We agreed to conquer the lower worlds, but are you speedrunning through Dragon Ball?

Chapter 99: The first seventh level in the main world, the second dimension comes

"The third login has ended!"

"Data matching in progress!"

"Matching completed!"

"You have obtained a temporary character card, please accept it!"

A mechanical voice sounded.

The next moment, rays of light quickly gathered in front of Jiang Chen, and then a card with an illusory appearance appeared.

Name: Aspara

Identity: Saiyan

Combat power: 350,000 points

The information of the card was presented.

The card appeared in front of him. Compared with the previous one, the card in front of him was undoubtedly much more refined.

And more importantly, the faint divine aura emanating from the card was exactly the divine aura when he became the God of Saiyans.

Obviously, this card not only had the 350,000 combat power of his third login, but also his experience of becoming the God of Saiyans.


The right hand subconsciously touched, and the next moment a ripple instantly spread around him.

Then, the card with a faint red light gradually merged into his body.

And with the faint red light merging.

The next moment.


The ripples spread again, and a white light instantly illuminated Jiang Chen's figure, and then his figure quickly disappeared in the white world.

And at the moment when Jiang Chen disappeared.

The entire Blue Star.

Time and space were completely solidified at this moment.

Countless golden characters began to jump up.

"It is detected that the first seventh-level appeared in the main plane."

"World matching restarted."

"Matching successful!"

"The second round of dimensional advent begins!"


"Nineteen eighty-seven."

"Six five four three two one!"

"The advent begins!"

The sound of the machine, accompanied by golden characters, appeared on the entire Blue Star.

The next moment, the golden characters shattered instantly.


"Boom boom!"

Above the entire Blue Star sky, the wind and clouds surged instantly, and then the virtual worlds began to collide with the entire Blue Star.

At this moment, the solidified time and space were recovering rapidly.

Everyone looked up in horror.

On the entire Blue Star, the faces of the federations changed drastically at this moment.

They had experienced such a scene hundreds of years ago.

And it was because of that time that the entire Blue Star fell into a dark turmoil that lasted for hundreds of years.

No one expected that after hundreds of years, the golden characters would appear again.

All of a sudden, everyone couldn't calm down.

Daxia Capital.




Several figures broke through the air and instantly appeared in the air.

"Old Li, what's going on?"

One person couldn't help but speak, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the figure in the center.

"The second coming, is the previous coming just the first time?"

As someone spoke, someone couldn't help but speak with horror.

However, no one answered the words of the two at this moment. Everyone couldn't help but look at the sky. As the peak of the sixth level, they seemed to see through the endless sky at this moment and saw the huge worlds that were approaching rapidly.

No, not as if.

At this moment, they did see it.

And compared to the dimensional worlds that have descended in the past few hundred years, the dimensional world that appeared this time is much larger.

Moreover, as the rulers of the Great Xia Federation, they have mastered part of the power of the main world, so they can feel that after this huge world, there are more worlds coming.

The scale of this impact is probably no smaller than the first time the dimension came.

It may even be larger.

And this is undoubtedly not a good thing.

The dimension came, bringing infinite hope, but also infinite crisis.

Just like the dark era that lasted for hundreds of years a few hundred years ago.

They were able to survive the first time, but no one had the confidence to survive the second time. .

Everyone looked at each other, and their expressions were full of solemnity at this moment.


It seems that someone has thought of something.

"Did you see the text on it just now?"

"It seems that the first seventh-level strongman was born in the main world."

The words suddenly opened.

And his voice immediately made everyone present stunned.

"Yes, I saw it too!"

"In the main world, someone has broken through the seventh level!"

After being stunned, the figures could not help but react, and they widened their eyes.

Level 7.

That's level 7.

As level 6 peakers, they are completely stuck at this level.

For hundreds of years, they have imagined the existence of level 7 countless times.

But level 7 seems to be out of reach.

It's out of reach.

Even after hundreds of years, they still haven't reached the threshold of level 7.

Gradually, they have given up the idea of ​​level 7.

Many people even think that level 7 doesn't exist.

After all, even the level 7 world has only appeared in rumors. In fact, they have never seen the real level 7 world.

The strongest is only the level 6 peak world.

But what do they see now.

Someone has broken through to level 7.

And it was precisely because someone broke through the seventh level that the second dimension came.

Everyone couldn't help but feel the huge shock in their hearts.

"I will immediately contact the other major federations to find out which federation gave birth to a seventh-level powerhouse."

"Others should prepare immediately. The scale of this second dimensional arrival may be far greater than the first."

The old man in the center took a deep breath and then spoke quickly.



Several people responded one after another.

I don't dare to be negligent at this moment.

Several people present had experienced the turmoil during the Dark Age.

Well aware of the horror in that.

The order that was finally established, no one wanted to collapse again.

Especially as they hold some authority in the main world, once the order collapses, it will be fatal to them.

The figures disappeared quickly.

Just an hour later.

Starting from the capital of Daxia, all major base cities directly launched first-level combat readiness.

A large number of city defense troops began to be mobilized.

At the same time, in the Daxia capital, various dimensional detection instruments have been improved to almost the extreme.

At the same time, news from major federations began to be exchanged urgently.

However, what shocked all the federation was that they did not find the seventh-level registrant.

He seemed completely absent.

But the golden characters and the mechanical voice clearly told all federal beings that that person really existed.

Of course, their astonishment only lasted for a moment.

It soon became impossible to continue.

Because at this moment, the second dimension is coming.

The login dimensions that were originally squeezed into the major federations suddenly exploded at this moment, and dimensions suddenly arrived in all major federations.

"Alert, alert, a level one is about to begin."

"Alert, alert, Level 2 arrival detected!"

"Determining target point."

"The target point has been determined."

"Jiangnan Prefecture, the western urban area of ​​Daxia Capital Prefecture, Yangcheng Prefecture in the northeast, and Shaoxin City in Jiangnan Prefecture."

"The intensity of the arrival is being assessed."

"Assessment completed."

"The current level of advent is generally the second level. Daxia Capital and Jiangnan Prefecture are the first level. Shaoxin City in Jiangnan Prefecture and Yangcheng in the Northeast Prefecture are the second level."

"We are contacting the local garrison."

"Alert, alert, a level one is about to begin."

"Alert, alert, Level 2 arrival detected!"

Daxia Mansion, the center of the plane.

Urgent alarm sounds filled the entire center, and figures were moving quickly.

Many people even use it directly for running.


The figure of the old man appears.

"How many dimensions have arrived so far?"

The old man spoke in a low voice.

"Currently, there are thirty-five that have been detected, including one descendant at the sixth level, three at the fifth level, ten at the fourth level, and twenty at the fourth level and below. It is still increasing. How many will be reached in the end is uncertain. ”

A middle-aged man spoke respectfully.

"What's going on with the Xuanwu Army and the Suzaku Army? In addition, can the Qinglong Army and the White Tiger Army mobilize manpower?"

Listening to the middle-aged man's return, the old man couldn't help but frown, took a deep breath and then asked.

"The Xuanwu Army and the Suzaku Army have already been dispatched. It may be difficult for the Qinglong Army and the White Tiger Army to be mobilized. They are still guarding the two sixth-order world invasions."

The middle-aged man spoke in a deep voice.

"Let the Ministry of Education mobilize the directly affiliated corps to ensure the safety of the ten major base cities."

"Affiliated to the base city, start the relocation."

The old man pondered for a moment, and then spoke in a low voice.


Hearing the old man's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The Great Xia Federation today is not what it was before.

In addition to the top ten base cities, there are also various third-level base cities.

Once you migrate, it's no joke.

“Do it now!”

"The Second Coming has already begun, so now it's just the prelude."

"We don't have the extra strength to protect those third-level base cities."

The old man sighed softly and spoke with a wry smile.


The middle-aged man opened his mouth, but finally responded respectfully.

Then the figure quickly retreated.

At this moment, the old man's eyes were still fixed on the huge illusory screen.

His brows were still furrowed tightly, and he did not relax at all.

There was no way, this sudden change caught the entire Daxia off guard.

The balance that was finally maintained was broken instantly at this moment.

And what's even more terrifying is.

The unknown second coming.

The first advent was so terrifying, so no one knows to what extent this second advent will be, and whether Blue Star can really handle it.

Even an old man has no confidence in his heart.

Blue Star is indeed special, having managed to survive even during the Dark Age.

But how lucky it was at that time, only those who experienced it know best.

If it happens again, Blue Star may not be able to survive it.

Not to mention the potentially even more exaggerated Second Coming.

Of course, no one knows the old man's worries at the moment.

As the golden characters flash, the still time and space is restored.

Countless beings on the entire Blue Star began to fall into heated discussions.

Many people became nervous all of a sudden.

Of course, there were also excited people in this kind of nervousness.

The advent of the dimension is a crisis for everyone, but also a huge opportunity.

Now, all the top powerhouses in the entire Daxia Federation were born during the first advent.

At this moment, the second advent appeared. Does this mean that their opportunity has also come?

At this moment, many world raiders thought so.

However, in their excitement.

What they need to face first is not an opportunity.

But a crisis.

There are 35 dimensional advents that have spread to the entire Daxia Federation, and the scale of the dimensional advent of the entire Blue Star is undoubtedly even larger.

Daxia Mansion.

Nanhai Mansion.


The yellow sand swept across the sky and covered the entire world in an instant.

Everything around turned into a desert in the blink of an eye.

"Hahahaha, I finally came out."

"Damn human!"

A sharp voice came from the mouth of a huge monster that was dozens of stories high. Its body was made entirely of yellow sand. Rich energy appeared on it, causing everything around it to quickly turn into sand.

"The so-called dream is nothing more than a reality that only people with strength can talk about."

"The so-called weakness is a sin!"

"What did I take away? Money, fame, trust, life, rain? What do you want me to give you back? I took away too much."

In Jiangdong Mansion, the yellow sand was also sweeping, and a burly man in a cloak slowly walked out of the sand.

With a raise of his right hand, the sandstorm swept the entire surroundings.

"If you can't even protect the weak, what is justice? It's not surprising that you don't want justice if you're not desperate. Justice is not victory after all, and the winner finally gave it to me for justice."

In Jiangbei Mansion, a burly man also slowly emerged from nothingness.

At this moment, not only in the Great Xia Federation, but also in the entire Blue Star, in the base cities, dimensions began to descend.

A large number of conquered dimensions began to descend on the Blue Star at this moment.

The turmoil inevitably began to spread.

Shaoxin City.

Xiong Kuiwu's face became particularly solemn at this moment.

"Level 3!"

"Damn it, how could there be a level 3!"

Xiong Kuiwu muttered to himself, and at this moment his body began to tremble.

Just now, the Great Xia Capital received news that their Shaoxin Base City is about to have a level 3 descent.

Level 3, that's level 3.

The entire Shaoxin Base City does not have the power to reach the level 3 descent.

Even the initial level 3 descent may result in heavy losses for Shaoxin Base City.


"That one!"

Suddenly, Xiong Kuiwu seemed to think of something, and his figure stood up instantly.

Shaoxin City did not have this ability before, but it may not be without it now.

He did not forget the terrifying strength that Jiang Chen showed before.

"Quick, contact Shaoxin City No. 8 Middle School immediately!"

"No, I'll come in person!"

Xiong Kuiwu opened his mouth, but he quickly changed his words when he was halfway through his words.

(Guess who these are, it's a little late, I'm still thinking about the development of the main world plot)

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