Way of the Devil

Chapter 689: Tentative one

"Then you can come to the wrong place." Lu Sheng smiled. "Daomenxian people, but they will not accept people who are not satisfied with the heart. If you come for revenge, first of all, the soul will be flawed. There are irreparable wounds."

Zhuang Yinxue has a bright look. If the ordinary person does not necessarily understand it, she has read a book since she was a child. After reading the classics, she can naturally understand the meaning of Mr. Lu.

"Mr. mean.....?" Her eyes widened and she was a little nervous. Because she thinks of her own remarks when she meets the Taoist several times and pleads with the other party to accept herself.

The words of those Taoists are almost exactly the same.

"If you want to practice, you can either give up revenge now, or go back to revenge and come back." Lu Sheng is faint.


Zhuang Yinxue is so stupid at this time and knows that this person is not simple.

Her pretty face is very hot, her mood is faint and agitated, and she is getting more and more nervous. But as soon as I heard the request from Lu Sheng. Her original bright eyes blew down.

For a long time.... She just slowed out.

"I can not do it...."

Lu Sheng smiled.

"What can you do?"

Zhuang Yin Xue bit his lip.

"I can do everything I can do!" She slammed forward and slammed it to the ground. "Seeking the fairy to accept me as a disciple!!"

From the beginning, she felt that the road victory was not simple. Now, she really understands that this should be the legendary immortal hermit, the Daomen.

In fact, in the eyes of their mortals, as long as they are monks and monks, they are all immortals.

She has already refused to consider other things. As long as she is a fairy, she will never let go if she has a chance.

"You said that you can do everything?" Lu Sheng slowly swept over Zhuang Yinxue with a smile.

"Yes!" Zhuang Yinxue bit his head and trembled. "Seeking for a long time!" She squatted down her head, but her head went down, but she encountered a soft air cushion. She was even more surprised and happy in her heart.

It is absolutely the legendary immortal hermit that can have such a means.

"It was just a casual stroll. In this kind of underground, it is a fate to meet you all the way." Lu Sheng smiled. "You said you can do everything?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Yinxue’s heart is faintly confusing. It’s hard to be met by himself...

But she has not dared to give up, hope is getting smaller and smaller, and she is almost unable to see the last trace. She must never give up!

"As long as Xian Chang accepts me as a disciple, I can do anything!!"

"What do I ask you to do, what do you do?" Lu Sheng's face is getting more and more smiling.

"Yes!" Zhuang Yinxue bit his silver teeth and nodded.

Silence for a while.

"So, I want you to die?" Lu Sheng looked up and looked at the empty mountain that gradually approached in the distance.


Zhuang Yinxue became a pale face.

She looked up and looked at Lu Sheng, and repeatedly determined that Lu Sheng did not mean to joke with her.

"..." She looked down and looked more and more. The original Greeks that were brought with them quickly fell into disarray.

Suddenly she took a long sword and wiped her neck.

Hey! !

Blood and water splashed, Zhuang Yinxue's eyes widened, and the whole person softly fell back to the ground. A lot of blood rushed out of her neck.

Lu Sheng is also a glimpse. He did not expect this girl to be so ruthless. He can see that Zhuang Yinxue is not really committing suicide, but is betting on suicide and betting the only hope.

The floor is full of blood. Zhuang Yinxue has fallen to the ground and can't move. The vascular artery and the trachea are split together.

The lungs went into the blood and could not get the oxygen supply. The whole person of Zhuang Yinxue became paler and whiter, and it was impossible to see it.


Some people around the cabin not far from the scene saw this scene, screaming loudly, and some people rushed toward this side.

This happened on board, and it should be handled as a ship's home anyway, otherwise it will have an indelible negative impact on future business.

There have been several guards who rushed to Lusheng.

"The monks are arrogant!!?"

"catch him!"

A burst of screams spread out.

Lu Sheng did not move at all, just calmly watching Zhuang Yinxue, whose consciousness was rapidly blurred.

"it is good!"

Suddenly he waved his right hand. A white gas suddenly shot, and the precise Baihui point from the top of Zhuang Yinxue disappeared and disappeared.

Immediately, Zhuang Yinxue's originally broken throat wound quickly healed, and a large amount of blood pouring into the lungs was quickly absorbed and decomposed, and oxygen was again infused from the connected trachea.

This scene is also scared to rush to the front of the crowd to stop, not dare to move, seeing that as long as it is not a fool, everyone knows that Lu Sheng is not a mortal.

"I....?" Zhuang Yinxue's hand reached the neck, the throat that had just been cut, the **** pain, and still remains in consciousness.

"If you are still willing, go to the shore and wait for me after an hour." Lu Sheng waved his sleeve and sprinkled it, and a little white light shot into Zhuang Yin Xue's eyebrows.

After doing this, he got a little under his feet and jumped up.

There is nothing to be nostalgic in this world. He needs to finish the things he should do before leaving, and the last point.

A lot of black gas was automatically spread under his feet, holding him straight in the direction of the empty mountain.

Lu Sheng turned into a black meteor and smashed into a lot of white mist.

"Who!! Dare to sneak into the mountains!"

A long white shadow of a kilometer in the fog quickly emerged, causing a low rumble.

The fog dissipated and the long shadow body appeared. It is a white dragon with a length of up to a kilometer.

It has double horns on its head, no scales on its body, four-legged golden claws, and a pair of magnified lanterns with dazzling red eyes.

Seeing the black meteor flying by Lu Sheng, the white dragon screamed and the giant tail swayed, and it was a glimpse of Lu Sheng.

Hey! ! !

The huge impact sound oscillated around the air mist, turning into a large white ring flying.

The white dragon screamed, and the dragonfly fell to the ground with a huge impact.

The ground blasted a huge earthquake, and one person and one dragon smashed into the ground at the foot of the mountain. The large white pine forest was cut off, and the hard life was drawn into a bare open space.

Bai Long snorted and wanted to struggle to get up, but he was bound by countless black and white silk. He was shocked and angry. He tried to struggle with his death, but the more he struggled, the more restrained the black breath was.

In the snoring, a white stream of light flew from the empty mountain. Hovering in the air, overlooking the situation of the white dragon.

"Where is the enchanting! Actually dare to come to the undecided to teach wild." A strong geek with two heads, wearing gold armor, step forward, holding a golden scream.

At this time, a large amount of black gas on the ground rises and rises, and it is condensed into the shape of the road at this time.

He was dressed in a black robes, and his face was covered in a thick mist, revealing only a pair of red eyes. There are countless sharp and empty sounds in the body, as if there are a lot of sharp objects constantly cutting the air at high speed.

"The poor road Xuankongzi, I heard that there are no fixed masters like clouds, immortals. So go to Wanli, special visit." Lu Sheng took a random number, pretending to be an identity, anyway, to test and delay time, casually fabricate It doesn't matter if the track number.

"A good visit, once I have completely conquered my unprotected guardian mountain beast, are you a demonstration or come to visit?" Another black-shouldered person stepped forward, cold channel.

"Since it is a visit, I will call you, can you dare?!"

“Hey?” Lu Sheng listened to how he felt a little familiar. But there is nothing in this world that he dare not dare.

"Of course, no problem, the poor road is here, although the Taoist friend called." He replied with a smile.

"Xuankongzi! Xuankongzi! Xuankongzi!!" The black beard suddenly had a gourd in his hand, and the gourd mouth yelled at Lu Sheng three times.

"The poor road is here, polite." Lu Sheng made a smile and smiled.

call! !

In an instant, the gourd suddenly burst into a large red flame, and the flame quickly condensed, forming a three-high flame unicorn.

As soon as Qi Lin appeared, he swooped toward Lu Sheng.

"It turns out that it is a special magical power released in response to the other party's response? The flames of the district are shaped, and the poor road can only be broken."

Lu Sheng smiled gently, flexing his finger, and a black gas suddenly shot, turning into a white dragon in mid-air, actually completely mimicking the shape of the white mountain dragon.

Roar! !

White Dragon swooped to Kirin.

Hey! ! !

The white dragon is broken and the unicorn flies.

Lu Sheng was dumbfounded. Before he could react, he was hit by Qilin at the chest and abdomen.


He rushed out of the blood and was thrown back on the spot.


Under a loud bang, his whole person fell into the ground like a meteor, and a large number of pale gold rune chains were shot out of the surrounding white fog.

The dense rune chain accurately bound the next circle of his body. A huge array of hundreds of meters stretched over the ground in front of the empty mountain.

"Interesting, do not inquire about inquiries, I have not decided to reunite the Fuling complex is the strongest ancient array that has been handed down since ancient times, can increase the strength of the array of techniques.

I thought that I would dare to go to the door to find death when I had a little skill. Hey, it’s really rare to encounter such a stupid field repair this year. The black-shoulders shook their heads and laughed.

"I went to see if the guy died?" The two-headed geek also laughed a few times, and accompanied the cloud to fly in the direction of Lu Sheng landing.

A lot of white smoke and black gas were slowly spreading at this time. The two-headed geek waved a wave of air, blowing all the smoke around, and flying nearly a few hundred meters before finally seeing the situation of the person on the ground. .

A large number of cracks are like dry land, covered with a range of hundreds of meters, and the sea of ​​trees on the ground is cracked by large spider webs.

In the center of the crack, a black lacquer shadow is bending down and coughing hard.

"Oh? Actually not dead? You are lucky, go, let me go, you can suffer less." The two-headed geek smiled and flew near.

"It’s a poor road, you are waiting for you." Lu Sheng coughed a few times and straightened up. He glanced at the dense gold rune chain.

"This method is a bit interesting. But the poor road has been squatting for many years, so a small battle is trying to trap the poor road.

Seeing the poor road can only be broken, Xuantian Feihe, ninety-nine one! broken! broken! broken! ! ”

Lu Sheng even drank three times, a lot of black gas shrank from him, and then burst into flames, three times in a row, countless black clouds actually condensed to form a black giant tiger, roaring in the sky.

"This method is to summon the ancient spirits, and to be one with oneself. When the true spirit breaks, it is the time when the body is broken together." Lu Sheng face with a smile.

Roar! !

The huge black tiger roared in the sky, and there were countless black silk hooks on his body.

Suddenly, it rushed into the sky, smashing through the numerous golden rune chains, rising into the sky, straight into the thick clouds, disappeared.

Lu Sheng looked up at the black tiger.

"This kind of power, it really is the ancient tiger spirit!"

He looked down at the golden rune chain that was intact.

"But.....why am I still here?" he thought about it.

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