Way of the Devil

Chapter 905: Blood one

The red cloud ancestor, or one of his avatars, was only passing by at the road, and the result stayed for more than ten days.

Lu Sheng is also unceremonious to ask him to sit in the light of the church, he himself is a smoke to the underground cave to retreat.

You must know that during this time, he was not wasting his time. After conquering many small demon groups, he also got all kinds of messy secrets of cultivation in different degrees.

Although many of them are different because of their different physiques, they can't be used. However, in terms of the vision and realm of Lu Sheng, it is no problem to integrate and improve his current major practice.

So it happened that the red ancestor was sitting in the town and he began to retreat.

The red cloud is not a good old man. Although he really feels that there is no sense after he really understands the Lu Sheng teachings, since he promised, he will seriously do his best.

When Lu Sheng was retired, he took out his own private property and gave a glimpse of the high-level light of the Guangming.

This cloud is a special atmosphere that only the red cloud can master. It can help the general thing, temporarily remove the scorpio, and then re-soften the body that has already matured and matured, and regain the new day of reconstruction.

A lot of giant birds that have already been cultivated and can't make achievements are quickly reborn under the influence of this stagnation.

Coupled with the fact that birds are the closest to the cloud, they are also very respectful of the red cloud, which is not only the respect brought by the power gap.

Many times, the bright birds in the teachings, who suffered injuries, Hongyun personally helped to cure them, and his good feelings quickly climbed to the second in Guangming.

Lu Sheng, at this time, after adjusting the information for a few days, he also really started a new deduction of all exercises.



"Report! Red Cloud ancestor! The Lancang demon king has a human race in the jurisdiction where it appears. It seems that there is a big witch to lead the team in hunting food."

In the underground cave, Hongyun just put down the Tablet in his hand and was about to get up. He saw a passing bird bird rushing in from the outside.

"Lanhe Demon King?" Red Cloud has sorted out the power of Lu Sheng. It is also clear that the main strength of Guangming Education today is composed of a total of five demon kings. Although there are many demon kings, the real Jindan later combat strength The demon king, also the five.

They shared the road to victory for the great light and seeing the Lord. The five demon kings and the three kings of gold, the four major lawguards juxtaposed.

On the one hand, it is similar to the system of the king, and on the other hand, it is the system of nursing education. Both sides are vertically ruled by the road and do not interfere with each other.

The five demon kings all have tens of thousands of ethnic groups, and their strength is strong. Especially after accepting the mission of Lu Sheng, the strength is even higher. With such strength, there should be no one who comes to sneak.

"However, since it is a big witch, it is really troublesome...." Red Cloud heard the notice and frowned slightly.

"Dare to ask the ancestors, is this big witch in the end?...?" Sitting on the side of a small, skinless bird, named after the life, is a former scattered bird, after being recruited by Lu Sheng Because of his flexible mind and the rapid increase in strength, he became one of the top three escorts of the Guangming Education.

"Great witch....." Red Cloud spit out and explained. "In this world, you have to know, not only the demon, but also the human being."

"Yes, I have also seen the Terran, but the human race is so weak, even if it is used as food, it is not enough to stuff your teeth...." The life is doubtful. "So I have always ignored it. How old? Zu Zu? Is this really related to the Terran?"

Red clouds nod.

"This great witch is a special strong person who communicates the world and the natural world and integrates the blood of the ancestral witch. They are the leaders of the human race and also have connections with the ancestors."

"Zu Wu?" Life photos do not understand.

"That is the descendant of the twelve Pangu who once opened up the earth. The strength is very powerful, it can be said that the non-sage can not resist it. The twelve joint forces are equivalent to a complete saint." Red Cloud sighed.

"Ah!?? Then we are not going to have a big trouble!?" The life was suddenly shocked.

"There is no trouble, no big trouble. The big witch is indeed related to the ancestral witch, but the blood left by the ancestors is too much. There are countless human beings on the earth. Every human race will have A great witch serves as a ritual to communicate with nature."

"So, there are a lot of big witches, and they have to look at the strength, not as long as it is a big witch, it must be very strong. This is just the same as the demon king, it is an ordinary title."

"It turns out that....but even so, it is also involved in these forces..."

After listening to the words, I only calmed down, but I was still worried.

"Go ask, what tribe does the big witch come from?" Red Cloud thought about it, and told the little bird demon at the door.

"Yes." The little bird demon turned and ran away quickly.

“The gap between different tribes is very big?” Ming Zhao asked in a whisper.

"It's very big, and some even have the same gap between the demon and the demon." Red Cloud nodded. That is to say, he has many friends, and he has learned a lot in various languages ​​to communicate with a bird demon. If you want to change one, you don’t know what the birds are calling.

The two waited for a while in the cave, and soon the smell of the three King Kongs, a white-skinned bird with four ears, walked in with a cold face.

"I heard from far away that the group of people came from a tribe called Zengmu."

I heard the language all over the place, the talent is extraordinary, and the listening is very far. It is such a good person to inquire about intelligence.

"Zengmu?" Red Cloud recalled. "This name seems to be used by the tribes under Mang, but it is not excluded that the other is a ancestral blood tribe."

"So how do we deal with it?" asked a lot of respectful words.

"Nothing to deal with, the power of the Terran is very different. As long as he doesn't get you, don't worry about it." Red Cloud told him.


After all the subordinates left, Hongyun took out a piece of paper and extended his index finger to paint on the top. Soon, a topographic map of the surrounding area of ​​Guangming taught appeared on the paper.

"Women, can't be provoked...." Red Cloud shook his head. This road-winning power built by Xiaoyou has always been independent and not a long-term solution.

In today's situation, it is not the attachment of the demon court to join the witches, or the presence of the saints as the background.

The rest is even a quasi-holy, and he is barely able to stand on his own feet.

If Lu Sheng Xiaoyou wants to grow his strength, he must choose a good backer. As for which side to join, it depends on his own decision.

Red Cloud looked at the map on the paper.

Above the Guangming religion is the Zengmu Wuzu, the right side is the previously discovered electric rain witch, the left side is the beast demon king Stanley, the following is the demon wood family.

On all sides, there are powerful forces, and there are background areas in the background. In front of him, he has already discovered that the surrounding forces are sending people to investigate the details of the bright teaching here. Once they are found out, they will have no background. It is.

The background of these forces, even if he knows that he is a quasi-holy, he will not care very much. After all, there are not many quasi-sacred forces under the major forces, but there are also many. Really want to get rid of, the face is not so big. At most, he temporarily retired when he was at the time, and did not come to provoke.

Moreover, he is not likely to help the road. His incarnation is only temporarily passing by here, and there is his own business to do.



It is deep in the mud more than forty meters above the surface.

Lu Sheng is like a hibernating person, curled up together, surrounded by mud rocks and germinating plant seeds.

After integrating all the secrets of the successful hand, Lu Sheng will dig into the deeper position of the ground, and then slowly begin to adjust the state of mind and body.

Now it is really possible to start a second upgrade.

In the soil, Lu Shengyu began to appear a red mist in his body.

"Deep blue." Lu Sheng eased the spirit and began to call out the modifier again.

The pale blue box instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

‘Miaoyuan Heart Sutra: The foundation period is perfect, (Characteristics: charms build the base period and the following natural creatures, agile improvement, charm enhancement, strength greatly improved. Defense resistance is greatly improved.)’

"The base period is completely a small shrimp here. Even the Golden Dan period is just a dance of others. This place is a little dangerous...." Lu Sheng recalled the world he had known before.

Don't say that the Golden Age, such as the Quasi-Holy, such as the Red Cloud ancestor, will also be unfortunately stunned.

Under the Quasi-Holy, it is Jinxian, followed by Tianxian, Dixian, Renxian, and then Huashen, Yuanying, Jindan, Zhuji, and Qi.

These are the divisions that are known from the Red Cloud.

It's just a rough division of the realm, but the realm is not exactly the same as strength. Many of the Yaozus here have extremely powerful congenital magical powers. It is a trivial matter to kill people across borders.

"If it is really a wasteland, then it is really troublesome. This ghost place is too big. I don't know where the giant tree and the eye of sin I am looking for. In this case, we must build a huge force or search by force." Lu Sheng brows wrinkled.

"And here the strong is like a cloud, it is no easier than the devil."

He is not afraid of anyone on the front bar, but there is a magical power of various yin people in the place. It is easy to roll over when you are not careful.

Before he reached Yuan Ying, he had already dominated the aura world. But here, the Yuan Ying period is just a matter of getting started.

This ghost place, the people are immortal, the fairy is barely counted as a small elite, and the golden fairy can get a little on the table, a little sense of existence.

The real protagonist is not the quasi-sacred gold fairy, but the great roman. Even if it is not the sage's demon, the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor, they also have the power of the stars. There are also dozens of ancestors who have mastered the 12-day gods and magical arrays, which can summon the ancient shadows of Pan Gu, and the power is endless.

These quasi-sacred forces can completely erupt the power of the saints, so they can be divided into one side.

The rest of the saints, there are Sanqing, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian teacher, in addition to the prospective, son-in-law, and even the future of Hongjun.

"There are a bunch of light saints, such as the twelve ancestors, the East Emperor Taiyi, the Emperor, the Yihe, the Peng Peng, the Styx, the Luo, the Kong Xuan, and so on. It is just famous, not famous. More...."

Lu Sheng had a liver pain in his heart.

"The most troublesome thing is that I don't know how strong the quasi-saint is. I can't do it. I don't know if there is any power in the world."

Lu Sheng intends to go to the red cloud to talk carefully after leaving the customs. Before he knocked on the side, most of the answers from Red Cloud are very different.

Adjectives are all compared with the wilderness.

It can be too big. Between the continents, according to the Red Cloud, he is fully flying. It takes at least one year to cross a state and another state without a supernatural power.

Different big states have different areas, and their tolerance is not the same as that of the Tiandue world. Some places in this place are very hard and some are fragile, and the gap is huge.

This is not a good description, but Lu Sheng probably guessed it, you can be clear that this ghost place is full of all kinds of sacred beasts, many of them are extremely huge, such as the dragon phoenix, a body has a kilometer If the site is small, there is no such thing as a huge creature.

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