Way of the Devil

Chapter 967: Situation one


A huge rhinoceros with a steel armor bowed his head and screamed at Lu Sheng.

"Fast! Run!! It's a black rhinoceros!! My God!!" Jack looked pale, and hurryed around to find the big tree that could climb up.

"Already ran." Lu Sheng looked at the black rhinoceros who turned and fled. "It doesn't matter, don't chase, you can meet new ones later. There are many animals here."

Jack wants to cry without tears.

He said that they ran on their own.... Fortunately, the rhino turned and ran away. Otherwise, they will collide directly. They are afraid that this group of people is not like a bean sprout.

Lu Sheng looked back and looked at the four people. Jack and Shaman’s legs trembled, but they could stand still. Ben was a handsome face, holding the trunk on one side, and he couldn’t move.

It’s that Gera is just breathing tight and still calm.

He is only out of curiosity, and has a little temptation for the world-class psychic organization of rubies.

So I took these four people all the way.

"Let's go." He turned his head and continued on his way to the front.

It is already very close to the deepest part of the mountain. But what makes him strange is that there is still no visible demon appearing around.

Originally he was planning to come over and try to see what extent the monsters above the demon are above. I can go here, but it is still similar to the ordinary mountain, no danger.

This is a bit strange.

On the grass in front of the slope, a few black wolves who are biting a wild deer are bowing their heads and making a certain kind of saliva and breathing.

Seeing this group of black wolves, Lu Sheng’s footsteps in the past have finally stopped slowly.


These black wolves found several people close to them, and they looked up and looked at them.

Lu Sheng clearly saw that the faces of the black wolves were all covered with dark red cockroaches.

"Black back wolf! My God, so much!!" Jack began to yell again.

Lu Sheng was about to start, and suddenly saw this group of black wolves slowly retreating, constantly looking around, it seems that there are terrible things around them.

Lu Sheng brows a wrinkle, left and right looked around, his body is now only a comprehensive development of five senses of physical ability.

There is not much improvement in psychic. Until now, it is only the seventh level of psychic. After all, although there are more than one billion in the power of the gods, the useless things of psychic surgery are not enough for him to slap.

Then add is not a waste?

Hey! !

A group of black-backed wolves turned and ran, and even the half-food in front of them was not needed.

Even the Jack four people found it wrong.

"These black-backed wolves seem to be wrong." Shaman is a graduate student in this field. A zoology professor at the school has participated in relevant research, so he is very sensitive to the various performances of animals.

The most important thing is that in their eyes, these black-backed wolves look like wolves.

Gera had a tight back and relaxed slightly. She looked at the road ahead.

"It should be the scum of the beast with the beast on the front, which can scare these low-level hunters." She whispered to Shaman.

"What about the beast of the beast?" Shaman was also amazed.

What did Gera really think of, she pressed it gently from her chest, there was a black crystal pendant, a birthday present that her grandfather gave her. I must never take off.

I think that just now, the mysterious man wanted to hypnotize his own actions and was suddenly freed by himself.

The necklace pendant on her chest suddenly gave a sting, and she woke up from hypnosis.

She thought about it. When she followed the front, she looked down and saw a poisonous scorpion that was drilled at the foot.

She took the chest necklace and suddenly saw the drug lords under her feet still not touching her, and quickly sneaked away.

"Sure enough! This pendant is really useful!" Gera's heart was set.

"It seems that the rhinoceros was probably scared away by my pendant." She immediately guessed this possibility.

"If it weren't for my pendant, this person should have been tortured by various dangerous poisonous insects. Now, while enjoying my help, I also blackmailed me, a pair of hangings that love to walk away! This kind of person is simply disgusting to the extreme. !!” Gera’s hateful thought flashed over her mind.

Seeing that the man in front had been moving to a more dangerous place, she actually had a retreat in her mind.

But when I looked at Jack, I felt like I was leaving alone. I had no trouble in the event of any trouble.

"You must pull the individual together!" She set her mind.

I walked for a while and soon arrived in the afternoon.

"You should rest here first. I will go find some dry firewood branches and make fires. Be careful not to throw this area." Lu Sheng sighed.

Stack all the wild fruits from some of the roads collected before and place them in a big tree hole.

The tree hole originally had a black python, but as soon as he approached, the black cockroach turned and ran.

Even with a chain of poisonous insects on the giant tree, and wild animals such as monkeys, they all fled.

Like seeing a ghost.

Lu Sheng placed the four of Gera in it, and went around to plan to dry the branches and leaves the fire.

Wait until the road wins slowly.

Gera looked at the exhausted Ben and Jack. Quietly approaching the past.

"Tell you a secret....The beasts, the rhinoceros, the black-backed wolves, are actually scared away by the same thing on me."

Jack glimpsed, and Shaman looked at each other and looked at Gera.

"Are you sure? Gera, don't make fun of us. It's not funny."

"No jokes with you." Gera said seriously. "I can show it to you!" She gently pulled the pendant out of her chest.

It is a round black crystal pendant with a polished surface that is smooth and delicate.

There is also a circle of dark red slender patterns on the edges.



Not far from the tree between the trees.

A few humanoid black fog slowly emerged.

"Is the nearby soul beasts cleaned up?"

"Well, all the expulsions are completed."

"All solved."

"I hope that nothing will happen. It is already in the hinterland, and everyone is a little more convinced."

"We control the range, try not to alarm too many soul beasts here."

A group of human-shaped black and fog exchanges are exhausted.

Here is the hinterland of the Anmi Mountains. The beasts around are the soul beasts that have been invaded by the soul. They are fierce and abnormal. Even if they are, they have spent a lot of effort to protect the road and win a few people.

As for the little things on Gera's body, which is useful for circumventing the small bugs, I really encountered a slightly larger soul beast. When people were deformed, they could even swallow them with a single bite.

"Where you are here, it is almost the same. As long as you don't find underground ruins, you should have no problem." The human-shaped black fog that led the way was low. "I must find it everywhere. Your Royal Highness Wang Dong should take the initiative to retreat...."

Hey! !

Suddenly, a group of humanoids formed a black mist and trembled directly.

A group of human-shaped black fog is flying fast, each occupying a favorable position.

"Look, see what I found?" A huge red python crawling down from the canopy, with a faint green glow in his eyes, staring greedily at the black fog.

“A group of little guys who are drilling holes everywhere?” The red python spits the core, and the face reveals an extremely human expression.

The humanoid black fog that led the head trembled.

"Red Sera.... Troubled! Divide half to save people! I will drag her!!"

The same is the vain lord of the Lord God, although he is slightly stronger than the other side, but here is the Ammi Mountain!

It is the land of the other god!

"Want to go? You can't go anywhere!" The red python laughed. "As for the other side, the careful liver of your god.... Soon someone will appease him....

I really didn't expect it... I could find a surprise if I walked out for a walk. ”

In front of this group of people, the identity of the black fog, red Sela is very clear, and the person who can protect this group of powerful black fog must be the one who detests God's most cherished.

Originally they only received a bit of news. It is said that the one is very ordinary and a psychic. Now it seems that it is grace....

"It's a big surprise! Hahaha! Leave you behind and you will be able to find where you are waiting for the main body of God!"

Red Serra writhed a huge body and rushed toward the human form of black fog.

"Bath, hand it over to me, you are going to grab the little passer."

Not far from the foot of another big tree.

A bald man with all his muscles clinging to his bones and corpses, looking at the red giant python and the humanoid black fog, his face showed a strange smile.

"no problem!"

He bent over and leaned toward the road.


After a soft bang, the person disappeared into the distance.

"Damn!!" The humanoid black fog that led the way suddenly became anxious.

He can imagine what it would be like if the Lord knew what Wang Dong was caught. Now I can only hope that the companion there can block the guy.



The four people of Gera stole the wild fruit left by Lu Sheng. She held the necklace with her hand and ran away in the direction of coming.

Sure enough, those little poisonous insects on the road, who took the initiative to avoid Gera, did not dare to be too close.

When Lu Sheng took the dry wood back to the tree hole, there was no shadow except for some scattered stones.

"Not just for me, I didn't give it to me. Even the wild fruit I collected was stolen..." Lu Sheng shook his head without words. "What is the basic trust between people?"

He knelt down and rebuilt the broken stone stove.

Suddenly a black mist smacked quickly around him.

"Fast escape! Wang Dong! Run away!!" The black fog quickly turned into a human form, the head lit up two red light, anxiously rushed over, grabbed Lu Sheng's arm and went up.

If there was no malicious killing on this item, Lu Sheng wouldn’t hold back a slapper.

"Who are you!?" Lu Sheng inexplicably stabilized his figure.

Not waiting for the other party to answer, suddenly Lu Sheng turned back.

Another group of people behind the black fog is rushing towards here.

"Get people to go!! Andy!" it yelled.


An arm slammed through its belly.

The human form was black and the body screamed and screamed and disappeared on the spot.

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