Way of the Devil

Chapter 948: 幽能二


Retracting the door card, Lu Sheng pushed the door and entered his room.

There is already someone in the room, there is a sound of flushing in the bathroom, obviously someone is taking a shower.

Lu Sheng puts food on the table and turns to sit on a chair facing the dressing mirror, which can reflect his current appearance.

He turned his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

The original expression of Wang Dongyu has been replaced by a cold and calm face. Before, it was just a general level of facial features. At this time, it seems that there is also a subtle exquisiteness. Just like painting a light makeup, the skin is better than before.

"Sure enough, the beauty effect of Suzaku's fire is a bit strong." Lu Sheng touched his cheek and felt a lot more slippery than before.

While sitting and strengthening himself, Lu Sheng took out his mobile phone and opened the ifi reply message.

Among them are the inquiries from the parents of the body Wang Dong, and the greetings of relatives like the cousins ​​who have a good relationship.

Other than that, no one would say hello.

This physical social circle is simply narrow and poor.

After the safe arrival, Lu Sheng quickly opened the browser and started to access the Internet to check the relevant information of the world.

Among them, the degree of civilization, the national system, the distribution of people, the limit of force, and so on, are the most concerned parts of Lu Sheng.

Halfway through the inquiry, the bathroom door is open.

Yuan Shuangshuang came out in short-sleeved shorts, and a long hair was rubbing with a dry towel.

"It's our room together." The girl was a little surprised to see Lu Sheng. "But it's also true. It is estimated that the room will be arranged according to the match on the plane."

Lu Sheng saw Yuan Shuangshuang, a slight glimpse, and then reacted. In the Blue Glandi Republic where Wang Dong is located, the boundaries between men and women are not too fine.

And what they call a room is actually a suite, which is divided into two closed single rooms.

Not really sleeping in a space.

"The conditions here are not very good, the decoration is good, but the hot water supply is limited, you should wash it quickly. The leader of the team said that it will start at six o'clock." Yuan Shuangshuang is cheerful and will be released, smiling and casual.

"Okay." Lu Sheng nodded and got up and turned the toiletries from his suitcase. Then take the change of clothes into the bathroom.

Yuan Shuangshuang blew his hair and was about to get into the room and brush his phone.


The door rang and someone knocked at the door.

"Who?" Yuan Shuang double stepped on the slippers and hurried to the door. I saw Zhang Qiyu rushing in with a girl in a hurry.

"My cousin Wang Dong doesn't brush his mobile phone. He will use it for you first. Don't worry, look back and find me again." Zhang Qiyi turned back and talked to the girl while entering the door.

"How nice this is." The girl was a bit shy, but still did not refuse.

"Nothing to be embarrassed. You have to help each other when you go out. That's it." Zhang Qiyi glanced at the line of sight and quickly found Wang Dong's suitcase. After striding a few times, he found the carry-on ifi from the box.

"Okay, let's go." She turned around with ifi.

"Don't you say anything to your brother?" The girl was a little worried.

"It's okay, he doesn't play the phone very much, it doesn't work." Zhang Qi took the girl and left quickly.

Hey, the door is closed.

Yuan Shuangshuang stood on the sidelines and did not figure out what was going on. The two men were finished.

The sound of flushing water came out of the bathroom, and Yuan Shuang double looked stunned. He didn’t know how to tell Lu Sheng.

Closing the door, she looked at a messy suitcase and felt that she had to make it clear with Lu Sheng. Otherwise, others thought it was their own.

Lu Sheng rushed to the water while hearing the outside movement. After his senses were strengthened, this distance was clearly heard.

It’s just that you don’t wear clothes on your body, and it’s not good to rush out.

Ifi is gone, the Internet is not easy to get it, and even the impression of Zhang Qiwei is getting worse.

Although it is only a child, it is not good for his normal arrangement.

Dry the hair, Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the bathroom, looked at the side of the double sitting.

"You go to sleep, I heard it."

Yuan Shuangshuang sighed.

"Is that your cousin?" she asked.


"Okay." Yuan Shuangshuang is not good at anything, just feel that this cousin is a bit

"Sleep." Lu Sheng folded the box, pulled the zipper up and walked toward his single room.



In the night, the moving clouds will cover the moonlight.

The large buildings below the forest are sometimes covered by shadows and quickly reappear.

To the north of the silver-plated hotel, a rotten tail down a few hundred meters away.

In the dark shadow, Zhao Zhongjun slammed the golden pistol on his hand. There are complex and delicate religious lines on both sides of the pistol, and there is a pair of angel-like wings behind the gun, which slowly emits golden sand.

The body of the gun was straight and covered with scales. It was like a gold snake made into a specimen. It opened its mouth and exposed the fangs, biting forward.

"I said, don't mess with me!" Zhao Zhongjun stared coldly at the opposite side.

The moonlight moved, illuminating the open space, revealing the icy body of Huang Ya.

She also stared intently at Zhao Zhongjun, holding a slightly curved knife in her hand.

The blade is strangely blue, slender and slender, and there are piles of pure white blocks like ice cubes, which are emitting white chill.

"Golden Thundercloud is really in your hand. If it is not necessary, I don't want to be an enemy of you, but you shouldn't stop it, actually hurt my brother and ruin his sorcerer!" Huang Yahan, hand The long knife flips slightly, and the deep blue light is reflected in the moonlight.

"Your younger brother Huang Wei?" Zhao Zhongjun frowned. "I said that it was not my business. I just repelled him and didn't start."

"But the wound on his body is only the trace of your sorcerer! Don't argue." Huang Ya slowly walked toward Zhao Zhongjun step by step.

"Being close to the battle, I don't want to waste my energy, you don't force me." Zhao Zhongjun also came up with the same anger.

He said that it must not be, the other side of this suspicion, is it to look down on him?

"Everyone is a silver scorpion. Do you think that you have a golden thundercloud in your hand to win me?" Huang Ya smiled coldly.


Zhao Chongjun slowly lifted the golden pistol, and the guns automatically lifted on the cymbals, giving a subtle movement. The golden wings behind the gun body gradually lit up with dazzling golden light.

"Look at it, who is stronger!" He pointed his gun at Huang Ya slowly.

Even in the same class, he will not stop in this situation. The bronze level of the black iron level of the sorcerer can still close, but the silver level will not work, this level of scorpion, the power is greatly improved, but the solitude of it has become more active and violent.

One accident, the result of the hand is that there is no bones.

"You" Huang Ya raised his blade and was about to start. Suddenly a black shadow floated behind her.

Hey! !

The blue light flashed, leaving a deep knife mark in the air.

In the night sky, a black rag-like human figure was split into two on the spot, and disappeared into black smoke.

Zhao Zhongjun, who was opposite, also looked cold and turned and shot three shots.

Three black rags in the distance, flying towards him, were blasted by three golden bullets on the spot.

"It's the devil! How is this ghost place so much?" Zhao Zhongjun rolled over and escaped a black figure from the side.

These clothes-like figures dragged long black smoke and could fly freely in the sky. Their faces were covered with thick dirty straps. Only the black-painted eyes were desperately staring at the two, as if they wanted Drag them together into the abyss.

"Resolve the virtual devil first!" Huang Ya cold channel.

"Good!" Zhao Zhongjun paused and nodded quickly.



"Well? This feeling" Lu Sheng is a figure.

If it wasn't in the wild world, he would have been exposed to the strange and absurd power, and I am afraid that this extremely thin mysterious energy is now not perceived.

He was sitting in his room and reading a book. He felt that he was not right and suddenly stood up.

"I didn't expect that there will be such a thing in this world." Although it is very light and light, Lu Sheng still feels it. This is the power that Jun Hao mentioned.

Perhaps he has encountered it before, but he did not recognize it.

"No matter how much, I will strengthen myself first. This place can't find other extraordinary systems for the time being. I will strengthen the body first." Lu Sheng thought for a moment. "The body and cold weapons should be able to cope with this environment. ""

After determining the goal, he continued to let the Suzaku fire vibrate to strengthen the body. After three days, you can use the gas to strengthen together, then the speed will be faster.

I will bear it now.

While controlling Suzaku's fire to strengthen the body, Lu Sheng flipped through the books on his hand. Although he was only a tourist guide magazine, he still allowed him to collect enough words and phrases to speed up the local language of the Gaussian Empire.

As for the ridiculous power fluctuations in the air, this kind of volatility is too weak. If it wasn't for Lu Sheng, it would have been in contact with the absurd power in the wild world. I am afraid I can't tell.

The absurd force in the volatility only occupies a little bit of particles. The periphery is also wrapped with other weird low-level energy layers.

It seems to be the use of absurdity as a core use.

If the absurd force that was first contacted in the Sunday Star Wars is 10,000 units, then the absurd power in the fluctuations here is at most one thousandth. And Lu Sheng vaguely felt that one thousandth of this seems to be diluted.

Nothing in the night, the early morning of the second day, all the students in the class gathered in the hotel lobby.

Lu Sheng went through last night's business and planned to find a chance to deal with Zhang Qi's trouble.

Although he does not have enough ground and spiritual support for psychological guidance, after all, the reinforcement is not much.

But it is okay to deal with a district high school student.

There are also things about foreign languages. Through magazines and TV shows, he has also mastered the language of this place.

In addition, it is shy in the bag, eating only basic meals, and the basic meal for the road victory that is strengthening the body, a meal can not even reach 30%.

I don’t have enough food at all.

So he decided to get some money.

As for how to make money, he found a lot of undocumented lending companies around the hotel. It can just help him to be a high school student who can't afford to eat.

He vaguely remembers that the people and characters of these companies are very good, and the borrowing is rarely discounted, bold, timely, and enthusiastic.

This made him very impressed. Going out, relying on this kind of enthusiastic person.

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