Way of the Devil

Chapter 810: Dark chess two

"kill him"

"kill him"


Under the dim light of the street, a woman in a red dress stood quietly in the shadow of the light, her eyes wide open, and she looked at the distance without a trace.

The woman looks pale and white, and she seems to be lifeless in the shadows.

"I am listening," the woman replied slowly. Answer the voice that continually penetrates into her ears in the darkness.

"I am listening to the voice from the darkness"

The faint mist gradually began to linger around the woman. The dim light of the street lamp is also blocked by the fog, and the more it looks dull.

"The power of the Lord of Water, the Lord of Water, is everywhere, and our rituals must be held faithfully. Anyone who obstructs must clear the must!" The voice in the dark continued.

"I know" the woman replied in a low voice.

"As long as the ceremony can be held smoothly, the power of the Lord of Water will completely purify the whole of London. They will mourn and cry in the infinite waters and confess their own crimes."

"Now two marks have been completed. As long as there are three more times, the first stage ceremony will be started. The messenger will strengthen and start the second stage ceremony." The voice continued.

"So, go and kill all the obstacles, no matter who they are"

The woman stood in the shadow and said nothing.

Suddenly, her black hair was long, growing, and more and more, and in a blink of an eye, she fell to the ground like running water and began to spread in all directions.

Her feet quickly formed a black field of black hair. The woman herself slowly melts, splits into countless hairs, collapses, blends into the black hair below, and disappears in a blink of an eye.



"My soul is also improving" Lu Sheng has never had this experience, in the small world to enhance the strength, and actually like the real mortal, will even enhance the spirit!

It is incredible to know that his soul is already so large that it can't be added.

Suddenly, he couldn’t help but recall the mysterious symbol he had seen before. A snake was ringed and the center had an eye.

"The eye of sin is also the eye shape, this is also the eye shape." I don't know why. He always feels that this kind of symbol seems to have some familiarity, just as he had seen this thing very early and very early.

"Continue to improve the twenty-fourth layer of blood and blood", blood can be infinitely increased, as long as the body can still accommodate.

Lu Sheng has never had a purely improved approach to improving the full range of qi and blood.

This kind of route is an attempt to try the life of this world, the maximum blood that can be accommodated.




Lu Shengpan sat indoors, the lungs constantly swallowed a huge airflow, now he is 2.4 times more than ordinary human blood, this all-round improvement is not just defense, or resilience, Or speed, and the soul

He seems to have returned to a certain mortal state. At that time, as long as a little bit of growth in the flesh, it can be implicated in the rise of the soul.

"I'm not right!"

The blood is expanding and growing.

Lu Sheng has gradually begun to feel the feeling of pain in the whole body. This is a problem that the body gradually becomes unable to accommodate the surge of blood in a short period of time.

It is not the limit of the body's genes, but it cannot adapt so quickly.

"Ground gas!" Lu Sheng quickly lifted the body power, a trace of yellow air flow in his body spinning cycle, where the body is hurt, immediately swept to accelerate healing.

Time passed by.

26th floor

Thirtieth floor

Fortieth floor

46th floor

Forty seventh floor

Forty-eighth floor

boom! ! !

In an instant, the road has won the bleeding of the entire population.

He opened his eyes wide open, as if a silent cry, the capillaries in the eye burst quickly.

"It's not going to be fast, it's going to the limit. It seems that it can only be strengthened next time." Lu Sheng felt the tearing pain that almost blasted all over the body. He was preparing to let the ground fully nourish and heal the body.

Suddenly, he was attentive, and looked down at himself unconsciously.

Huh? ?

Suddenly he made a move.

The center of the body is in the middle of the chest. I don’t know when a lot of blood-colored filaments appear. These filaments look like cracked epidermis capillaries. I didn’t pay attention to the road before, but when I looked closely, he found some Inexplicable things.

"what is this??!"

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and gently touched his chest. The bloodshot hair there looked like a big blur, and there was nothing, but after gently touching his fingers, the surface of the skin slowly highlighted a symbol.

It is like an eagle with wings on both sides, tail feathers behind it, eagle heads above, but the body is in the middle, but there is only one eye.

The ring formed with the snake is wrapped in the middle of the eye.

Lu Sheng feels keenly that there seems to be some special connection between the two.

"This symbolic breath is similar to the evil sign that I saw before, but it is different. How long has it arrived for me?" Road wins are unknown.

The sense of crisis that his heart has not had for a long time, the instinct of the instinct comes to mind.

Close your eyes, the road wins the soul and dive, and the consciousness quickly enters the dark space of the giant crane.

In the space, his body is a thousand gods, and at this time he is curling up in the darkness.

Lu Sheng’s consciousness returned to the body of a thousand gods, and immediately found something wrong.

In the core of the brain of the giant crane, there is an identical mysterious symbol in the eagle.

"When did this symbol come in? Not without this breath, there is absolutely nothing that can be silently into my soul!"

He is very confident about this point. He is a demon or a demon. This is the ancestor who plays with the soul. It is impossible to be found in the soul of the soul.

But now he suddenly found out that he had a thing in his soul, which he had never noticed before, which made him shake.

"The virtual demon has the ability to perfectly trace all of his memory. I used to think that this ability is useless, but now, I can use it to see what this thing is!"

The giant crane in the dark slowly moved the body and opened his mouth with a silent breath.

Hey! !

Suddenly, a circle of black and yellow halo completely wrapped the whole body, and the thousand gods slowly closed their eyes, and the memory quickly began to trace back.

Numerous pictures are flying back and forth in the eyes of Lu Sheng, a series of scenes, things that have been experienced, no matter how small, all can be recalled anytime, anywhere.

Just like watching a movie, you can press the pause button at any time to carefully observe any details in the picture.

From the beginning of the memory, the memory quickly returns to the instant star, and then returns to the time he just joined the Qingzong, returned to Libra City, and returned to the dialogue with the eight lions and lions.

Lu Sheng's huge soul power can completely scan a large number of memory segments every second.

Soon, the memory returned to the Huangquan Star, from the Yuan Mozong, to the Great Song, to the North.

"How is it possible?" Lu Sheng looked at himself in memory, no matter what time he paused, as long as he looked carefully, he could find the symbol of the eagle's eye in his own memory.

The weird symbol is so deeply hidden that it has always been hidden in the deepest part of the soul.

Lu Sheng paused for dozens of times, and even saw the symbol sneak out a few times to help him speed up the recovery.

Soon, the memory goes back and forth earlier, until the city of Jiulian! !

Hey! !

The huge giant cranes in the eyes of the gods involuntarily revealed anger, shock, distortion.

"This symbol!" He didn't even know that he was wearing this symbol from the beginning.

It is like a ghost, hidden in its own body, silently playing a potential role.

The memory is still backtracking. The memory in Jiulian City has slowed down a lot. It is already when he has just arrived at Huangquanxing and crossed into an ordinary person.

But the more you get here, the more you feel, the more you feel.

Although this symbol does not have much sense of existence, he can't stand it and he has never realized it.

This is a variable!

The memory traces back quickly, until the time he just crossed, lying on the bed.

Soon, he saw his soul continually rolling in his body, and his consciousness recalled the tearing pain of that day. The soul merged with the strange flesh. The pain at that time was no easier than the hardships encountered later. .

With the running of the soul and the flesh, Lu Sheng finally found out where the mysterious symbol originated.

While his soul and flesh are struggling wildly, the mysterious symbol of the eye of an eagle slowly emerges from the flesh and blood in the original flesh. Begin to help the flesh to fight against the soul of Lu Sheng.

However, it seems that because the physical basis is too weak, the symbol is over-consumed after being over-consumed with the road-winning spirit, and then has to retreat back to the depths of the body. It seems to only increase the strength of the flesh, 1 does not have any ability.

In the end, the soul is finally integrated into the body.

Memory continues to go back.

The next picture is that the soul of Lu Sheng is swaying in the seven-color whirlpool of time and space, and the time of swaying for a long time

At the beginning, there were many, many similar souls floating with him, but as the turbulence of time and space changed, a large number of souls began to be shattered. The smashed soul is turned into countless particles, which are absorbed by the surviving soul.

Lu Sheng saw that his soul was the one that absorbed the most. As time went on, more and more dead souls appeared, and they seemed to have begun to awaken all kinds of different abilities.

It was only at that time that I was conscious, I didn’t know anything, I didn’t have physical support, I didn’t practice the spirit, I only knew to follow the instinct.

Time passed slowly again. I don’t know how long it took. Finally, Lu Sheng saw that his soul was solidified to a certain extent, and finally met a golden opportunity.

In the vortex of time and space, a gray crack suddenly disappeared.

"that's it!"

Lu Sheng saw that his soul was like a hungry dog, and savagely squeezed the remaining soul around him, a sprint, and smashed into the crack.

It seems that it is because when it is time and space, after being adapted to time and space, it is nourished by the turbulent flow of time and space.

Lu Sheng saw from the middle of his memory that his soul was extremely strong from the beginning, and he seemed to have some unknown talent.

He saw himself as a lightning bolt, and quickly landed on Huang Quanxing, flew to the Great Song and Nine Cities, and pierced into the young man lying on the bed.

And the young man is just in a state of complete collapse after the spirit of the spirit and a certain force in the body.

Lu Sheng looked at his own soul and sneaked in, and then began to compete with the flesh for his own control.


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