Way of the Devil

Chapter 864: Chaos 2 (thanks to the book's lord of the South Mountain to reward ~)

"Go ahead!" Lu Sheng nodded. His powerful and horrible hearing has faintly heard the voice of Dongli and the led professor, Professor Meers.

"The principal is dispatched to meet"

"There will be no floor isolation of dark creepers"

"Repulsively fast"

In the intermittent keywords, when Alni returned to the room to change clothes, Lu Sheng quickly contacted the keywords and understood the meaning of Dong Li and others.

There is a mysterious force that raided the school, and both the principal and the lady of joy were dispatched at the same time to face the opposing forces.

Most of the students were struck by the large-scale sorcerer that broke through, and they were stunned. They were summoning the people who could be summoned to the key points.

"Perhaps a chance" Lu Sheng did not expect that the opportunity came so fast.

Now the principal is not there, and the happy lady is also playing against. The important strength of the school may not be there. Although it is still unclear elsewhere, there is no new force in the infiltration.

At this time, isn't it an excellent time to go to the base of the moon to capture the chaotic code and the chaotic core?

Lu Sheng looked back at the open door, and Alni had changed clothes and packed up her equipment.

He was silent, and looked at more and more students and teachers gathered together. It seems that the whole school is really in chaos.

Soon, Alni's footsteps began to approach her room. She is ready, coming over here.

Lu Sheng suddenly paused and suddenly raised his hand.

call! !

Suddenly a gust of wind swept through the window, wrapped around him, rushed out of the window, disappeared into the darkness of the night sky, and disappeared.

Only the shaking window left and shook.

"Jack Big Brother!" Alni rushed into the room and saw the empty dormitory.

"Jack??" Her voice suddenly fell, and there was a slight worry in her eyes.



Moon base.

The dense woods are swaying by the wind, and the leaves and branches are like sawtooth scratching the glass, making a harsh rustling sound.

The night sky is dark, there is no moon, no stars, only a piece of darkness.

When Lu Sheng came to control the airflow, it took only two minutes before and after. This is still his cautiousness, always paying attention to avoiding the speed of any visible sight of the living creature.

The wind took him slowly to the woodland, and the dark magical creature brought him the dark vision, so that he was not affected by the light.

When Lu Sheng landed, he speeded up and rushed toward the direction of the import and export of the base.

Not far from how far he went, he saw the base of the moon base shining in the darkness, with a pale green glimmer.

A head of black shadow slammed out from the surrounding shadows, rushed to the base door, and was shredded by the pale green shimmer, and turned into pieces to dissipate.

The light is similar to a special force field. When it hits it, it breaks and it dies.

"Kazakh Kazakh Asakoba Basa" is not far from the darkness, a huge black shadow of more than ten meters long, like a muddy monster spread on the ground, a nightmare like a mole.

The constant separation of the black shadows poured out a large number of shadow monsters, rushing to the door, and both sides seemed to be in a stalemate.

Lu Sheng did not disturb the monster, but circumvented from the other side, began to follow the ground of the forest, infiltrated the airflow under his feet, and probed the weakness of the base of the moon.

At this time, the base is absolutely open to all protection and is the best opportunity to explore the defense system.

As time went by, very quickly, ten minutes later, he found the thinnest position of the entire base protection layer.

In the darkness, Lu Sheng made a move and stood above the weak spot.

After "just here" confirmed the position, he looked up and looked into the distant sky.

In the red glow there, it is faintly visible that the lady of joy is struggling with some kind of huge, invisible horror fluctuations, but it seems that the victory and defeat gradually become clear, and the opposite fluctuation is obviously only a temptation, a slight downwind, and quickly Start to withdraw.

Lu Sheng’s right hand, which was slowly raised, was slowly lowered.

"It's not time to activate the big battle now, it's too early."

Once the large array of his early arrangements is activated, a large number of subordinates of the world of the heart will all flow into the world, killing everything according to his will. This is his last real card. Once used, it means no more room to recover.

He does not want to use this card if it is not necessary.

"It seems that today is not a good time." Lu Sheng was quite a bit regretful.


Not far from there was a violent explosion. The huge black-eyed monster that had been squatting in the forest was smashed by some inexplicable explosion and turned into countless broken shadow fragments, which gradually melted into the darkness of the forest.

Lu Sheng blinked and knew that it was time to leave. The dark power of this attack was obviously only a temptation, and there was no meaning of death. The time was too short, and he could not enter the moon base to **** the core.

"But it looks like it shouldn't be too far next time."

Lu Sheng looked up and looked at the sky again.

The entire sky is in the middle, and the dark red in the eyes is gradually emerging, like the belly of a huge lizard, full of fine scales.

The red sky keeps swelling and squeezing, like breathing, with a faint breathing gasping.

"Maradona, you are old, give up next time, next time, when I really land, when my Lord really awakens is the day when the entire visca is completely destroyed" a distorted huge spiritual wave, using ancient Ansel Long squatting.

"The new **** can't save your seven-day era will come again." The huge spiritual fluctuations slowly sneak into the sky, gradually blending into the darkness of the sky, and disappearing.

Lu Sheng vomited, his arms lifted, and suddenly a lot of air carried him away from the distance, and disappeared into the dark night outside the forest.

Although there was nothing to gain this night, he clearly knew that the real strongest card in the University of Misska, one is the president of Maradona, and the lady of joy.

These two are almost the key figures supporting the entire girders.

Maybe there are other cards in the school, but the strength on the bright side should be these two.

On the way back to the dormitory, Lu Sheng could feel the huge spiritual fluctuations in the sky that were as dazzling as the two rounds of the sun.

That is the spiritual will of the principal Maradona and the lady of joy.

The rest can also sense a slightly smaller idea, which should be the strongest of other professors in the school.

But the strength and volume are far less than these two.

Back to the dormitory, Lu Sheng once again looked at the open space between the dormitory buildings. There were hundreds of students gathered there. The students gathered together in fear and gathered in a row. Under the comfort of several professors, quietly Pray for something.

Alni is also inside, Andy was carried by a stretcher and placed on the side of the ground, the same solemn and pious.

The thunder of thunder continued to spread from the depths of the night sky. Slowly, the wind became smaller. The two biggest spirits quietly receded, followed by the rest of the smaller spirits. Everyone was in line, and they all returned in an orderly manner. Different orientations of the school.

Soon the wind subsided, and the dark clouds of the sky slowly dispersed, revealing the moon and the stars.

The students gathered below are gradually spreading out and returning to their dormitory rooms.

"Lu Sheng! Where have you gone?? I can't find you everywhere!"

Alni hurriedly pushed the door and rushed in. She saw Lu Sheng standing in the window, holding a steel tube to defend herself, and a look of caution.

She was so angry that she couldn’t help but laugh out.

"I don't know. I just blinked. I was in a black spot. I went to another place. When I rushed back, I just entered the door and saw the clouds disappear."

"It may be that some kind of space fluctuations have been moved. It was just a evil spirit, the evil spirits invaded the school, these **** guys!" Now Alni has the taboos of the students, not the kind of weak people who can be pitiful at first. girl.

"Before Professor Meyers gave us the effect of micro-fear, I said why I was inexplicably afraid!" Alni regained her strength and walked up and down in the room.

"No, I have to go to Kaiduo, even I have recruited, Kaido they are estimated to be more troublesome! Jack, is there any way to avoid the micro-invasion of fear??"

"I need to understand the mechanisms, the fears of the mechanisms they use, the influences and components, the rune system, which are all slightly different.

You have to know that there are dozens of hundreds of runes in the world, each using the same fears, the effects are different. Lu Sheng quickly answered.

It seems that everything is back to normal, and the chaotic atmosphere of the past has disappeared. He paused and continued to add.

"What happened in the end? Did the professor make it clear?"

Alni frowned.

"It is the mother of the water and the two evil gods of Yu Sheng joined forces to attack the school. Fortunately, the principal and the lady of joy have withstood the raid. Now the medical school, the College of Life Sciences, and the College of Liberal Arts are all organizing personnel to establish an emergency college escort."


"Yes, this fear, most people are comatose, there are not many people like us who are only affected by a small amount, but this means that our body is very resistant and can play in many raids. Great role." Alni is right.

"What about compensation? Can't it be free labor? This is a desperate job." Lu Sheng asked.

“The reward is that every student who participates in the **** can access the library without restriction, and at the same time, he can enter the library once every six months. He enjoys one of the banquets of Miska No.1 every month.” Alni quickly replied. Back down like a stream.

“啧啧” Rao is Lu Sheng, and he has been stunned by the school. Others say that in the past, the library and the Miska No. 1 blessing potion are not eligible for the average person.

In the past, as long as the library is qualified, it can find a direction and path that breaks through.

The Miska No. 1 blessing syrup is a mysterious potion that can greatly enhance the endurance and agility of the human body.

"If there is no accident, the evil spirits will explode again in the near future. At least 50% of the defense facilities in this school will be embarrassing." Alni is worried.

"And, this time, the professor said that there are still seniors and seniors who have joined together to arrange the glow of the law to block the empty monsters preparing to raid the underground base. But it has seriously injured many people, if there are more Times"

"The seniors and juniors also participated?"

Lu Sheng’s eyes flashed in a flash.

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