Way of the Devil

Chapter 940: Kill two

"A existence, even if it is strong, when you have concerns, there is concern, that is the beginning of your failure."

Lu Sheng’s foot was next, and the body suddenly exploded a space crack. With the huge reaction force, his teleportation generally appeared in front of the Emperor, and punched the door to the Emperor.

"Come on, kill me with pain! Kill everything! Bet on everything! At the cost of your life!"

Lu Sheng laughed.


The fists of his arms are covered with numerous overlapping transparent cymbals. The white Suzaku's fire source and the purple-black evil spirits are like the same black and white two dragon snakes, winding around him.

The two kinds of energy rubbed against each other and collided with each other. The eruption of the horror power, in an instant, broke the emperor's body demon and turned to his eyebrow position.

The emperor hurriedly raised his hand to block it.

Hey! ! !

The violent black storm blasted between the two moments, and the circle of lacquer black ripples spread around the road and the emperor, spreading in all directions.

Space time has completely stopped at this moment, and there is only a purely destructive force between the two in the madness.

The illusory Luoshu raised in the hands of the emperor blocked Lu Sheng’s fist. The circle of ripples spread from the book.

It is rapidly transferring the power of Lu Sheng’s terror to the earth to share the pressure of the emperor.

"Stupid!!" Lu Sheng backhand is another elbow.

Hey! !

The elbow was again blocked by another pale yellow paper with gossip.

"So, this is the river map that represents the natural world of heaven and earth?" Lu Sheng’s arms slammed on the emperor as a storm.

Even if it was blocked by the river Tullow, the power of terror has even reached the limit of two spiritual treasures.

On the one hand, they have to support the operation of the Heilongjiang Luo Luo array, while also using the body to resist the violent bombing of Lu Sheng.

This is just a pure magical magic weapon, and gradually Baoguang is dimmed.

The Emperor’s forehead saw sweat and could only reluctantly resist Lu Sheng’s personal killing. Although he is a three-legged Jinwu, his own fighting style relies on releasing the magical power from a long distance. He rarely encounters a metamorphosis like the road victory, and the melee is still so powerful.

In just a few seconds, he had to mobilize his own true source of the sun and inject it into the River Tullow to help it support for a longer period of time.

"Weak weak and weak! Too weak!!!" Lu Sheng a whip leg, black and white halo flashing, two forces burst, the impact is enough to instantly destroy several huge planets.

Nowadays, under the influence of the world of evil spirits, the body and the body of the Suzaku gradually merge into one.

Every move is more powerful than the ontology of the Lord.

It has reached its strongest realm in history! none of them.

The integration of the ontology and the power of the world does not produce one plus one equals two.

Bang! !

The entire population of the emperor bleeds blood, barely maintaining the body of the river Tullow, but he himself flies out.

He wants to show the original shape, but his original shape is far less powerful than the magic weapon in his hand. In the past, he always tried to release the supernatural power. I didn’t expect this time.

Hey! !

Another black-and-white storm slammed into the emperor, and the body of his body Baoguang has begun to show cracks and looks like it is about to be broken.

"This is the strength of the Emperor of Heaven? The River Tullow is indeed extraordinary, but unfortunately you are too weak."

Lu Sheng is suspended in midair, and the purple-black evil spirits and the white Suzaku Shenhuo entangle each other, reflecting the dark red and numerous patterns on the face, giving a strange and powerful strange beauty.

He is very disappointed now. Compared with the strong demon who he once killed, the emperor is simply a pure mage. Nothing is without a meat shield. Once it is close, it becomes a meaningless sandbag.

"I still hope that I can kill it once and for all. Let's die now!!"

Lu Sheng is a sprint, the speed is as fast as a teleport, and a claw catches the emperor's chest. A lot of violent black and white energy entangled on his arm, bursting out a horrible force that was several times stronger than the front.

This palm can be said to be his peak. Even in the Tianmo world, in the face of the former Qing dynasty master Yuan Qingyi, Lu Sheng also confidently tears it into pieces.

This is pure power! There is no room for mitigation.

The emperor's eyes are wide, and the force will keep the spirit of the hand in front of him.

"Hands!!" He screamed at the same time.

Almost at the same time, Lu Sheng appeared two golden figures on both sides of the body.

One person on the left wears a crown, and behind him there is a golden giant shadow that slowly appears.

On the right side, one hand holds a green tree, and gently throws green light toward the road.

A threat that is fatal enough to rush to the road.

"East King Taiyi? Hehe??!!" He did not retreat, his face twisted and smirked.

The whole body strength is even more unreserved at this moment, and all the bombs are on the emperor.

Bang! ! ! !

Black light blasted.

Nearly half of the demon in the blink of an eye disappeared silently in the black glow. It's like being bitten off a big piece by something.

There is no trace of debris, no residue, just like moving away from the ground, disappeared without a trace.

The demon army and white Suzaku, who are fighting, and Bai Zepeng and the demon god, have been covered by black light.

Half of Bai Ze’s body disappeared on the spot, and it fell into heavy damage and fell into the distant sky.

Qi Peng's lower body is one-third less, and a lot of black blood is sprayed everywhere. He is better than Bai Ze because his Dapeng form is good at flying, and the speed is amazing. In the moment he feels wrong, he avoids it in time. It was only after the partial black light that it survived.

But this is the case, and Peng Peng, who is terrified in his heart, does not dare to stay any more. Under the demon power, he quickly stops bleeding and flies away in the distance.

Even if he is a quasi-holy, there is no rebellion under the bombing of these sages.

The center of the black light is broken.

Everything turned into a thick darkness and nothingness.

There is no air, no substance, even the space does not exist, and time has been stagnant.

Here, from the outside world, it is a huge black hole.

Lu Sheng quietly floated in the middle of the black hole, and the Suzaku **** was also hit hard and was taken back by him.

Just that blow, gambled on all his strength, evil spirits, Suzaku's fire source, all of which gambled on that claw.

The result is obvious.

The emperor was severely stunned on the spot. If it wasn't too, the chaotic clock would help him block it for a moment. I am afraid that from now on, there will be no emperor in heaven and earth.

In order to protect the emperor, he and he had to cast most of their power to the emperor to help him resist the invading evil spirits and the origin of the Suzaku.

This also makes the road wins a lot less.

The other part of the attack, the black light of the annihilation caused by the big bang, melted, which allowed Lu Sheng to survive safely.

"It's a pity that I didn't expect that the East Emperor Taiyi would choose to temporarily retreat." Lu Sheng was disappointed.

"South tomorrow, the net master, you have to understand what you are doing."

A voice that didn't know where to pass it into his ear.

Lu Sheng stretched his body and slowly stepped forward. The surrounding black hole was rapidly shrinking under the natural force of the heavens and the earth.

Leaving the black hole coverage, what imprinted him was the ruins of the ruins of the demon ruins that were completely destroyed. The large circular area around him is empty, and it is an area completely annihilated by the big bang.

A huge figure of several tens of meters tall is slowly floating in his distant sky. Overlooking it from a higher location.

The figure was the first snake body, holding a roll of light yellow embroidered pictures of the mountains and rivers in his hand, and there was a golden light behind him, like a golden sand.

"It turned out to be a saint." Lu Sheng bowed his head and expressed respect.

Whether it was once heard about the mythical denominations of myths on Earth, I still see the merits of the Nuwa.

All of this shows that the saint is still a caring and caring person.

"Now the devil is destroyed, you are the demon of the demon, when you can re-establish the heavens. Against the witches, are you willing?" The son-in-law looked at the road victory in front of him, but also helpless.

The demon king, the emperor, and the emperor of the emperor, and the emperor, were stunned by the Suzaku demon who came from the outside world.

The original one of the demon courts was completely broken up and was badly hurt. To fight against the powerful Wu people, the current solution is to re-establish heaven.

She is a saint who is not fake, but also cares for the Yaozu, but she cares about the entire Yaozu, not the East Emperor Taiyi.

The three-legged Jinwu is only one of the entire Yaozu. It does not mean anything.

What she cares about is the many demon groups under their jurisdiction.

Lu Sheng looked at the son-in-law and realized the meaning of the compassionate saint in a flash.

"That's the case, win the sage's decree." He bent down and saluted.

The chaotic clock of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi represents the strongest defense weapon between heaven and earth, but unfortunately he failed to teach, but he came to a living saint.

Lu Sheng licked his mouth and may be able to teach the legendary saints

The sage is dominated by a small-scale manipulation of the laws of the universe. The laws governing the manipulation of different saints are also different, which is related to its sanctification roots.

The actress's words may be the law of manipulating life and creating.

Lu Sheng’s own body has already been trained to the extent of the intrinsic rules. Even in any cosmic world, it will not be crushed by different rules in a flash, at most, it will be forcibly expelled.

Therefore, in the face of the saint, he may have a real battle.

"Sage, in fact, wins a ruthless invitation." Lu Sheng suddenly began.

"It is not a ruthless request, then you don't have to say more." The son-in-law seems to have guessed what Lu Sheng wants to say.

"But the request of the saint, I promised. Then in exchange, the saint can satisfy a little wish of victory." Lu Sheng re-steamed up to the end of the seemingly endless Zhuque Shenhuo.

The evil spirits are once again entangled with the fire of the gods, and at the same time, there is a purple black scent that belongs to his body.

The three forces are mixed together, and a wave of terror that is stronger than just now has spread slowly.

The son-in-law raised her eyes slightly and immediately understood the mind of Lu Sheng.


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