Way of the Devil

Chapter 331: Eternal sleep

Lu Sheng was surprised to see the sudden increase in the essence of the air, a large cloud of fine air around him flying and hovering.

"What happened? Just not so much"

"come out!"

Suddenly, I screamed and spread from the ground.


On the edge of the small lake, the earth suddenly splits a hole, and a gray light rises from the sky and crashes into the side of the beach, turning into a black robe woman wearing a silver-blue light spot.

The woman's skin is pale, her lips are purple, and her black hair is high. The lower body exposed under the black robe is not the legs and feet, but the numerous roots of the dense.

"There is the ability to use the junior to interfere with my absorption of essence, but I am not courageous to come out?" The woman's face was full of shyness.

The gas column, once it begins to form absorption, if it is snatched and absorbed, it is equivalent to being mortal. The tongue was stretched in and it was stirred a few times. The feeling was extremely sensitive.

Su Shi lived for thousands of years, this is the first time I met someone who dared to humiliate her!

"Get out!" She looked around and looked around, slamming her sleeves.

In a flash, a black cloud fell from the sky clouds and smashed into a lawn.

Hey! !

The lawn is blasted, and the grass is completely smeared into black juice at any time, giving off a light sweet scent. A little black light in the black sap falls into the back of the woman and disappears.

She is pretty and frosty, waving her cuffs in a row.

Booming and banging! ! !

The small woods around the woods were suddenly ruined, and the explosion was eroded into black water everywhere. Countless black light flies vinegar and disappeared behind her.

After a vent, she noticed the road victory not far away.

"Junior, you just know who is increasing your strength?" Su Shi slowly walked over and whispered.

Lu Sheng had already put away her vitality as soon as she came out and stood up.

After hearing the words, he shook his head.

"No one is increasing? There is only one younger generation nearby. Is the predecessor wrong?" He waited in the spot and carefully looked at the black robe woman in front of him.

This woman's appearance is a first-class beauty, black hair hanging down, scattered around the body, the chest rises high, full without exaggeration, the waist is more slender and full of grip, only legs.

Under the tight black robes, it is not the legs, but a lot of black roots.

Fortunately, in this world, what kind of abnormal roads have been seen, this abnormality can not make him lose his spirit. When Su Shi asked him, he has already reacted and answered seriously.

"Is it?" Su Shi frowned, and the numerous roots of the lower body slowly separated, a pair of slender, round, well-proportioned white legs, slowly extending from the middle of the tree roots, stepping barefoot on the ground.

She was so barefoot, standing on the dirty lawn, the black juice splashing around it seemed to be insulated, and she could not touch her at all.

Lu Sheng’s eyelids jumped and swept the woman’s legs in front of him. The feelings of the legs gave him a little strange. He just swept his eyes and quickly removed his gaze.

The woman's black robes are not long, and the hem just reaches the middle of the thighs. If there are a lot of tree roots around it, the whole black robes will become a black miniskirt.

"Junior, are you from the original world? Was it brought in or brought in?" Su Shi continued to ask, it seems that she would not care if she would go out of her way. The black robe of her lower body became a black dress and a lot of roots. Spread out from the bottom of the skirt to help support your legs.

And her legs, like sitting on a stool, overlapped and hung in the air, easily swaying their feet.

"Back to the predecessors, the next is from the original world, is the transmission matrix comes in." Lu Sheng respectfully answered.

He can feel that there is some kind of horrible undercurrent in the woman's body.

This undercurrent is even more terrifying than the giant bones he has seen. So just a little bit of a brain turn, he guessed that this woman must be the top powerhouse who has been secretly reclusive for a long time. It should be the oldest generation of thousands of generations.

He is also a bit nervous, not afraid of others, but afraid that he will be seen through. However, it seems that this woman did not find her hiding.

Su Shi snorted, some did not believe, she closed her eyes.


A huge icy cold wind suddenly spread around her in all directions.

The sky rolled over a large cloud, surrounded by white clouds, as if it was blackened by ink, quickly grayed out and blackened.

The sky will be grayed out in an instant.

Lu Sheng only felt a bitter chill that rose from his feet and climbed toward his upper body. Just a few breaths, his lower body was completely frozen.

His physical instincts had to run out of gas to get rid of the chill, but it was suppressed and allowed to spread.

"Su Shi!" A huge voice in the distant sky whispered. "Are you crazy??!"

"What are you doing? Dare to call my name?" Su Shi ice cold.

"You!! What do you want to find? Quickly accept the perception, this younger generation is almost frozen by you!" The voice came from far away, and at the same time it burst into a pale yellow gleam, with faint warmth. The heat wave is diffused, but compared with this chill, it is only a drop in the bucket, and it can only save a small area. And the protected area is still shrinking rapidly.

Su Shi only noticed that Lu Sheng had half body frozen into icicles, only the upper body was still exposed, but the surface of the body was covered with hoarfrost.

She only snorted, and the dark golden moon on her head flashed.

The chill stopped suddenly and everything returned to its original warmth and climate.

But what has already condensed and frozen, but it can not be restored in a short time. Lu Sheng is one of them. He was frozen into a popsicle all over his body. He stood rigidly and stood still, still motionless, still maintaining his original posture.

Su Shi went forward and reached out and touched Lu Sheng’s forehead.

"Fortunately, there is still anger." She was quiet on the face, but the eyes were flashed apologetic.

"There is no hidden old guy in the open mind. It's just an accident. Is it accidental to resonate with the spirit? Will it take away the essence of my cohesiveness?" She frowned slightly, some puzzled.

What level is she? In terms of spirituality, the whole yin can be compared with her, and there are only a handful. Being able to hide her under the whims of her search, there are so many people in the horizontal and vertical, but with the identity of those few people, it is absolutely impossible to be bored to run and make such a joke with her.

“Maybe it’s really accidental?” Su Shi tangled. Under her body, a large number of roots twisted and twisted to form a pillar, supporting the body. Her whole person leaned back slightly and gently sat on the chair where the roots were condensed.

"Forget it, maybe it is really accidental, this person is implicated by me, the qualifications are not bad, bring back to let people point to one or two, it is to make up for his physical injury."

She tangled, and finally gave up the tracing, and the line of sight turned to Lu Sheng in front of him.

Stretching out the index finger, she gently moved forward and landed on Lu Sheng’s forehead.


A purple silk thread, from her fingertips, quickly into the road to win the eyebrows.

"Well, this purple moon is full of energy, enough for him to heal frostbite, but also to improve the true power."

This spirit should be enough for him to absorb for a few months.

Go back and take care of the sentiment. If you can completely absorb and digest this silky purple spirit, you will definitely have a great help for its future development."

Su Shi’s face was solidified again.

She just transferred a trace of purple moon essence, only ran two laps in the blood of the other party, and suddenly disappeared.

She was so condensed that she almost became a liquid purple moon, and mysterious disappeared for no reason. ?


“Predecessors thanked the seniors for their salvation.” Lu Sheng finally ‘wake’ at this time, and thanked her with a grateful face.

Su Shi took back the index finger and was somewhat upset. She took a step back and carefully looked at the road. This is a faint glimmer of purple on the surface of his skin.

"I actually absorbed it by him!!?" Su Shi felt that his world view for many years was being shocked and collapsed.

An ordinary disciple of Zongmen disciples can actively absorb the purple moon essence she released? ? ?

That is the strange spirit that even the general **** did not dare to touch.

"What is your name?" Su Shi took a deep breath and asked without a look.

"The younger generation road wins." Lu Sheng at this time all the body was melted out of the icicles, and he was graciously kneeling on one knee and bowing to her.

From the chill shock just now, he has clearly sensed that this woman in front of her is definitely the top powerhouse of the real magic master!

The horror of the body, even the original demon master after the door, is absolutely not.

Although he could not tell how much the woman was stronger than the prophet, he was keen to insinuate that the woman was extremely dangerous.

“Does Lu Sheng go all the way to victory?” Su Shi nodded and was able to absorb her purple blood.

Is this the legendary fate?

She used to spend two hundred years looking around for the younger generation who could pass on her true law, but unfortunately nothing.

The aggression of Ziyue Jing is so strong that even if she does not control it personally, she only needs a few interest, and she can assimilate people, swallow and digest, and become more purple moon spirit.

The only thing that can hold this kind of erosion is the body of the legendary moon. It is her special physique.

“Do you have any feelings that are uncomfortable?” Su Shi continued.

"No, the younger generation feels good, the body is all right." Lu Sheng is somewhat puzzled, but still honestly answer.

"Is it?" Su Shi once again reached out and gently slammed his hand on the road.

It is also a trace of purple moon sent out, drilling into the body.

Lu Sheng didn't feel it. The temperament was too weak. As soon as he entered his body, he was quickly eroded and absorbed by his horrible physical activity and assimilated into a part of himself.

Single body activity, systemic cell activity, even the Lord is not his opponent.

Since he has practiced the outside world to an unprecedented level of the Millennium, his physical strength and activity have been raised to a state of horror.

It is no exaggeration to say that a drop of blood from Lu Sheng may be madly devour the common black film.

Internal gas and fluid, hard work outside the road, not only strengthen his body is so simple. Other delinquents, although there are also speed regeneration, acute poisoning and absolute defense capabilities, but the true essential activity of the body is not reaching this point.

They just rely on the power of the black membrane. But the road wins are different.

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