Way of the Devil

Chapter 977: Psychic essence


"The essence is the technique of communicating the soul, not just communicating with the souls of outsiders, but also communicating with one's own soul."

Lu Sheng recalls the essence of psychicism.

"The premise of psychic is to first recognize yourself and recognize your own soul. Then you can improve yourself in a targeted way. Find the direction of improvement."

This is the level that the Devil World has not subdivided.

The division of the demon world is directly a simple and rude spirit and body.

There is directly invading, refining, and refining all the gods with external energy. Converted to another level of very high energy.

"It seems a bit different here." Lu Sheng quietly and calmly, consciously imagined that he was in the dark space of nothing.

The body began to fall like a stone, falling freely down.

The dark space seems to land forever, and he has been falling and falling.

Time passed slowly.

This is actually a kind of self-hypnosis. Generally, if you want to sink into the depths of your own soul, you need at least a variety of external materials and means to assist you. It is possible to meditate for a day without any interference.

However, Lu Sheng is proficient in psychological guidance, and the level of self-hypnosis is extremely high. At the beginning, it is easy to enter the state.

I don't know how long it has fallen.

Suddenly, he seems to see a little light.

A little white light that illuminates from under the body gradually approaches as the speed of the fall increases.

Lu Sheng set his mind and looked down.

It was a soft, almost translucent light group.

The light group is not large, and there are numerous tiny transparent tentacles around it, illuminating the darkness around a certain range like the sun.

Lu Sheng’s feet were gently grounded and stood in this dark space.

This should be his space of consciousness, the first layer of the soul.

"According to the interpretation of the spirit of the spirit, the human soul is divided into ten layers. Three souls and three layers, which are associated with seven and seven. Each is in charge of different parts of the soul."

Lu Sheng’s heart sheds the knowledge of the spirit that he had learned before.

What he has been practicing before is only the basic psychic of the soul.

Nowadays, to truly improve the spiritual practice to the highest level, it is necessary to thoroughly communicate your own soul.

Before you communicate your soul, you must first eliminate your own soul and find and improve all the defects in the soul.

Otherwise, if there are residual defects, the stronger the soul is, the more difficult it is to make up. In the middle and late stages, it will be completely stuck and not allowed to enter.

"Three souls and seven scorpions are respectively, fetal light, cool spirit, and singularity. The three are in charge of the human movement, change and self-control, and physical and mental accumulation."

Lu Sheng looked around, the surrounding fluorescent light shines on the body, feeling very comfortable, warm as the sun.

"The first soul tire light, the nature is Yanghe, according to the rules, this layer should be the tire light."

Any creature, born from birth, naturally gives birth to a baby.

This is the first fire seedling of life. It is a gift from the parents to give the child's life. It is the power of all souls.

"The main light of the baby is moving, what I have to do is to look around and see if there are any defects and troubles."

Lu Sheng thought must be, began to look around the environment.

In the dark space, only a group of fetal light halo constantly emits tentacles and brilliance.

After a round of laps, Lu Sheng determined that he had not found any problems, and then sat down in the halo again. Begin two deep meditations.

Generally speaking, only silver-level psychics can freely enter and exit the layer of fetal light. Check for missing traps, so that the first layer of your soul is always clean and free of scale.

The gold level can only enter the second layer.

However, Lu Sheng is the body of the devil, but also proficient in psychological guidance, self-hypnosis, it is easy to fall into the second deep meditation.

As consciousness gradually becomes blurred.

It seems to be a moment, and it seems to be a long time.

Suddenly, the spirit of Lu Sheng was alive and the consciousness was clear.

Open your eyes.

He is sitting on a colorful neon street.

The crowds on the street are surging, and the vehicles are moving back and forth.

There is a round of meniscus hanging in the sky, and the black clouds are slowly moving, and you can see the satellite shining light.

"Here is??" Lu Sheng stood up and wondered.

He was surprised to find that he was wearing a crumpled gray suit with a briefcase in his hand and a lot of wear marks on the edge of the black leather bag.

The familiar redwood pointed shoes on the feet can also see a thin layer of fine gray.

"Good familiar"

I don't know how long it has been.

The memories that Lu Sheng had already forgotten, like the tide, rushed out from the depths of his mind.

He recalled his deepest memories. At that time, he was still a small civil servant.

"The second layer is cool? Is the layer of the soul change?"

Carrying a briefcase, Lu Sheng walked slowly on the sidewalk on the street.

Judging from the light and reflection reflected from the window that passed by, he has now restored his original appearance.

The Chinese character face, although tall, still looks very amiable.

After staying in the state-owned enterprise for so long, his book business and temperament when he was out of college were also worn a lot less.

Carrying the bag, Lu Sheng quickly walked to the front of a noisy black bar.

The faint tinted glass door of the bar allows you to see through the flashing colored spots and the thrilling rock music.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Sheng instinctively reached for the door.

On the way, she was a handsome man who was supported by a woman, and passed by him.

He remembered it.

This is the last night before his death.

Realizing this, Lu Sheng involuntarily avoided the two, and waited until the two guys who were full of alcohol had swept past them and continued to walk in.

He is very skilled and obviously not the first time here.

The bar is full of men and women who are writhing with music.

At the bar, the beauty and the bartender are free to laugh and flirt.

Several men and women who were covered with various metal ornaments were on the same side and were smoking cigarettes.

The figures sitting on the deck are stacked together and constantly swaying.

The air is filled with perfume cologne, a mixture of wine and smoke.

Lu Sheng feels like he is reviewing the night before his death.

He didn't have any movements, but the body was acting on his own, and it was easy to pass through some crowds and find a remote corner.

On the sofa in the corner, three young girls who are laughing and screaming.

To be honest, the three girls themselves are not as good as they are, and the makeup is not so much. In this kind of nightlife-rich bar, there are not too many beautiful women.

The three girls also acted as background boards for passers-by.

Lu Sheng’s line of sight fell straight on one of the faces, but his body was quite hot and shawl.

"Xiaoyuan, go home." His voice was unremarkable in the noisy bar.

But the girl still saw him for the first time.

"Don't worry about me! My own thing is my own!" The girl's original face smiled and she stood up.

"I have said it many times, don't come to me! You are bothered!"

In this bar environment, a veteran man wearing a wrinkled Brazilian costume came to her, which made her very faceless.

"Xu Shengge, Xiaoyuan is already 18 years old. It is already an adult. You are so old to call her, it will make her very faceless!"

Another little fat **** the side got up and said helplessly.

"You a student baby went to this place to fool around, you have to face, my parents and I don't?"

Lu Sheng is also a sinking face, ignore the girl, eyes staring at Xiaoyuan.


His voice improved and he was slightly harsh.

Xiaoyuan’s face changed a little, her eyes stared at him, her face was white.

"You are going to die!!" She grabbed the bag on the sofa and yelled at Lu Sheng. She turned and ran to the door.

Lu Sheng caught the bag and turned and went out.

This is the case when he was on Earth.

State-owned enterprises are not very prosperous, so the welfare is not bad. He is not a senior leader, but he is even less oily. The salary is low.

Every day, I go to work and go to work, and I can see life in a few decades.

Every day at home, a heart is pressed against my sister Xu Yuan.

Unfortunately, this little girl has a perfect score during the rebellious period. If she doesn't like to study, she will love to spend the whole day. It used to be okay, I went to some student bars, it was safe and not messy.

But now, see what some places she went to?

This bar is also the top three in the local area, and it is a holy place. What is the idea of ​​an ordinary student who is still in high school running over?

Lu Sheng quietly watched as he chased out the bar, followed his sister and walked in the direction of going home.

My sister Xu Yuan is very sorry for him. He knows this.

Xu Yuan is the standard money worship girl. Since I was deeply influenced by the Korean drama, I liked the little white star who is handsome but has no connotation.

This girl does not like to study all day, and there is no star rumor on her mouth, that is, the name of some social brothers.

Such a girl, who is used to the handsome and rich family of rich and wealthy, or the young and beautiful president of the young man, has a strong contrast with ordinary, even heavenly and sullen smiles.

Unfortunately, although Xu Yuan has such a variety of problems, but Lu Sheng still knows that her heart is still good.

Just being broken by her friend.

It was just that the two girls originally brought Xu Yuan out of various bars. Lu Sheng actually knows.

Hiding in his original body, Lu Sheng quietly watched Xu Yuantou not returning home quickly.

And he also entered the bathroom, inadvertently electrocuted while showering.

Everything is driven entirely by his own memories.

Until the last one, the blue electric blast exploded.

Lu Sheng had a flower in front of him and returned to the original street.

"It turned out that I still want to go back to Earth in my heart." Lu Sheng was slightly moved.

The cool, the five elements that are in charge, have two attributes of change and control.

Change is the seven emotions that are influenced by the outside world, and can induce various changes of oneself. Control is to control these changes so that they do not overly affect themselves.

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