Way of the Devil

Chapter 671: Show one

‘Clear Crane True Law (Consummation): Dacheng. (Characteristics: Flying bliss, controlling cranes.)’

Several of the original traits have been merged into two.

"This is strange. It was only a deductive one, and there has been such a big change."

Lu Sheng sinks into the air. From the change of the true law, the information that flows into his mind, he probably figured out the role of flying bliss and control crane.

"Flying bliss is to increase the speed, reaction, and precision with skill, which is equivalent to bringing together all the previous traits.

Controlling the crane is actually the control of the crane to control the crane."

Lu Sheng is quite speechless. From the name, the dark blue is automatically given the recommended name according to the key effects mentioned in the real law.

This name is also really suitable, flying bliss, probably means fast, quick response, giving people bliss. Flying also has the meaning of sending people to the West.

It is also the description of the speed and precision of the shot.

Lu Sheng looked at the power of consumption, and consumed a total of two units. As the most basic method, deducing the consumption of two units at a time is already a good level in the common customs.

"Come back!"

He started to re-enact again, and he noticed the push button on the right side of the box.


The box is slowly blurred and the eyes are clear immediately.

The newly emerging true law has not changed much, that is, on the original basis, an extra word has been added.

The traits and other aspects of the ‘Da Qing He Zhen Fa’ have not changed much before, but only one Heling’s concentricity.

Next, Lu Sheng still wants to deduct, and he can't find the button. The deduction button behind the box disappears completely.

"It can't be deduced, it should be that the merits are perfect, or that my experience and knowledge in this kind of system is insufficient." Lu Sheng’s heart is clear.

"That's a try to improve your skills directly." He was able to feel a gas-like fluttering substance that slowly flowed in his body.

Similar to internal gas, but not like, lighter and lighter than internal gas.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Sheng adjusted the sitting posture and checked whether the warning mode of the lower knife is the core. Then I continued to settle into penance.

"Improve the first layer of the Qing Dynasty crane." His eyes fell on the true law of Qinghe, and his heart was silent.

The idea just came out, and the box was completely blurred. This time the box did not recover as quickly as before. But the speed is much slower.


The name of the capital of the West End Dynasty.

The continuous sound of bamboo cymbals, a solo music with a sadness.

In the name of the capital of the Taishi, Yang is really looking relaxed, enjoying the dance of Mei Ji wearing a transparent tulle.

There are several armored generals sitting on the lower sides, but all the generals are not squinting.

After a bamboo pole was finished, Mei Ji had to retreat.

A military commander on the right slowly got up and held a fist.

"The invitation of the Taishi, I dare not follow, but nowadays, the frontiers are suffering and the aliens are invading. I am preparing to go to various places tomorrow."

Yang really raised his hand to stop talking to the other party.

"I don't want you to wait for the past, just just passing, even if you bring a big army, how do you deal with the exotic people?"

"What is the view of the Taishi teacher, what should be?" Another military commander sighed.

"I have a thing here. As long as you encounter the other person's strange person, throw it out, you will get a miraculous effect." Yang really smiled and clap his hands.

Suddenly, Mei Ji walked up with a jade plate, and each of them took a small kit.

"This is not a last resort, please do not ask you to open the kit, so as not to provoke trouble." Yang really reminded.

Most of the generals have heard of some of the singular powers of Yang Taishi. At this time, they are also skeptical.

After the two sides of the two rounds of toasting, the various will leave.

Soon, the lively banquet was left with Yang still sitting alone on the seat.

He picked up a glass of wine and sipped it up.

"Tai Shi is very interested, Lieshan Junwei is at the forefront, and there is still a mood to drink fine wine here."

In the empty hall, a blurred light golden woman figure slowly emerged, looking up and looking at the Yang Shangzhen sitting in the main position.

"Lieshan Jun has to wait for you to deal with the door, we are safe and stable in the back to maintain the situation." Yang really laughed.

The pale gold woman slowly solidified, showing the entity, and she was a glamorous woman wearing a golden phoenix dress and wearing a Fengyi bead curtain.

If there is a minister in the court, it will be recognized, she is the queen of the forest. Some people call her a demon.

"This time you came, but what happened?" Yang asked in a low voice.

"According to the original plan, everything went well. As long as the people in the Spring and Autumn Gates could not find our core nucleus, everything would be safe." Lin Queen shook his head slightly. "But yesterday I heard that Taishi distributed three sacred deities. They gave the king, the king of the moon, and the three kings of Zhao, respectively, and ordered them to march out and suppress the localities."

"These three kings each bear the three key nodes of the dynasty to protect the country. Without removing it, the big battle cannot be lifted.

We can't lift the big battle, and we don't want to get that. "Yang really looks awesome."

"I hope that what you said is true." Lin Queen did not understand the details in this regard. Just come forward to warn one or two. "Otherwise, let the group of monks in Chunqiumen know, and there are many more things."

"Do not worry, the situation in the world, all in my heart." Yang really laughed in a fare toe.

The people who entered the Spring and Autumn Gates always insisted on maintaining the stability of the society. However, if there is no fixed education, it is necessary to change the dynasty, and to collect the treasures of the dynasty, it must have enough people to support.

If the dynasty is stable and the people's hearts are stable, then all the rest, but if the world is turbulent, the Quartet uprising, and the internals are also weak, then the opportunity is even greater.

Yang Huizhen and Lin Queen, who represents undecided, are only cooperative. He represents the boundless sea and the power of Jindong.

This golden hole is actually one of the representatives of the Yaozu.

The Yaozu and the Undecided have joined forces to try to subvert the dynasty and achieve their goals.

"So, when do you start?" Lin Queen asked and asked. "The three kings are not dead, the empire is always intact, and it is difficult to break the cycle."

"Soon, I will arrange an opportunity." Yang really took a drink and drank it.


Ring, the moon palace.

The sky is dark and the lead clouds are dense.

Lu Shengpan sat in his bedroom and drove all the servants from the maids to raise the true law of the Qinghe.

Apart from him in the bedroom, there was only a small white crane that was not born long.

At this time, in the empty and luxurious bedroom, a trace of white mist continued to diffuse.

Lu Sheng brows close, his nose and ears are mouth and eyes, all of which are constantly spurting thick white fog.

‘Da Qinghe true law (consummation): sixty years of skill. (Characteristics: Flying bliss, controlling cranes)

"There is no change in the traits. On the contrary, the body is affected by this magical skill, and the changes are somewhat large."

Lu Sheng clearly feels that the acupoints in front of him are constantly pouring in a lot of mental power. At the same time, this acupoint is also pouring out an invisible force that cannot be perceived, transforming his whole body.

He has been exposed to so much power, from the material energy of substance to the spiritual power of nothingness, but it is not as weird as this invisible force.

This kind of transformation is not so much a transformation as it is a tinkering.

This strange energy is constantly filling up many of the loopholes in him. Some organs also undergo some degree of alienation under this energy, becoming more active and more powerful.

Inexplicable, he thought of the root of nothingness. If the power of the root of nothingness recorded in the legend is this, then Lu Sheng estimates that he is likely to believe for a while.

"Only sixty years of skill, the body can not hold it anymore, it seems to be too weak. Yang Yuan is not enough to strengthen. It takes time to adapt." Lu Sheng raised his hand and looked at his arm.

A faint white feather phantom appears on the surface of the hand.

"It seems that the Tao of this world is not so simple." Lu Sheng received his strength and got up. The little white crane not far away showed his relatives more and more, and took the initiative to pick it up on him.

Lu Sheng’s heart moved, and the control of the crane suddenly worked in the body.

Immediately, the body control of the little white crane was captured by him in an instant. This feeling is like a remote control toy with a sudden idea.

"According to the no worries, this control should be specifically for the purpose of breeding the crane in the door, only to show the characteristics in the merits." Lu Sheng heart sinking, reaching out, fingertips mobilized a big clear crane The true law is infuriating, pouring from the underarms of the little white crane.

Then he controlled the body of the little white crane, and manipulated the trace of the infuriating gas to continue to follow the route of Shuangling Zheng Yuanjing.

After a few minutes, Lu Sheng loosened the control of the little white crane, but the operation route has been repeated dozens of times in his body.

The little white crane stood in the same place for a while, and then it slowly passed the fine microwave movement of the Shuangling Zheng Yuanjing.

It really began to practice according to the previous infuriating route!

Lu Sheng suddenly understood that how many cranes were cultivated in this Qinghe Road.

"To adapt the body to this day, this weird energy, even my mysterious spirit has not encountered. I have to be careful."

Lu Sheng arranged the robes, and the sixty years of deep infuriating temperament, like a small river, slowly flow in his body.

He felt that his whole body was clear and his movements were a lot more agile. Eyesight has also increased a lot.

And if you run the infuriating to all parts of the body, you can also produce a more powerful increase.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng was step by step, listening to the intelligence information that Ding Migong had inquired every day, and this Daqing crane true law also increased the speed of sixty years of skill every few days. Increase.

Similar to him, the little white crane has become more and more different with the increase of Lu Sheng’s skill. The head is also a day, and after a few days, I can’t see the little white crane that was born shortly after.

From time to time, no worries will come and give pointers to the experience and details of some practice. The change to the little white crane is also a bit of a shock. But it just attributed it to the fact that this crane is born with extraordinary qualifications, and Lu Sheng has fed a lot of good things, and did not think much.

There are many animals with special blood in this world. It is also unusual for a white crane to appear abnormally in one area.

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