We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 28 Ah Wei, you don’t want anything to happen to your halberds!

In the Changyi lobby, Xi Zhicai immediately smiled when he heard Cao Cao asking about Xi Yu.

"It's coming soon. Fengyi wrote a few days ago that the entire Yanzhou farming matter has been almost settled. I think it won't be long before he comes back!"

Xi Zhicai was still extremely satisfied with Cao Cao's concern for Xi Yu.

And his younger brother did not disappoint him.

Nowadays, the farming affairs in Yanzhou are in full swing, and Yanzhou has a prosperous scene.

And all of this is the result of the farming strategy.

The people of Yanzhou now have a very strong sense of belonging to Yanzhou.

In the previous battle with Yuan Shu, the heroic results of those Qingzhou soldiers even shocked the entire Cao camp!

The reason for all this is because of Yanzhou's farmland policy.

Not only that, a few days ago, Cao Cao promoted the three-piece horse suit after his return, which also improved the combat effectiveness of Cao's army a lot.

At present, all the generals in Cao's camp are praising the three-piece suit on horseback.

This was also brought about by Xi Yu.

The surprise his brother gave him made Xi Zhicai feel quite happy.

However, Xi Zhicai couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought that Xi Yu might return soon.

As soon as his brother comes back, the few months he finally had to relax may be gone again!

"Oh, be back soon!"

Cao Cao sighed with emotion, and his emphasis on Xi Yu also made the counselors and generals under Cao's camp pay more attention to him.

With the great victory at Yanzhou, Cao Cao had more counselors and generals under his command.

These counselors and generals have not seen Xi Yu, but along with the three-piece horse suit, the strategy of farming, and even Xi Yu's prediction of a battle with Yuan Shu.

This made these people extremely curious about Xi Yu.

Some are envious, some are jealous.

In the fourth year of Chuping, April, late spring.

With the arrival of April, it means that the whole spring is almost over.

As for spring plowing, it has now come to an end throughout Yanzhou.

Xiyu and Dianwei, who had traveled almost all over Yanzhou, were now slowly approaching Changyi.

The two riders walked side by side on the road slowly, not in any hurry to go back.

Dian Wei hung the tiger-headed golden gun diagonally behind him on a rope. Now he has completely become Xi Yu's gun-wielding guard.

Following Xi Yu, he was in a proper bodyguard posture.

"Sir, aren't we in a hurry to go back?"

Looking at Xi Yu walking slowly, Dian Wei couldn't help but ask a question.

Hearing this, Xi Yu smiled.

Now that the spring plowing was finally over, why was he rushing back?

Cao Cao had already sent letters urging him two or three times, but he was not in a hurry at all.

In the letter, Cao Cao asked Xi Yu what he thought of Yuan Shao's entry into Qingzhou.

Xi Yu didn't care about this and simply recovered. Yuan Shao now didn't care about Yanzhou at all.

Not to mention that the two are currently in alliance, Yuan Shao wants to distract the other party from Gongsun Zan, who is close to him.

On the other side, Yuan Shaocai has just entered Qingzhou, and the terrain of Qingzhou is not stable at the moment.

It will take some time for him to completely control Qingzhou.

Just like when Cao Cao controlled Yanzhou, Yuan Shao's first priority was to deal with the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou.

Sure enough, not long ago, something happened on Yuan Shao's side. First, there was a mutiny in Wei County. In the year of Du, tens of thousands of people from Du Nian's army captured Yecheng and killed the prefect of Wei County.

Immediately afterwards, the Yellow Turban tribe in Qingzhou began to cause chaos.

Today's Yuan Shao is very serious!

Cao Cao, who received Xi Yu's analytical reply, immediately understood, and then followed the letter urging Xi Yu to return quickly.

However, subsequent letters came more slowly.

Today's Yanzhou is calm.

Now that spring is blooming and everywhere is prosperous, Xi Yu is too lazy to rush back to Changyi.

Although there is not much entertainment in this era, the scenery is really good.

No matter where you go, you will see an original scene, with fresh air and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

The whole spring day makes people feel a little lazy unconsciously.

Xi Yu sat on the horse and walked leisurely and leisurely. After Dian Wei asked the question, he replied in a leisurely manner.

"What's the rush? There's no need to fight in Yanzhou right now, so why are we in a hurry to go back?"

If possible, he would like to visit Luoyang.

However, Xi Yu only thought about this idea for a while.

In his early years, he had naturally been to Luoyang, but now he had been burned to the ground by Dong Zhuo.

Nowadays, the whole of Luoyang is no longer the scene it was when it was the capital of Han Dynasty.

At present, Luoyang only remains in ruins, with no roosters crowing for hundreds of miles, and corpses thrown into the wild.


Dian Wei responded.

He was Xi Yu's subordinate. The other party was in no hurry to return to Changyi, so he didn't say much.

However, with the Tiger Head Zhan Golden Gun on his back, the reason why he was eager to return to Changyi was because Xi Yu had promised before that he would help him build similar weapons when he returned.

He was so greedy.

During this time, Xi Yu kept telling him what kind of weapons he planned to build for him.

It was a short halberd held in both hands. Yu Xiyu even took the time to help him draw the appearance of the two halberds.

After Dian Wei saw the appearance of the two halberds, he couldn't take his eyes away.

"Awei, don't worry about your halberds. I have already sent a letter to my brother, asking him to help find the meteorite."

"This thing is not easy to find. It will take a while. Even if we are in a hurry to go back, we can't help you build it!"

"Awei, you don't want to just get a pair of weapons, do you?"

Dian Wei's expression couldn't be hidden from Xi Yu at all. With just one glance, he knew what the other person was thinking about.

However, these days, meteorite itself is scarce.

In the final analysis, these things are meteorites that fell from outer space, and after these meteorites are burned by the atmosphere, what is left is super-class metal.

It is perfect for forging weapons.

It’s just that meteorites are not common after all.

Moreover, the forging process seems to be somewhat out of date nowadays.

You know, in the pre-Qin period, some forging techniques were not bad at all.

In his previous life, Xi Yu had seen a pre-Qin sword on display in a museum. That thing could not be made by ordinary forging techniques.

However, in this era, such craftsmanship seems to have been lost.

The tiger-headed golden gun made by Bao Xin also took half a year of effort to create.

This is because the other party was lucky and found a similar amount of meteorite.

Xi Yu thought about whether he should take the time to get the blast furnace forged steel out. There were iron ore mines in Yanzhou.

This thing is just more troublesome.

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