Xi Yu smiled lightly, looked at the three Cao Cao people in front of him intently, and asked casually.

Regardless of whether Liu Bei will serve as the pastor of Xuzhou, Cao Jun's attack on Xuzhou has become a fact.

This is something that cannot be changed.

Cao Cao would not give up Xuzhou just because of Liu Bei.

The entire Cao camp will not be shaken by anything that happens in Xuzhou.

At this point, it is not as simple as Cao Cao wanting to attack Xuzhou.

All Cao Ying needs is the territory of Xuzhou.

Development is not a matter of one person. Cao Cao is just the leader. In the final analysis, Cao Cao's camp is a large team.

The wheels are already rolling, and these people will find ways to solve any obstacle.

The Xun Yu in front of him was like this, and so was Cheng Yu, including Xi Yu.

"As for Lu Bu?"

"He is arrogant and arrogant, brave but without any plan. To us, this person is just a scabies disease!"

"It's nothing!"

Turning to Cheng Yu, after giving answers to all three people's questions, Yu looked at the three people in front of him with a playful look.

I heard Xi Yu say this.

Cao Cao and Xun Yu looked at each other.

The atmosphere in the entire camp seemed to have suddenly come to a standstill.

Soon after, the three of them looked at each other, and then started laughing at each other.

Cheng Yu shook his head gently.

"I have said before that Fengyi must know these things very well!"

Today, Cheng Yu, after getting acquainted with Xi Yu, respects him quite a bit.

A person whose literary talents and planning are not inferior to him, and who is extremely powerful in military strategy and force. Although such a person becomes a colleague, it is a bit stressful, but in such a time of great contention.

Who can not be excited!

Xun Yu next to him twitched the corner of his mouth, you kid has already thought about it.

He insisted on not going to the government office for so many days.

He was even more annoyed with Xi Yu.

He is obviously full of talents and ideas, and if he works hard, the results will naturally be more obvious.

But its lazy appearance is really disgusting.

There is no jealousy. Xun Yu has long regarded Xi Yu as his younger brother.

When the other party entered Cao Camp earlier, he still wanted to take care of him.

However, after realizing a little bit of Xi Yu's abilities, Xun Yu naturally hopes that Xi Yu can do more things.

Being able to end this troubled world as soon as possible and restore the Han Dynasty to its former strength is what Xun Yu longed for.

Looking at Xiyu in front of him with resentful eyes, Xun Yu was even more convinced at this moment.

This guy must not be allowed to waste his abilities. No matter what, he must let Xi Yu put his talents to use.

At this moment, Cao Cao felt as if he had taken a sip of the refreshing spring water in March.

After Xi Yu's remarks, he felt an indescribable smoothness all over his body.



As expected, everything Xi Yu said was not worth taking seriously.

They are determined to win Xuzhou, and no one can stop them from occupying Xuzhou.

Now, Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan and others have all been placed in Xuzhou by him.

With half of Xuzhou under his command and occupying the entire Xuzhou, the rest is only a matter of time.

That guy Tao Qian can't hold on much longer.

There's just one more Liu Bei, that's all!

"Speaking of Xuzhou, I wonder how Fengyi views the current situation of our army?"

It seemed that he understood what Cao Cao and Xun Yu wanted to ask.

At this time, seeing that Xi Yu had no intention of continuing to speak, Cheng Yu next to him stroked his small beard under his forehead and asked softly with a grin.

As soon as these words were spoken, Cao Cao and Xun Yu began to look serious.

The three of them came here together, not to see what Xiyu was doing.

At present, the rebellion in Yanzhou has almost been settled with Cao Cao's return.

The remaining thing, the most important thing at the moment, is naturally the matter in Xuzhou.

Yuan Shao now occupies Jizhou and Qingzhou, and there is already an incompatibility between him and Gongsun Zan.

There was a lot of friction between the two on the border.

After fighting no less than dozens of times, there should always be a winner between these two people.

And how long can this time last?

As for Yuan Shu in Huainan, he is now busy capturing more towns.

The two brothers of the Yuan family, one in the south and one in the north, have now become a presence that the Han Dynasty cannot ignore.

Yanzhou is still caught between these two people after all.

The development of Caoying cannot stagnate, and Xuzhou is a crucial step.


Xi Yu raised his eyes and slowly looked at the three people in front of him.

When it comes to Xuzhou, naturally it is not the war with Xuzhou on the surface, but the internal problems of Xuzhou as a whole.

"What do you think of Xuzhou?"

Xi Yu didn't rush to express his conclusion, but turned around and asked the three people in front of him.

This situation is no longer a simple chat.

Talking about business, when the four of them sat around, they all became extremely serious with each other.

Xun Yu frowned slightly.

He stared at the table in front of everyone, and after thinking about it, he poured some tea on the table.

Followed by the Qianqian gentleman in front of him, he stretched out his hand and dotted it on the water.

I saw Xun Yu's fingers sketching on the table. After a while, a rough map of Xuzhou appeared on the table.

This move made Xi Yu's brows slightly raised.

Even Cao Cao and Cheng Yu couldn't help but open their mouths to praise.

As expected of Xun Yu, the entire Xuzhou landscape can be outlined simply with some water.

Xun Yu was not complacent about this.

Being in the rear area, he naturally pays attention to the situation in Xuzhou every day.

He has long been familiar with Xuzhou's landforms, and now he sketches them casually, so of course it doesn't mean anything.

It would not be too difficult for anyone to look at the map of Xuzhou every day and outline a general situation.

What's more, it's Xun Yu.

"Look, everyone!"

"Currently our army has occupied Dongguan County, Donghai County and other counties in Xuzhou!"

"The rest are in Tancheng, Xiapi and other areas of Xuzhou!"

"Our army's current military peak points to Xuzhou, which is already under our army's military peak. The army is pressing in from multiple directions. It is only a matter of time before we occupy Xuzhou!"

Xun Yu didn't say much, he just pointed out the current situation in Xuzhou casually, and then looked up at the three people in front of him.

Hearing this, Cao Cao laughed.

"Indeed, as Wen Ruo said, although our army and the Xuzhou Army are now facing each other, our army's advantages have been fully demonstrated."

"I heard that the factions in Xuzhou have gradually begun to fight among themselves!"

"Tao Qian is seriously ill now. Who has the final say in Xuzhou has not yet been determined!"

Cao Cao sneered.

If his army hadn't pressed in, I'm afraid there would have been a fight among themselves in Xuzhou.

Although Tao Qian wanted Liu Bei to succeed Xuzhou Mu, how could anyone else be willing to do such a thing.

Would those wealthy gentry families that have always based themselves on Xuzhou be willing to have an outsider ride on their heads?

They don't want to.

It would be something no one would want to do.

These people have been operating in Xuzhou for who knows how many years. After several generations of hard work, they have finally managed to make some noise in Xuzhou.

How could he just watch Xuzhou fall into Liu Bei's hands?

"When it comes to today's Xuzhou, the Danyang people led by Tao Qian are considered one faction, the local nobles in Xuzhou are one faction, and those wealthy merchants are one faction, and Liu Bei is also one faction!"

After Cao Cao finished speaking, Cheng Yu next to him started to analyze.

Let’s talk about Tao Qian first.

He himself was from Danyang. Since the imperial court appointed him as the governor of Xuzhou, Tao Qian began to take charge of Xuzhou.

After half a lifetime of business, it can be said that the business in Xuzhou has made a splash.

The general he relied on most, Cao Bao, was a fellow countryman of Tao Qian and the person Tao Qian trusted the most.

It's a pity that Cao Bao's abilities are limited and he can barely be a general.

He is considered a second-rate general, not a famous general.

But he is loyal to Tao Qian, and the two complement each other, and they are considered a powerful force in Xuzhou.

Tao Qianeng later became Xuzhou Mu, and the Danyang soldiers behind him should not be underestimated.

It is precisely because of the Danyang soldiers that he, Tao Qian, can become one of the princes in this troubled time.

When it comes to the Xuzhou gentry.

Naturally, it was the Xuzhou gentry headed by the Chen family, Chen Gui, Chen Deng and his son.

The Chen family is a local noble family in Xuzhou. They have been in business for several generations and have long taken root in Xuzhou.

Its forces can be considered to be deeply entwined in Xuzhou.

The purpose of these noble families is nothing more than the prosperity of their families. They don't pay much attention to who should be the shepherd of Xuzhou.

What these nobles only value is profit!

Let’s talk about the wealthy businessmen in Xuzhou.

That is the merchants such as the Mi family. Compared with the gentry, their influence in Xuzhou is somewhat weaker.

There is no comparison between the merchant family and the noble family.

Starting from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the concept of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce began to appear.

Although the four classes were superior to each other, there was no clear distinction at that time.

However, since the pre-Qin period, the contention of a hundred schools of thought has come to an end.

Starting from the time when Han Dynasty began to focus exclusively on Confucianism, the status of the gentry began to rise rapidly.

Following the merchant's status, as hundreds of years passed, it gradually became weaker and weaker.

The merchants and wealthy families cannot be compared with the noble families at all.

Although the status of these merchants in Xuzhou is not as good as that of those wealthy families.

And they are naturally not willing to do this. Their goal is to turn their lintel into a noble family.

For this reason, merchants made many bets.

After all, the example of a certain big businessman from the pre-Qin period was already there.

In the final analysis, these businessmen are actually more focused on profits.

Whoever can benefit them more will be supported by them.

As for the final Liu Bei.

Although he was just an outsider, it was precisely because Tao Qian was seriously ill that Liu Bei, an outsider, suddenly intervened in the situation in Xuzhou and became more important.

Cheng Yu spoke out the current situation in Xuzhou in a leisurely manner.

After hearing the other party's analysis, Cao Cao and Xun Yu nodded.

Cheng Yu was right.

Their views are not much different.

At this moment, all three people looked towards Xi Yu.

Xi Yu nodded and looked at Cheng Yu.

"The factions Zhongde mentioned are not much different, but you seem to have overlooked the most important first point!"

"Which point?"

Almost subconsciously, Cheng Yu blurted out the question.

The forces and factions he mentioned were pretty much covered, but I didn't expect that there was something left unsaid.

Cao Cao and Xun Yu also looked at Xi Yu, wanting to hear what the other person had to say differently.


"People of Xuzhou!"

Xi Yu opened his mouth and smiled.

When it comes to the most important existence in Xuzhou, and even the most important existence in the world, they are the ordinary people.

Whether it's a wealthy family, a noble family, or someone else.

No one can be separated from the people.

Without ordinary people, where would the wealthy noble families come from?

As soon as Xi Yu said this, the three people beside him were startled.

These words hit the nail on the head.

Things that they had ignored before were now suddenly clear to them.

The three of them are all smart people, and there is no need to explain some things so thoroughly.

The common people are always something that cannot be ignored. After the three of them looked at each other, they couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

"After listening to Fengyi's words today, I realized that I still have a shallow view after all!"

Cheng Yu sighed, how could he not understand such an obvious truth.

However, after all, he is a nobleman himself, and his stance is different.

Xun Yu didn't say anything, but his eyes moved slightly when he looked at Xi Yu.

"As Zhongde said, this is the current situation in Xuzhou!"

"Now that Tao Qian is seriously ill, I expect that he will not be able to survive this winter, and the Danyang forces under his command will inevitably be controlled by others in the future."

"And the one who can control this force, I think, is Liu Bei!"

"As for the Xuzhou gentry, they only care about the development of their family. As long as they don't harm the foundation of Xuzhou, these people don't care who controls Xuzhou."

"The same goes for those wealthy merchants!"

"Let's talk about Liu Bei. Although he can inherit the power of Tao Qian, he himself has external reasons."

"The foundation is not deep. Even if you succeed Xuzhou Mu in a short period of time, you will not be able to sit firmly!"


Xi Yu commented in one breath that he took the nobles and wealthy families seriously, but Liu Bei was nothing.

Liu Bei is in Xuzhou and is now a rootless Ping.

"What other ideas does Fengyi have?"

After hearing what Xi Yu said, Cao Cao couldn't help but ask.

For him, what he wants to hear more at this moment is how they can occupy the entire Xuzhou and bring Xuzhou under their control.

Seeing Cao Cao's appearance, Xi Yu instantly understood what he was thinking.

The same was true for Xun Yu and Cheng Yu beside them.

"There is nothing wrong with our army's previous strategy. My lord, all you have to do is continue!"

"My lord, you might as well learn from Liu Bei!"

"There is a certain merit in this person that is worthy of learning from my lord!"

? ? ?

Cao Cao was a little confused. What should he learn from Liu Bei?

What's there to learn from that guy?

Cao Cao was puzzled, and Xun Yu and the two men beside him also looked at Xi Yu.

"Benevolence and justice!"

Xi Yu didn't mean to show off. When he saw the three people looking at him, he casually mentioned the advantages he saw in Liu Bei.

Liu Bei can occupy a place in Xuzhou in the current situation.

He naturally has his own personal charm, there is no doubt about this.

As for Xi Yu, compared to Cao Cao and others, he has a clearer understanding of Liu Bei.

Whether it is records in later history books or some unofficial descriptions.

This point of benevolence and righteousness in Liu Bei is something that no one can ignore.

The other party was able to win over a stall as big as Shuhan in the later stage, and benevolence and righteousness were the points that it could not cover up.

He has a keen eye to recognize people, and knows how to use them well, which is quite like the style of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty.


Cao Cao frowned!

This is the thing he despises the most. The current situation in the Han Dynasty is that the princes are all attacking each other!

What does benevolence and righteousness count for?

Of course, Cao Cao did not refute this point about Liu Bei.

He had contact with Liu Bei.

The fact that he had helped Kong Rong before had already explained everything.

And his various experiences in Xuzhou cannot be ignored.

"My lord, please don't underestimate this. Although benevolence and righteousness are nothing to a noble family, they are nothing."

"However, this point cannot be ignored!"

"Looking around, who wouldn't want their immediate boss to be kind and righteous?"

"What's more, for the people in this world, what they want is this kind of kindness!"

"Liu Bei was able to achieve such a great reputation in Xuzhou in a short period of time precisely because of his benevolence and righteousness!"

"When he was in Anxi County, Liu Bei's reputation for benevolence and righteousness was well-known far and near!"

Benevolence and righteousness are a sword.

A sword used well is an invincible sword!

Liu Bei used this sword to create a career in the following years, but he used this sword well.

The reason why Xi Yu asked Cao Cao to learn it!

It is precisely because compared to Liu Bei, this aspect of Cao Cao is really inconspicuous.

Even if it is based on the original history.

Cao Cao is a bit cruel to say the least.

Without his Xiyu, the Battle of Xuzhou would have been a massacre in itself, and there would have been many massacres of the city.

But this time it was because of him.

When Cao Jun conquered Xuzhou, he did not carry out any massacre of the city or harm to the people.

It is precisely because of this that Xi Yu asked Cao Cao to learn from Liu Bei.

Cao Cao can also use the sword of benevolence and righteousness!

It can even be successful.

"What Fengyi said is good!"

"My lord, you should learn a lesson!"

After hearing Xi Yu's remarks, Xun Yu nodded and smiled.

What the people of the world want is a benevolent and righteous king.

The people of Xuzhou also want their governor to be a benevolent and righteous gentleman.

Tao Qian has done a good job in this regard before. It is precisely because of this that Tao Qian has a good reputation in Xuzhou.

Perhaps Tao Qian chose Liu Bei because of this.

"I don't have any objections!"

Cheng Yu smiled and nodded, and the eyes of the three of them immediately fell on Cao Cao.

The latter's eyelids twitched.

What does it mean? !

Do you think that I, Lao Cao, am not a benevolent and righteous person? -

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