"Inspecting the fields?"

After hearing Xi Zhicai's response, Cao Cao couldn't help but be stunned.

Only then did he remember that although he had made Xi Yu the chief of history, he had not abolished the other party's duties as the captain of the field.

The other party is indeed responsible for the farm matters at the moment.

However, after getting to know Xiyu for more than a year, Cao Cao knew more or less what his temper was.

In addition to not liking the military position, Xi Yu is usually a bit lazy.

Sometimes, he goes even further than Xi Zhicai.

After finishing the field work, other people could rush back in two or three days, but this guy could go back for more than half a month.

Of course, Xiyu must have no problem doing things.

"Are you going to inspect the fields?" Cao Cao grinned: "This is really curious!"

"Fengyi said that as the captain of the field, he naturally had to ensure that the food and grass were in good condition. During this period of drought, he also said that water would come to irrigate the fields!"

Xi Zhicai blew his brother casually.

As soon as he said these words, not only Cao Cao but also Xun Yu next to him also raised his head.

Let the water come to you? Irrigate the fields!

How could the water come from itself?

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Xi Zhicai also shook his head: "That's what Fengyi said. I don't know what he is doing."

He spread his hands, but Cao Cao stood up immediately after hearing this.

"Ah, it's hot out here and people are panicking. Why don't we go see what Fengyi is doing?"

At the moment, Cao Cao has no intention of dealing with government affairs.

If there is a problem with food and grass, the expedition to Xuzhou may be difficult.

However, what Tao Qian did before had aroused the anger of Cao Cao and others, and Xuzhou must be conquered.


Xun Yu beside him also nodded.

During this period, as he began to practice Wu Qin Xi with Xi Zhicai and Xi Yu, his body and bones became much better.

However, in such a hot weather, it is natural for people to be upset when dealing with government affairs.

It would be nice to go out for some fresh air now.

In the afternoon, the three of them quickly found Xi Yu wandering in the fields outside Changyi City.

At this time, Xiyu was leading Dianwei to walk along the river.

Due to the recent drought, even the river water is a little shallow.

It would be somewhat laborious to dig canals to divert water for irrigation, but it would be a good choice if water from the mountains could be brought down.

Thinking like this, Xi Yu already paid attention.

Xi Yu had inspected the entire Yanzhou before and found no such things as waterwheels. Nowadays, canals are used to irrigate fields.

However, there has been a severe drought and the river water has dropped, making it more difficult to open canals and divert water.

If water from the mountains could be used, it would greatly alleviate the drought in the fields.

"What are Fengyi thinking?"

When Xi Yu was thinking about how to build a waterwheel, Cao Cao and three other people had already appeared next to Xi Yu.

Seeing the other person lowering his head in deep thought, Cao Cao couldn't help but ask.

"I'm thinking about making something that can divert water to solve the problem of irrigating fertile fields!"

He replied to Cao Cao that the structure of the waterwheel was actually not troublesome. He just thought about it for a while and it became clear.

When Cao Cao asked a question, he responded casually.

Hearing that Xi Yu was indeed what Xi Zhicai said before, Cao Cao and Xun Yu couldn't help but be curious.

"How to bring water to water?"

"Where to draw the water?"

They both spoke at the same time, with different questions.

Xi Yu looked at the two of them respectively: "Build utensils to divert water from mountain streams!"

Waterwheels can also be built near rivers, but this is limited to fields close to rivers.

There are also some fields in Yanzhou that are far away from the river. Naturally, there is no way to divert river water to these fields for irrigation.

However, these fields are not far from the mountains of Yanzhou, so it is no problem to divert water from the mountain streams.

"Utensil, what utensil?"

Cao Cao was full of doubts, what could lead water to the fields?

It was hard for him to imagine that Xun Yu was also a little confused on the side.

Xi Yu did not explain carefully to the two of them.

After the waterwheel was built, the two of them could understand it at a glance.

"Lord, I already have a plan in mind. I'll go back and recruit craftsmen first. This thing cannot be made by myself!"

In order to draw water from the mountain stream, a large water wheel must be built.

Of course, a ditch must be dug down from the mountain, which is not a troublesome project.

The soldiers and civilians of Yanzhou did a lot of things like opening canals during this period.

Just recruit people.

As for the waterwheel, it naturally requires some craftsmen to help.

The previous Quyuan plow was simple and he could do it by himself, but making a large waterwheel would take a lot of time if he did it by himself.

Hearing that Xi Yu wanted to recruit craftsmen, Cao Cao nodded subconsciously.

"Since Fengyi has the draft in mind, you can recruit craftsmen in my name!"

Cao Cao naturally believed in Xi Yu.

Whether it's a Quyuan plow or a three-piece horse suit, these things were all made by Xiyu.

Cao Cao was also looking forward to the utensil that could draw water.

If such a thing could really be built, the entire farmland in Yanzhou would no longer be in danger.

"So, I am also looking forward to what Fengyi will create!"

Xun Yu also laughed.

Xi Yu nodded, turned around and planned to take Dian Wei back to the city.

At this time, Cao Cao seemed to suddenly think of something and shouted to Xi Yu.

"Fengyi, there is something I forgot to tell you!"

"I had planned to report to the imperial court to express my merits for you, but our envoy was intercepted and did not see the emperor at all!"

Cao Cao also didn't expect that Li Jue and Guo Si were so courageous that they even rejected the memorial they submitted!

When this happened, he felt a little sorry for Xi Yu.

Hearing this, Xi Yu didn't care.

No wonder, Cao Cao's memorial has been submitted for two months, but there is no news at all, and the relationship is blocked!

However, this matter is nothing.

"Oh, it's nothing. Lord, don't worry about it!"

Xi Yu shook his head. He didn't care about the court's performance.

However, Cao Cao later wanted to please the emperor, but now he couldn't even send a memorial, which was a problem.

If he remembers it correctly, in a short time there will be a gap between Li Jue and Guo Si. At that time, the two sides will be in trouble, and it will be the time for Cao Cao to flatter the emperor.

However, if the emperor doesn't know who Cao Cao is, there may be some problems if he wants to flatter the emperor!

Historically, when Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty fled to Luoyang, he naturally knew about Cao Cao. It was he who ordered Cao Cao to welcome him, and then Cao Cao could welcome the emperor.

As for how the emperor knew Cao Cao during this period, Cao Cao must have had a lot of sense of presence.

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