Way of the Devil

Chapter 788: Limit two

Lu Sheng was approached, and this group of people was emotional. The brave man who took the lead was holding a hammer and his eyes were full of blood. It seemed that he might have to hammer it at any time.

"Silence!" On the edge of Wang Shishu, a cold voice, seven or eight disciples around the same step forward, forming a small sword array, the momentum is compelling.

Although the number of people who taught the black snake was more, at this time it was forced to make a slight glimpse, and the voice slowly fell.

Lu Sheng had a gap and asked questions.

"What are you doing here? Do I know you?" His face was inexplicable.

"Reload!" The brave man who took the lead sneered. "Why didn't you install it when you were thinking about the brothers? I now see that we are looking for the door to come and install it? It's really shameless!"

Lu Sheng calmed down and swept his eyes. "Red training? Red practicing Zen master? I count him?"

"Reload!! The brothers were half-way by you, but fortunately we found the blood of the brothers in the middle of the road! Otherwise, it will not be possible to find out for a long time, it is actually you Chen Zilu is behind the ghosts!?"

"Then tell me, why do I have to count on him?" Although I don't know where the blood is coming from, Lu Sheng did not take the time to follow the game of several black snakes to play detective games.

"I!!" The man suddenly groaned.

"Then you are sure to see what the blood word is?" Lu Sheng asked again.

"It's a word!" This is something that some black snakes teach.

"Is Chen must be me? Can't it be other people?" Lu Sheng said casually.

"The only brothers who have recently enmaged are your surname Chen, not who else you are!" The man was ready to break out.

"Your brothers are practicing evil people, killing people and killing the door. I have killed him in the door. It is still a great credit. I have nothing to do to admit this kind of benefit. Do you have any problems with your brain?" Lu Sheng said again.


These people suddenly became quieter, so thinking about it, it is true.

From the perspective of Chen Ziluo, if he really killed someone, he would certainly not admit it. This will be a record of increasing fame.

"Go back and think about it." Lu Sheng dropped a sentence and went back lazily.

He also saw that this group of people was simply trying to find him.

Wang Shishu, who was on the side, was about to stop Lu Sheng from asking questions. When he saw him in a few words, he would live this group of evil people, and he nodded with approval.

Although the righteousness is not the same, no one wants to be desperate for nothing. As long as it is not a conflict of interest, everyone is also very happy with peace.

Finished the matter.

Lu Sheng continued to return to the day of reading books and practicing swords.

Hey, hey.

The lake is sparkling, and the moonlight smashes into a lot of debris on the surface of the water.

On the black building, a middle-aged scribe who was dark in color, hand-held with a fan, and wearing a black crested crown, was standing tall and standing, staring at the stars on the shore.

From time to time, the building and the boat swelled with the lake, giving an occasional buzz.

"Some people, some things, always can't get the hardship of life, no more than this." The scribe sighed and shook his hand, but he felt the wind was a little cold, and he stopped moving.

"Hey, I want to do so much?" On the other side of the ship, there was another strong man wearing a black armor tied to the pony tail. He held the jar on his back and leaned on the wooden fence. .

"It's really boring to do everything perfectly."

The scribe smiled.

"The teacher is thinking about it."

"I don't want to open it. You and I have been in this world for more than 30 years, but what about it? If you have been looking for so many years, you still have nothing to gain. It is better to enjoy life than to spend the whole day." The man spoke.

"Difficult," the scribe sighed leisurely. After 30 years of painstaking cultivation of Qingtan Xuankong, it has gone through all the hardships and has finally become a great success.

But what if you become the world's first evil martial art sect?

This world is too restrictive, and even the supernatural powers of the world cannot be developed. It is already the limit to reach this point.

The blood-killing teacher around him is like him, and he is also the **** of the gods coming to this place. After more than 30 years of hard work in Xuan Gong, it is hard to fix the world's exercises to the peak.

The two men came together at the same time, but did not expect to have found their goal after staying here for 30 years.

"Let's look for another ten years. If not, let's go back." The scribe was calm.

"Anything." The blood killing master is lazy.

Although the two are almost invincible, the goal can't be found, and everything is meaningless.

"To calculate the time, that one is about to start." The middle-aged scribe whispered. "In this case, how about we advance in advance?"

"As long as he agrees." The blood-killing leader is still a little careless.

After all, that one is really close to the invincible existence of the world. Although they are strong, they still have to be a bit weaker.



The heavy bells slowly spread.

At the foot of the Dongshan Mountain, the seven hills of Wumengmen’s heads each launched their own martial arts flag, and they had already arranged the carriages already arranged.

Li Shanlan, the head of the Yeshan Jianpai, clung to the hands of Dongshan.

"They are easy to ally, my Yeshan faction has resigned today."

Yichuan has a smile on his face. This time he succeeded in defending the position of the lord, and naturally he is inseparable from the support of Ye Shanpai.

"Be careful all the way, after the arrival, please also tell the pigeons to pass the book."

"for sure!"

Li Lanlan nodded.

The Yeshan faction has been on four large horse-drawn carriages. The team slowly moved in the distance under the whip of the driver.

Yi Chuanyuan looked at the team and left, and a subordinate immediately came up and whispered around him.

"The lord, the blood gun door has to go."

"Well, I will go right away." Yi Chuan nodded. Once again, I looked at the team of the Eye Mountain Swords and turned to the rear of Dongshan Mountain Road.

Yesterday sent away the Donggui faction, Sanding Gate, today is the Yeshan Jianpai and the blood gun door. Together with the Jiu Ning Jianpai and the crepe knife door that left at the beginning, Qishan Wumeng almost finished.

"Just there is a rumor, I don't know if I don't want to talk about it?"

"What rumors? You said." Yi Chuan stopped and frowned. He knows that his confidant has always been steady. Today, I am afraid that something big has happened.

The confidant man paused and sighed.

"In recent days, the rivers and lakes have uploaded words, and some people have seen the disappearance of the knives and knives in the dead crow forest for many years."

"Yu Peng knife Wang Zhao Wuji??!" Yi Chuan eyes shrink.

In the past ten years, the four major sects of the right path have been weak, and they have suppressed their power. The living space has been compressed to a limit.

The demon road can only be developed in frontier and foreign countries. In today's martial arts, it is the mouse in the dark.

This Wu Peng knife king Zhao Wuji, regarded as a master in the evil road many years ago, has been missing for many years, and now suddenly born, fearing that it will be a lifelong incident.

It is not Yichuan who is worried about the sky, but the evil road, the Peng Pengmen, who was born in the Kuang Peng knife king, has been killed by Emei and Qishan Wumeng five years ago.

At the time, Zao Wou-Ki was still in a state of disappearance. If not, Emei and Qishan Wumeng would not solve the Peng Peng door so easily.

"Whether it is true or not, the horse uploads the news to the rest of the six mountains. For warning." Yi Chuan said.




A silver flash of light, like a snake, constantly surrounded by Lu Sheng to beat around.

The long sword seems to be alive, and he constantly dances and jumps in his hands. The leaves are falling, but all the blades are not close to him within three feet.

A large number of blades are continuously driven by the invisible airflow and fall by their sides to form one circle after another.

"The skylark rushes!"

Screaming forward with a sword, Lu Sheng wins his wrists, and the whole body muscles gather a giant force to infuse on the hilt.

Hey! !

The shadow of the Jianguang Brake, as if it were turned into more than a dozen silver skylarks, stabbed a little ahead from more than a dozen angles.


The blade splits instantly merge into one, accurately piercing the trunk of the eucalyptus.

Everything changed from polar to quiet.

Lu Sheng frowned.

"Is this the limit?" It took more than two months to reach the limit, a bit slow.

The world is too restrictive. It depends on the body and the skills. In fact, the ability of the human body to exert itself has limits.

This limit exists in many worlds. It may be affected by the innate factors of different people's bodies, resulting in different heights, but the gap will never be too great.

Because this is the limit of the flesh gene itself.

"The limit is the limit, anyway, I send more power.

The basics are basically fixed, and the body of the sword is solid. It is almost possible to start the deduction. ”

He pulled out the sword.

Although there is no internal strength, the thirteen-level skylark sword has already made him perfect for every skill of this sword.

This body is designed to exert the perfect thirteen layers of swordsmanship, and the targeted reinforcement has reached a limit.

Especially the wrist and wrist, and the back of the legs, the explosive power and accuracy of a moment is simply terrible.


Lu Sheng gently stroked, the blade fluttered, as if the edge of the blade was swaying around a small little skylark flying and beating.

"Even if there is no internal force, there is still qi and blood. Simply go to the direction of blood and blood." Anyway, this time to analyze the rules, his gas can have some nourishment ability. But because the restrictions are too big, they still can't be used.

"Dark blue."

The light blue box pops up instantly.

Lu Sheng looked at it.

‘The Skylark Sword: The thirteenth floor, (traits: strength strengthens thirteen, speed increases thirteen, explosive power strengthens thirteen. Additional bonus: light, split.)’

Lu Sheng light car familiar with the point of the modified button, and then behind the skylark 翎 sword box, found a deductible button.

"Deduct a layer of the skylark flower sword."

He slowly clicks on the push button.


The box suddenly blurs, as if there are no digital shadows flashing above.

Lu Sheng soon felt that the power of a unit was spreading rapidly on his chest, and he broke into his body and his body.

Soon, the box is clear. He quickly stared at it.

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