We agreed to conquer the lower worlds, but are you speedrunning through Dragon Ball?

Chapter 66 Vegeta: Raditz is so strong? ? (Please order first!)

Vegeta is like this, and Vegeta's two subordinates, Raditz and Napa Qiuyi, don't care even more. After all, one has only a few hundred combat power points, and the other has only close to a thousand combat power points. Although nearly two have passed. In years, Raditz will definitely improve, but no matter how much he improves, can it exceed a thousand? Even if it reaches a thousand, the giant ape's strength will not be comparable to him.

At this moment, Qiu Yi's eyes were filled with a playful light.

His expression was even more provocative.

"Ratitz, it's up to you!"

"He seems to look down on us a little!"

Jiang Chen chuckled and looked at Raditz.

"Leave it to me, Aspara!"

Raditz snorted coldly, and the next moment his figure moved instantly.

Qiu Yi still looked proud.

But the next moment his pupils couldn't help but shrink instantly.

"So fast!"

A surprised voice sounded.

The next moment his body reacted almost instinctively.


The fists and palms collided, and the terrifying aura instantly shook the sky.

Qiu Yi felt a huge force coming from his right arm, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back as he had no time to mobilize too much power.

"How come?"

Qiu Yi was surprised and stunned.

Even if he didn't use all his strength, Raditz couldn't be his opponent.

With this strike, Raditz should be thrown backwards.

But the result was that he regressed.

In a hurry, he seemed to have thought of something and quickly controlled the detector.



The detector jumped rapidly.

As the values ​​​​jumped, Qiu Yi's pupils once again showed a look of shock.

At this moment, the pride and joking he had felt before suddenly disappeared.

He, he saw something.

Thirteen thousand points.

Raditz's battle actually had thirteen thousand points.

"Impossible. How can you, a bunch of damn wild monkeys, have a combat power of thirteen thousand points?"

"No, there must be something wrong with this combat effectiveness detector."

"How is that possible!"

Qiu Yi's voice was full of gaffes.

It's not that he is not calm, but the current fighting power really scares him.

Thirteen thousand combat power points.

Even if this combat power is not as good as his, it is still very close to him.

More importantly, he understood that Raditz's combat power was only close to a thousand points, so why did it suddenly reach 13,000 points.

However, Qiu Yi lost his composure, but Raditz did not lose his composure.

His figure moved again.

In an instant, he rushed directly towards Qiu Yi.

Fighting broke out again.

Although the cultivation method of Namek cannot significantly increase the power, the use of its own strength is much higher than that of ordinary cosmic people. With 15,000 points of combat power, Qiu Yi can only exert one Twelve thousand to thirteen thousand points, but Raditz's combat power can be perfectly displayed at thirteen thousand points.

For a moment, Qiu Yi was even completely suppressed.




Two figures kept colliding in mid-air.

Qiu Yi's figure staggered.

The look of horror on his face became more intense.


"Get them!"

The cosmonauts under Qiu Yi looked at this scene with equally shocked expressions.

But these people quickly reacted.

Their eyes couldn't help but look at Jiang Chen and Ji Nei, who were shouted at by a cosmonaut.

More than a dozen cosmonauts directly surrounded Jiang Chen and Ji Nei.


Ji Nei couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Don't worry, Aunt Gine, Raditz will be fine."

"Wait me a moment."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

As the words fell, his figure disappeared instantly.

A few flashes.

The next moment.

More than a dozen cosmonauts were killed in an instant with almost no resistance.

In mid-air, the bodies of more than a dozen people fell down.

Jiang Chen clapped his hands and returned to Ji Nei's side.

There are more than a dozen cosmonauts, and their strongest combat power is only seven or eight thousand. For Jiang Chen, whose combat power is now over twenty thousand, it is simply not easy.


Ji Nei's eyes widened and she looked at the figures falling in the distance with shock, and then looked at Aspara in front of her.

Even though Ji Nei already knew that Jiang Chen was very powerful now, he didn't expect that he was so powerful.

Those are all soldiers of Frieza's Legion.

As Bardock's wife, Gine is very aware of the power of these Frieza Legion soldiers.

Even my husband might not be able to solve it so easily.

"Aunt Gine, wait a moment, Raditz should be around to solve it soon."

Facing Ji Nei's shock, Jiang Chen smiled, and then spoke with a soft voice.

And it seemed to be validating his words.

far away.


A terrifying roar sounded.

In mid-air.

The energy bullets of the two figures were colliding.

Qiu Yi's face turned ugly, and he didn't have time to make any new moves.

His pupils just widened.

"not good!"

The thought just came up in my mind.

The next moment.

Raditz suddenly appeared.

A zero-range air bomb rushed directly into his face.



Qiu Yi's figure fell directly like a cannonball, the ground collapsed rapidly, and the ground with a radius of several thousand meters continued to collapse.

The powerful force almost tore the surroundings into pieces.

The explosion of tens of thousands of points of combat power has undoubtedly reached the limit for a planet.

Even if it is not directed at the core of the earth, it has caused huge turbulence on the entire planet.

Raditz was panting in mid-air.

But there was only excitement on his face.

He actually won.

That was Qiu Yi, an elite warrior from Frieza's Legion.

The status is even higher than the current Prince Vegeta.

But he won.

But in the midst of his excitement.

A beam of light shot directly past.

Raditz was startled.

The figure subconsciously disappeared from the spot.

And the moment he disappeared.


In the distance, an extremely embarrassed figure with scars all over his body suddenly widened his eyes and looked down at his chest in a daze.

There, a beam of light penetrated his heart directly.



Puzzled, stunned.

Emotions filled his cheeks, and the next moment his figure fell weakly downwards.

However, it was only the moment it fell.

An energy bomb instantly engulfed his body.

"Aspara you?"

The energy bomb engulfed Qiu Yi, and Raditz finally reacted and looked at Jiang Chen with a frown.

"Ratitz, now is not the time to be complacent."

"You didn't kill him completely. If he wanted to blow up the entire planet, do you want to die with him?"

Looking at Raditz, Jiang Chen spoke with a hint of speechlessness.

He finally realized that this thing was obviously a tradition of the Sun family.

There's always something wrong.

The energy in Qiu Yi's body just now was obviously extremely abnormal, and he probably really wanted to destroy the entire planet.

Although Jiang Chen already had the ability to survive in space, in order to avoid some trouble, he still took action to deal with this guy first.


Raditz opened his mouth, and the emotions that had just risen were suppressed.

"Let's go!"

"It's time for us to get out of here."

"Frieza should already know our news!"

Jiang Chen spoke softly, and the figure flew directly into the distance.

Raditz quickly followed.

The three figures disappeared quickly.


Where Planet Sam is located, a spaceship soars into the sky and quickly disappears into the starry sky.

To avoid trouble.

Jiang Chen did not choose to go directly to the earth, but decided to take a detour.

Be it Namek or Earth, this is not the time to be exposed.

Otherwise, there will be big trouble.

The spaceship disappears.

at the same time.

Central Northern Galaxy.

In a huge spaceship.

As expected, Frieza got the news quickly.

"Oh ho ho, that group of wild monkeys are not dead yet. Their combat power of 13,000 points is really surprising."

Frieza said with a teasing voice.

"King Frieza, I, I have sent people to track down those damn wild monkeys."

Next to him, Sabo knelt down on one knee, with a heavy cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Although Frieza smiled, he only felt horror.

"Thirteen thousand combat points, that group of trash can't be solved. Mr. Sabo, you and Mr. Dodoria should go together."

"I don't want any more accidents."

"By the way, bring that Raditz back to me. There will be no need for other wild monkeys to exist."

Frieza smiled again with a cold smile.

"Yes, King Frieza."

Sabo responded hurriedly.

"Oh, by the way, let's go find my respected Prince Vegeta. His subordinates all have 13,000 combat power points. Isn't the combat power of a Saiyan prince a little too low?"

As if he thought of something, Frieza's smiling voice spoke again.

"Yes, King Frieza!"

Sabo responded respectfully.

Soon Frieza's Legion, Sabo and Dodoria quickly dispatched to pursue Jiang Chen and his party.

And at the same time.

Vegeta and Napa, who were in another part of the Northern Galaxy, also quickly received the news.

"Come on, you're just kidding."

"That guy Raditz, how is that possible?"

Napa's eyes widened with disbelief.

This moment completely shocked him.

Thirteen thousand combat power points.

What a cosmic joke.

How is this possible.

How much fighting power does King Vegeta have?

How much fighting power does Bardock have?

How could Raditz have thirteen thousand combat power points?

Moreover, Raditz is still younger than him now.

"Shut up, Napa!"

Vegeta instantly looked at Napa and spoke with a cold voice.

The sudden words and the sudden momentum made Napa tremble and he quickly closed his mouth.

"Let's go, let's set off now and head to the planet Delita."

Vegeta spoke in a low voice.

"But Prince Vegeta, that's a high-level planet, us!"

Napa's expression changed and he spoke hurriedly.

High-level planets are beyond their reach now.

"You don't want to?!"

Vegeta turned his head instantly, with an endless fierce light on his childish face.

"I, I!"

Napa spoke subconsciously, but he couldn't say anything at this moment.



Vegeta snorted coldly, and the next moment he threw away the food in his hand, and his figure soared into the sky.

Napa hurriedly followed.

But no one noticed at this moment.

Vegeta's two palms were clenched tightly.


Soon, the two spaceships rushed directly into the sky.

Quickly disappeared in this starry sky.

An unexpected encounter changed the fate of each other. Qiu Yi, who would have lived to the beginning of the plot, died on Planet Sam. Vegeta, who would have needed a long time to try to conquer a higher planet, has now begun to conquer after being stimulated by Raditz.

The plot of Dragon Ball has quietly changed.

But not many people know about it yet.

These changes have not caused too much deviation in time and space.

The overall situation is still moving towards the established trajectory.

Time is quietly passing.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and his party were heading in another direction.

Originally, the direction of the Earth was the eastern part of the western part of the Northern Galaxy.

At this moment, the direction they were heading was the northern part of the Western Galaxy, and they were even heading towards the Western Galaxy.

The purpose was naturally to attract the attention of the Frieza Corps to the Western Galaxy.

Rather than going to Earth.

In order to prevent Frieza from finding anyone.

Jiang Chen even deliberately leaked his whereabouts.

In this case.

In just one month.

Jiang Chen and his party encountered another Frieza Corps.

Of course, the strength of this Frieza Corps was not strong, and the combat power of the strongest leader was only over 10,000.

Jiang Chen did not make a move.

Raditz solved it quickly.

What surprised Jiang Chen was.

He got a message from this Frieza Corps, that is, Frieza sent Dodoria and Sabo to capture them.

Or to be more precise, to capture Raditz.

Jiang Chen was naturally familiar with these two people, as they were the two top combat forces under Frieza besides the Ginyu Force.

Sabo's strength could reach up to 27,000, while Dodoria's combat strength was 22,000.

This strength was considered strong in the entire universe.

With the obvious defects of the giant ape transformation, it was easy to take down Raditz.

Frieza obviously paid enough attention to it.

But it was obvious that Frieza did not consider the existence of Jiang Chen.

A month later, Jiang Chen's strength had officially reached 27,000.

With Jiang Chen's use of Qi, it was completely enough to fight Sabo and Dodoria at the same time.

However, Jiang Chen thought about it and did not choose to wait.

Instead, he drove the spaceship directly into the Western Galaxy.

Then he entered the western border of the Northern Galaxy through the Western Galaxy.

Jiang Chen knew very well that he could not be Frieza's opponent at this moment, and it was not a wise choice to continue to stay and entangle with Frieza's army.

Even if Sabo can be defeated, what can Dodoria do? Frieza will only focus more on them, which is not what he wants to see now.

In comparison, it is better to run first.

Four updates, 16,000 words have been completed, at least one more update, 4,000 words, will be presented before 1 o'clock tomorrow. I beg for support and monthly tickets. The author wants to rush to the new book monthly ticket list. If there are more updates, the helmsman will update one, the leader will update three, and the monthly ticket will be 300 plus one.

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