Way of the Devil

Chapter 812: First test two

Jason carefully carried the gun and slowly advanced in the woods.

"Don't you think that the surrounding is too quiet?" He whispered to the road victory behind him.

"It's a bit, but the woods are very quiet. This time is afternoon, just after the hottest time." Lu Sheng replied casually.

"Is it?" Jason wondered. "Yes, I just heard the gunshots? Did you hear it?"

Lu Sheng shook his head, and he was afraid that the answer would scare Jason.

"No. There are no sounds around."

"There is no clue to finding it here, or do we still go back first? Meet other people." Jason suggested.

“Go back?” Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. “It’s too early to go back. Let’s look for it again. Maybe you can find any clues. Don’t forget that the case is based on the contribution.”

As soon as he heard the money, Jason suddenly moved.

Unlike Jack, who is possessed by Lu Sheng, Jack will have his mother to help from time to time. Although he is stubborn, he does not want to give money there, but at least life is full of people who are not hungry.

But Jason also has a mother who is sick in bed. He spends most of his salary every month to buy medicine and nurse for his mother.

Only a little bit is left for myself.

This also leads to almost every dangerous task, he will participate, as long as there is money.


Suddenly a subtle wind swelled from a distance.

"What sound did you hear?" Jason suddenly said.

Lu Sheng brows a glimpse, is about to speak.

Hey! !

Suddenly a black shadow flew from behind him to him.

Lu Sheng's back muscles slammed tightly, reaching the limit of the legs and squatting force, a rollover, and avoiding the shadow of the shadow behind him.

"The trough!" Jason was in front of him, and he turned back to see the full picture of the black shadow.

It was a huge black bear with a height of nearly two meters. He opened his mouth and could bite the waist of an adult man.

"Run!!" Lu Sheng shouted, reminding Jason at this time, he pulled out the gun against the black bear is a few shots.


But the bullets hit the back of the black bear, and all of them were automatically popped up, leaving only a little bit of blood.

"Mr. exaggerated," Jason felt as he was shaking in his blood.

"Run!!" Lu Sheng’s snoring came again.

The black bear chased Lu Sheng all the way to the depths of the jungle.


The bear's paw is another palm, hitting the trunk of a big tree on the side of Lu Sheng, and the wood chips flew in time.

Lu Shengqiang resisted the desire to fight back. He did not want his power to be exposed in front of Jason.

Jack and Jason are friends and colleagues who live together day and night. Once his changes are discovered, it is difficult to hide Jason's.

A close friend, such a big change in a short period of time, how to look is not normal.

Therefore, Lu Sheng is ready to drag on for a while and then let Jason adapt to his changes, so as not to cause trouble. Now, he still does not want to expose his true strength.

Hey! !

The black bear moves faster and faster, and it slams into the air.

Lu Sheng had just rolled over to avoid the fight, and was about to get up. Suddenly he felt a black shadow on his head.

He quickly bowed his head and shorted, tumbling, smashing out from the side of the black bear, and dangerously avoiding the blow.

He was chased and chased one after another, and his heart sighed with a sigh of relief. At this time, Lu Sheng waited for Jason to leave, and he turned over to actually play with the black bear.

After avoiding the black bear several times, Lu Sheng looked at Jason's back and disappeared into the distance.

The heart is slowly relieved.

"Okay, I want it this time."

"Jack! I will stand up, you run away!!" Suddenly a big bang came again, Jason, who just ran away, actually came back!

He didn't know where to hold a rounded-pointed log, yelling at his face and rushing to the black bear.

Ah, ah! !

Lu Sheng just mentioned the strength of a glimpse, almost no anger.

"Jack!! Run away!!"

Wherein Ja Clos slammed his face as a spur, and he felt his liver pain.

"Stupid, this is human." The black bear spit out a sigh of relief, and his eyes looked like a fool.


He smashed the log, and the huge force with the other end of Jason also flew out, rolling a few laps on the grass in the distance, half a ring did not get up.

"You are running away!!" Lu Sheng yelled at Jason.

"No!! I am coming off! You are going!!" Jason climbed up hard. Seeing that Lu Sheng is upset.

He wait themselves for the goods to run away, he really used the real strength to kill the black bear to find clues.

But this guy is just like the leather candy.

"I can still hold on!!" Jason got up and picked up the log again.

Hey! !

The black bear slammed again to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng had a roll, just to avoid the fight, but did not expect the black bear actually picked up a white stone, the head-sized stone slammed into his chest.


Lu Sheng’s body rolled over a few laps, flew out and rolled a few times on the grass.

"Jason! You give me a go!! Never leave, we both have to die here!!" He climbed up and screamed.

"No! I don't want to go!! Go away first!!" Jason actually hard to get up. It was obvious that even the teeth were knocked out by the mouth.

When Lu Sheng suddenly had a forehead blood vessel, this cargo was simply too much trouble!

Hey! !

The black bear was once again crazy and rushed to the road.

Lu Sheng simply turned and ran, rushing all the way to the jungle.

The black bear fruit is not enough. Keeping him behind, the dark red fluorescence is faintly hidden in the eyes of the two bears.

After running for a few minutes, the road speed was getting faster and faster, and finally the front suddenly disappeared. The black bear followed closely and screamed from time to time.

Soon, Jason, who was behind the jungle, couldn’t see anyone.

There was a stream of water in the front of the forest, and the road ran to the stream along the stream.

The upper reaches of the creek is a green water pool, and the water is cold, and it is constantly chilling.

There is a waterfall at the top that falls from the cliff and pulls out a white peg.


Lu Sheng stepped on the grass on the edge of the pool and stopped.

"Just here." He glanced around and there was no one around.


Lu Sheng turned and looked at him, his mouth cracked with a smile.

Hey! ! !

Suddenly the black bear threw out of the jungle, and it was a huge deafening horror.

Lu Sheng screamed, his muscles bulging, his clothes blasting, his hands and arms bulging a spur of blue veins and blood vessels, and a lot of hot air spread with him as radiation in all directions.

His entire body shape swelled several times in an instant, and he rushed to the black bear with a huge stone around him.

The black bear had not had time to react, and was taken by the road to hold the stone. The whole body flew out on the spot and squatted on the back of the trunk.

boom! !

Its eyes, ears, nose, mouth, all spray bleeding, the bones of the body do not know how many roots.

Hey! !

A lot of leaves were shaken and dropped like rain.

Lu Sheng climbed up from the black bear.

"Let's say, I know you can understand me." He stuck the black bear's neck with one hand and slowly lifted it up.

Hey! !

The black bear roared and tried to raise his hand to fight back.

Lu Sheng had a loose hand and his elbow flashed forward.

Hey! !

Just like a hammer on a quilt, after a muffled sound, the black bear's body was bent into a shrimp-like shape, bowed up, and a wow of a big mouth spewed water and bile on the grass.

"The next shot, I will make your ears degenerate." Lu Sheng raised his hands, his arms muscles quickly crawled through countless blood vessels.

Hey! !

The black bear screamed again and again.

Lu Sheng flashed forward with a double arm.

Hey! !

After two muffled sounds, the two ears with little black bears were directly torn off.

It hurts both ears and squats back.

"Don't you say that?" Lu Sheng lost his bear ears.

"Next, I will degenerate all the organs in your body. Let you return to the original era, feel the chaos from the beginning."

Lu Sheng hands slowly draw the starting style of the instant fist.

"This is my latest sentiment, the strongest boxing that can bring life back to the mother and reach the source!"

Hey! !

The black bear finally collapsed and turned and fled towards the depths of the forest.

"This blow, degenerate your arms!" Lu Sheng glared and rushed up like a lightning bolt.


Two cold lights crossed.

Hey! ! !

The black bear screams in the sky and gives the greatest sorrow in life.

A large amount of blood is sprayed from the gaps of the broken arms, like blood fog.

"You should be honored. This is the first time that I have integrated this magical power into my own after the light of the original light." Lu Sheng slowly walked toward the black bear who fell to the ground not far away.

"This is my way. My understanding. It is the light that all my roots gather."

He grabbed the hair of the black bear's head.

"Thinking about it? Or is it, continue to pretend to be a black bear, and then be degenerated into the most primitive chaos?" Lu Sheng eyes against the black bear eyes.

"Make a decision."

The black bear’s eyes show deep fear.

"No, I can't say can't say!!" It finally made a vague human language. An extremely distorted expression of fear on his face.

"What can't you say? Is there something more terrible in this world than being degraded into paramecium?" Lu Sheng wondered.

"You don't understand it, it's it's water" bang! !

In an instant, the whole black bear exploded.

It seems that there is a lot of blood in his body. At this moment, the body of the black bear is like a balloon full of pinholes. All the blood in the body bursts out in just one second.

Lu Sheng didn't even have time to dodge, and he was splashed by blood.


The **** water instantly reddens the surrounding grassland and trunk shrubs.

The thick rust smell is in the air here, and it smells disgusting.

Lu Sheng loosened the palm of the black bear's scalp and slowly stood up.

"Isn't even a name to say?" The soul of his body faintly felt a sense of threat.

"It’s been too long, there is nothing, I can feel this feeling."

Ever since he perfected the myths of the gods, even if he had a stronger presence than himself, there would be no deadly threat.

But now, he actually has this insecurities.

"No matter who you are, in front of my original light, everything is already doomed." Lu Sheng finally looked at the black bear's body, and the body slowly emerged with a vague mysterious symbol.

The symbol is a snake surrounded by a strange eye.

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