Way of the Devil

Chapter 962: Lead two

"? Heirloom?" The old man who had just said the voice of doubt.

However, Lu Sheng noticed that another middle-aged man in the encirclement had heard a hint of shame.

"There is something to deal with today. This is a booklet of psychic surgery. You should take it back and look at it and choose the one that suits you. Then call me." Huang Yunsi handed Lu Sheng a booklet.

"Your sister is still waiting at the foot of the mountain? Go back quickly."

Obviously, he temporarily changed his mind and let Lu Sheng leave first.

Lu Sheng did not care, took over the booklet, and someone led him to leave the tower quickly.

After that, what happened to the axe boy, he was not clear and not interested.

Down the mountain, Lu Sheng was the first to find Wang Jing who was sleeping in the hotel. Then take the return drive and leave the Shimen Gate headquarters.

It seems that the harvest is not much, but the variables are quite a lot.

Not to mention Wang Jing's still obsessed, after returning home, the next day, Lu Sheng received a phone call from Huang Ya. The boy’s business was solved, but she was also injured and needs to be nursed back. She may not be able to contact him here for the time being.

It can be seen that the shifting gate seems to be in a small trouble. The young man dared to rush up the mountain and injured so many people. Although it seems to be an ordinary person on the surface, it can make Huang Ya injured. .

Lu Sheng does not care about these. He only cares about his own psychic, and the news of the eyes of sin.

Time passes by.

Lu Sheng quickly selected the so-called psychic, and used the mobile phone to pass the letter to the Huangyun Temple.

It didn't take long for someone to send the original psychic.

Lu Sheng also probably understands the way of studying here.

Psychic surgery, in fact, is to use the spirit to mobilize the soul alone, mobilize the three souls and seven scorpions, just like exercising the body, constantly let the three souls and seven scorpions carry out various exercises and sports.

Over time, the effect of strengthening the soul is achieved.

Different exercise methods have different natural effects.

Lu Sheng has a general understanding of the classification of psychic, divided into many, but in general, nothing more than three categories.

First, advocate a category that relies entirely on self-exercise exercises and powerful souls.

Second, advocate the use of external forces, such as medicinal herbs, hallucinogens, external soul stimulation, technological means, and so on, to reach the category of powerful souls.

Third, the main stream is self-study and supplemented by external forces.

Lu Sheng naturally chose the third most advanced hybrid stream from the good.

After getting a book of Zhongzheng Ping's psychic exercises, he tried to practice it. There was basically no difficulty, and he quickly gotten started because of his huge soul power.

It’s just that he didn’t plan to use deep blue to improve the psychic, so the speed of practice is already very fast.

Plus his own strength is enough, he does not need to upgrade the level of this common practice.

Instead of moving over the mountain gate, the conditions and benefits that have been granted are also distributed one by one.

With money, Lu Sheng plans to visit the new place and change the environment for Wang Jing.

The original home was too small for inconvenient activities.

On the street, Lu Sheng walked slowly, and Wang Jing held his arm around him, and he followed suit, and he did not say a word.

The street is very deserted, it’s working hours, not weekends, and most people are busy with work.

Only a small number of people have leisure time and come out to wander around.

"We, where are we going?" Wang Jing asked curiously.

"I joined an organization. They have good welfare and made a lot of money. They can just give us a place to live, so I am looking at where to buy." Lu Sheng replied casually.

One hundred million yuan a year, enough for him to buy a lot of housing, or even a villa, in this bustling city.

"Oh." Wang Jing is actually not interested in where to go. She likes to greedyly stick to Lu Sheng and feel the warmth passed from him.

Walking on the street, all the passers-by who passed by them, at the first sight of Wang Jing, were amazing, and then they turned their eyes in disgust, as if they were avoiding monsters, avoiding her.

Even Lu Sheng, who was next to her, was glanced at by inexplicable eyes.

This is a very strange feeling.

Lu Sheng thought about it.

Soon, he found a good-looking luxury villa area, which is a single-family villa and will not be affected.

Apart from the cleanliness around the area, there is no trouble in the rest of the lake.

"How is it here?" he asked.

"Okay." Wang Jing smiled and kissed his face.

Lu Sheng was helpless and dragged Wang Jing into the sales office.

Several sales ladies took the initiative to meet. There was nothing wrong with it. Lu Sheng quickly selected a villa in the most remote location, signed the contract, then paid, looked at the room, got the door lock key, and replaced the key lock.

In less than three hours, he and Wang Jing officially stayed in a white villa near the lake.

There are also a lot of housing contract real estate licenses, etc., these things will be sold to those who sell the house and move the door.

It was only after the last road victory that this property villa area was actually an industry under the foot of the mountain.

Solved the housing problem, and then the problem of eating, Lu Sheng replaced the new hotel again, as a fixed canteen, and let them take the initiative to send food to the door.

There is a swimming pool behind the villa, and after Lu Sheng has finished the call, the final network cable will be processed.

Standing in front of the second floor window, he saw through his glass window that his sister Wang Jing had changed into a white swimsuit and stood in the pool and jumped into the water.

White swimsuit, slender legs, slender waist, and long, soft hair like a lotus flower.

Wang Jing is like a mermaid, swimming slowly in the clear blue pool.

Just looking far away, you can feel the peace and peace.

Shaking his head, Lu Sheng vomited and was about to leave the building.

Suddenly, Wang Jing in the pool slowly turned around and looked at Lu Sheng in the pool.

She smiled slightly, her eyes with an inexplicable expectation, a hand hook, actually directly untied the swimsuit on the chest, revealing the beautiful white chest below.

"The trough." Lu Sheng jumped his heart and rushed downstairs. He jumped into the pool and put Wang Jing's swimsuit on.

“Like?” Wang Jing leaned on Lu Sheng’s shoulder with a smug smile on his face.

"Are you stupid? What if you are seen by others?" Lu Sheng slaps on her ass, some fire avenues.

"It doesn't matter," Wang Jing smiled.

If anyone sees it, it will be fine.

She didn't say the second half of the sentence, but the power of her knees would help her deal with such small things.

She saw a lot of interesting scenes from Wang Dong’s hidden comic book, knowing what his brother’s favorite tone is.

So every time I deliberately do this, watching Wang Dong's impatience, and can't help but instinctively make an impulsive look, she feels very fun.

"This is good, the clothes are wet." Lu Sheng took Wang Jing into the lobby on the first floor, quickly went to the bathroom, and rushed to the water. The two of them came out around the towel.

"You have to change your clothes, don't catch cold." Lu Sheng told him.

Wang Jingyi nodded, returned to his bedroom in a bathing suit and began to change clothes.

Lu Sheng took a breath and took this sister all day, really heart-wrenching. After reading the time, I arrived at the time to make an appointment to move to the gate.

His psychic is called the Psychic Method, which is divided into fifteen levels. Now he has been trained to the third level.

This thing is actually doing sports for the soul. Lu Sheng is only a three-day fishing net for two days. The soul of the soul is also constantly improved because of the strengthening of the Suzaku fire and the earth.

"Sister, I will go to the mountains first, and I will come back later in the evening." He loudly reminded Wang Jing.

There was no sound in the room, but Lu Sheng knew that Wang Jing had heard it.

I didn't care about it. I changed my clothes and left the villa. I have been driving the door outside the door and waiting for a long time.

In the second floor bedroom, Wang Jing put on a white dress and black silk, standing in front of the window and looking far away from the slowly moving vehicle.

"The clues have quietly guided the people who moved the gates to find them, and things have been put on the road to their investigation team in advance. Now they should have informed Wang Dong." The sharp woman's voice spread in the bedroom.

"Very good." Wang Jing took back his sight. "Don't let him notice."




"The progress is good, it seems that you have been very diligent recently." Huang Yunsi smiled and patted Lu Sheng shoulder.

"Just not going to school, there is plenty of time." Lu Sheng replied casually.

"Tell you a good news." Huang Yunsi picked up a round black metal box from the back of the table and handed it to Lu Sheng.

"What you want, find it."

"Well?" Lu Sheng slammed, quickly took the box and opened the lid.

In the middle of the black sponge, there is a black bead that is exactly the same as the eye of sin.

"Black?" Lu Sheng remembers that the eyes of sin should be silver.

"We only found black, but the rest is exactly the same as the one you painted. It is estimated that even if it is not what you want, it will be related."

Huang Yunsi only mentions how much manpower and material resources are consumed for this thing.

"Well, since I got something, let me exercise first. Let me see your recent progress. The progress of the spirits does not mean that the actual combat will be strong."

Huang Yunsi led Lu Sheng to leave the test hall and walked deep into the tower.

The two soon came to a spacious exercise hall.

"The intensity here is fifteen times higher than the place where you and Henry started before. Use the full force, rest assured, there will be no problem."

Huang Yunsi smiled.

Lu Sheng nodded, taking off his upper body clothes and revealing the black vest worn inside.

Standing in the same place, there are still many people around the exercise ground. I saw that Huangyun Temple and the people started, most of them stopped to watch and watched the two fight.

After all, it’s not easy to see the old man’s fingertips.

"Then please advise." Lu Sheng bowed slightly and looked awkward.

His fingers were like a flower wheel, and in front of him, he produced more than a dozen complicated and inexplicable handprints.

A soul power equivalent to thirteen times that of ordinary people, was quickly mobilized, turned into an invisible airflow around him, and rotated around.

"Spirit, spurs." Lu Sheng hands one forward and stabbed.

There were dozens of invisible spikes in the vicinity of Huangyun Temple, and he smashed his skin.

"I will suppress the soul to the same level as you, as long as you break my defense, even if you qualify." Huang Yunsi smiled and sighed.

"Good." Lu Sheng’s voice just fell, and suddenly more and more sources of sharp spikes, from all sides toward the Huangyun Temple squeezed through the past.

In the squeaky spurs, all invisible spikes are blocked by a thin layer of transparent fluorescent light.

"It's too weak. Didn't eat!" Huang Yun Temple loudly.

Lu Sheng's handprint changed, and a new round of knots was all produced in just two seconds.

The spirit of the **** quickly turned into a chilly wind, surrounded by Huangyun Temple crazy rotation, the layer of fluorescent surface he defended, has begun to appear a lot of hoarfrost and ice.

"Break." Huang Yunsi snorted.


All the ice hoarfrost is broken at the same time, accompanied by the chilly wind.

"Stupid! This kind of spiritual law that consumes the most soul is used to attack. You are arguing that you are not fast enough!" Huang Yun Temple suddenly angered.

Lu Sheng's face was slightly dark, and his handprint changed again. In a few consecutive sounds, his hands almost formed a residual image.

There are more than ten knots formed in one second. It’s just amazing.

"Lock the knife! Go!!"

All the spirits of the gods, in a moment, condensed a sharp and invisible blade, from the top down to the head and slashed to Huangyun Temple.

"Are you an idiot?? All the souls can't even lock, you have to bet on!! Idiot! Ignorance! Ignorance! Chaos!!"

Huang Yun Temple raised his right hand and gently moved.

boom! !

The lock knives are broken, and the invisible soul power is like a violent airflow.

"Looking good, this is the real lock spirit" Oh! ! ! !

The entire drill hall shook.

Lu Sheng lightning hits the defensive layer in front of Huang Yun Temple.


Numerous cracks spread along the position of Lu Sheng, and spread around.

Bang! !

A loud noise.

Huang Yunsi's entire arms were intertwined in front of him, and the body flew out and slammed into the hard black stone wall.

"So, what is the use of spirituality, what is the use of it?" Lu Sheng retracted his palm and turned to walk outside the hall.

"You are not a thirteen times limit!!?" Huang Yunsi on the wall asked a tough voice. "You broke through, the limit!?"

Lu Sheng has a footstep.

"Yeah, it is fifteen times."

In fact, he still has nothing to say, even if it is the same thirteen times, the skill can also produce other lethal effects.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!! No! Calling the spirit ceremony can make you stronger! Believe me!" Huang Yunsi never thought of human simple body, can be strong to this point.

But just such a Wang Dong, has already reached this point, after the ceremony of calling the spirit? That kind of power is hard to imagine!

He seems to see that the moving mountain gate is about to be born with one of the strongest terrorists in history.

"The spirit, not only can be boarded on the weapon, but also armor, armor!" Huang Yunsi's eyes beat some fanatic flames.

Lu Sheng has a look at his eyes.

"Wanling Grotto!! You can definitely get the recognition of the Wanling Grotto!!" Huang Yunsi suddenly laughed.

Looking at Lu Sheng, what he thinks in his mind is from childhood to big, the legends of the spiritual king that have been fancied for countless times in decades.

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