Way of the Devil

Chapter 919: Mythology

"You dare to lie to me!!" Yunmeng changed his face, feeling bad, his body shape was rapidly deformed, and he rushed forward, suddenly turning into a huge snake with two bulls heads.

The giant snake is covered with countless black scales like feathers.

Hey! ! !

In an instant, countless black scales burst out. As the space moved, Lu Sheng’s body surface exploded at the same time.

A large piece of metal-cutting crossfire blew on him, but all failed.

Lu Sheng snorted and grabbed his right arm.


His entire arm was turned into an octopus-like purple-black tentacles, and huge tentacles hovered and smashed on the bull-headed serpent.

Bang! !

The giant snake was pumped on the wall of the main hall by a huge force, and it blew a lot of blood.

Before he could reflect it, a lot of tentacles went crazy through all the holes in him.

"This place, even the demon gods are so simple." Lu Sheng looked strange and stood below, watching the cloud-filled tentacles.

This demon **** is weaker than he imagined, and at most it is the first time to enter the virtual level. Originally he was the first demon **** of parasitism, and he made a lot of extra preparations, but unfortunately nothing is ready now.

It is not a demon to enter the virtual meditation. Such an opponent does not know how much he has killed. This kind of realm, in addition to the enormous strength, there is nothing to praise.

He can feel the turbulent energy of the cloud-like body that is far more than the innumerable nuclear bombs. If this energy is completely erupted, then destroying hundreds of millions of square kilometers of area is not a problem.

But unfortunately, hundreds of millions of square kilometers, but it is his bite.

"That's good, you will be the first point I made in the demon court, helping me slowly eat away other demon gods."

Lu Sheng faintly said, reaching out and releasing the force field, covering Xiao Ning in front of him.

He is willing to come to the demon court, aiming at a large number of various magical antiquities here, which contain the power of sending power.

As for how to devour the power and seize the magic weapon, in addition to directly grabbing, Lu Sheng really can not think of the second method.

And to grab it, you need a suitable top secret environment, but unfortunately he waited for more than a month or did not wait for the opportunity, and now finally one.

Yunmeng as a demon god, although only moderate in the entire demon group, but as long as the success of parasitic control one, there must be a second.

In a short while, the tentacles were all poured into the cloud, and the demon **** of this cowhead was full of pain, and fell from the heights to the ground.

He rolled over a few laps and suddenly squirmed sideways.

vomit! !

I vomited several times in a row, but nothing was left except for a little yellow water.

"What have you done to me!!?" Yunmeng was shocked and angry, feeling weak and incompetent. The original powerful body was like a pile of giant hammers.

"Well?" Road wins a glimpse, evil spirits actually can not control each other's thinking?

Under normal circumstances, the evil spirits should be able to completely control the parasitic opponents, but the current situation is like the original parasites, which can only control the body and cannot control the thinking.

"It seems that I have a little look at the demon god." He calmly said, "You can rest assured that as long as you obey, I will not do anything to you. But if you are not obedient"

His eyes flashed black and purple.

what! !

When Yunmenton flew back and slammed into the wall of the palace, he was shaking all over the body, and the scales of the body were bulging under the purple veins like blood vessels.

He twisted his muscles and bulged, and the blood vessels and meridians trembled with a strong demon, as if cramps.

"Do you know?" Lu Sheng took back the control of evil spirits.

Yunmeng slowly calmed down and supported the body on the floor of the hall. His body is constantly changing between the body and the human form, as if even a stable figure can not be done.

It is hard to imagine that he himself was a wilderness, and now he is suffering for more than a thousand years of hard work, and he has trained his body and demon power to the top. Actually, even this mysterious person could not support a single blow.

Climbing up, his eyes flashed with sinister colors, but he still responded to the human form, and he did not dare to make a low eyebrow.

"It seems that you understand." Lu Sheng smiled. "Then I have a few questions that you need to answer one or two."

"Predecessors please talk!" Yunmeng seems to regard him as a predecessor who is far better than himself, and respectful. "The younger generation must know everything and say nothing."

Lu Sheng has sunk.

"I ask you, what is the demon god?"

Yun Meng a glimpse, and then quickly answered.

"The so-called demon **** is a natural blood, and will be cultivated as a big demon that can be upgraded to the limit of its own constitution.

But not all of these big devils practiced to the extreme, they can become demon gods. There is still a big difference in this. ”

"What is the difference?"

"The demon god, can be called the **** of the demon, mainly in the gods." Yunmeng whispered.

"Yuan Shen?" Lu Sheng is a strange, he only knows the soul of the soul, the soul of the soul is called spiritual power, mental induction and so on in many worlds.

But this god, even if it is the demon world, there is no such special distinction, the demon world is just the difference between the strength and the strength of the soul.

"This is the predecessor." Yunmeng had a strange sneak peek at Lu Sheng. The predecessor was so powerful that he did not know the existence of the god, which was very strange.

"Talk about this god." Lu Sheng face no expression.

The heart is raised, knowing that it may involve the most critical part of the world.

Yunmeng did not dare to talk nonsense, honestly answered.

"The Yuanshen is a powerful intangible creature that has been born from the three elements of our spirits. It is another sublimation of the essence of our life.

It has no fixed form and is mostly released in the form of light. Having a **** of the gods can make a lot of magical means of magic. ”

"Isn't this the same as the spirit of practicing the spirits?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Of course, it’s not the spirit of the martial arts. Even if you turn out the gods, the level is too low and too low, and you can’t reach the ultimate level. Only when you reach the extreme, you can raise the gods to reach our demon. Realm." Yunmeng explained quickly.

"And in fact, they only practiced the pseudo-yuan god, but only a trace of the material that constitutes the god.

But this is also their unique advantage. With human form cultivation, there is such an advantage, so I have to wait for the demon family to change into this form. ”

"Why do you call it a human figure?" Lu Sheng asked again.

"This is not known at the moment, but the word was transmitted from the original Ziyan Palace. Later, the name of the sage and the niece was also taken." Yunmeng answered honestly.

Lu Sheng is sinking.

Yuan Shenyi said, let him understand that these demon gods are strong. However, when I recalled the fight, the Yunmeng was also a demon, but did not feel how much strength Yuans had added to him.

"Since the **** of the gods is so wonderful, why are you still so weak?" He straightforwardly said his doubts.

Yun Meng looked black, he was weak, and the whole heaven could beat him no more than half!

If he is weak, then the other demon gods should all commit suicide.

But in front of the mysterious predecessors, he did not dare to complain.

"Back to the predecessors, although the gods are wonderful, they can only enhance the innate power and use it to refine the magic weapon. The rest is to have a broader and more hidden ability to inspect." Yun Mengton paused, "But after all, the greatest **** The effect is not these, but the spirit can be guaranteed! Even if the body is destroyed, the Yuanshen can not quickly be destroyed, but also quickly become a new body, and come back."

When Lu Sheng heard this, he immediately remembered one thing. The reincarnation was made by the ancestors of the ancestors. Now the land is still honestly in the ancestors of the Witch. There is no reincarnation in the flood, only the underworld.

All living beings die and die. If there is nothing, they will naturally dissipate in the heavens and the earth, but if they have the gods, they can replace the flesh and re-live again.

"The practicing spirits are step by step. They first cultivate a trace of the material of the gods, and then continue to cultivate and strengthen, purify and bring them to the extreme.

Our Yaozu is in one step. After the big demon realm, we must be able to achieve one step to achieve the demon god. If it is not, then it will never be. It is dangerous, and it is much harder than the martial arts. "Cloud Meng is helpless.

"Absolutely understand." Lu Sheng nodded. "What about your **** of the gods? Or the magic weapon of the gods?" He stared at Yunmeng. He didn't feel that he had any messy tricks before he just started fighting.

Yunmeng’s old face is red, and he bows his head.

"The younger generation of supernatural powers is just the scales that broke out on the scales. Isn’t the skin of your predecessors pierced?"

"" Lu Sheng also remembered the flying scales of Yunmeng when he first started.

"The younger generation is called the broken spirit. In addition to the blasting power, it can also hurt the enemy's soul and soul. The power is endless but the premise is to break the skin."

"Well," Lu Sheng is also speechless. "What is your practice? Please show it to me."

The face of Yunmeng changed, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He struggled, and he honestly took out his cultivation jade and handed it to Lu Sheng.

"The younger generation practiced the black cloud poison, and polished the body of the soul, what is the middle and upper, mainly strong in poison and can hurt the gods."

Lu Sheng took over the jade, and the spirit was swept away. It was empty and there was nothing. It seemed to be an ordinary jade.

"This is to be viewed with the gods." Yunmeng hurry.

"Well." Lu Sheng pretended to put the jade simple, he did not have the gods at all, naturally can not see the contents inside.

"You tell me, how did you break the three yuan and achieve the gods?"

Yunmeng was slightly awkward, but he still seriously talked about his deeds.

After a few hours

Lu Sheng took the stupid Xiaoning, and under the congratulations of Yunmeng, he walked out of the palace and returned in the direction of Suzaku Palace.

Xiao Ning, slowly woke up in Lu Sheng’s arms.

"I am where I am?"

"You just fainted suddenly, but fortunately I took you out of the demon temple in time, and the demon **** Yunmeng happened to have an urgent matter to deal with, we can escape." Lu Sheng looked solemnly explained.

"Yes? That's really because you saved me!" Xiaoning tried to remember the memories before, but she had no memory. She just got stunned by Lu Sheng, and she was still in a coma.

I finally remembered something, and I was beaten by Lu Sheng. I finally went back to Suzaku Palace without knowing anything.

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