Way of the Devil

Chapter 316: Guess four

In the early morning, the sun slowly showed a sharp point, and the original gray sky was instantly red, and most of the sky was dyed red.

Lu Sheng, according to the practice method, stood in the crowd and observed the image of the nascent Sun, which coincided with the scene in reality.

This is a very difficult process, because the process of thinking and the reality of the sun, the speed of the rise completely coincides.

In this process, slowly adjust your breathing, keep your mind, and absorb a trace of purple gas.

However, Lu Sheng has clearly understood the mystery, and naturally it will not be so rigid.

In the order of the exercises, he separates the same quality as other people and integrates it into the small lake.

Then I will elevate a glimpse of the golden thread that I have created, control this silk thread, and unscrupulously plunder the spirits of others around me.

Compared with him, the rest of the people seem to follow the rules and practice according to the lesser method. It is not clear that they must be embarrassed. Even the golden thread of the Chengkongzi can not win the road, only a little bit of spirit, all the rest. The part was completely sucked up by him.

The gold line flew back to the top of Lu Sheng’s head and did not enter it.


He took a long breath and immediately felt that the body's pure and cool infuriating air quickly condensed and began to circulate slowly in the blood vessels.

Not a meridian, but a blood vessel.

"The sun is a qigong, is this repaired?" Lu Sheng opened his eyes and felt a slight difference in his body.

When the infuriating cycle, he gave him an inexplicable spiritual coolness.

"This is really mad, can actually have a nourishing effect on the spirit?" Lu Sheng is quite surprised.

After the morning class, all the people went to lunch again. Zhong Rong still said that he kept talking. Zhang Kairong always went over the cheeky and Zhong Yu, and Chen Fengnan looked lost. It seems that the progress was not smooth.

Lu Sheng sat on the side of a person who was quietly eating food. Now that he has taken most of his essence, the flesh has produced an inexplicable sense of fullness. He feels full when he eats a few bowls.

"Lu Ge, what kind of food do you want, I will go to the rice and send it to you by the way?" Zhong Rong stood up and pretended to ask if nothing had happened.

Lu Sheng put down the bowl and gave her a look.

"No, I am full."

"That line, what about you two? What are you, I am together." Zhong Rong's family is rich, there is no shelf, and he is kind, and this money is not polite to her.

The other two people also saw that she had a good impression on Lu Sheng.

In fact, Lu Sheng's five senses can only be regarded as the middle, mainly because the temperament is very cold, the body is strong, plus the artist is a master of art, and his skill is uncommon. It is only natural that Zhong Hao has a good impression on him.

Just let the two people have some guilty conscience, the people Zhong Hao got up early every day to call Lu Sheng to get up, what is the first time to inform Lu Sheng, but for so long, more than a month, the other party still did not respond.

After eating and going back from the cafeteria, several people just happened to meet Wang Yunlong who came out from the residence.

This gloomy man is whispering something to a manager in the party. Standing in front of his own wooden house, it seems to be hesitating.

"Tongmai disciple is said to be able to produce a sense of anger in one day!" Zhang Kairong slightly snarled.

"People and people can't compare, the gap is big." Zhong Yan shook his head. "Let's go, everyone went back."

Several people went back to their residences, only Lu Sheng, a person standing in front of the wooden house, looking up at the pale golden shield of the sky, thoughtful.

He probably knows about the exercises, and the next step is to try more advanced exercises and see if there are any other specificities.

What kind of attitude and method should be used to integrate into the yin, this is what he needs to consider.

The rules here are more cruel than the Song Dynasty, and one is not careful, fearing that it will be swallowed and there will be no bones left. The reason why the sects here are popular among ordinary people is obviously to gather enough essence. Such a level of up, the top of the few people, the essence of the acquisition, can not imagine!

"Just, since the infuriating here is the result of absorbing the essence of other people and connecting with the spirit, can this kind of nature be the same as the negative internal gas, and become a substitute for the improvement of the cultivation?"

Lu Sheng tried to open the modifier, and there was still some power in it. There was not much infuriating. He used the subtle feeling when he used the bottle gas instead of sending the power. Before the modifier changed, he mobilized all the real gas instead. The bottle is injected into the chest modifier.

As long as the action is fast, with the control of the road to win the present, you can completely inject the infuriating air into the mysterious chest empty space.

He modified a common external work that he had memorized before, only a few breaths, the box was blurred, and it was quick and clear.

Lu Sheng looked at the content displayed.

"It turned out to be fine." Did not expect him. True gas is a negative internal gas, and it can completely modify the martial arts instead of sending power.

The instinct that has just been absorbed is completely consumed, and there is no trace left, but Lu Sheng is not worried. He just feels strange.

"If the nature of this infuriating nature really is to nourish the individual by the power of all people, then the population should be the key to the great yin. The difference between the great yin and the great Song is such a big national strength gap. Why does Da Yin not send troops to occupy the Great Song?"

Nothing in the afternoon, Chaoyang qigong needs morning practice, he went to the library. From it, I can read the book that his authority can read.

I found the answer soon.

Different from the magic disaster of the Great Song Dynasty, there is also a magic disaster. And it is a much larger scale.

The four pillars of the Devil, the Emperor, are constantly appearing on the classics, and they are unobtrusive to all those who want to know the truth. Da Yin is in the flames of war whenever and wherever he wants.

The Great Song faced only the devil, and the big yin faced, it turned out to be the emperor.

Lu Sheng’s heart was shocked, and he continued to look at it. The upper part of the record recorded the battle with the Emperor Villa.

There are three battlefields in the Great Yin and Devil world. These three sources continue to consume the power of Da Yin, and also contain the power of the Emperor Villa, so that it can not pollute the human world.

The yin under the suppression of the lord and the demon emperor of the demon world have won each other for almost a thousand years.

"It seems that the Great Song should be a means for the Devil to knock on the side and invade the human world from the side." Lu Sheng was slightly awkward.

He continued to read the information, but did not find the rest of the useful information. When I left the library, it was already in the evening.

Lu Sheng thought about things in his heart and walked slowly along the way back.

The road palace at night is like a black lantern with a lot of loopholes. The tiny yellow light shines through the gap between the buildings.

At night, you can still hear the sound of someone practicing in the hidden forest. Some barbecue aromas floated from a distance.

Lu Sheng sucked his nose, and some missed the barbecue on earth. He accelerated his pace. Like other disciples who came out of the library, his face was slightly exhausted and there was no trace of flaws.

On the other hand, Wang Yunlong, who was only approached, was approached. This gloomy young man also saw Lu Sheng, and neither of them said anything.

Wang Yunlong has always disliked Lu Sheng. The person in front of him seems to have never seen him in his eyes. He clearly swept his eyes, but it was no different from sweeping stones.

It’s just that people didn’t provoke him, he couldn’t say anything, and he’s still a neighbor.

The two crossed each other and no one spoke.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng has a smooth sense of anger and become an inner disciple. The disciples who came to test were not surprised. The disciples in this area have this potential and qualifications.

During the relocation, several of the companions passed the gas test within three days. Only Chen Fengnan, he did not have a sense of anger, and some lost to watch a few people move. Zhong Rong wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say. Zhang Kairong went up to give her a shoulder and was opened by it. The two started to make trouble again.

Lu Sheng looked at the two quietly, with no expression.

He looked closely over the past few days and found that the pale gold shield on the top of the head seemed to have another different effect. It's not just a simple absorption of essence. There seems to be an extremely complicated structural symbol.

I am sure I can see more permission information after I become a disciple.

The three moved to a yard deeper in the Dojo, surrounded by a lot of yards of the same size, all of which were three people.

Then there was a morning class, but the place was changed and the number of participants was also less. There are only a few dozen people. There are several places in the morning class, one of which is in the hall resembling the alchemy room. In the center of the main hall, a crowd of bonfires burned, and a man named non-empty man became their new guide.

This time, dozens of people are qualified people, and they have more spirits, but they are also more violent.

A series of gold lines continue to vacate, flying around, constantly colliding, some smashing into small, and some swallowing become larger.

Zhong Rong and Zhang Kairong have been very hard, and there are a lot of them better than their qualifications. If you are not careful, you will get nothing in one exercise. Instead, it will lose some of its temperament.

Lu Sheng did not devour this time, just disguised as one of the strongest gold lines, sticking to himself, and occasionally swallowing some essence.

The second method was also taught, and the name was Quartet.

Unlike the Chaoyang qigong, this door can be practiced at any time, regardless of staying up late. Then there is the opening of the Fighting Pavilion, which teaches **** people. All kinds of skills also have classics and picture walls.

Lu Sheng has never been to go once, and the skills for him are actually similar.

After the morning class, as an inner disciple, you can have the opportunity to choose the direction of the course. Lu Sheng has basically figured out all the information and the purpose has been achieved. I have no plans to continue to mix in Chunyang.

He cleaned up the soft and prepared to leave the place after a while. But what surprised him was that two strangers suddenly came to the door, and by the first time they passed the disciples and contacted the road winner who was practicing the real work in the room.

"Wu Quansheng has an accident?"

Lu Sheng is not surprised how the other party found him. He made his inner disciples. The list was put out and hung in front of the Chunyang Party branch. It is estimated that the two men came to the door.

He frowned and looked at the two people in front of him. These two sturdy young men were broken and limped at the right leg.

"The young master, the young master, was taken away by the Lin family!!" One of them shouted with a cry.

"Lu Gongzi, the young master finally called us to find you, but Lu Sheng, who I waited for along the way, was blocked by the old lady and she was seriously ill in bed." Another person also had red eyes.

"Wu Quansheng, did he report my name?" Lu Sheng did not lift his eyelids, faint.

Although Wu Quansheng is only a general exchange, he also has a good impression on this young man who is eager to be a good man. If he is not in a serious situation, he will not be in the way.

"Reported to the other party, they waited." A man paused and screamed.

Lu Sheng nodded.

He is not excusing to get his own territory, right now, the opportunity is delivered to the door. It happened to remind the Chunyang faction here to remind me of my ‘natural talent’.

He intends to show his ‘the peerless talent’ first. After using the true power to repair the murder, and then causing the attention of the Chunyang faction, it is best to select him as the first disciple and send it to the superior sect. This also allows you to access more of the secrets of the martial system here.

I heard that the original first disciple's popular candidate was the grandson of Chunyang's elders, but there was no way, who allowed him to block his own path. Had to be unable to live.

He can have no time to sneak in the bottom level.

As for the big elders will not hinder their own affairs, Lu Sheng is not worried, it is in the way of getting killed.

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