Way of the Devil

Chapter 1107: Head-up

"Is he also a family? I am very glad to meet you, my name is Casa." The knight-like blond man smiled and stepped forward, reaching out and holding the hand.

Lu Sheng shook his head inexplicably: "Sorry, I am not a double person, my companion is."

"Well?" The blond man, Casa, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly his face was less enthusiastic. Although he still maintained a basic sense of courtesy, he was obviously not interested in Lu Sheng compared to the beginning.

"Although my brother is not a double person, but his strength is much stronger than me." Dunn tried to help Lu Sheng pull the impression points.

But Casa just shook his head and stopped talking.

The indifferent woman on the side is even more self-introduced.

"It's not that I have any discrimination, but in this world, not a double person, maybe it will die in a few days. The uncertainty here is too dangerous."

He means very obvious, if it is not a double person, you should not introduce me again. I am not interested in knowing.

But this is more euphemistic,

Lu Sheng heard the meaning, smiled and stopped talking, turned to the fire, and carefully looked at the world's burning bonfire.

He tried it many times before, and there was no way to ignite the flame.

Dunn was a little embarrassed, but also with a trace of worry. He is not a fool, but he also sees that Casa is not interested in non-doubles.

"In fact, if it wasn't my brother before, I might have died in the real world, so"

"I understand what you mean, rest assured." Casa smiled and patted him on the shoulder. After he learned about the position of Lu Sheng in the heart of Dunn, he changed it slightly.

Seeing the eye wins, he asked the temperature and asked: "Want to know how the bonfire is burning?"

Lu Sheng shook his head. He felt the warmth from this flame, but only warm, no sense of scalping, and completely different from the normal bonfire.

"Let's talk, let me go to rest." He said he was too lazy to pay attention to the two men. After explaining the sentence with Tang En, he walked to the corner and closed his eyes to enter the static state.

Dunn could only talk a little with Casa. Casa seems to be ignorant of Lu Sheng's rudeness. He obviously wants Dunn to go with him and join his team.

But Dunn does not seem to want to leave the city.

Lu Sheng was listening to the stalemate of the two of you, and noticed a word. Guide.

Dunn seems to call the old woman Angela the leader.

This seems to be a very special role, and both of them seem to be accustomed to it.

This role seems to be an important role in providing logistics, treatment and recovery.

Lu Sheng listened for a while, and saw that they gradually regarded themselves as transparent people. Without fear, they would not pay too much attention and began to completely enter the retreat.

At the beginning, perhaps they chatted, there are a lot of valuable things, especially about the action mode of the double people, almost the same as the players who know the road.

In the tone of Casa, it seems that the two people and all other creatures are divided into two groups.

It seems that only the double people can be counted in their eyes, and the rest are not counted.

This kind of high-level feeling that he did not pay much attention to himself, made Lu Sheng slightly uncomfortable.

Not long after, Casa went out with Dunn. The indifferent woman sat down and rested quietly. She completely did not exist when the road wins, and took care of her own long bow and darts.

Lu Shengjing sat for a while, stood up and began to slowly practice assassination.

He is agile, silent, and practicing boxing in the dark corners. There is really no sense of existence.

The woman looked at her eyes and shook her head and screamed and continued to maintain the weapon.

Although the boxing method is useful, it is a skill created by people. In the face of those strange monsters, it is impossible to grasp.

Soon, Dunn’s body slowly emerged from the bonfire. He was groggy in his tattered black robe, and he seemed to have not recovered from the screams and panic.

"Rely! What sneaked on Laozi!!" Dunn finally did not hold a word, and yelled out.

"What about Casa?" The woman stood up and whispered.

"Casa is still playing with that stuff, my eyes are a flower, I found myself dead when I saw nothing." Tang Enxin was unwilling.

"Reassure, Casa is very strong, there will be no problem." The woman faintly said.

"You should have listened to him about the activation of the species? How? If you join our team, we can provide you with an activation species for free." She looked at Dunn calmly.

"The species of activation can really hatch all kinds of magical and powerful weapons and armor?" Dunn did not immediately answer, but asked the specific circumstances of the thing before he fell into thinking.

The woman did not care about the road victory.

"The more the number of species activated, the stronger the equipment will be. The only thing that happens to die is that the activated species will be completely destroyed and the incubation process will be broken.

So you need a team to help you accumulate more activations. And our Sunbird team is your best choice. ”

"Can I be with my brother? If he can also have a kind of activation," Tang En hesitated.

"Unfortunately." The woman shook her head slightly. "It’s not a double person. Even if you get the double equipment, you can’t wear it. You can’t use it.”

"Don't worry about me." Lu Sheng noticed the eyes of Dunn moving. "How to develop the best for you, then choose that."

"But" Dunn is still hesitating.

"Go, wait for you to become stronger, and then completely decide your future life." Lu Sheng calmed.

Dunn finally decided to act with Casa, which is also the advice of Lu Sheng. He did not understand the Duo, and he could meet Tang En and help him grow faster.

Casa happened to stay in the city for a while, and he seemed to be coming over to search for something.

Just by the way, take Dunn out and exercise. According to what he said, at least a dozen times a day to die, in order to be considered in place.

This guy seems to be taking this kind of behavior as a deadly act.

Early the next morning.

Lu Sheng had eaten the remaining instant noodles and began to formally prepare to break through the next stage.

Dunn was taken out early to participate in the battle.

According to his own message, Casa and Shaman found their target, a huge beetle that looked weird.

They are trying to find the weakness of this beetle. This action happened to bring Tang En together to gain insights.

The old woman of Angela is still sitting alone in the corner, as if the gods are praying for something.

Lu Sheng ate a few packets of instant noodles and drank a bottle of pure water. Then leave the basement and go out to find another safe place to break through.

There is an Angela here, and Dunn and others may come back at any time. In order to prevent exposure to some of his details, he plans to find another safe place to bury.


Lu Sheng tore off the seal on the door of an office building.

He yanked the rusted pole and plunged it from the semi-closed iron gate.

The iron gate has been in disrepair for a long time, and it has become rusted. It is estimated that even before the Cataclysm, there is no gray area for anyone.


As soon as he entered the door, a piece of wood that leaned against the inside of the iron door suddenly fell off and fell to the ground, making a muffled sound.

Lu Sheng paused and looked up at the four-story office building in front of him.

The entire building is leaking everywhere, the windows have no glass, and the walls are all plaques and plaques that fall off the wall.

Even the entire building, from afar, has a slight sense of skewness.

"If there are no ones before the Cataclysm, then there is a lower probability of ghosts. Let’s look at it first."

He raised his vigilance and walked towards the entrance of the building.

The basement is no longer suitable for him. He urgently needs an equally safe and stable private space.

Stepping into the office building from the main entrance, the walls of the lobby on the first floor are full of red patches of blood.

Although it is the real world, it also gives him a feeling of a painful world.

He often guessed that the painful world of the mother of pain may have rooted in such a world.

Walking down the hall to the elevator, half of the metal door of the elevator was broken, and the dark air was blown out inside.

"It seems that it can't be used." Lu Sheng swept the red light on the side of his eye.

At least it is a miracle to have electricity.

Turning the corner, he walked in along the main entrance of the stairwell.

In the narrow stairwells, the walls and the corners of the ground, there are all kinds of messy patterns painted with red dye.

The glaring dark red combined with twisted symbols and patterns gives an uncomfortable visual stimulus.

Lu Sheng walked slowly to the second floor.

There are eight rooms on the second floor corridor. Four on the left and four on the right.

In the middle is the stairway.

He came out of the stairs and looked at the room on the left. There seems to be some subtle movements.


Lu Sheng puts light footsteps and slowly approaches the room where the sound is coming out.

From his direction, follow the book, the third row, the left room. The sound is coming from there.

Lu Sheng was close to the past, only to find that the door of the room was half open, and the sound coming from inside was clearer.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It seems to be the sound of something like a clockwork prop.

Lu Sheng stood at the door and gently pushed open the half-open door.

Looking inside the gap of the door, you can see four children, who are about seven or eight years old, sitting together in a circle, playing with the toys in their hands.

The sound is coming from their hands. What they play in their hands is the kind of simple mechanical toy that can be wound up.

Lu Sheng noticed that these four children could not see their faces, and they all bowed their heads. The skin is whiter and somewhat translucent.

He was quiet, slowly pulled the door, stepped back, and stepped away from the room.


Suddenly he had a back and seemed to have hit something.

It seems to be a short man, dressed in thick clothes, standing behind him motionless.

Lu Sheng suddenly did not move, bowed his eyes and looked at the feet of the descendants.

The other pair wore a pair of gray-white sneakers, which seemed to be the style worn by the children.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and slowly stepped forward, then walked slowly toward the stairway.

The short man behind him still didn't move, it seemed to stop at the place.

Lu Sheng had walked into the stairwell and was relieved.

Sure enough, like the white knights, these ghosts will not attack you as long as you don't provoke them.

There was trouble on the second floor, and Lu Sheng had to give up and go back to the first floor.

On the first floor, in addition to the elevator, there is a separate square small room guard room.

There was only a single bed in the guardhouse, a small table, and some messy things on the table.

Lu Sheng went in and took out the sheets of the big bed and shook it. Put it back. Then sit up with the clothes and a plate.

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