Way of the Devil

Chapter 946: Situation two

According to Lu Sheng observation, Wang Dong's physical fitness is a member of the countdown of this car.

The body was also a bit rustic, and a large black earphone hung from the neck made his original thin neck look like a shackle that looked funny.

It looks a bit handsome in appearance, and it may be saved if you look carefully.

If this is the case, it is just an ordinary student who is somewhat introverted, but the inner desire of the incomparable second is a little shocking.

Lu Sheng does not feel that he has such a spiritual component. So this must be the deliberate guidance of the world, and it has nothing to do with him.

Come back to God. He began to look at other people in the car.

The cousin Zhang Qi, who was sitting in front of the right, wore a white t-shirt, a black pleated skirt, and the slender legs with white light shimmered in the sunlight, and the sleek leg curves made the surrounding boys somewhat unable to look away.

Coupled with her exquisite and pretty face, the skin of the makeup with a light makeup can be broken, and the long hair of a shawl exudes a hint of fruit shampoo.

In this car, it is one of the three best girls. Very eye-catching.

Lu Sheng rummaged from Wang Dong’s memory. I remember that this cousin seemed to be jealous of the family and took care of him on the road.

However, from the time of getting on the bus to the present, the girl did not care for him at all, and even did not even say hello, like a stranger.

Obviously, Wang Dong’s image dressing made the girl feel lost and she didn’t want to talk.

Combined with Wang Dong’s previous impression of this cousin, Lu Sheng quickly concluded.

He looked away and swept through the rest of the students in the car. Although it just takes time to adapt to the rules here, it does not mean that his sharp eyes and experience of battles have no effect.

Even if you look at the details, he can get a lot of information.

From the team leader to each student. Lu Sheng quickly discovered two mavericks.

That is the two students sitting in the last row.

A short black hair boy with a high nose and a whitish lips that looks bad.

The other is a black-haired girl with a delicate face and a cold temperament. She is slowly reading through a dark brown book in her hand.

Lu Sheng knows from Wang Dong’s memory that the two men are Zhao Zhongjun and the girl is Huang Ya. In the class are top students.

However, because of personality problems, the two did not play well with the classmates, and there were no friends around.

"Two children, there seems to be a secret." Lu Sheng saw a huge difference between the two and the rest of the students.

They have only a person who has seen blood, and they have a special temperament.

This is not the taste that students who are cautiously bound by social rules and laws can show.

"We still have 13 minutes to arrive at Bora Airport, please prepare the students, do not drop the luggage." The leader Xu Fanjiao's voice is heard from the loudspeaker.

Although the name is neutral, but the leader is indeed a petite and lovely one-four-four woman, an adult woman.

Standing up, her height is not as high as most students. In addition, wearing a white dress, skirt and princess lace, slender legs are also wearing thick white stockings only for children, stepping on black shoes, is a little girl who did not grow up.

"I am very happy to meet you on this trip." Xu Fan began to introduce the journey seriously.

"This time our schedule is as follows. Arrived at the hotel this evening, we will go to rest. Tomorrow morning, we will head to the Podoa area south of Gauss, where the world-famous Fulauli Mountain Range is located, where we can see The most famous active volcano in the world"

Lu Sheng took back the line of sight and regained his back on the seat, slowly squinting and resting.

He didn't know what the world line meant to guide him to the world. However, since the calculation of the greatest possible sinful eye here, he will quickly search for it quickly.

Listening to the leader's Xu Fanjiao doll sound, Lu Sheng closed his eyes, the body of the gods ignited a trace of the Suzaku Shenhuo, slowly into this body deep.

Compared with the body's earth and smoldering, although the temperature of the Suzaku fire is very high, it is actually not harmful to the creatures, and the most is for the soul body.

Coupled with the micro-manipulation of Lu Sheng, the current Emperor of Heaven, a very small amount of Suzaku Shenhuo slowly invaded the body and the soul, and quickly transformed this body.

The Suzaku Fire is the one that controls the temperament of the Suzaku. In the transformation of the meat, it is mainly carried out by the slight vibration of the music.

This kind of vibration is very gentle and it can be easily strengthened.

Lu Sheng was so slow and sitting on his seat, his eyes closed like a rest.

The language here is also inherited by Wang Dong’s memory. There are no communication barriers. The relationship between Wang Dong and the students around him is not so good, so it also saves a lot of troublesome garbage communication.

I haven't rested in this world without threats for a long time. Lu Sheng was in a rickety vehicle and soon arrived at Bora Airport.

The team leader and the airport staff worked together to arrange for the evacuated students to get off.

Lu Sheng took his luggage from the seat and removed his black suitcase. Looking up, I just saw my cousin Zhang Qiwei and two female classmates talking and laughing and got out of the car. I didn’t even look at it here.

Completely when his cousin did not know.

He vomited, dragged the box and slowly got out of the car, then followed the big troops into the airport to gather.

Xu Fanzheng Jiaodi talked to an airport staff, and everyone was beautiful when they went there. This sentence is not about playing.

The enthusiastic airport staff not only found the counter for handling tickets with Xu Fan, but also escorted all the way, hey, to help maintain class order.

After spending more than ten minutes with the entire team, I reluctantly took the contact and turned away.

Lu Sheng followed the queue and checked in the class. While sighing, this place is really no different from the earth. Apart from the different races and countries, the terrain is somewhat different. The rest of the place is similar in civilization.

After completing the air ticket, passing the security check and boarding the plane smoothly, these steps give Lu Sheng the feeling that he is still living on earth.

The world has a sense of tranquility that he can't describe. The energy particles that permeate the air are less audible and inert.

This kind of energy concentration and super inertness, even if it is a flood of monks in the sacred period, it can only be used to use a single mana to make a match.

However, these have nothing to do with him. His power is countless times that of the monk who is a god. For this world, there is no difference between destroying and destroying countless times.

Sitting on an international plane, when Lu Sheng was looking for a seat, he just saw his cousin Zhang Qiwei was dragging a big suitcase and trying to put it on his luggage.

"Come on, help, why are you standing there?" Zhang Qiwei saw Lu Sheng looking at it, and suddenly he was not angry.

Lu Sheng was speechless, walked slowly, reached out and helped, and put the suitcase into the empty position.

"Well, let's go out, take the team leader, don't run around, let me worry. Didn't you hear?" Zhang Qi萱 flipped a wet wipe out and rubbed his hand.

"Well." Lu Sheng should have heard the sound, this is also the normal performance of the previous Wang Dong. He still doesn't want to be too awkward now.

Back to his position, Lu Sheng continued to use Suzaku's fire to make sound waves, and shocks to strengthen his body.

After a short time, I sat next to a student.

He blinked and looked at a girl named Yuan Shuangshuang in the class.

The girl kept Qi Liu’s sister’s head, and there were two small dimples on her cheeks. She was especially happy with laughter and big eyes flickering. Although it looked far less attractive than her cousin Zhang Qiwei, it was a standard cute and cute type.

"You are Wang Dong, more advice along the way." Yuan Shuangshuang stretched his hand in front of Lu Sheng.

"When I don't exist, it's good." Lu Sheng returned to the sentence and also reached out and shook her.

He probably calculated that the warm-up time for the body-based foundation was three days, and then the next step could be used to strengthen the ground.

As for the evil spirits, this kind of guy who is a big killer for the world, even the floods can't hold back, don't say it here. For the time being he is not going to release it.

The time flow rate here is also roughly calculated, almost one-thirtieth of the demon world and the wilderness.

In other words, thirty days here is equivalent to the day.

So time is enough and you can look for it slowly.

Yuan Shuangshuang squatted down and did not respond. He saw Lu Sheng withdraw his hand and continued to rely on his eyes to keep his eyes closed.

She hesitated, and she still showed a sweet smile.

"Then I try to be."

In a roar, the plane accelerated and took off, like a giant bird gliding.

After a while, wait until the plane rises to high altitude.

Yuan Shuangshuang and a girl from the outermost seat began to chat. A variety of brands and snacks that are incomprehensible come out of their mouths.

Lu Sheng had no interest in this. After sleeping for a while, he opened his eyes and saw the two screams on the aisle where Zhao Zhongjun and Huang Ya were standing in front of the toilet.

However, the two looked a little awkward and even said that they were a little cold.

As the only two supernormal in the class, Lu Sheng added a little more attention to them.

The two chatted a little, and they each separated their faces and returned to their position.

"Hey, Wang Dong, do you know Zhang Qizhen?" The voice of Yuan Shuangshuang came from the edge.

"My cousin." Lu Sheng said freely.

“Really?” Yuan Shuangshuang and another little girl began to yell.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to them and continue to strengthen the foundation.

This time, he does not need to look for the power of the gods, as long as he finds the eye of sin.

Ignore the two girls, and soon Lu Sheng once again began to accelerate the strengthening of the body.

Although Suzaku's fire can work for himself, his concentration will accelerate slightly.

Not far from Zhang Qi's pretty face is a bit irritating.

This is a long way to go, she planned to have fun with her friends, and prepared enough foreign currency to start some good things that she had been waiting for for a long time.

Before leaving, he was forced to act with his cousin. Don't wander around with a cousin.

According to the old lady, the cousin Wang Dong’s character is somewhat dull and introverted. As a cousin, she should care more about her younger brother. Don't patronize playing.

But she couldn’t see this cousin in her heart.

This used to be the case. When I went out to travel, I was afraid of shrinking. I didn’t go, I didn’t go, I wore old clothes, and I couldn’t say a few words.

I have to work hard to guide the topic, I am bored!


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