Way of the Devil

Chapter 111: Desperate world one

"Yes. You two." Lu Sheng went to the side of the two cages and reached out and squeezed the lock.

With a bang, the cage was smashed on the spot.

The rest of the people were sluggish on the spot and they saw their eyes straightened. Is this the strength that people can play?

The double people have seen many of them. They are just ordinary people who have all kinds of magical equipment.

The power of the double man is not to die. But absolutely no one can pull the thick lock of the finger directly, just like the man in front of him.

Lu Sheng is no matter what other people think, he pulled the cage door and released the two.

"I am very optimistic about you." Lu Sheng took a picture of the shoulder of this man and a woman. "I will follow me later. I am planning to establish a genre, but I still have a lot of people, but before that, look at your qualifications."

"You are free, casual!" The man hurriedly said that his body was quite strong, he was a black man, his hair was only left in the inch, and there were no other shortcomings besides the ugliness of the five senses.

At this point, I saw the ability of Lu Sheng to break the lock, and suddenly understood that the other party was not a mental illness, but an expert who might have the ability. His heart was hot.

In this troubled world, learn to earn a living and be stronger than anything else.

For a time, his sight on Lu Sheng also became hot.

Lu Sheng reached out on his head and on his neck, pressing it quickly and lightningly.

"Qualification is good. Above normal people, see your performance, I can consider teaching you some foreign martial arts."

He confessed to the sentence, regardless of the black man's disappointing expression, and looked at the woman on the side.

This woman is also a wonderful woman, and her body is just like a bamboo pole. She is very skinny and has almost no meat on her hands and feet, let alone chest.

It feels like a big head supported by several wooden sticks.

"What do you think of me?" She also saw that Lu Sheng was a real person, and she was looking forward to waiting for Lu Sheng to check.

Lu Sheng quickly pressed a few times on her body.

"It’s almost worse than the last one. I can only learn the outside door.” He shook his head in disappointment.

However, it can be understood that where ordinary people have such a good chance, they can easily meet qualified disciples.

Next, he put all the people present at the scene, and in the process of releasing, he checked the qualifications of a total of 16 people present.

Finally he found a seedling.

A man named Jackson, the qualification is the best of the group, barely enough to practice his magic flow improvement boxing.

What is even more rare is that this man is also proficient in the six languages ​​and has the genius of three professional doctorates in physics, engineering and mechanical application.

This Jackson also has an identity, that is, the graduate student of the old man Buck.

After a group of people were liberated, they began to quickly clean up the mess at the entire gas station.

The two bodies were dragged out by them and thrown into the wilderness.

The woman started cleaning with a bucket and a rag. Men collect food and check that the various equipment tools are in good condition.

To the surprise of Lu Sheng, this small gas station actually has solar generators, wind generators, and a small breeding garden behind it, or a greenhouse.

The old man, Buck, still doesn't know where to move out of a large box of weapons and arms, including even heavy-duty machine guns.

Looking at a group of people busy, Lu Sheng and Buck sat down at the gas station's door and took a break.

"How? Is it good here?" Old Buck asked with a smile.

“Simple self-sufficiency is good, but the ability to withstand danger is still too weak.” Lu Sheng shook his head.

"I also know that those monsters are not people to fight at all. Otherwise why should I choose to establish a base in this wilderness." Buck was helpless.

"Do you know which monsters?" Lu Sheng asked.

"If you say the corpse princess, Fadien and the like, I can tell you clearly, I have seen it, and have escaped under their hands more than once." Buck reluctantly said.

"This kind of monster is invincible in itself, so you can only find out their defects and evade them."

"Oh? Do you have any experience in this area?" Lu Sheng was a little surprised.

"Well, I have also entered the painful perception. That place is simply not a person. So I can understand why the double people are treated so much. Because only they can survive in that bad and strange environment. All kinds of monsters." Buck sighed.

"So you plan to stay here and hide here?" Lu Sheng asked.

"No?" Buck is also helpless.

"Which is the nearest gathering place?" Lu Sheng asked again.

"It's Shad. A small gathering place, the leader Clark is an arms dealer. Many of my weapons are bought from him," Buck explained.

At this time, the people who sorted out the stock came out.

"Boss, old buck, we have four days left for food. The things in the greenhouse are ruined by the two bad kinds of Victor. We must think about other ways."

Lu Sheng is also somewhat distressed.

The world is too dangerous and strange. If you want to find the traces and whereabouts left by your relatives here, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on his own strength. It is necessary to establish a stronghold, integrate the power of all people, and use the power of the living to search everywhere. This is only possible.

"Let's find someone for a while, draw me a map of the nearest gathering point. I need to buy something." Lu Sheng finally decided. I have to act as soon as possible and buy more people back.

"I have bought the purchase, what do you need?" Old Buck wondered.

"I checked it, I don't want you here, not enough."

Lu Sheng made a decision.

Old Buck opened his mouth and vaguely felt that Lu Sheng was going to do something very troublesome.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, before the sky was dark, Lu Sheng drove to the Shad gathering place that Buck said.

He traveled along the road, about twenty kilometers away, to the so-called Shad gathering place.


Lu Sheng closed the door and looked at the white house on the right side across the road.

Subtle vocals came out of the seemingly uninhabited housing area.

"Is it all underground?" He tightened his gloves, jumped off the road, stepped on the flat grass, and walked toward the white house area.

"Stand up!" A black barrel was struck out of the window of a house, aiming at Lu Sheng.

"If you want to come in, pay the door fee first!" A bearded man shouted far away from the road.

Lu Sheng looked up and rushed forward. The body is close to the muzzle.



Hey! !

Dunn was smashed by a huge beetle, and slammed into the wall on the side like a sack. On the spot, a blood spurted out.

Under Kasala, a large sword was lifted, and the big step of the squat stepped on the beetle.

Hey! !

The giant sword smashed into the gap between the three-meter-high white giant beetle carapace. A large amount of black lines blasted from the wound and quickly spread to the beetle.

A large piece of white pulp emerged from the crack in the gap.

"It can't last long! Come on!" Casa yelled. Keep a hand shield in front of you.

Hey! !

The beetle has a hind foot just on his hand shield.

The huge force slammed his arm on the spot and the fracture broke.

In the distance, a cold arrow smashed into the left eye of the beetle. In the twinkling of an eye, a large white arc is erupted from the end of the arrow.


The beetle screamed in pain and became more crazy.

Casa went up and took the opportunity to stab a few swords in the gap of the beetle. A large amount of white plasma flows out.

The beetle struggled for a while, finally failed, slowly fell to the ground, no sound.

Casa and the brunette women began to pack up the spoils.

On the side of Dunn also climbed up and walked to the two.

"This is the third one. The nearby white beetle is cleaned up. The brain of the white beetle can stimulate our activation equipment and carry out the next evolutionary enhancement. Your activation is also useful." Casa introduced to Dunn. .

"Well!" Dunn nodded.

"Casa." The woman in black suddenly made a noise. "I just saw the trace of the corpse princess in the vicinity. We have to leave here as soon as possible."

"The corpse princess" Casa sucked a cold breath. "That really has to leave as soon as possible."

"What happened? Are we not afraid of death for the two people? How can we fear other monsters?" Dunn was a bit surprised.

"Some monsters are absolutely invincible, invincible, and beyond the limits. The corpse princess is like this. If you don't want to be killed, if you are resurrected and still weak for a month, then it is best to follow us. Said Casa.

"In addition, when I was on guarding the patrol, I was still facing three women." The woman in black screamed.

"The three women are in trouble. The mental pollution is too serious, flexible and powerful. It is more difficult to kill. Try not to provoke it." Casa nodded.

"What do we do now?" asked Dunn.

"Go to Fadion. Our goal is to come out and find Fadion. Solve him completely." Casa took a breath and spit it out.

"Fadien is harder to kill, but it does not mean killing. If you take off your equipment and prepare four or five activated weapons, you can almost kill them. Although they are powerful, flexibility is traceable. ""

"Is that the French Emperor I met before?" asked Dunn.

"Yes. That's the end."

"Let's go, I have cleaned up a few big girls nearby, and I will go straight to the induction point." The black woman came out.

Casa nodded and moved his lower arm, just the broken arm, which had healed at this time.



Lu Sheng was sitting on the tiger's leather seat of Shad's leader Clark, and looked at the two men and one woman who were shaking in front of him.

These three are the actual rulers of this gathering place.

An old man with a yellow hair and a bald head is the old man Clark here.

Another man and a woman are his assistants and mistresses.

"All the supplies, all in the warehouse, only those." Clark shivered.

"Is it enough for everyone to support a month? How did you come over before?" Lu Sheng was impatient and knocked on the table.

Clark was shocked by the sound of his knock on the table.

"Before I used to catch the rats around me, the bugs went out to hunt."

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