Way of the Devil

Chapter 944: Eve two


"What!? Heaven was captured by the king of the Suzaku family!!?" The river was originally sitting on the huge body of the sea, and was shocked and wide-eyed.

Not far away is the Kunpeng that has been suspended in the air and has just cured the lower body.

The demon teacher was gloomy at this time, and he had already lost his arrogance in the demon court.

"Yes, Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Yi are defeated at the same time, and they are being wounded. They are now being chased by the Witch and they are self-sufficient. Most of the remaining demon gods are controlled by Suzaku Wang Lusheng with the secret method.

Now the whole heaven is the Suzaku family. Even the previous invasion of the witches was brought back by the road. ”

As soon as I remembered the horror black light that bloomed in the first moment, Kuang Peng still had a lingering fear.

That kind of light seems to be able to smash everything, destroy all material structures, and even the powerful feathers that he is proud of, have not survived.

"Lu Sheng" River suddenly recalled the Suzaku who had a dispute with himself. Is it hard to achieve that?

"Now I have nowhere to go, I can only come to the old friend you." Yan Peng looked helpless at the river.

This old friend wanted to emulate the son-in-law to make people sanctified, and he also made a bunch of messy people, calling himself Ashura.

However, because this aspect is far less thorough than that of the son-in-law, the ethnic groups created are almost all flawed and the fertility is not enough.

It can only slowly multiply in the underworld.

However, the advantage of the Styx is that it has lived for a long time, so the Ashura family has also developed a lot of strong hands, which is considered to be strong.

Going to the underworld is safer than at least somewhere else.

"The demon teacher said the difference, I am ridiculously empty in the underworld, can have a demon teacher stationed, naturally it is impossible. But" the river is a turn.

"Why is the East Emperor too one or three, how could it be so easy to lose? Is this unreasonable?"

Kuang Peng also feels that this is somewhat unreasonable. It seems that Taiyi is more like taking the initiative to give up. Collide and find the disadvantage and immediately admit defeat.

"I can wait for the rest of the same road. It is better to be in the underworld, to establish a similar demon court, and to protest in the court."

That Suzaku Wang is only halfway out of the house, how can He De dare to live in Heaven? Before the three-legged Jinwu, even if it is a saint, but Suzaku, hehe. "The mind of the river is flexible, and he has long been blind to the position of the emperor."

Just now there is a chance

Kuang Peng is also a heart-thinking move. This is a good idea. This underworld can be described as the base camp of the ancestors of the Styx, and the river is not destroyed. There is no need to fear the untouchable tentacles of the heavens.

"That's what you say"

Hey! ! !

When the words were not finished, a dazzling red light descended from the sky, and the entire darkness of the darkness was illuminated into a reddish color.

The red light is like an arrow, but it is like a beam of light, but more, it is like a knife mark.

Yan Peng suddenly looked up and looked at the sky.

The ancestors of the Styx are also changing their looks, and their eyes are fixed on the red light.

"this is!?"

kill! ! !

In the blink of an eye, the red light is like a torrent of floods, and there are countless heavenly demon troops that drive the demon wind.

Millions of demon army mad like gravel, rushing to the huge endless river below.

In the darkness of the river, the sky quickly reacted, and there was a roar.

Countless skins are dark red, wearing red armor, strong giants with six arms, have vacated and greeted the demon army.

There is also a fascinating female Shura waving the ribbon, giving many Ashura blood.

"The demon court captures the rebellious 鲲鹏. Blockers, killing!" A deafening giant python came out from the red light column.

Soon, the light column seemed to be torn apart, and a strong monster with a crane head was arched out of it.

The monster was dark and bare-chested, showing strong, rock-like muscles.

A pair of purple eyelids constantly emerged with a flaming black flame.

The most frightening thing is that the height of this crane head is almost the top of the underworld. The body of hundreds of thousands of miles, like the pillar of heaven, twisted the black scorpion of the underworld slightly.

The Styx looked like a cold hair, and my heart rushed into my heart.

I have seen the big sky, but he has never seen such a big one!

Even if it is Kuang Peng, it is just a bean sprout in front of this monster.

"This breath!!?" ​​Peng Peng's face was distorted. His huge body was discovered in the first time, but what made him amazed was that the first goal of the demon army was actually not him, but the river below. Blood sea.

Suddenly he understood the true intentions of the demon court.

This guy simply found an excuse to reach out to the underworld.

Bang! !

At this time, a large number of demon troops waved their swords, and a large number of purple and black tentacles continued to grow behind them, and the underworld’s Ashura family ran into it.

At the moment when two waves of black and red collide, a large amount of broken bones splashed.

A very surprised scene happened.

The blood and blood of the sea quickly released red light. The Ashuras who were killed in the first time quickly reorganized the broken meat and reconstituted a new Ashura and continued to kill the demon army.

After a large number of demon army was shredded, a large number of tentacles in the body erupted, and then entangled and crawled together, and soon restored the original body of the demon army.

Both sides are undead monsters.

At the beginning of the battle, it was deadlocked in the sky.

The ancestors of the Styx are gloomy, which is absolutely bad news for him. Because the number of Ashura family is far from the opponent of the demon army.

The demon army is boundless, and you can mobilize billions at any time.

And Ashura, at most, is millions, and the two sides are not an order of magnitude at all.

It seems that it still can be persisted, but it will not last long.

Hey! !

At this time, in the distance, a red light descended from the sky.

The light column crashed into the sea of ​​blood, like a giant pillar piercing into the ocean.

In the same way, the countless demon army swarmed out. At the same time, there is also a demon **** who is out of shape.

These demon gods appeared, and the Styx and the 鲲鹏 suddenly changed color.

The top of the Shura king of Shura is three. Equivalent to three masters of the demon level.

But the demon god’s demon gods stop three

Looking at the demon gods flying out of the light column, Peng Peng did not say anything, and the two wings shook, and disappeared without a trace.

In addition to the saints and a few quasi-sanctifications in this heaven and earth, no one can limit him to escape.

He ran, but the Styx could not run.

He looked gloomyly at the third red light and fell from the sky, tearing the underworld sky.

"I want to see, what do you take to occupy my **** sea!!" As long as the blood is in, he is not dead.

At most, it is killed several times. The most fearless thing about his Styx is the war of attrition!

Thinking of this, the color of the river is exposed, and the body of several kilometers high suddenly rises up. With the charge of the Shura, the head rushes to the area where the crane head is located.




The red cloud is playing with the faint lavender smoke, the brow is locked, and I don’t know how to understand the mystery of this red and purple.

He has had a lot of time to get this red and purple. But for so many years, there is still no clue.

The rest of the purple, Sanqing, the Western two masters, the son-in-law, are also sanctified, only him

He knows that this purple gas is not only the last holy place in the world, but also contains extremely powerful power. It is the most powerful source of the wild.

The "sacred" Red Cloud still has nothing to gain from this retreat, which has made his peace of mind for hundreds of millions of years gradually a little anxious.

"This is the power of the world, and it has not yet been realized. It still remains in the hands. I am afraid that I am only one." The red cloud sighed, and the figure slowly exploded, turning into a red cloud, flying from the inside of the cave. Out.

As soon as he came out, he saw that there were countless letters outside the Huoyun Palace, like the red birds in the cluster, constantly circling and making a tweet.

"So much!?" He quickly withdrew the ban and let the letter fly in.

The raindrop-like letter quickly shot at his side, and they blasted and turned into a cloud of gas into his body.

These letters are part of him and are distributed to many friends for emergency contact.

Only in the most dangerous time, those friends will release this letter for help.

And now that so many letters are all released, this makes Red Cloud have some unpredictable feelings.

He set his mind and immediately began to look at the information he passed.

‘Red Cloud Friends! Speed ​​to help! ! ’

‘Yuanxingdong, come quickly! ’

‘Daoyou is coming soon! ’

‘Dao friends, a certain death is not enough, I hope to save the little girl’

‘Do not come! Do not come! ! ’

‘killing and killing! ! Hahahaha!’

‘Fantasy! ’

A piece of restless information, mixed with some crazy and mad-like voices, quickly flooded into the minds of the red clouds.

His face changed and he swung his sleeves quickly. A large red cloud formed a red mirror with a height of more than ten meters in midair.

Immediately, he waved again, and the dozens of letters that had just been absorbed were red smoke, and they flew out of his body again, and they fell into the mirror.

The mirror changed rapidly and quickly fell into a dark red.

Red is like a constant stream of boiling water, and it is like some kind of thick fog that twists and irritates.

The red cloud stared at the mirror carefully, waiting for the final result of this technique.

But to his disappointment, nothing was shown on the mirror.

Most of his friends are enchanting demon gods, and the ground is scattered and quasi-holy, and nowadays, most of the information is from the demon gods.

"Does it say that something happened to the demon court?" He was a little worried when he was a good man.

expensive! !

At this moment, a large white Suzaku rushed out of the mirror.

The huge cockroach and fierce with white gold eyes smashed into the red cloud, and then slowly passed through his body and turned into a cloud of smoke slowly dissipated.

The red cloud was obviously scared and jumped back a few steps, which was only alert to the image ghosts displayed in the mirror.

"Hongyun old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come innocent."

Suddenly in the sky outside the Huoyun Palace, a fire fell from the sky, and settled steadily on the clouds in front of the palace, turning into a handsome man wearing a red robe.

"Road wins?" Red Cloud looked back at the man, revealing the color of horror. He quickly pressed down the heart that had just been scared.

"How come you have time to come to me?"

Lu Sheng smiled and he drove away Peng Peng, which was a disguised change of the fate of Hongyun. There are only a few things, but it is not something that he can easily change.

However, it is still too early to say that he intends to continue to investigate the eyes of evil on the basis of floods. Taiyi took the initiative to give up the emperor. Although the witches lost two great ancestors, both sides had their own losses, and it was impossible for them to fight completely.

Therefore, he intends to come to the new universe again and find the whereabouts of his relatives. The huge amount of power in the Sun God Palace made him regain confidence in the coming.


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