Way of the Devil

Chapter 950: You can four


The clerk rolled his eyes and shrugged, indicating that they were waiting in the same place and went to the translator.

In desperation, a group of girls can only wait quietly on one side. Look at the back of the team before the checkout line up.

In a short while, Yuan Shuangshuang, along with the other two girls, also had trouble with the clerk.

They have already settled at another counter, but when they leave, no matter how degaussing, when they pass the warning column, they will sound an alarm.

The same for four consecutive times, the security came over and asked to check their bags and body.

"This is not our problem!" A girl named Zhong Beibei shouted.

"You should check your machine!" Yuan Shuangshuang also argued. As a girl, if she is randomly searched, in the case of so many people, it is simply shame to the extreme.

The security guard and the clerk couldn't understand what they were saying. The two sides were deadlocked in place, and they wouldn't know what to do for a while.

Struggling, Yuan Shuang double eyes, just saw Lu Sheng holding a shopping basket, went to the counter and began to check out.

"Wang Dong! Come help!" She screamed.

Lu Sheng heard the sound and looked back. Yuan Shuangshuang and Zhang Qiyu both saw it, and not only, there were disputes between tourists in the other two places in the store, obviously not only for them.

"Help me to call the leader!" Yuan doubles loudly.

Lu Sheng brushed the card and carried things to several people.

"What happened?" he asked directly.

A few girls are busy, you say a word, I finish the matter.

Lu Sheng nodded, turned his head and waited for the security guard Yili wow a conversation.

The security guard was overjoyed and finally found a person who could communicate. Hurry and Lu Sheng together with Yili wow.

Soon, with the cooperation on both sides, Yuan Shuangshuang and others who were so eager to face were quickly identified. The goods were no problem. The clerk at the counter missed a small brand and did not brush.

After re-applying the small brand, Yuan Shuangshuang and others finally breathed a sigh of relief and were able to run out of the store.

"Thank you for this! Wang Dong! I didn't expect you to be multilingual?! It's just amazing!"

"Nothing, go back and rest early after the walk." Lu Sheng nodded and began to hang around with a dull look.

"Are you not with us?" Yuan Shuangshuang hurriedly asked.

"I still have something, you are free." Lu Sheng did not swing back and waved his hand.

Watching Lu Sheng leave, Yuan Shuangshuang and several girls suddenly fell into curiosity and amazement.

"Double, aren't you a room with this Wang Dong? How did you not know that he was so powerful in the class? Look at the multilingualism, and say that the security guards and the clerk are admired, don't be too handsome!"

"He used to be very low-key in the class. No one knows to pay attention to him."

"I tell you that this kind of male life is low-key, and the key time is a blockbuster. If it is not luck, we don't know that Wang Dong is a foreign language. Since people don't pass it out, I don't want to be rumored. Let's not bother him. "Zhubeibei whispered a reminder.

"That is also true." Yuan Shuangshuang nodded in agreement. A few girls look at the back of the road that slows down and disappears. It always feels like this boy who is plain and unpredictable, as if there is a layer of faint mystery. Even the back is a lot more than the previous drow.

After shopping all day in the town, when the students returned to the hotel, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening. I am tired of falling down on the bed and I don't want to move.

In the afternoon, Lu Sheng’s physical strengthening was four times that of ordinary people. Basically, it has reached the limit of the human race in this world.

After he realized that he could not continue to improve, he immediately began to practice the Red Soul.

This door uses Suzaku's fire to continue to strengthen its own exercises. It is not complicated, and the difficulty is not great. The only trouble is that this practice is the same as the Nanming Changsheng Record. It is a special merit that can be practiced infinitely. The more difficult it is to improve in the later stages.

But his only role is to increase the strength of the body.

After spending ten points to send his power, the Red Soul Gong was promoted to the fifth floor with a breath, and the physical quality was once again raised to the fifth time of ordinary people.

The more you reach the back, the harder it is to upgrade if your body breaks through the limits.

However, for the road winners with more than one billion billions of powers, the only thing that needs to be considered is that the body can't eat or eat.

If you want to speed up, you have to eat it bit by bit. You can't eat a big fat man. Therefore, the strength must also be steadily improved, and it is impossible to promote the seedlings.

Early the next morning, the team left the town and went to the next location.

At noon, the car finally stayed in the second town of Shiva.

Still waiting for the combination before the room. When Yuan Shuangshuang sneaked into a place he didn't understand, he ran to ask Lu Sheng.

In view of her good attitude, Lu Sheng also has a question and answer, anyway, this kind of casual can help without any effort.

A few Zhang Qiyi waited for a long time in the last supermarket before they waited for the leader to make a clearance. At this time, the mood is extremely unhappy.

After a group of students arranged their rooms, they dragged their luggage.

Stay here for at least four days.

There is a spa around, and there is a large ecological park with a view of the active volcano.

Zhang Qizhen’s mood is very bad. Simply stay at the hotel and don’t go there. Take a rest and sleep.

The previous supermarket incident made her very embarrassed and embarrassed, although she also saw Yuan Shuangshuang far away, and her cousin Wang Dong did not know what method to use.

But at that time, she did not pull her face to ask for help, so she missed the best time. When she overcame her own psychology, Lu Sheng had already gone with Yuan Shuangshou and others.

This made her feel very bad.

"Dead Wang Dong! You are dead! Give me back, you will look good after you go back!" She couldn't help but whisper on the bed.

She feels that since joining this tour, Wang Dong’s attitude towards her has changed subtly.

From the previous fears and shrinks, the words and deeds, and now, without a word, I don’t bother to look at myself.

She is very sensitive in this regard, so it is easy to distinguish.

My heart was bored for a while, Zhang Qiyi changed her clothes, put on green long-sleeved t-shirts and skinny jeans, plus standard hiking boots, carrying a tactical backpack, and a variety of wild survival tools.

These are all designed to cope with the special preparations for climbing the mountain to see the active volcano.

Then spray some insect repellent on your body and apply moisturizer sunscreen.

Standing in the mirror and patted the little buttocks, Zhang Qizhen was a little more comfortable. Carefully tie the long black hair and bundle it into a small pony tail on the right side. She walked out of the room and walked toward the ecological park.

She plans to leave her alone in the park. There is no ticket in the park anyway. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is the wild animals inside.

However, there will be no troubles in the periphery.

Zhao Zhongjun slowly stepped on a large stone, and looked at the large swamp in front by the height of the stone.

"There is still a swamp here, it is incredible." He looked a little confused.

"If you don't guess wrong, the key to that thing should be nearby." Zhao Zhongjun promoted his class and traveled here collectively. The real purpose is also here.

As for why the whole class was brought together, it was just to cover the trajectory of his own actions.

Just what he didn't expect was that there was a gimmick in the middle of the class, and it was still with him a level of silver geek.

The other party is a classmate who he always thought was just an ordinary person.

So this is awkward.

However, the battle for war began immediately, and Zhao Zhongjun could not give up this opportunity. Otherwise, his hand card is seriously insufficient, and there is absolutely no good ranking for the battle.

"Even if you reveal a little bit of news, you have nothing to lose. You must get the key as soon as possible."

After the heart was set, Zhao Zhongjun jumped down the rock and continued to run towards the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, not far away, a blue figure slowly fell in front of him.

"Huang Ya!? How did you find me?" Zhao Zhongjun's eyes sank and his face was extremely ugly.

Huang Ya cold smiled.

"You don't know, is there something like a tracker in this world?" She squeezed a bit of sesame in her cuff and threw it away.

"Tracker?" On the side of a boulder not far away, Zhang Qizhen was about to continue climbing, and suddenly found the two standing in front.

Perhaps because of the gossip psychology, she did not take the initiative to show up, but was interested in hiding behind the boulders and carefully eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

Just after she understood it, she felt something was wrong.

"There are even two things like the tracker."

Surprisingly, Zhang Qichen continued to listen carefully to the two men.

Zhao Zhongjun quickly rummaged through the body for a while, and sure enough, in the trouser leg, he found the extremely small sesame seeds of the tracker.

"You guy!!" Three times was destroyed by his own action plan, and the anger of Zhao Zhongjun's heart was finally suppressed.

He dropped his right hand and the palm of his hand automatically emerged as a golden wing pistol.

"Get out! Otherwise kill you!!"

kill? ? Just kidding!

Zhang Qiwei behind the boulder, his face was a stiff, stealing eyes on the two, just to see the golden pistol automatically emerged a scene of condensation, the small mouth could not help Zhang Da.

"this is!!?"

Huang Ya sneered, carrying a blue cold cold gun, slowly approaching each other.

"If you have the ability, you will kill!!" The voice just fell, she leaped like a osprey that fell from the sky into the lake, and slammed it to Zhao Zhongjun.

"Thousands of snakes!!"

The ice-blue rifle suddenly appeared in a white snake-like chill, and these chills rushed toward Zhao Zhongjun.

"Golden Thundercloud!" Zhao Zhongjun squatted on his knees and lifted his pistol. The gun body stretched forward and stretched from a pistol into a rifle-like rifle.

The long gun aimed at Huang Ya in midair, and the golden light of the muzzle grew from small to large.

boom! ! !

The golden light beam and the blue rifle stab together.

The brilliant white light blew from the middle of the contact. Like a reticle, it spreads around.

All the rocks and muds that touched the hood were twisted and broken, and they were broken, as if they were cut off by a giant machete.

Zhang Qizhen stayed in the same place and did not respond. He saw that the two men said that they would fight and wait until she returned to God. The explosion had opened an incredible scene, like a movie-like glow approaching her.

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