"Go, go, go, everyone dares to block my husband. Do you really think that I, Dian Wei, only know how to eat?"

Dian Wei had no scruples and swooped directly towards the generals of the Cao family.

This scene was something that Cao Hong and others never expected.

Before they could react, two or three people were rushed to the side by Dian Wei. When they came to their senses, Xi Yu and others were already nodding towards Cao Cao and others in return.

Behind him, Cao Ren and others surrounded Dian Wei again.

However, at this moment, no one cares about them.

When the maid led the bride back to the inner house, Xi Zhicai and Xi Yu had already begun to greet the guests.

"Fengyi, don't worry about me!"

At the banquet, Cao Cao waved his hand towards Xi Yu, and then he led a group of people to talk loudly.

On the other side, the military generals were also gathered in a group. Dian Wei had already mixed in at some point and was following Cao Hong in a drinking competition.

On the long street outside the theater, a banquet like a long queue had already been laid out, and some of the wealthy gentry from Yanzhou were also among them.

Xi Zhicai led Xi Yu to thank them one by one.

When Xi Yu came to the last position, he saw a familiar figure.

The figure was holding a wine flask in his hand, looking exactly like Xi Zhicai.

"Guo Fengxiao!"

Xi Yu grinned lightly, but he didn't expect that Guo Jia would come at this time!

"Ayu, why are you a little surprised to see me?"

Guo Jia squinted his eyes, as if he was half drunk, with a flush on his cheeks, and smiled like a fox.

"Have you eaten Wushisan again?"

With just one glance, Xi Yu knew that the guy in front of him was definitely taking drugs.

Wu Shi Powder, in this era, is like something from later generations. Xi Yu has long known the poison of this thing.

Seeing Guo Jia like this, his face darkened instantly.

Guo Jia is a good friend of him and Xi Zhicai since they were children. It can be said that the three of them have known each other for a long time.

When he was still in Yingchuan, he was very opposed to Guo Jia's Five Stones San.

I never thought that he would know that Zhicai had just been away for more than a year, and he couldn't help it anymore.


"Ayu, what are you talking about?"

Guo Jia seemed to have just come to his senses. His whole body trembled obviously, and even his half-drunk state suddenly became sober.

"No, absolutely not!"

Squinting his eyes and suddenly opening them, Guo Jia waved his hands quickly.

As if he suddenly thought of something terrible, he even hid the wine bottle behind his back.

"I just drank too much, drank too much!"

"Isn't this your special day? On a whim, I drank a little too much!"

Guo Jia explained repeatedly that this situation was such that even Xi Zhicai beside him couldn't help but shake his head.

"It better be this way!"

Xiyu is a little helpless

Although he knew that Guo Jia was definitely taking drugs, he couldn't say anything. He just didn't want this guy with a genius plan to die young like the original history.

"Don't worry, absolutely not!"

Seeing that Xi Yu didn't say anything, Guo Jia seemed to have a little more confidence and smiled repeatedly.

Then he muttered with some emotion: "Fengyi, I didn't expect that between us, you would be the first to marry!"

After saying these words, the corners of Xi Yu's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai are the same as each other. They are both frequent visitors to brothels.

Although on the surface, neither of them is married, in the final analysis, the two of them have a good relationship.

What's more, the difference between Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai is that this guy has several concubines at home.

Of course, in this era, concubines were not considered wives at all.

Xi Yu didn't say anything more and greeted Guo Jia into the house. At this moment, Guo Jia slightly raised his head and glanced at the crowd in the distance.

That direction was exactly where Cao Cao and others were sitting.

"Fengxiao came here this time because he wanted to become an official?"

Xi Zhicai saw Guo Jia's movements and immediately asked.

Xi Yu also became interested.

According to the original trajectory, Guo Jia did not serve as Cao Cao at this time, so he would have to wait until Xi Zhicai died.

Of course, with his presence, today's Xi Zhicai has naturally taken care of his original fate.

However, Xi Yu is also extremely interested in whether Guo Jia will become an official at this time.

If this guy becomes an official at this time.

For Cao Ying, that was definitely a huge help, but Guo Jia always had his own ideas.

There are some things that no one can change his mind about.

"It's not time yet!"

Seeing the actor brothers looking at him, Guo Jia shook his head decisively.

Since returning from Yuan Shao, he has not wanted to serve in any party for a short time.

Naturally, he also knew something about Cao Cao.

However, the talents of the actor brothers are not inferior to his own, and sometimes he is even a little shocked by Xi Yu.

These two people are in Cao's camp, and he will not surrender now.

No matter what, he thought he was no worse than the two of them.

What's more, there was a bitch who killed someone before and ran away, and now he was asked to help take care of the other person's mother.

"This time I just heard about Fengyi's wedding, and I have no idea of ​​becoming an official!"

Guo Jia shook his head.

Although he said this, he still wanted to see the situation in Cao Ying, and what kind of person Cao Cao was that Xi Yu could recognize.

He still wants to see it!

While the three of them were talking, Xi Zhicai had already taken Guo Jia to the seat on the other side. He knew what Guo Jia meant, so naturally he did not arrange him to be next to Cao Cao and others.

However, at this moment, when he saw the actor brothers coming in with people, Cao Cao had already looked over.

He asked Xun Yu beside him.

"Wen Ruo, do you know who the people next to Zhicai and Fengyi are?"

Cao Cao was a little curious as to who Xi Yu and Xi Zhicai could bring in personally at this time.

Xun Yu naturally noticed it too. He took one look and recognized Guo Jia's identity.

"My lord, that is Guo Fengxiao of Yingchuan. He is my good friend, and also a good friend of Fengyi and Zhicai!"


Cao Cao's eyes flashed instantly.

How can people who can be friends with Xun Yu, Fengyi and Zhicai be simple people?

Boss Cao's love for talents suddenly rose again, and subconsciously he got up and walked directly in the direction of Guo Jia.

At this time, before Xi Yu and the two left, Cao Cao had already come over.

"Fengyi, Zhicai, don't introduce this gentleman to me!"

Guo Jia, who was sitting at the desk, didn't even raise his head after hearing the sound, and just poured the wine on his own.

Xi Zhicai was a little surprised. He never thought that Cao Cao would come here on his own.

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