Way of the Devil

Chapter 955: Sister one

"So, they came to me and invited me to join the white fog?"

Ten minutes later, watching the police car quickly deal with the scene, the viaduct was also closed, Lu Sheng sat in the car, holding the contract without words.

"Exactly, this is the case. Their sincerity is sufficient, it should be a full measure of your own qualification potential." Huang Ya helpless.

Lu Sheng looked at the contract terms that were still bloody. Many places were smashed. Some were stained with blood and could not read the words. But the part that can be seen clearly stated that 100 million yuan was paid annually. The first clause of the yuan republican currency.

"Forget it, don't want this, since white fog can give better conditions."

When Lu Sheng’s words were not finished, Huang Ya nodded.

"You can rest assured that we have already asked the elders in the door, and your annual share has increased to 100 million!"

This money is not a small amount, even if it is for the financially rich mountain gates, it also needs to mobilize the interests of many industries. After all the redistribution, you can give out such a big cake and give it to Lu Sheng.

"That's good." Lu Sheng nodded.

The car continued on the road. After about ten minutes, the car slowly stopped in front of the current community where Wang Dong lived.

Lu Sheng got out of the car and waved his hand behind the suitcase and walked into the community.

The residential building is old, but the sanitary conditions are not bad, the whole is clean.

Some open-air vehicles parked on the side, although the brand is not high-end, but a lot of mid-range. Obviously the overall income level of the residents here is ok.

Lu Sheng followed the number of buildings, and counted until the third row, the second column, after determining the number of buildings, he found the key and walked up the stairwell all the way up.

“Can you talk about it?” Zhao Zhongjun’s voice came from the corner of the stairs above.

Lu Sheng looked up and saw that the goods were sitting on the stairs and seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Joining the moving gate is not your best choice." Zhao Zhongjun is the color.

"I don't care what organizational power to join." Lu Sheng said casually. "I only care, which is convenient. For me, joining any of your forces is actually about the same. Anyway, you are all weak."

"You may understand the mistake. My strength is just a normal little role in our circle. Before you saw me and Huang Ya, it was just a child who was a family. The level was extremely low." A black, solemnly.

"And then?" Lu Sheng was a little impatient.

"We organize, the superiors I belong to directly, I want to see you once." Zhao Zhongjun said seriously.

"I have no interest in your organization." Lu Sheng slowly stepped up from Zhao Zhongjun, and came to the first door on the left side of the fourth floor.

Insert the key and twist it gently. In the living room of the room, a picture of Wang Dong and his parents, as well as a beautiful girl, hung on the wall facing the gate.

Lu Sheng looked at the photo, the girl above, is the sister of this body.

Dear sister.

The girl named Wang Jing, who is now in a mental hospital on the outskirts of the city, has been suffering from mental madness for three years.

For Wang Jing, my parents will look after her every once in a while.

For Wang Dong’s memory, this sister has no other memories except the time he likes to pinch his cheeks.

Into the living room, Lu Sheng's suitcase in the handle is placed in the corner. Then I saw the message on the table.

‘We went to the third psychiatric hospital. There is rice in the pot, and the dish can be eaten hot in a microwave oven. Father: Wang Zhuo. ’

Put away the note, Lu Sheng suddenly thought of his sister's illness, is it related to the so-called psychic people?

He quickly sent a message to Huang Ya. Then start the hot meal, this body is in the development stage, plus the intensification of the strength requires a lot of energy.

There is no shortage of food.

Although his own gas can provide pure energy, many trace elements and basic substances cannot be replaced. So still need to eat.

Not long after, Huang Ya replied to the news.

‘We reviewed the details of your sister and did not have a record of contact with the psychic. However, what is strange is that your sister's file seems to have a lot of detailed records, not exhaustive. ’

Lu Sheng brows a wrinkle. Is it difficult to make a difference?

Soon, the second text message of Huang Ya came again.

‘Are you convenient to answer the phone now? ’

Lu Sheng did not say anything, called directly.


The phone was connected in less than a second.

"Unfortunately, Wang Dong, your sister Wang Jing's situation is very strange. She has a history of mental illness. At a very young time, we investigated the file records. When you were three years old, your sister Wang Jing showed a lot of unusual. The weird move."

Huang Ya’s tone is somewhat dignified.

"Oh? So, can you help me investigate?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Your current level, the resources and rights to mobilize are still not enough, I try to be." Huang Ya is a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, give it a try. Now let me know what I found." Lu Sheng Shen Shen.

He faintly felt something was wrong.


Huang Ya’s page of the page that read the information did not know where she was.

“The first file report about Wang Jing was in Xiongbei City, when your sister was implicated in a bizarre campus student murder.

The police did not find any murderer and took your sister with a history of mental illness to the police station for investigation.

Not long after, the two police officers responsible for interrogating your sister resigned because of a mental state disorder.

Soon after, one person was missing and one committed suicide. ”

Lu Sheng blinks slightly, it looks a little wrong.

"Then the second time, after Wang Jing entered the city's third middle school, three students in the class claimed to see Wang Jing alone walking alone in the evening teaching building.

However, after investigation, Wang Jing was at home every day, and did not leave the house. ”

"The third file, Wang Jing after several investigations, found that he suffered from severe mental madness, and was sent to the Aijia Mental Rehabilitation Center for treatment.

As a doctor of her attending doctor is a doctor named Song Chengkang. Two months later, Song Chengkang’s gas explosion, all four people including his wife and children were killed. ”

"If these are just coincidences, then the next series of cases prove that Wang Jing, that is, your sister, is probably the biggest suspect." Huang Ya voice became more and more dignified.

It can be seen that she only helped Lu Sheng to investigate his sister's situation at first, but I can see it here. The feeling is more and more wrong.

"Follow it." Lu Sheng Shen Shen.

"After that, your sister is clearly in a mental hospital, but more than once, there are students who reflect that in the teaching building where she once attended classes, there will always be a female student who looks like her slowly walking alone at night.

The psychic people were investigated before they were hired, but they all found nothing. There is no soul force at all. ”

When Huang Ya said it, it was already very dignified.

"That is, my sister Wang Jing, is probably the biggest suspect?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Do not rule out this possibility. However, there is no way to investigate the case and so on!" Suddenly Huang Yaya heard the voice of the other people, and seemed to be talking to her in a low voice.

After a while, Huang Yasheng sounded again.

"I am very sorry about Wang Dong, your sister Wang Jing, the elders who once moved to the mountain gate have also gone to investigate. But it also failed."

And only two words were left on the file for warning. ”

"What word?"

"Danger." Huang Ya reluctantly sighed, and then said. "Please forgive me for nothing."

"Enough is enough, has helped me a lot." Lu Sheng comforted the sentence.

Hang up the phone, Lu Sheng pinched the phone in the palm of his hand, got up and put the food on one end to the table, took out the chopsticks and began to eat slowly.

If at first he thought that Wang Dong’s life was just a type of ordinary adolescent, now the appearance of Wang Jing has changed his mind to a great extent.


A large hand was placed on the yellow archives in front of Huang Ya.

"Don't check Yaya." A white-haired old man with a similar appearance and Huangyehe, looked down on Huang Yadao with a serious look.

"Grandpa!" Huang Ya looked up and suddenly got up and stood up quickly. "How come you? Are you still in the atrium of the Atrium?"

"The information you applied for has already involved the ban, so I specially came to see what happened." Huang Ya's grandfather Huang Yun Temple looked awkward.

"Prohibition?" Huang Ya Xiaozui slightly open, some can not believe.

"In this world, we should be awed by all the unknowns." Huang Yunsi is low. "The case you investigated did not record on the file, but at that time it was not only our moving hills, but also the other two powerful domestic psychics. People organizations have been sent together to investigate.

But in the end, all three suffered heavy losses and they died down. ”

"There is such a powerful??!" Huang Ya was amazed.

"In this world, there are too many unsolved mysteries. In this case, we lost about six people, five silver grades, and one gold grade. But even if we didn't figure out the basics, we were all dead." Huang Yunsi shook his head. Road.

"So, this is the end of the matter. We are not powerless in these things, but we have to pay too much to solve them. It is too big for us to bear, and we will not be able to pay for it."

Huang Ya bit his lip and didn't talk anymore.

After dinner, Lu Sheng directly called the team leader Xu Fan to report safety. After receiving news, his mother Zheng Huan asked him to go directly to the third psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of the city. After visiting his sister, the family went out to eat together and then returned.

Changed the clothes, Lu Sheng went straight out.

Just the upper limit of physical fitness has been raised to fifteen times, fifteen times the physical fitness of ordinary people, which means that he can rush through the kilometers in ten seconds.

Holding your breath for twenty minutes has no effect.

Can withstand the external environment Baidu high temperature and normal activities.

You can pick up more than four tons of heavy objects in one breath and move freely.

This is completely superhuman. If the outbreak is full, Lu Sheng can even punch a dozen tons of terrorist damage.

This represents almost ninety-nine percent of the material in real life, and can't stand his punch.

Out of the house, anyway, there is money, Lu Sheng called a taxi, went directly to the third psychiatric hospital in the suburbs.

After a half-hour drive, the taxi drove out of the city and stopped at the door of an old, silent yellow walled hospital.

"Little brother, I advise you not to stay in this neighborhood for a long time, this place is very evil." The master driving the car could not help but remind the sentence.

"Well, thank you for the master." Lu Sheng should have opened the door and got off the bus.

Standing in front of the hospital, he carefully examined the surrounding environment.

The entire hospital is built in a deciduous maple forest, with thick leaves on the ground and only one road and road connecting in and out.

Many of the public benches on both sides of the pavement have been embroidered, and there is no way to sit.

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