen.

Oh! ! !

A coherent movement, the woman couldn't keep up with the defense, and had no time to react. She was screamed on the spot.

“Research shows that relaxation after pain is more conducive to physical and mental health.” Lu Sheng removed his foot and grabbed the woman's hair and lifted it up.

Although he did not add any strength, it was accompanied by a little improvement, which was enough to increase the strength of this body.

"Now, can you relax?" Lu Sheng smiled at the woman's face.

The woman was pumping hard, her hands were on her stomach, and her forehead was full of sweat.

"You, this guy,"

The gun in her hand had already fallen to the ground in the previous hit. At this time, compared with the body shape that wins the road, there is no way to fight back.


The woman did not know where to touch a dagger, and licked the road to the side of the neck.

Before she met someone, she felt her wrists smashed and was broken by a huge force on the spot.

"I am fighting with you!!" She bite to Lu Sheng in a crazy way.


It is a pity that Lu Sheng once again beat her on the lower abdomen.

"Come on, kid, tell me now, what is your name? Are there other people nearby?" Lu Sheng asked with a smile.

The woman was so painful that she bent and vomited. But except for some stomach acid and saliva, nothing spit out.

"You can't think about it!!" The woman struggled to squeeze a word.

Lu Sheng was about to open, and suddenly there was a sting. He jerked to the left side.

boom! !

A gunshot, the bullet passed through the position he had previously stood on, hitting the wall in front of the store, and slamming an acoustic shell on the spot to make a large crack.


Another shot was fired. Lu Sheng’s wrist felt a pain, and immediately released the woman’s hand and stepped back. Avoid the bullets that hit his wrist.

Awkwardly, the woman fell to the ground, but immediately turned and jumped up and ran towards the gunshot.

Hey! !

The continuous bullets made the shop in front of Lu Sheng a broken piece.

The glass on the counter fell and shattered, and the electrical digital items inside were smashed and scattered.

After more than a minute, the gunshot suddenly stopped.

Lu Sheng stood in the same place, and his body was unscathed. After looking around for a circle, he smiled and walked out of the store and chased in a direction in the dark.

Luo Fei ran wildly, and the pain in the lower abdomen swept the whole body in a wave, but she did not dare to stop.

Just if my sister had fired support, she was afraid that she would stay there completely today.

The two sisters ran silently, and their soles were muted, tied with special materials, and there was no sound running.

Although he has been far away from the man just now, Lofi is still beating with a heart, and there is a trace of severe pain in his mind.

The two quickly ran into a temporary passage leading to the bathroom.

The two sisters panted together against the wall and gasped.

"Sister, is it okay?" sister Lorraine couldn't help but ask.

"Also okay" Lofi squatted down, she felt that her stomach hurt so badly, a trace of blood and water slowly oozing out of her trousers, the air can faintly ask the **** smell.

"I am coming to the holiday!" Lofi was sweating.

"Damn! Sister, you didn't arrive in time, it must be the guy!" Lorraine hurried.

"Go back to get the medicine first!" Lofi barely stood up, and suddenly she saw the passage into the mouth, and there was a hint of shadow that was getting closer and closer.

"Go!" She was in a hurry, pulling her sister and rushing again.

"Why are you running?" Suddenly the two women rushed up on the side of the figure and steadily blocked the two from going.

It’s a road victory!

He turned around in an instant, and his right hand caught the pistol that Roland had just touched. A sweep of the right leg.

Hey! ! !

The two men were swept in one leg by him, then vacated and fell to the ground.

"game over."

Lu Sheng turned his hand into a pistol and sneaked it into his pocket.

The two women on the ground had a cough, as if they had to cough out of the lungs, and climbed up from the ground.

"Who are you! What do you want?!" Loffey glared at her chest.

"I just came to ask for a way." Lu Sheng smiled. "You have reacted too much. It is not my business."

"You just wanted to kill me?!" Lofi erased the blood of his mouth. "Are you crazy??"

"Your sister is sweeping me with a gun." Lu Sheng retorted. "I am just just defending."

He turned on the flashlight, and the light beam fell on the front of the two people, dazzling.

"Let's find a place to rest."

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