Way of the Devil

Chapter 89: Arrange one

"No, I sent it directly along the mountain town, and I went straight." Lu Sheng turned to read.


"Other things you arrange, I will go to the headquarters first." Lu Sheng confessed, riding a horse to the red whale speeding away.

There was no stop in the way. When he arrived at the Red Whale, many high-level foreign ministers and internal affairs ambassadors had arrived.

There are crowds on the pier, and some nearby gangs are also there.

When Lu Sheng arrived at Ma Gang, he immediately greeted the gang who was wearing red gang costumes to help him lead the way.

"How are so many people today?" Lu Sheng brows and asks, while looking to the front.

The team that just arrived in front of the team also held the banner of the Dongshan Club. The white-bearded old man who led the team was whispering and talking to the helpers.

"It is the help of the old man who has called the assembly order. The heads with heads and faces in the vicinity will go to the red whales today." The gang replied whispered.

Lu Sheng rolled over and got off the boat. From the side of the red whale, the front was so crowded that he couldn’t get in and out. There are several teams of flags lined up on the ship, and the speed is very slow because of the review.

"Calling the General Assembly Order? What happened?" Lu Sheng asked.

"The subordinates are not clear." The gang also shook their heads.

Lu Sheng no longer speaks, his brow wrinkles, and his heart feels a little bad.

When he got on the boat, he went straight to the central hall. When he was not near, he heard the noise inside. Some people were arguing.

Entering the main hall along the sideways of the ship, the entrance is full of messy gang flag.

The hall is also filled with other forces.

The old lord sat in the first place, Chen Ying was also around, and the rest of the foreign affairs made the housekeeper, Wang Lao, Ouyang elders, and a group of elders he knew.

The following is the second meeting, the forest association and the Dongshan meeting, it seems that the representative figures have arrived, and the two conferences have taken a few look at the men and women who are very impressive.

After that is the change door, the total channel door, the mountain tiger door, the representative of the three doors. There was noisy noise in the entire hall.

Lu Sheng looked at the old lord, Hong Mingzi also saw him, rushed to him and nodded, indicating that he was sitting in the past.

Lu Sheng noticed that Hong Mingzi also sat on the left side of a young man who looked calm and calm.

This person is obviously sitting next to the red whale helping the Lord, wearing a gray coat and carrying a pine sword on his back, but there is no trace of momentum. It is like the gentleman who teaches in the colleges when Lu Sheng is common, and it is like a bookstore. The owner of the store has a soft temperament.

He blinked and strode to the past.

"Teacher, sit on my side." Hong Mingzi whispered, pointing to the seat under Chen Ying on the right hand side.

Chen Ying is the second-hand of the red whale, and let Lu Sheng sit behind him. Obviously, his road win is the third spot for the red whale.

Lu Sheng is not polite, striding over, Da Ma Jindao sat down.

"Senior brother, what is the matter, why is the call order issued?"

Hong Mingzi barely squeezed out a smile and introduced the youth on the side: "This is the principal who has come forward to deal with the situation and look for the son."

He turned his head and turned to the young and young voice: "Looking for the son, this is the old master, Lu Sheng, now I am a red whale, my brother's strength can rank the top three."

The young man nodded softly and did not speak, just gestured.

Lu Sheng also instantly understood the identity of the other party.

Look for it!

The leader of the family who led the team this time is also the true family of the legend. Moreover, this person can lead other family members to come forward, and must be considered a leader in the family.

He looked slightly awkward and got up and hugged his fists. I am looking for a slight dagger.

In his capacity, it is normal to have such a statement.

Lu Sheng did not care, sitting down and no longer speak. After all, in the eyes of the other party, he is only the head of the red whale gang, and he is a gentleman who is inconspicuous, and he can see that he is very gentle.

After that, there were one more red whales to help the high-level arrival. Hong Mingzi’s powerful strengths were also introduced to him. The high-ranking family also had no impatience and always had a mild attitude.

However, after learning about his identity, many high-level executives are all enemies, and they are sitting in danger, for fear of causing this unhappiness, and the atmosphere is a bit stiff.

After waiting for about half an hour.

The red whales have been introduced to everyone, and the leaders of the remaining gangs have all arrived. The main entrance of the main hall was slowly closed.

Hong Ming is raising his hand.

Hey! !

A dull drumming sounded.

"Silence!" Hong Ming Zilang channel.

The hall that was originally noisy was quickly quieted down, and the leaders of all major forces were bound to subordinate, and the line of sight looked upward.

"Hong Lao Bangzhu, the red whale help has been used for the second time since it was qualified for the call order more than ten years ago. This time, please invite everyone to come, is it for the recent unrest outside the city?" Sit in the seat.

"Really, there have been a lot of troubles in the northern part of the country recently. There are endless cases of various bizarre cases. It is not a good sign for everyone. The red whales are the leader of the North. Can you come up with some countermeasures to stabilize the situation?" Loudly.

The rest have also been echoed. Indeed, many forces have been hit hard by recent times. A large number of headless murders are becoming more and more, and even the people along the mountain town are full of people, let alone those living outside the city.

Although everyone has tried to fool the past in other ways, the discerning person can still see that he has completely left the situation that everyone has mastered.

Hong Mingchong coughed twice, and then pressed his hands again, indicating that everyone was quiet.

"What you said is that the recent situation in the North is really difficult to master, so this time my red whales invited everyone to come, it is to solve this."

He reached out and gestured to his side.

"This man who is looking for a son is a person who comes to solve the situation at hand."

Looking for? !

The name seemed to be magical and quickly passed between the leaders of many forces. The people who were all impatient were all changed after hearing the name of the person. In addition to the unknown newcomers in recent years, the rest of the top, no one has not heard of the name of the family.

The scene quickly quieted down, and some people who had lost their minds on weekdays, at this time, the forehead vest began to sweat, and it was not clear whether the family would turn over the old account.

Look for a smile, slowly get up.

He looked around the audience and was very satisfied with the deterrent power of his name.

"Everyone." He wasn't very angry, but the voice was clearly transmitted so that everyone could hear it.

"Below the representative of the family, I hope that everyone in the room can cooperate with me to do two things."

He stood up and the rest of the people quickly got up, including Hong Mingzi, and they all stood up.

"I have seen the son of a son! I dare to ask... what does the son want us to do?" The Dongshan Association attached a strong and respectful voice.

This problem is also something that someone wants to know at the venue.

I laughed and laughed: "I want all your forces, everyone, to find out all the powers related to the Red Square."

“Red Square?” Hong Ming’s face changed.

"Yes, red red, the square of Lefang, it is also the real source of this turmoil." I nodded. "In addition, I want you to report all the outstanding outsiders who have recently arrived in the five major cities, all the records, all Unusual foreigners must write down."

This is an extremely huge project. The five major cities are the five great cities in the North, including the mountain towns. These big cities have a daily flow of people. It is difficult to screen out all the people whose characteristics are significant.

Lu Sheng stood on the side, and there was some faint understanding of the meaning of this son. He is using the power of mortals to form an intelligence network to detect all possible enemy enemies.

"Since it is a request for the search for a son, I will definitely do it!" The first member of the Linlin Association said that the other gang bosses should follow suit.

Those who can sit here in the main position, which one is not a well-informed generation, is the true ruler of the Northland, and the backing behind the red whale gang, this is something everyone knows.

Every year, the red whales help such a large wealth of resources, and they disappear like a rolling flood. All of them were supplied to the family.

"Since I understand what I mean, the aggregated information is handed over to the red whales. I will send people to check it out later. No problem?" I looked around the audience.

"Must follow the instructions of the son!" Hong Mingzi was the first to speak loudly. A pair of laughs plus standard dog legs.

Lu Sheng’s heart is speechless. This is the first time I have seen the attitude of my brother. It’s really the first big helper.

"Be sure to follow the instructions of the son!" The rest of the forces did not dare to follow, and they had to respond.

Looking for and explaining what people are paying attention to, they will slowly walk away with their hands, and soon they will ride the good horses arranged by the red whales.

The so-called conference that has been rushed in this rush has also been squandered.

Many of the leaders in the room, who have not come to the relaxed mind, but have returned, looking heavy, ready to follow the orders of the family to order the eyeliner.

Lu Sheng was also preparing to leave, but was called by the old lord to stay.

"Senior brother, what are the things to do? I have to stay with me."

In the study room, Hong Ming was retired, leaving only one person to win the room.

"The younger brother, there must be a big change in recent days, you must be prepared first." Hong Mingzi Zheng Zhongchao Road wins.

"Great change?" Lu Sheng's face is also serious, the old lord so special to stay with him, will never be targeted.

"Yes." Hong Mingzi nodded quietly. "I have been in contact with my family for more than 20 years. Their response has always been very determined and determined. They have their own style routines. But this time, something is wrong. This ignorant son does not act in the same way as before. I have a bad feeling."

"Senior brother?" Lu Sheng heard the words also dignified.

"Determining, the action of the family is a little too urgent." Hong Mingzi continued. "Of course, it may be that my brother is too suspicious, but I must be prepared to be more wrong. The younger brother should be careful. Some are unstable...."

"Understood....." Lu Sheng’s heart was a little heavy.

Leaving the study, he was thinking about it on his way back.

With the character of Hong Mingzi, he will not say this to him for no reason. He was innocent and innocent, and he entered the Chiri Gate. He is his younger brother. His personality is also traceable. Hong Ming has a heart to mention, and it is normal.

This is to treat him as a real close person.

"The family is not stable.... If you really want to do a good job, what should you do?" Lu Sheng was a bit gloomy.

The Northland is the flag of the family who is fighting against the weird monsters. They enjoy a large supply of resources throughout the North, and also provide stability for the North.

And once this huge umbrella has a problem, the trouble that comes with it will be great.

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