Way of the Devil

Chapter 942: Secret two

"Of course, since the time passed by the Imperial Palace, the time has not come, I will naturally continue to maintain the orthodox position of the demon court." Lu Sheng smiled.

According to the rules of the wild, he is the head of the demon family, this position is the best place to experiment with his own ideas.

Power is so powerful that every move can affect everything in the world.

"But" Shang Yang still wants to say something, but was stopped by Lu Sheng.

"Begin, we don't have much time. The demon army needs to reorganize morale and completely break up the collection. There are still many things to deal with." Lu Sheng's mood gradually calmed down.

The demon world has already settled down. Now, in addition to killing the mother of Huang Quan, he is looking for his own relatives and children Lu Ning.

In fact, these do not need to stay in the devil world, with his strength, adapt to the rules of the universe, can live very well in any universe.

Just like the Qing dynasty transferred to the small universe. The demon world is not their only choice.

He is considering whether he wants to go back, or continue to follow the clues to trace the relatives.

Nowadays, Donghuang Taiyi fled with a seriously injured emperor, and he was not afraid of it. Although he controlled the extremely strong Fuso giant wood, she was not good at fighting, and at most it was an auxiliary.

The real trick is actually the East Emperor Taiyi.

However, from the attitude of Taiyi, it seems that he does not care about his so-called demon position. He has a chaotic clock guard, and the demon king does not really help him. Especially after the starry day of the Stars and the squadron of the squadron.

The big formation is the same as the virtual one. Instead of waiting for the road to win the Zhou Tianxing battle with the squatting demon, and then arranging to kill him, it is better to flee with both.

"Ready to pack up, go back to the palace." Many thoughts in Lu Sheng’s mind flashed past. I will turn to the new Sun Temple.

It is the place where Taiyi lives, and is the strongest defensive position of the entire demon court. It has a core hub that controls the entire demon's Sunday starry battle.

"Lu Sheng!" Suddenly a crisp female voice penetrated from the demon army.

Lu Sheng brows and knows who it is.

He turned his head and saw the rain with a group of Suzaku people, slowly stepping out of the demon army. Uncovering the rest of the Suzaku people, the face of the rain at this time, clearly reveals a trace of complexity, shock, strangeness and anxiety.

"What are you worried about? The record I have left in the Suzaku family has shown that I am the pure and pure Suzaku Eucharist." Lu Sheng calmed.

"And as a Yi, you will not only live a better life than before, but also enjoy more resources for the practice of the demon court."

"I am not saying this!" The sound of the rain rose. "Why are you winning the road, why are you doing this??"

"Why?" Lu Sheng smiled lightly.

"Do you still ask?" He opened his arms. "Is there anybody in the sky? They are my arms and limbs, what I want to do, I need their strength, I need all the power."

"I am not talking about this!" Rainy loudly.

"You said that these are meaningless. You just need to remember, I am Suzaku Wang, the net of the South tomorrow, and will revitalize the Supreme Lord of the Suzaku family." Lu Sheng smiled.

After that, he looked at the rest of the Suzaku people.

"Come to me, the Nanming of the Suzaku family is separated from the fire, it is the strongest flame in the world, and everything else is rubbish. Follow the rain, or follow me and make your own choice."

The voice just fell, and the Suzaku girls who had already waited for it had left the rain and walked behind him.

For most girls, it is the bright future of the Suzaku family that follows the obvious and powerful and the domineering road wins.

The rain, only relying on the peace of the peace, to maintain the status and resources of the Suzaku family in the demon court.

Stubborn and weak, at a glance.

But even so, there are still a few people who have the best relationship with Yuhan, and they still stay there.

One of them has Xiaoning.

Lu Sheng smiled and turned and left. Behind them, a group of demon gods followed.

The demon robbing fire broke out, and all the great powers of the entire floodland saw the horror.

Some great supernaturals, like the town of Yuan Zihong, etc., are through the layers of war and sea, seeing the huge white Suzaku King.

The power of the White Suzaku King spread throughout the floods, and the originally unknown Suzaku family seemed to be a popular ethnic group overnight. All the demon people who are a little bit of Suzaku's blood are drawn by many forces to study the blood.

The general family of the Suzaku on the ground was quickly compiled by Lu Sheng, and after being parasitic, it became a major force under his command.

The same as Suzaku, these Suzaku people have a very harmonious adaptability to the power of Lu Sheng.

This is very convenient for him to use his own continuous white Suzaku fire to force the level of these people.

After obtaining parasitic ability, the resilience and physical strength of the Suzaku family have been greatly improved, and they can withstand the burning of the white Suzaku.

Compared to other demon gods, their manipulation of the white Suzaku's fire is almost instinctively powerful.

This was also one of the powerful forces under the victory of Lu Sheng in the first time.

The East Huang Tai, a three-person, did not use the road to win the meeting, he just passed the message to the witch. At the first time, the candle nine Yin personally led the team, with several ancestors all the way to kill.

The three men who were still recovering from the emperor were killed and beaten in the continuous pursuit. Only one is too expensive, and escaped from the place with the help of Chaos.

The hatred between Taiyi and the Wus is almost comparable to the sky. The Jinwu family had very weak fecundity, and they had killed nine scorpions by the witches in one breath. Only the last one was missing. It was a **** sea.

The Wu people were also used by Taiyi to borrow Bai Ze’s plan, and the design was provocative and Zhugong’s work was the same.

It is necessary to know that Zhu Rong’s work is the strongest of the two in addition to the candle. Unfortunately, it was so alive and dead.

At the moment, there is no big squad and many demon gods sheltering. The first reaction of the candle nine yin is that the opportunity is coming!

Immediately decisively led people to kill all the way.

Lu Sheng, at this time preparing to stay in the Sun God Palace, the first thing he must do first is to touch everywhere.



The Sun God Palace is a star palace in the center of the Sun Star in Taiyoo Star. All the palace wall materials here are made of the branches of the hibiscus giant wood.

Only the hibiscus giant wood in Tanggu between the heavens and the earth can withstand the burning of the true source of the sun.

The palace may be just a long-established star palace in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Lu Sheng, this is the real treasure that has pinned a lot of power!

The other palaces of the enchanting courts are more or less a little bit of power, but the number is very few. After all, the enchanting court is too big, even if there are a large number of hunters, it will not be too much.

But the Sun God Palace is different. Every day, I don’t know how many creatures are there. I worship the sun and cherish the spirit.

The main thing is that here is the place where Yanhe and ten Jinwu have lived. Moreover, the history of the demon court was established after the Dragon and the Phoenix.

It has been hundreds of millions of years so far.

Billions of years! What is that concept?

Lu Sheng almost couldn't wait to move into the Sun God Palace.


The heavy mahogany color door slowly pushes away with the force of the road.

The door in front of him is the transmission method to the Sun Star.

"The Sun Star is divided into the East Emperor Taiyi, the Emperor, the Suihe, and the Jinwu, and the rest are only a few extremely powerful demon gods, and the Suzaku family's rain scorpion manipulates the flame demon to safely enter and exit." Shang Yang and Fei Lian followed by Lu Sheng, carefully explained.

"For hundreds of millions of years, Taiyi’s demon power is still only so much, and it has hardly grown. It is rumored that he has always wanted to break through the quasi-sacred, but he has not proved successful.” Fei Lian laughed.

Lu Sheng nodded, he had a kind of inexplicable intuition, the East Emperor Tai will be so decisive to abandon the demon court, take people to leave, I am afraid there is some deeper reason.

Looking back now, when the emperor and the emperor were fighting, the East Emperor Taiyi and Yanhe were both besieged together, but they had no sense of existence at all. In addition to fully releasing their strongest magic weapon, they did not use any other means.

For a powerful existence that has lived for hundreds of millions of years, will it be defeated by itself as simple as that? Lu Sheng suddenly gave birth to a trace of doubt.

He faintly felt that Taiyi seemed to have a deliberate concession and put himself in the hands of the demon.

"In any case, right now, I will know when I go in and see." Recalling that the woman can't wait to jump out and ask him to rebuild the demon court, the strange feeling of Lu Sheng's heart is even stronger.

He strode into the door, did not return, and waved backwards.

"Shangyang ghost car dealers discuss the stability of Tianting military power, I will come when I go."

"Yes." A respectful response from the merchant sheep and the ghost car came behind him.

Lu Sheng’s moment of slowly entering the gate, a strange feeling that he was broken down, spread throughout the body.

As if after a break, he opened his eyes again, in front of a beautiful green forest with green and lush greenery.

The forest is surrounded by a huge white simple palace. Looking from afar, a plaque hangs on the gate of the palace, the book: Sun Star Palace.

The dragon text used by the Zulong family is used.

Lu Sheng looked up and looked around the top of his eyes. It seemed to be a small enclosed space. The upper and lower sides were golden yellow everywhere.

There is a faint white smoke in the air, which looks like the mountains are clear and the business is full.

"Just, it's just an illusion." Lu Sheng clearly felt that the air temperature here has reached an unprecedented tens of thousands of degrees.

At these high temperatures, the ground forest palace has no signs of melting gasification. Obviously, anything here is not an ordinary thing.

Lu Sheng raised his hand, and the Suzaku's fire on his body spontaneously surrounded, forming a high temperature layer on the surface of the skin, and isolated all the external fires here.

"After all, it is the home of the sun, the birthplace of the three innate Jinwu, the true concentration of the sun." Lu Sheng himself feels a little faint, not to mention any other existence.

He set his mind and lifted his foot toward the Sun Star Palace in the distant forest.

Through the light, the light smelled the huge power of the Sun Star Palace.

He now merges with the body of the Suzaku, and under the influence of the source of the world of evil spirits, it is integrated and the strength is greatly increased.

However, there is still no super-out of the realm of the sacred royal master. If you count it carefully, he should be the one that is strong and metamorphosed in the world.

For this, Lu Sheng is not satisfied, especially after learning that there is a dead star level above the sacred, he is more eager to improve himself.

To be promoted, there must be no less power.

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