Way of the Devil

Chapter 957: Disaster

The capital of mercury.

The capital of the empire is the highest point of the capital of Mercury, the top of the Serrata.

Like a spiked white tower on the sky, two white-haired old men with white-crowned silver crowns, one knee-high, one standing, are simultaneously looking at the vast and bustling city in the distance.

"She is out again." The old man sitting down on his knees whispered.

"A reincarnation every millennium, she should not wake up for a long time, let all the tentacles shrink back. The black curtain is coming. We better not to conflict with her." The old man standing calm.

"This is a variable. Give up memory, in exchange for the true body and the cycle is not extinguished, does this rebirth really make sense?"

A person has no memory of his own self and a mark of existence. Is it really the original one? The old man sighed.

"Who knows. But she is getting stronger, this is the truth."

"On the side of the Blue Grand Republic, all the stations were returned, and the site was given to her."

"If you don't send it, there is no way. After all, that kind of power is irresistible. If you stay with her for a long time, you will have problems."

The morning sun slowly passed through the window and landed on the bed in the bedroom.

The milky white quilt huddled in a mess.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes and climbed up from the bed. After arbitrarily packing and changing his clothes, he opened the door.

The parents in the living room are not there, and the table is still a piece of paper. And my sister, Wang Jing, is sitting on the sofa, her back is straight, wearing a large white dress and a long black hair hanging down the back.

In the sun, the white skirt reflects some shimmering light.

Seemingly hearing the sound, Wang Jing looked up and smiled at Lu Sheng.

The pale and exquisite face in the morning sun, do not know how, but give a pure and crystal-like beauty.

Of course, for Lu Sheng, this is not in line with his aesthetics. This kind of fragile and beautiful like a porcelain can't be played at all.

What can only be seen from a distance, beautiful things are not to be played, then don't appear in front of him, light does not move, isn't that a waste of time? Even eating and paying attention to color and flavor, just look at a fart.

“Have you ever had breakfast?” Lu Sheng went to the kitchen and looked at it. He smashed the millet porridge, put a few meat bags on the side, touched the bun, and some of it was cold. It seems that it has steamed for a long time. .


Wang Jing shortly replied.

"Then eat together." Lu Sheng put the buns and millet porridge up, set it up, and then gave the two people a bowl.

Wang Jing just picked up the bowl and heard the voice of the younger brother who had put the bowl down. He looked up and the big bowl on the opposite side was empty.

Lu Sheng is holding two buns, two of them will be swallowed into the mouth, eating buns is no different from eating peanuts.

After Lu Sheng continued to eat three bowls of porridge, it was half full, and he stood up and packed up the dishes.

"Is there any plan for today?" Lu Sheng calmly said,

Wang Jing shook his head and said that he had no plans.

Parents leave home early in the morning, it is hard to say not to avoid her. But also, people like her, there should be no one who wants to be close.

Anyone who stays with her will suffer bad luck for somehow.

This is the most dangerous thing. Anyone who is too close to her will unconsciously start to hate her and hate her.

This emotion will magnify over time, until finally, becoming an intention to kill her.

There have been no exceptions for so many years.

No one is not afraid of her.

People close to her will suffer bad luck, and they will fall into abhorrent circles.

Even her parents are the same.

Why was she sent to a mental hospital long ago, and because her parents were almost astonishingly affected by the strange forces, she almost died alive.

Wang Zhuo, who was awake, finally decided to send him to a mental hospital. There, Wang Jing has a special space for thinking, and there are special people responsible for eating and drinking.

Wang Zhuo did not have to worry about it all day long.

After having breakfast, the two are doing their own things.

Lu Sheng’s continuous strengthening and improvement of his physical quality has reached an unimaginable level.

The strange thing is that people from white fog have never been there since that day.

Fortunately, he is now on vacation time, no class, closed eyes for a while, then began to open the phone, view the electronic materials they gave.

Wang Jing was sitting strangely at the window, looking sideways from time to time and looking out.

Basically, one day, she can sit on the day.

Since Wang Jing came home, Wang Zhuo rarely came back, not to the grandmother, or to temporarily return to work in the unit.

They wanted to quietly call Lu Sheng, but they refused.

In the case of Lu Sheng, Wang Jing was silent except for the rest. Nothing is too jealous.

Time passed a little, and a few days passed. Gradually, my parents Wang Zhuo did not return home. There are only Lu Sheng and Wang Jing in the whole house on weekdays.

"Do you like listening to music?" Lu Sheng took a d machine and rushed to the king.

Wang Jing shook his head in silence.

"Let's find something for yourself. In a few days, I might have to go out for a trip. Sister, you can take a rest at home. You can go out and go around and have fun." Lu Sheng and Wang Jing lived for so many days. No abnormalities were found.

It’s just that Wang Jing is always in a plain white dress. Long hair hangs down and doesn’t like to turn on the lights at night. If the average person is really scared by her.

Fortunately, before Lu Sheng, killing people is based on the planet. Naturally, she will not be scared by this little thing. She told her not to run around at night, but she didn’t listen, she simply ignored her.

It is noon.

The two sat down to eat, the rice was set out in the restaurant outside, the color and flavor were full, originally Wang Zhuo gave them a sum of money, let them eat themselves.

However, Lu Sheng is pregnant with millions of dollars. When he eats, he will not be wronged. When he finds a good restaurant nearby, he will set it as a long-term meal ticket.

"You said before, where are you going?" Wang Jing recalled the morning, when he heard that Lu Sheng said that he would go out, suddenly looked up, and the clear and beautiful eyes stared at him calmly.

She likes the feeling of eating, resting, watching TV and sleeping every day. There are people around you who can accompany you, people who are not afraid of themselves.

After observing these days, my brother Wang Dong did not know what it was. It seems that even the natural power of bad luck does not affect him.

This made her heart, which was originally carried, gradually falling.

Although it was only a little more than a week, she already liked this kind of plain day.

"Outside." Lu Sheng answered briefly.

"I want to be together." Wang Jing calmly said, picking up the dishes and eating slowly.

"I am going to do business." Lu Sheng seriously.

"" Wang Jing did not say a word, the delicate white face fell, and there was a hint of haze in his eyes.

Even you have to leave me?

There was a faint sigh of darkness in her body, and a cruel and violent thought suddenly poured into her mind.

"I had some trouble before, some people came to me, so I got to solve it." Lu Sheng simply summed up.

"Together." Wang Jing faintly said.

‘Is it so eager to abandon me? ’

Her heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Lu Sheng has some headaches.

"Forget it, let's go together. I will go buy some daily necessities. Come back later. What do you want to drink? Sour plum juice?"

Wang Jing’s black gas instantly dissipated. She liked plum juice and nodded slightly. She watched Lu Sheng put down the empty bowl and took a coat to push the door away.


The door is closed.

Lu Sheng walked into the elevator silently and pressed the first floor button.

Wang Jing's situation gradually made him have some headaches. This cheap sister seems to have a strange and similar nature, but it seems to be different from the weird.

He didn't figure out what was going on for the time being.

However, I can see that she really likes her brother.

Down to the first floor, the elevator door slowly opened and Lu Sheng walked out of the stairwell.

Hey! !

A flower bed descended from the sky above his head.

The flower bed was broken, and the sharp tiles were bounced off the right side of the wall. The squats crossed the road from the road to the aorta, leaving only a thin white mark.

"Hey! I only wash the head!" Lu Sheng thought about the matter, and suddenly he was suddenly picked up, and quickly let go, bowed his head and patted the dirt on his head.

He looked angrily at the top.

I don’t know which one is going down, and it’s incredible that he hasn’t been able to escape this sudden attack with his physical fitness.

However, Lu Sheng is also used to it. In these days, he has encountered this kind of thing more than once.

The soil on his hair was cleaned, and he continued to walk out of the stairs and walked out of the sidewalk.

Nourish! !

Suddenly a car lost control and ran into him from behind him.

Lu Sheng made a few steps to the left, the car straight passed him and slammed into a big tree on his neck, no longer moving.

Lu Sheng looked at the time and confirmed that there was no car on both sides of the road, and he quickly crossed the road.

When passing through a manhole cover, the manhole cover suddenly collapsed without warning. The road wins one foot and leans on the side to ease the body and continue to walk forward.

Soon after he came to a small supermarket on the side of the road, he randomly picked a few drinks, added the plum juice that Wang Jing wanted, and then took some of the daily necessities used by girls, soap shower gel or something.

"Checkout." He went to the counter.

The counter was a young man with a messy hair and quickly gave him the money he needed.

After paying the money, Lu Sheng walked out of the small supermarket, and suddenly there was a subtle sigh.

"Be careful!!"

Suddenly the young man yelled behind him.

Lu Sheng looked up and saw the billboard hanging above the supermarket. He was silent and silent, and the sharp horns of the lower half of the two letters below the billboard were facing him.


A mess of debris broke out.

Lu Sheng stood unscathed in the middle, in front of the billboard that had just fallen.

Just a moment ago, he just stepped forward in a lightning-fast way, avoiding the puncture of billboards.

"If you change to a normal person, I am afraid that it is dead and I don't know it a few times." Lu Sheng brows close.

In the continuous apology of the boss, Lu Sheng took the goods free of orders and walked towards his residence.

He was a bit strange. Although he had never had such an accident before, it was only a matter of time. In just 10 minutes, he encountered so many accidents.

This is simply a bad luck, the mold is attached!

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