Way of the Devil

Chapter 18: Change three

Three heads hold their eyebrows and stunned.

The decapitated knife forest flooded Zhang Dazui, looked at the head of the man who rolled down on the ground, and looked at the road victory standing in the same place.

The autumn wind was bleak, and a fine ash on the ground was blown slightly.

For a time, three people did not speak.

Lu Sheng did not expect it at all. The opposite of this cargo seemed to be bullish, even though he was only a tempted knives and did not escape.

The three heads were scared, and the legs began to tremble now.

Lin Hong was totally unpredictable. The knife that was just now was actually made by Lu Sheng, a young boy with no hair on his mouth.


He suddenly laughed, but this smile was a bit embarrassing.

"Let's find another one...."


The knife light flashed, this time is three heads.

Lu Sheng’s figure was staggered from the front of the three heads, and it was sprayed with a pool of blood.

The heads of the three heads are gone. Rolling a few times on the ground, hitting a pile of coke did not move.

Lu Sheng shook the blood on the knife.

There is a burning sensation in my heart.

"This is killing, this is the knife! This is the legendary disagreement, drawing the sword!"

He clenched the long knife, this ordinary, the blade with only the long and short silver long white knife, in his hand as the most intimate comrade-in-arms partner.

A faint sense of strangeness emerged from the bottom of the road. Suddenly he felt like he had put himself in the martial arts novels he had seen.

An unclear boiling, constantly burning in his heart.

"Come on! Kill me either, or the two wastes on the ground."

Lu Sheng liked this feeling. His eyes were a little red, and his dry lips were swept away, step by step toward the forest flood.

"You guy!!"

The forest flood face gradually became angry.

He held the thick-back machete in both hands and greeted Lu Sheng striding.


The silver swallow suddenly reappeared, and Lu Sheng cut it out.

Although the swallow chasing knife is only an introduction, but under the mastery of the black tiger knife method to the knife, the power is quite good.


But this knife was blocked by Lin Feng.

"I recognize this trick....Swallows copy the water, the swallows chase the wind knife....." He sneered. "In that year, I even hacked the original owner of this knife method, let alone your little fart baby!"

He tried hard and set a long knife that won the road.

The machete blade turned over, with a strong force, slanting from bottom to top.

This splash of water in the style of the sword is his tried and tested style. Each time he makes this move, the opponent either evades or has to be forced to hit him hard.

Lu Sheng stood on one side, flashed the machete, and the long knife in his hand made the Swallows chasing the knife and fight with each other.

The two men fought fiercely in the center of the backyard.

Lin Hong’s knife is heavy, and a big knife makes it like a sledgehammer. It’s very powerful. When you touch it, you can feel the arm numb.

The road wins faster and has higher endurance. From time to time, relying on the swallow's chasing knife, the other side slams and provokes the other side.

Both of them are actually very fast, much faster than the two heads and three heads.

But such a speed of the knife is only normal for the two.

Lu Sheng will breathe the knives for dozens of strokes and complete the whole one, which still can't take advantage of it.

The other side of the forest flood is still alive and kicking, and the strength is amazing.


The two knives hit another two times.

Lu Sheng took a careless foot and stepped on a piece of crisp wood and lost his balance.

Lin Hong’s eyes lit up and the machete suddenly went all out.

"Give me death!!"

He wants to turn this abominable boy into two! He actually dared to kill two heads and three heads in front of him.

This hatred does not report, who will dare to go to his brothers in the future! ?

The machete with a weird vibration, from top to bottom, smashed toward the road to win the brain.

The core of the heart-breaking method of the wind-knife method is that it can increase the power of the big knife that has been cut out through special force-making techniques.

This made the forest flood that was originally of great strength, and the strength on the knife was even more amazing.

The machete fell to the road and fell.


At this moment, Lu Sheng’s body was positive, and he stood firm in an instant, and his long knife trembled rapidly, suddenly bursting into a fuzzy howling.

Roar! ! !

It is a tiger! !

Lu Sheng binocular red, black tiger knife method in the tiger cub suddenly emerged.

The blade with great vibration and explosive power fell to the arms of Lin Feng's knife. The speed of this knife is faster and more embarrassing than the chopper!

"You dare!!" Suddenly a roar sounded from the gap outside the yard.

In a flash, a black shadow spurred and hit the side of the road knife.


It was a gray stone.

The second brave man with a thick-backed machete jumped into the yard.

This man has a chin from his forehead and has two cross scars that look awkward.

"Big Brother!!"

The flood of the forest flood that had just been caused by the black tiger knife method had a slow response, and was almost cut off by Lu Sheng.

At this point, he took the opportunity to quickly close the knife, and the large cold sweat on his face leaked out. Obviously scared enough.

"This baby makes the black tiger knife method, it is not easy to deal with! Someone rushed over, together, solve him!"

Lin Shuanghuo looked at the two bodies on the ground and sighed.

"it is good!"

The two brothers split into two heads and rushed over to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng is not afraid, the black tiger knife method is a trick to make the tiger, the knife is much thicker than the swallow chasing knife.

Dacheng's black tiger knife method is amazingly powerful. He has two steps for each knife and he has to save the other side.

In a short period of time, one stroke of Tiger Wei was made by him for 17 consecutive times!


Throughout the yard, he screamed again and again, and the two brothers joined forces, and they were only able to make a tie with Lu Sheng.

Their knives have no chance to compete with Lu Sheng. Every time they make half of them, they are forced to fight back.

So fiercely fighting the half-column incense, Lin Shuanghuo could not stand it. Taking a step back, taking advantage of the gap that his brother temporarily blocked, he reached out and took out a paper bag from his arms.



The paper bag was chopped by Lu Sheng, and a large amount of lime powder was scattered inside.

He was taken aback and slammed his eyes shut.

I can't think too much, the last one is a tiger, and I am crazy.

Roar! !

Another shout sounded.

Hey! !

This time, Lu Sheng’s long knife couldn’t be avoided, and the two machetees were facing each other.

After a while, the long knife is broken directly, and it is rotated and inserted into the surface from the side.

But the Tigers are the strongest move of the Black Tigers, and the strength and speed are not to be underestimated.

The machete in the hands of Lin Feng and the two people was also shocked and relaxed.

"Look at what you are holding here! Go to hell!! Hahaha!"

Lin Shuanghuo laughed, the knife-knife without a knife, the pig and sheep to be slaughtered, the strength gap is great.

He is about to clench his knife and win the road.

Hey! !

Just then, two dull palms spread.

Lin Shuang fire eyes, looking at Lu Sheng suddenly deceived close, the two palms like a thunder, and the chain hit the younger brother Lin Hongxin's heart.

The machete in the hands of Lin Bhui fell to the ground.

He couldn't believe the two steps back, and he couldn't speak.

"Big.....big brother...fast...escape!"


The forest flood spurted a **** water and fell down.

Lu Sheng has already fallen into a strange **** boil.

After he killed the forest flood, another flashed body, stepping on the broken palms and rushing toward Lin Shuanghuo, who was close at hand.

Lin Shuanghuo woke up like a dream, roaring, wanting to make the knife block him.

But it is already late.

The death of his younger brother made him stunned, and it was enough to make a mistake.

Hey! !

Linked to three palms, Lu Sheng's hands flashed three palms in the chest and the lower abdomen.

The unique strength of the broken heart through the skin muscles, direct to the guilt.

Lin Shuanghuo flushed his face and stepped back a few steps. He slammed it to the ground.

He was holding on to Lu Sheng, and he wanted to say something, but the blood that kept pouring out of his mouth completely made him unable to speak.


Lin Shuanghuo rushed straight forward and there was no more noise.

Lu Shengxiao smiled twice.

"Two masters of the KONE level.... It should be the ghost knife and the broken knife that Zhao Bo had pursued when he was young. I didn't expect to die in my hands today."

He looked at the four bodies on the ground, and his heart was full of anger and anger.

"Is this the level of generality that Zhao Bo said about practicing martial arts? Is it also the intention of Zhang patrol before I pointed out my mind?"

If KONE is used, it is the realm that controls most of the body's strength.

Then the general idea is to combine the eyesight, the mind, the voice, and other means to attack the opponent from multiple directions.

At the same time, in the realm of generality, there is more control over one's own strength than KONE.

People's body muscles, wherever it is so easy to master.

Lu Sheng still remembers that someone on earth once studied it, if all the muscles of the human body are all in one place.

Then even an ordinary adult can play a few tons of terror.

This is the theoretical limit.

But human joint bones are not allowed to make this power.

So just theory.

And the general idea should be able to greatly approach this level of muscle development.

Lu Sheng stood in the yard and went up to search for the waist pockets of the Xiulin Shuanghuo brothers.

From the pockets of their pockets, they found a stack of silver tickets. They were all one hundred and two large silver tickets. They did not count them. He quickly stuffed them into his pockets.

Then I got a broken black booklet. I don't know what kind of leather I used. This booklet was closed by Lin Shuanghuo, which is obviously very important.

The rest of the mess, Lu Sheng did not move, he stood in the yard to rest quietly, waiting for the people of Lufu.

Before he and the two Tongli realms, he was actually injured.

Lin Shuanghuo and Lin Flood are both natural powers, and the method of slashing the sword is also a strong force, which leads to the two people's knife is extremely heavy.

In the end, it’s hard.

Lu Sheng’s right arm muscle was also injured, and the heel was faintly painful. It should be a high-intensity burst that caused the hamstrings to be hurt.

There are also shoulders because of the continuous burst in a short period of time, the full force to make the knife, plus the last hard hit, this time also sent a burst of pain, I do not know if the bone is hurt.

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