We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 92 Right or wrong, success or failure turns to nothing

The breeze was blowing, and there was a bit of heat wave in the air.

Chen Gong's heart seemed to have sunk to the bottom.

The thing in front of me is just like a pebble, suddenly breaking the calm water.

It's like the mirror is cracking into pieces at some point.

Chen Gong was in a daze.

Everything that Xi Yu exposed made him unable to calm down for a long time.

The black figure on the horse, his Confucian shirt fluttering in the wind, and the spear in his hand was like a messenger from hell.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

It's a pity that this bitter smile didn't even make any sound.

Zhang Miao next to him was not much better.

Everything that was originally imagined in my mind turned into nothing at this moment.

He seemed to be stunned, riding on the horse in a daze, and could only hear the sounds of fighting in his ears.

The sound of weapons and swords clashing all around kept intertwining.

When Chen Gong came back to his senses, he felt like he was out of breath at this time.

The situation Xi Yu was exposed made it difficult for him to believe it.

However, at this time, the facts in front of him were extremely real.

He seemed to be able to feel the sharp knives in the air making his skin tremble.

The guess in my mind is closer to the truth.

It's not that Lu Bu didn't catch up with Xi Yu, but they had already met.

But the result was not as imagined.

Lu Bu did not seize food and grass easily, and he even couldn't do it at all.

When facing Xi Yu who could rival him and even vaguely win in terms of force.

Lu Bu, who was not prepared at all, faced his result with that arrogance, and there was only one possibility left!

He lost!

Yu Feng was so hasty that he even forgot to send them a letter.

As his thoughts swirled, Chen Gong raised his eyes again and looked at Xi Yu in front of him.

The figure in front of him was already a little closer to the Xiliang Central Army in just a blink of an eye.

Such a scene has already been reflected in Chen Gong's heart.

Perhaps, it was a scene he would never forget.

"Taicang Order!"

Can a mere Taicang Order restrain the person in front of me?

Cao Mengde is so lucky!

He knew why Cao Cao was so eager to promote Xi Yu's tyranny.

When there is such a person who is more tyrannical than Lu Bu, who can resist showing off!

Even Dong Zhuo had the word "Fengxian" on his lips all day long when he was surrounded by Lu Bu.

Chen Gong took a deep breath, and as he watched Xi Yu getting closer and closer, his eyes suddenly became firmer.

Today's big man is no longer the same as when the world was at peace.

From the imperial censorship, to the resistance of the nobles, to the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the entire world has gradually fallen apart under successive years of war.

Among the princes, the Han Dynasty has existed in name only.

It's not like Chen Gong hasn't thought about making a name for himself in this troubled world.

It was precisely because he had such an impulse in his heart that he initially targeted Cao Cao as the candidate.

However, Cao Cao was not the most suitable candidate for him after all.

Although the person looks somewhat humble on the surface, the pride emanating from his bones cannot be concealed at all.

In fact, Cao Cao himself was even more arrogant than Lu Bu.

It's just that Cao Cao is better at hiding than Lu Bu. His ambitions have begun to spread crazily since he occupied Yanzhou.

Like a wildfire burning across the plains, no one can stop it.

The flames swept through so fast that Chen Gong panicked.

He believed that if a person like Cao Cao was allowed to develop smoothly, his fire would sooner or later sweep the entire world.

However, such a flame seemed to have infinite vitality, but in Chen Gong's view, the price was too high.

Although the Han Dynasty is now decayed.

But if Cao Cao's fire is allowed to continue, the final result will be harm to others and himself.

Maybe Cao Cao could accept it at that time, but Chen Gong couldn't accept it.

Ever since Cao Cao didn't even care about his own advice, he started to kill those nobles who didn't like him in Yanzhou.

The estrangement between them had already begun to form.

It was at that time that Chen Gong gave up the option of Cao Cao.

Although the fire in front of you can make this rotten world burn faster.

But so what?

After all, this was not what he wanted from the bottom of his heart.

In the end, reality finally fell apart.

Lu Bu was the second person he set his sights on. In Chen Gong's view, he could not control such a wildfire as Cao Cao.

Then choose a knife that you can control easily.

And a sword like Lu Bu's was the sharpest sword in the entire Han Dynasty at that time.

Just the light of the sword has made all the princes in the world pay attention to it.

Such a sword is much easier to master than Cao Cao. The sword can be filled with his own ideas and will.

However, what Chen Gong could not imagine was.

Lu Bu didn't have the most powerful weapon in the world. He didn't understand it until he saw Xi Yu.

Lu Bu is just a sharp blade!

The person in front of him is a rare or even unique divine weapon in the world.

If this kind of play Yu is mastered by others, it will be an existence that is invincible in this world.

A wild fire like Cao Cao is paired with such a magic weapon.

In this world, what else can stop the existence of these two people?

Chen Gong, who originally placed his hopes on Lu Bu, at this moment, the thoughts in his mind had completely dissipated.

When Lu Bu was not the most powerful weapon in the world, he had lost the greatest value in Chen Gong's heart.

Lu Bu could control it, but there was no way such a weapon could achieve what he hoped for.

Because of Xi Yu's existence, Lu Bu could not cross this gap at all.

Xiliang soldiers didn't know when they fell down a large area one after another.

Although they had the advantage in numbers, as their general lost his intimidation, the entire Xiliang Cavalry was now in a situation where no one was in charge.

The collapse happened in just a moment, and no one could easily stop it.

Even after the first cavalry could not bear the pressure and began to flee.

The entire Xiliang cavalry was like a flood that suddenly broke the dam.

The madness began to spread in all directions, with no fixed direction.

At this time, they seemed to have only one word left.


The further away you can escape, the better.

No one wanted to run into Xi Yu, but for just a moment, Xi Yu's front seemed to be completely emptied out suddenly.

Jueying's speed slowed down.

Xi Yu's eyes also fell on the figure riding a horse in the center.

He had met Zhang Miao and Chen Gong.

Although the latter Xi Yu had only met him once from a distance, he still recognized him at a glance.

Chen Gong was in his sight, wearing a long blue gown, sitting upright on the horse, his eyes seemed to be staring at him.

This is the face of a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Not outstanding, just a little thin on the cheeks.

There seemed to be a twinkle in those pupils, and Xi Yu walked slowly towards the other party, straddling Jueying.

He saw the beard at the corner of Chen Gong's mouth trembling slightly.

Zhang Miao next to him was shaking all over. He seemed to be a little unsteady on the horse.

The whole person seemed to have completely lost his mind.

The moment he saw Xi Yu coming towards him, Zhang Miao's legs trembled slightly.

Anxiety seemed to rise in his crotch.

"Chen Gong, Chen Gongtai?"

Xi Yu looked at Chen Gong in front of him and asked the other person's name.

Xi Yu didn't have much resistance to Chen Gong.

Although he has become accustomed to this era, after all, he is deviated from the concepts of people of this era.

Xi Yu knew that in this era, there were many people like Chen Gong.

They are both fighting for their own beliefs.

After all, no one is right or wrong in this era.

Perhaps only the winner can leave a mark in the history books.

However, does a character who can leave a few words in the history books really have no outstanding points?


That is indelible.

Even if it was Yuan Shao, later generations would only laugh at him a little!

He laughed at his good opening hand, but was beaten to pieces.

But who can ignore Yuan Shao's figure in history.

Even if he was just the backdrop for Cao Cao's rise in history, so what?

Able to become a prince and dominate the whole of Hebei, except for the lintel of his fourth generation and three princes.

Yuan Shao really didn't have the slightest bit of power.

But, he lost after all!

After losing, everything about him was finally ignored.

No one cares about the advantages of an eliminated being.

The thoughts in his mind only lasted for a moment. When Xi Yu reached a distance of two feet away from Chen Gong, he stopped and followed Jueying's footsteps.

Chen Gong in front of him grinned.

"Play Yu, play Fengyi!"

"Haha, what a great man, Taicang Ling, what Cao Mengde said before turned out to be true!"

There was a wry smile on Chen Gong's lips.

But immediately after that, those eyes began to become sharper.

In the distance, Zhao Yunlian and his subordinate Xiang Yong gradually merged with Dian Wei.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the battlefield began to close up as they cooperated.

Xi Yu looked at Chen Gong in front of him quietly and said nothing.

At this moment, Chen Gong let out a sigh of relief.

"I really envy Cao Mengde!"

While talking, Chen Gong looked at Xi Yu again.

At that time, he couldn't help but have a bit more respect in his eyes. He was different from those generals.

Chen Gong could clearly see the situation in front of him.

If the drama in front of him were Cao Cao, he might not be able to say anything, or even make some sarcastic remarks.

It’s just a winner and a loser!

But in Xi Yu's case, Chen Gong's thoughts at this moment were completely different.


Even though Xi Yu in front of him was holding a steel gun, Chen Gong still cupped his hand and gave a simple salute to the horse.

The title in his mouth is even more biased towards scribes.

The sound of "Sir" made Xi Yu's brows slightly raised.

Xi Yu was not in a hurry, the situation in front of him was a foregone conclusion, and he also wanted to hear what Chen Gong in front of him would say.

Chen Gong saluted.

"Sir, you have such abilities and strategies that are rare in the world. Palace, it's hard to imagine why you would choose someone like Cao Cao?"

Chen Gong was a little puzzled at the moment.

A person as capable as Xi Yu, both civil and military, is rare in the world.

For such a person, why don't he create a career on his own, but rely on Cao Cao?

Just one Lu Bu can create a reputation in today's situation.

He is stronger than Lu Bu, and even crushes him in terms of planning.

Why not do it yourself!

Chen Gong believes that with Xi Yu's ability, if the other party does something on his own, there will definitely be a lot of followers.

In such a chaotic situation, it is simpler to be a prince.

Why would Xi Yu choose Cao Cao?

When Chen Gong finished speaking, Xi Yu already understood what he meant.

These words seemed a bit like trying to win over each other. If it had been anyone else, they might have thought that Chen Gong was forcing a discord after he was desperate.

But Xi Yu didn't take it to heart.

Why choose Cao Cao?

Probably Cao Cao made the greatest achievements in this era in original history!

Not much thought.

The history of this era even involves people like Cao Cao.

When Xi Yu appeared in this era, they had already been labeled by Xi Yu invisibly.

This is nothing more than a person's instinctive subjective consciousness.

In other words, the most direct and simple understanding.

"Sir, haven't you ever thought that with your own abilities, there is no need to succumb to Cao Cao?"

Chen Gong asked again.

He was already a little unwilling in his heart, and he was a little unwilling for Xiyu.

But for Xi Yu, his inner views were completely different from Chen Gong's.

After all, it is the difference in the concepts of people in the two eras.

In Xi Yu's view, Cao Cao could have accomplished many things, and he just stayed by Cao Cao's side.

Let nature take its course and he will be able to achieve the situation he wants.

From the perspective of future generations, if you can just hold one thigh and lie flat, why bother struggling?

After all, Cao Cao is just getting started.

As for what the future will look like, who knows!

Xi Yu didn't have much to worry about.

Even if Cao Cao finally conferred the title of King of Wei and feared himself, he had nothing to worry about.

He was confident that he would be fine.

"Nothing else to say?"

Xi Yu looked at Chen Gong but said nothing to him.

At this time, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei had already led their men to gather up the defeated soldiers of the Xiliang Cavalry.

The two of them were approaching Xi Yu's direction hand in hand.

Chen Gong opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He looked at the calm face of Xi Yu in front of him, his eyes were like deep pools in the past.

I can't see through it, I can't understand it!

But there are some words that smart people will not repeat to each other.

Chen Gong smiled bitterly and said nothing. He sat upright on the horse like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Zhang Miao next to him acted as if he had just come back to his senses.

He looked at Xi Yu in a panic, probably because he heard the other person's last words.

The whole person quickly rolled down the horse and prayed towards Xi Yu.

"Mr. Xi, it was my fault before!"

If you lose, there is no possibility of change.

For Zhang Miao, the only thing he can pray for now is that Xi Yu will not care about him and let him go.

Xi Yu just glanced at him and didn't take it to heart at all.

At this time, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei had already pressed forward against the Xiliang Army's general.

Chen Gong himself also got off his horse. He just stood there quietly and let the soldiers from the transport camp tie the rope to his body.

"Sir, fortunately you have lived up to your fate!"

After Zhao Yun came over, his face was obviously a little excited!

He didn't expect that he had been following these Xiliang soldiers and finally caught up with Xi Yu.

It's really surprising.

Dian Wei also laughed, feeling happy to see Zhao Yun and feeling heroic about winning another great victory.

Xi Yu nodded towards the two of them.

After handing the tiger-headed golden gun to Dian Wei, he reached out and patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder.

“This time, it’s all thanks to Zilong!”

If Zhao Yun can appear here, he must have been closely following the Xiliang army.

Even the things he had arranged for the other party before, I think Zhao Yun did them step by step without any mistakes.

With hundreds of local warriors operating behind the Xiliang Army, Xi Yu is naturally aware of the difficulties involved.

Only Zhao Yun in front of him could be so relaxed!

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and grinned: "It's not hard at all. Mr. You's previous sixteen-character art of war is much simpler this time."

The Sixteen-Character Art of War, Taizu of later generations summarized the essence of guerrilla warfare.

Xi Yu told Zhao Yun the sixteen words before Zhao Yun set out, and he felt like he had found a treasure.

It is normal and normal to be able to play its current role.

After the two of them finished talking, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei turned their eyes to the leader of the Xiliang soldiers.

When Xi Yu glanced over, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others were already tied up by Wu Hua Da.

At that time, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked sad.

As a defeated general, he was captured, so what else could he say?

After being knocked off his horse by Xi Yu's blow, Zhang Liao seemed to have realized something.

Just as Chen Gong had guessed before.

Regarding Lu Bu's situation, Zhang Liao already understood something in his heart.

But now, the only thing I don't know is whether my prince has also been captured by the other party.

Either Lu Bu was defeated, beheaded, or fled away.

There are many speculations in mind, but at this time, there is no room for Zhang Liao and others to think wildly.

At this moment, they have become prisoners. They can't even guarantee themselves. There is not much meaning in thinking about other things.

Xi Yu glanced at Zhang Liao and others.

It was just a glance.

He guessed who Lu Bu's subordinates were, but at this moment, he had no interest in recruiting them.

After looking at Zhao Yun, Xi Yu said casually.

"Zilong, I still need to make a hard trip for you. This time I will take Dianwei to continue transporting grain and grass to Xuzhou."

"You have to work hard to bring these prisoners back to Yanzhou and keep them in custody!"

"As for what happens next, I will make plans after I return from Yanzhou!"

After giving instructions to Zhao Yun, Xi Yu patted him on the shoulder again.

"Don't worry, sir!"


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