Way of the Devil

Chapter 952: Demon 2

"Soul power blood?" Lu Sheng blinked, watching Zhang Qiyu magically quickly from the edge of death, healing the wound, supplementing the blood, actually recovered to the state before the injury.

This effect is very amazing. He has seen many similar methods before, but they are not as magical here.

And it seems that there are no sequelae.

After doing all this, Zhao Zhongjun stood up and looked at Lu Sheng.

"Friends, are you interested in knowing what we are doing?" His face tried to squeeze out a sincere smile.

"Don't listen to him, come with me. I have a long history of moving the mountain gate. In the spiritual world, I am one of the best in the world. It is like a one-and-a-half shackle. I have learned a lot of things, and they are all wild."

Huang Ya on the side is close to the cold channel.

In front of this boy, his quality is extremely excellent. If he can become a psychic person and become a scorpio, then it will be the best partner with great strength.

"In any case, this place should not be left for a long time. After a long time, the virtual demon and other local scorpions can also be discovered. First withdraw." Huang Ya calmly said that the first knife went down the mountain.

"Wait, I will add you a mobile phone. If you have anything to ask back, you can ask me directly." Zhao Zhongjun quickly said.

Lu Sheng looked at Zhang Qiyu, who was fainting to the ground.

This world is more interesting than he imagined.

Awkward, Huang Ya went back and gently fell to Zhang Qizhen, picked up Zhang Qiwei, and walked toward the mountain.

Apparently she is considering that a girl and Lu Sheng are alone with the two big men, and there may be problems.

"It was just that we didn't pay attention to the hand, and almost killed her. Now I am responsible for bringing her back to the hotel." Huang Ya dropped a sentence and quickly left.

"Let's go, let's go." Zhao Zhongjun wiped the sweat from his forehead and got up and walked down the hill.

A moment later, Lu Sheng sat in the hotel room of Huang Ya.

Zhang Qizhen and Huang Ya both sit on the desk and sit on the bed with one knee. At this point, they are staring at Lu Sheng.

"Before you ask questions, I will introduce you to what kind of existence we have." Huang Ya has no cold temperament before. It looks like a normal high school girl.

Wearing denim shorts and white t-shirts seems to be no different from ordinary girls.

"Good." Lu Sheng nodded, indicating that the other party can start.

Huang Ya looked at Zhao Zhongjun on the side and continued.

"In this world, there are always people with different talents, which are different from ordinary people.

They can communicate with the dead soul, talk to the deceased, borrow the power of the dead soul, and strengthen themselves for a short time.

They are called psychics. ”

She gave a concept first.

"Can you talk to the deceased?" Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

"And among the psychics, there are some people of insight who guide the souls of their own communication to the weapons of some special materials, and then carefully care for them to nourish and strengthen the souls.

So that these weapons have more and more powerful power, this is the so-called gimmick. The weapon attached to the soul is the legendary scorpion. ”

"In fact, it is said that we can make use of the power of the ancient soul attached to the scorpion. It is not an ordinary person. It is as simple as that." Zhao Zhongjun summed up.

"It's really simple." Lu Sheng nodded. "So, what was the previous thing called the Devil?"

"That is a monster whose broken souls are condensed together and generated by resentment and hatred. It is only hateful to us by the psychic people. You can rest assured that they rarely attack ordinary people." Huang Ya said simply.

"So, you dragged me over and wanted to do something?" Lu Sheng was a stranger.

"You are a powerful person with a natural soul, can withstand the soul shock wave, but also do not hurt yourself. Such a soul is strong, born is the good qualification to practice the scorpion." Huang Yazheng.

"So I hope that you can join my martial art, and I will extradite you to become a real gimmick."

"The **** make it? Let me also find a weapon with a soul, and then let him possess a fight with me?" Lu Sheng said differently.

"In theory, this is the case." Huang Ya nodded.

"There will be consequences of the possession, what kind of side effects will that state have on people?" Lu Sheng asked.

"There is no side effect. For the average person, it will damage the life, but for us, it has no effect. The only trouble is that memory sharing takes time. The memory of you and the ancient soul will be shared to some extent. Improve the fit of both parties.

The higher the fit, the stronger the power that can break out together. The specific example is that you look at Zhao Zhongjun over there. Although he holds a gold-level scorpion, he is as good as my silver scorpion. ”

"That is to say that he and the gold pistol scorpion fit very low?" Lu Sheng gave a different.

"That's it." Huang Ya nodded.

"Understood." Lu Sheng nodded. "I'm sorry, although I really want to know the world where your sorcerer is, I don't like to share memories with others. Especially a stranger who just found it outside."

When he heard the introduction, he probably understood the state of the special group.

By borrowing the skills of the ancient soul, and thus having a powerful military battle in a short time, perhaps some secrets can mobilize the supernatural soul force to fight.

But that's it.

He does not feel that there is an ancient soul in this world that can qualify for his own body.

As for shared memory, it is even more nonsense.

"You will not consider it anymore?" Huang Ya and his two men were somewhat aggressive at the time. This road victory was just decisively rejected after listening to the secret introduction.

This is the first time they extradite the psychic.

"There is nothing to think about." Lu Sheng stood up. "Well, you play with you, and pay more attention to the surrounding, don't be innocent. I am leaving, your things are assured, I will not pass."

He did not wait for the two to react, waved his hand, opened the door, and went away.

Zhao Zhongjun wanted to chase when he got up, but he was stopped by Huang Ya.

"Forget it, this person is different from us. People like him are determined to be determined. It is very difficult to change. Otherwise, they will not have such a strong soul."

"Do not try to know." Zhao Zhongjun casually followed, chasing out.



The journey continues.

After Lu Sheng returned to the room, from this day, Huang Ya and Zhao Zhongjun always appeared in his field of vision if they had nothing.

However, Zhang Qiwei, who was awake after being comatose, woke up and found himself lying in his room. There was nothing on his body. Some doubt that everything he had encountered before was a dream.

Instead, I continued to follow the action of everyone like no one else.

Lu Sheng continued to use the Red Soul Gong to continuously improve his body strength, and basically the speed can be stabilized at twice the speed of the day.

On the fifth day of the journey, his physical fitness has reached ten times that of ordinary people.

And the journey, when it is time to leave this area.

The so-called active volcano, in fact, is to look at the scenery from the bottom of the mountain, staying at a hotel on the mountainside for one night, and experience life in the wild, nothing more.

To say that there is something different than before, it is Zhang Qizhen, the cousin, who is no longer as old as before.

Soon the brigade will arrive at the time of return.

On the last afternoon, everyone discussed all the meals together and sang and rested. Lu Sheng did not participate in the event, alone quietly left ktv, along the road in front of the hotel, rushed toward the ecological park.

The demon that is doomed with absurd power is what he is most interested in.

At night, a streetlight divides the dark streetscape into pieces. The scattered pedestrians slowly moved down the streetlights, and some vehicles whizzed past the high beam lights, rolling up a mess of garbage bags beer cans.

Lu Sheng slowly walked toward the ecological park, and the handcuffs entered his pocket. Just half an hour ago, he successfully upgraded to 11 times the strength of ordinary people.

After knowing the main system of the world, he has no intention of integrating into the system. Only prepare the mind and cause of the juvenile, and then find the ridiculous power, the clues of the eyes of sin, then go back to the devil to rest.

As the road goes more and more forward, the number of people on the road is getting less and less, and the frequency of passing vehicles is getting lower and lower.

I don't know how long, Lu Sheng suddenly stopped and stood in the same place.

Underneath a street lamp in front of him, a white-haired man in a white sweater was kneeling on the floor with a cigarette in his hand. The red cigarette butts flashed in the shadows, apparently smoking.

Lu Sheng looked at the other side, so late, still so remote, there are still people smoking here.

Be aware that there is at least a distance of ten kilometers from the bustling area.

But this has nothing to do with him.

He just paused and went on, passing by the white-haired man.

"Hey." Suddenly the white-haired man stood up and threw the cigarette **** under his feet.

"Have you been in contact with the psychic people recently?" He turned his head and fell on Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng turned and looked at him.

"Contacted. What happened?"

The white-haired man did not expect him to be so frank, squatting, and then said.

"Do you know where Zhao Zhongjun is? You have his soul power, don't tell me I don't know. I don't like this answer."

“Zhao Zhongjun?” Lu Sheng’s voice was mentioned, “Know it.”

"Where is he?" The white-haired man nodded and looked at his watch. "You should be glad that I am in a good mood now, I don't want to kill. If I say it, I will let you go."

Lu Sheng’s shoes, which he was going to leave, suddenly fell. He turned his direction and inserted his hand into his trouser pocket. The other hand pulled the neckline and made the clothes more slack.

Then walk slowly toward the white hair.

Hey! !

A lightning bolt.

Lu Sheng’s arm was blurred for a moment under the streetlight and then returned to the original place.

The head of the white-haired man bursts like a watermelon on the spot, and the remaining headless body is still holding a new cigarette in his hand, and he is unable to fall down.

Lu Sheng looked down at the body and turned to continue in the direction of the previous perception.

His purpose is the devil, not the inexplicable garbage.

In his realm, killing this level of the guy is no different from trampling an ant on the roadside.

There is no sorrow and joy, no surprise and shock, just like eating and drinking.

"Right, why do I want to kill him?" He suddenly thought of this problem, inexplicably thinking about it, slowly moving away and walking towards the distance.

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