Way of the Devil

Chapter 988: Behind the scenes

"This is an unexpected surprise. Hurry and upgrade first."

Lu Sheng quickly sat down on the knees.

He understands that the destruction of the creatures of God and the trolls is exactly how they came out. Perhaps only this kind of active and powerful environment can breed the monsters that are completely immortal.

Being here, he can more and more clearly feel that every cell in his body is cheering and madly absorbing the mysterious power that has been stored for many years.

"Deep blue." Lu Sheng did not say anything, directly called the modifier.

In the face of more and more mysterious eyes of sin, Lu Sheng feels that the strength of his hand is stronger.

So he plans to raise it to the limit here, and then go in and find out.

Soon, the box of the move to the mountain of spiritual power popped up, and Lu Sheng did not look at the traits of the top.

"Improve the shifting of the mountain to the eighth floor. After that, there is no limit to deduction! Until I can't afford it!"

Lu Sheng directly issued instructions. Then it is to strengthen the body's red spirit, but also to prepare for ascension.

In the darkness, the breath on his body is like a volcano, and it quickly surges and surges.

A large number of sentimental powers are transformed into soul power, constantly pouring into their bodies, and the gray soul force faintly infiltrates from their bodies. It turns into a chain-like snake that climbs on its body surface.

The more it goes to the later stage, the harder it is to break through the mountain.

The more the soul base is larger, the same, the shifting mountain spirit is also more difficult to break through.

Lu Sheng now has more than 400 million souls. To break through, the power needed for light has reached as many as one million.

Under the incomparable soul power, in the blink of an eye, it broke through the limit and stepped into the eighth floor.

Countless earthly souls rushed into his body.

More than 400 million Dura’s souls have risen, and in a blink of an eye, they have reached 500 million, 600 million, 700 million, 800 million.

The mysterious force in the air used to repair the body seems to be aware of the situation here, and it is also madly coming to Lu Sheng to help him resist the signs of physical collapse caused by excessive soul power.

In the darkness, Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes. A glimmer of light flashed in my eyes.

"This is the eighth layer." Deep blue began to deduct again, and millions of sentiments continued to flow out.

But he doesn't feel bad at all.

Because of the core of the soul, even if it is on his body, there is no small help. When you leave, you can transform into the body, and it is not too much loss like simply raising the body.

He stood up, his soul was scattered, turned into a spiritual disc, and he held his feet and flew up.

Controlling the down direction, Lu Sheng easily jumped into the well and fell straight down.

In the darkness, it seems that only the gray light emitted by him is the only light source.

I don't know how long it has been dropped. Lu Sheng suddenly feels the next foot.

Hey! !

He landed steadily.


Hit a finger.

A ignited light suddenly floats behind the road and illuminates the entire environment.

This is a huge cave more than ten meters high. The top of the head is the incoming mine, and the front is the cave entrance.

Lu Sheng did not hesitate to step in.

The hole ** also has no light source, and the ignited fire of Lu Sheng Ling has become the only light.

He first saw the hole and saw a huge black metal gate.

In the middle of the door, there is a black and a black monster with a dragon and a dragon.

The monster's body seems to have subtle handwriting.

Lu Sheng slowly approached the past.

He did not know this word. But what is strange is that, when looking at the glyphs, he can't help but understand what he wrote in this handwriting.

‘Complete the three dark tests and the door will open. ’

"First. In the depths of the right side of the cave, there is a dark, sly monster with three heads and six arms. He has a big mouth that he can never eat enough. If he beats him, he can get the mark of the door."

"Second. In another cave, there is a silver mirror that cannot be destroyed, illuminate the mirror and find it."

boom! !

The huge roar is like a blast in the hole.

Lu Sheng walked in through the hole in the gate.

Inside is a red magma lake, the center of the magma lake, with a black platform.

There is a huge black dragon crouching on the platform.

Black giant dragon with bat wings.

The thick dark red flame, from time to time with the black dragon's nostrils squirting, it seems to be awakened by the loud noise just now, shaking his head and shaking his brain extremely impatient from the platform.

A pair of huge yellow longan is covered with red and yellow bloodshot eyes, looking at the road to the door.

"Are there another worm that tries to capture the power of destruction??" It opened the mouth to win the familiar language.

And the accent of the Eyre language made him somewhat familiar.

"Trembling! Humble worms, the great dragon from the eternal devil, Kane Tula, will give you eternal destruction!!"

Lu Sheng paused and his facial expression collapsed.

"Eternal Devil? What a ghost!?

Which star are you in the Tianmo world? Huang Quan Galaxy? Or Central Libra City? Your accent is the country accent of the lower level of Libra City. Is the harvest over the year still ok?

I remember when I left, I heard that the black earth dragon over there was so unbearable and could not escape the sneak peek.

Lu Sheng recalled the previous work in Libra City, and the look of this black dragon became more and more weird.

"You, he, a country, the soil dragon does not roll to plant the land! Run to pretend to be the demon world dragon!?" Lu Sheng feels very painful.

He stared at the black dragon that had been stunned, and he didn't know how to vomit.

"And, are you afraid that you can't read literate and don't understand culture? The name of Kane Tula is the meaning of **** in Eyre." Lu Sheng looked at the Black Dragon with a look of mental retardation.

"You said that you are a **** dragon called a shit. If you see someone here, you will come up with a name. You are afraid that others don't know if you call a shit?"

The black dragon has shivered completely at this time.

Not anger, but shame! It’s frightening! !

"Forget it, presumably you are not sure, the real Devil Black Dragon is actually more rubbish" Lu Sheng has not wanted to say anything more.

I don’t look at this product, I stepped on the magma directly, and I completely watched the high temperature in it, and I stepped on it like a drowning.

As for the black earth dragon, he has shrunk his head and dare not lift it.

Upon hearing a series of words from Lu Sheng, he knew that he had encountered the iron plate, and it was a coincidence that this one was also from a regional star field. At a glance, he recognized his identity before he came here.

Kane Tula was terrified in a flash.

This level of amnesty, it is not too easy to deal with yourself. So the first time, he was very interesting to give up the position, let Lu Sheng quickly pass.

Before letting it go, it also used the tail to sweep the gravel off the ground. Then he watched Lu Sheng stepping on the magma and his tail shook like a pug.

Soon, the figure of Lu Sheng disappeared into the depths of the cave.

The black earth dragon was slightly relieved.

Hey! ! !

There was a loud noise coming from inside, and a huge roar faintly came out from inside, but just halfway through it, it was stuck by some kind of power.

Soon it was completely gone.

The black earth dragon immediately knew that the second guard inside was cold.

Lu Sheng stood on a huge human face snake and looked at the front of a group of twisted rotating elliptical light doors.

The inside of the light door is made up of a myriad of blue pigments. It is clockwise for a while, counterclockwise for a while, and rotates in a constantly changing direction.

"There is the destruction of the gods." The human face is swollen and swollen, and both eyes are swollen like peaches. Half of the face was beaten into a pig's head, and the human form was completely invisible.

At this time, he was telling Lu Sheng about the scenery here.

"Destroying the world of God can only come in and out of life. So, I am afraid there is no way to go in."

"Is it?" Lu Sheng was a stranger. "Must die once?"

"Yes, but you are the boss, maybe there are other ways." The face snake rushed to answer.

It is also from the so-called eternal demon world, which is the demon world.

However, its identity is slightly higher. It is the son of a pet snake, the guards who are guarding the gates of Libra City, often in the shop where they drink tea.

After being beaten by Lu Sheng, it was very interesting and succumbed.

Take the initiative to give him a tour guide to introduce everything here.

"Only by entering the destruction of the gods, we can pass the third level and become the real destructive god. This is the rule naturally formed here." The human face snake carefully explained.

"You must die once to enter." Lu Sheng thought about it. "I might as well. I will try it advanced."

He thought of it, and without saying anything, the body floated out of the air and flew straight toward the blue vortex.

The closer he is, the more he feels that the whirlpool is filled with the scent of absurdity.

"Sure enough, it is the power of absurdity." Lu Sheng’s heart is clear. As for the death, it is very likely that this cosmic world secretly reformed the soul in order to fight the power of absurdity.

Some universes are self-conscious and capable of instinctively resisting the troublesome forces of absurdity.

It is one of the means to create a **** of destruction, to absorb the power of ridiculousness, and to transform it into other energy.

As for the destruction of God every once in a while, it will be updated, and that is actually the destruction of God can not hold.

Although their souls are special, they are used as the selected souls. After the transformation, they are very resistant to the power of absurdity.

But it won't last long.

"The power of absurdity" Lu Sheng looked at the human face snake under him.

Its body is not unexpected, and there is a similar mechanism to transform the power of absurdity.

It should also be the handwriting of this universe here.

"Interesting" Lu Sheng feels that he seems to be exposed to a higher level of confrontation.

"If we say that destroying God is only a product of the power to fight ridiculousness, then it is not necessary to become a **** of destruction."

He felt the enormous power of the surrounding caves, which should be a level.

It also counters the ridiculous power of the destruction of the gods in neutrality, preventing it from further destroying the world.

"But since it's here, let's take advantage of the advantages of this place to see how many levels can be upgraded."

This place is a good place. Lu Sheng had spent a lot of effort and time in order to gain the power of evil spirits.

Now there is a lot of ready-made mysterious power here. Not eating too much, it is a waste of hospitality for him.

When he arrived here, he had a feeling of faintness and came to the world. It seems that from the beginning of the identity to the step by step process, there are traces of the world behind it.

He is very curious, although the whole world is very strong, but it refers to the high-energy universe like the demon world.

And the so-called cosmic consciousness will not be directed at him, but should be directed at them.

According to the analysis of the demon world, the cosmic consciousness should be vague, and it is a large-scale influence interference.

Just as people are not free to control every cell in their body.

They can do exercises at most to guide their bodies and get enhanced from the general direction.

Instead of a visceral lesion, I have to control this part and mobilize the immune system to destroy it.

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