Way of the Devil

Chapter 1102: Strike two

"Go back. It's not far from our place." Lofi whispered.

"Well." Lu Sheng nodded, but unconsciously, he moved to the interior of the church. Through the spacious hall door, he could see that there was something transparent in it.

The people returned all the way and rested in the villa.

Originally thought that it would take some weeks for someone to contact. I didn't expect it to be just the afternoon of the third day.

The people of Isis are here.

Lu Sheng is standing on the lawn and standing under the flower tree.

The most important part of the practice of assassination is meditation, and in the way of meditation, standing is the most important means.

In the process of quietly listening to your own heartbeat, you can abandon the external influence and only look at the inner self.

This is the best way to adjust state practice for the assassination system that is designed to completely control itself.

The Loffey sisters accompanied Anne to read in the villa.

Dunn was lying on the grass for a nap.


Suddenly a clear electric ringing came from the gate.

"Someone ringed the doorbell." Lu Sheng opened his eyes. Look at the gate at the first time.

Dunn climbed up as soon as he turned over, and the Lofi three quickly came out from the inside and looked at the door.

Outside the gates where everyone is watching, through the rusty iron gates, a tall figure with black robes on his body is standing quietly outside the door.

The figure is lowered, and half of the face is wearing a black cloth mask. It is not too hot, and it is wrapped tightly.

Lu Sheng walked quickly to the front door and pressed the door open button.

The iron gate is folded to the left.

"Is it yours to leave the mark?" A hoarse voice came from under the mask.

"It's us." Lofi came close to Anne.

"Annie" figure actually met Annie, and the tone softened. Although he could not see his expression, he could imagine that he must be smiling at this time.

"Uncle Wenling!" Anne exclaimed, her face showing a sweet smile, breaking Lofi's hand and rushing toward the other side.

The man seemed to be afraid of the things on his body that hurt the girl. Later, he took a step back and held some metal parts on the black robe with his hands.

"Uncle, I miss you!" Annie leaned her face against the man's shoulder.

"I miss you Annie too." The man softly said. After he calmed down the little guy, he looked at Lu Sheng and his party.

"Do you want to treat your friends and family?"

"Can you?" Tang En asked quickly.

"I don't know, but I can take you to the church branch. There, you will get tested." The man named Winrington sighed.

"What kind of test?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Infection test." Winrington swept away and saw Lu Sheng. Suddenly my eyes changed. "You don't have to go, you are already infected. And you!" He pointed to Dunn.

Tang En changed his face and wanted to talk.

"Don't explain, you both have eaten the food made by the ghosts, or they are too close to them. I can smell the rotten smell in your body so far." Wenlington was cold.

"I" Dunn has nothing to say, he not only ate the food, but also ate for six years.

"After you leave yourself in contact with the closest ghost, it will be completely transformed into the same ghost in two months." Wenlington calmed. "I have seen too many such examples."

"Then we?" Lorraine asked quickly.

"You are fine." Wenrington glanced at the Lofi sisters. "You can follow me in a moment."

"What do we do then?" Dunn couldn't help but cried.

"Wait for death." Wenrington replied coldly. "I would like to advise you, there are still four days, there will be a change here, if you do not want to die early, you will change places."

Lu Sheng stood on the side and no longer spoke.

The Lofi sisters and Annie quickly left with Winrington.

Before leaving, Anne secretly made a look at Lu Sheng, and she seemed to have her own thoughts.

Lu Sheng estimated that she might sneak out to find herself afterwards.

But the key now is that Winrington actually judges that the two of them are infected.

In the big villa, only Lu Sheng and Dunn were left.

"Damn, I am still a normal person! Why do he think I am infected?" Dunn's indignant hand was inserted into his hair, frustrated.

"We need more information about this sect. Go to the survivors." Lu Sheng suggested.

"Well? Why? If we eat and drink, we can hold it for a long time, but other people are different." Dunn disagreed.

"You can't come." Lu Sheng faint. He suddenly remembered the gray-black mucus that had vomited before.

Perhaps this Wenlington is true.

Lu Sheng turned and walked toward the villa.

"Go to him!" Tang En turned back and followed.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng and Dunn searched around for survivors. Unfortunately, all the people around it seem to have evacuated in advance. No one except them.

Lu Sheng continued to kill the magical stream and lifted it to the fifth stage. The five paragraphs have already belonged to the level of small masters in the stream of fantasy. Physical fitness After a long period of exercise, great progress has been made in speed, explosiveness, and precision.

Lu Sheng feels more and more, the world seems to have a great phenomenon associated with the power of nothingness.

The key point he thought was that the existence was equal to the ghost that did not exist.

But on the fourth day, Wenling’s change was finally coming. This is also the road that Lu Sheng wants to confirm and contact.

At night.

Lu Sheng lie on the big bed and breathe smoothly. His eyes are closed. He seems to be sleeping, but he is actually meditating.

It is impossible to replace sleep with meditation, but it can greatly shorten the sleep time. After all, in this world where crisis can occur at any time, the state of meditation can respond to threats in a more timely manner.

On weekdays, he will complete meditation at around four in the middle of the night, and then sleep for three hours from four to seven.

But this time it was only less than an hour before lying down, and Lu Sheng felt an inexplicable sleepiness rushing into his heart.

Unconsciously, he slowly fell asleep and slept deeper.

There was silence in the bedroom, only the slight breathing of his voice.

Time passed slowly, I don't know how long it used to be.

Suddenly a stream of air slowly poured into the door lock.


The door was gently twisted.

The wooden door slowly opened as if it was only blown away by the wind. It seems that there is something invisible, and it is quietly entering Lu Sheng’s bedroom.


A cold wind blew through.

Lu Sheng slammed openly, and stood in front of the bed with a white-haired old man with a blue face and a smile.

His eyes were distorted and seemed to have been spent. The old man’s sudden disappearance disappeared and he could no longer see it.


He quickly got up, supported his body and looked around.

Just a moment ago, he seemed to see the grandmother of this body Thomas, and stood at the bed and looked at him.


Lu Sheng took a quilt out of bed and saw that the room door was shaking with the wind, I don't know when it was opened.

He stood up and his face dignified.

He didn't wake up naturally, but suddenly felt that a great danger was approaching, the body hidden deep in the heart of the body, and issued a strong warning reminder, which brought him back from his sleep.

"Sure enough, that Wellington didn't make a mistake, and the fourth day was really troublesome."

Lu Sheng looked around and found no movement.

He recalled the scene he had just seen, and now there are some heart contracts. The inexplicable sense of danger spurred him to sleep at all.

"I have to go see Dunn!" He quickly put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom to the other bedroom on the second floor.

Just arrived at the door, gently push, Tang En's door will automatically open, making a soft response.

Lu Sheng looked a condensate and looked inside through the open door.

Dunn was facing him, standing quietly in front of the bedroom window, the window was wide, and he seemed to be looking up at the moon.

The faint white gauze was sprinkled with moonlight, and a thin white light was cast on him.

"Don?" Lu Sheng screamed softly.

Did not respond.

He felt a bad meal and suddenly felt bad. He rushed in a few steps.

Dunn slowly turned back.

His eyes, nose and ears were all blood flowing down, and the thin blood line dripped down his chin on his chest, and the upper body was wet.

When the eyes looked at the road, it seemed to be crying, and it seemed to be a pair of empty holes, nothing.


Lu Sheng rushed up and grabbed Dunn's shoulder.

Hey! !

Suddenly, a huge force was beaten from the front on his chest and abdomen.

Lu Sheng snorted and flew out on the spot, slamming into the wooden door of the bedroom and breaking the door directly.

"What the hell!" He quickly climbed up and let it go, just in the position he had just left, and it was a loud noise.

There seems to be something heavy on the broken door panel, and the planks are completely shredded into slag.

There seems to be something invisible in the air that whirls around.

Lu Sheng relies on the perception of airflow and flies around.

The invisible enemy seems to be very large, and almost the entire bedroom is full of his reach.

Lu Sheng did not dare to stop at any moment, and he could hear the sound of whistling at any time and anywhere.

Fortunately, the body of the five-stage assassination boxing is much stronger than before.

Several tumblings in succession. He left the room and went to the small hall on the second floor.

Picking up the machete that was prepared before the prevention from the corner of the small hall, Lu Sheng suddenly slammed one side and saw the squat to the right.

Hey! !

There seems to be something in the air that has been cut off and dropped.


The air is rapidly tightening, as if it was quickly pulled over by some great force.

Lu Sheng stepped forward again, chopping his knife forward and going from the top to the next.


A tactile sensation that is cut into the real thing is fed back from the knife.


The wind is raging, and there seems to be something in the air that is roaring and shaking.

Tang En was bloody, and at this time he finally took the opportunity to rush out of the room and ran downstairs.

"Flee!" He struggled to win the road.

Lu Sheng did not say anything, one turned over from the second floor and immediately rushed to the front of Tang En.

The two quickly rushed out of the villa, rushed out of the lawn under the night, and ran to a commercial street hundreds of meters away from the villa. There was no movement behind it, and it stopped.

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