We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Order for the dissection of 50,000 six-winged anaconda tigers


Sensing Mr. Lu's gaze, Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and for a moment he felt as if he was being stared at by a terrifying giant beast.

"This...this feeling..."

"Is this person a warrior?!"

Qin Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

His perception is extremely sharp. Ordinary people cannot detect the hidden sparkle in Mr. Lu's eyes, but he can feel it.

It seemed as hot as the sun! Contains incredible mysterious power!

This made Qin Feng couldn't help but think of the giant beast that broke into Canglang City and the powerful warrior who fought against it!

"Absolutely, this President Lu should be a warrior!"

Qin Feng's breathing was slightly stagnant.

I was surprised.


This is an extremely noble existence.

The upper-city elites and powerful people all want to fawn over them.

Why are you now in the Lower City, which is considered a humble and dirty place?

And he also cooperated with a small private factory like the Rising Sun Behemoth Factory, entrusting it to process the body of the Six-winged Anaconda Tiger? The number is even 50,000?

To know.

Even for ordinary behemoths, fifty thousand is still a large number.

Not to mention the six-winged anaconda tiger, a high-level behemoth with "Titan blood".

Qin Feng couldn't imagine what kind of huge sum of money this order represented.

"As a warrior, not to mention the small private factories in the lower city, even the top big factories in the upper city will definitely sell face, and the quality of the processing will definitely be better."

"Why did the other party choose the Rising Sun Beast Factory?"

"Furthermore, looking at Boss Liu, it's obvious that he only knows that Mr. Lu is from Shangcheng, but doesn't know that he is a warrior. Otherwise, his legs would be too weak to walk."

"In other words, Mr. Lu has concealed his identity as a warrior."

"Why is he hiding it?"

Qin Feng instinctively felt that something was not right.


Warriors are above ordinary people, and their behavior cannot be measured by common sense.

Maybe the other party has some special needs that ordinary people can't understand, and they must do this.

Thoughts surged.

Qin Feng didn't seem to notice Mr. Lu's gaze at all, nor did he notice Boss Liu and others entering the anatomy workshop.

His eyes were fixed on the skinned corpse of a huge pig pig beast in front of him.

The boning knife in his hand moves like a laser cutting.

His expression looked extremely "concentrated".

at the same time.

When Boss Liu heard what Mr. Lu said, he followed his gaze and looked at Qin Feng, who was on the anatomy production line more than ten meters away.

He was slightly stunned for a moment.

In the narrow slits of his eyes, his eyes rolled half a circle.

Immediately, his somewhat stiff face stretched out like fermented dough, revealing a sudden smile:

"So that's it. I understand, Mr. Lu! As expected of you, your eyes are really sharp. You immediately recognized the most skilled anatomy master in our factory. I will introduce it to you right now!"


He glanced at Secretary Shen aside:

"Secretary Shen, hurry up and ask Qin Gong to come over. Oh, by the way, the pollution from the giant beasts on the anatomy production line is relatively strong. Remember to ask Qin Gong to disinfect it."


Mr. Lu's voice came suddenly.

He lifted up his exquisite shiny leather shoes and walked straight towards the anatomy production line where Qin Feng was. The young man named Chen behind him frowned a little, but he could only follow.

As he walked, he whispered in his mouth:

"The environment in the private factories in the lower city is really filthy. Even the toilets are not as good as..."

Boss Liu and the two factory executives next to him looked at each other in confusion. Looking at Mr. Lu, who seemed not to be afraid of the pollution caused by the giant beasts, and did not even intend to wear a biological protective suit, he felt a little out of tune for a while.

Is this, so urgent?

Boss Liu knew that Qin Feng had superb anatomy skills.


Only then did he place the six-winged anaconda tiger used for commissioned testing on the transport track that must pass Qin Feng's location.

But he never expected it.

Mr. Lu, who came from Shangcheng, and "that gentleman" behind him, actually valued Qin Feng so much that they regarded him as the boss as nothing.

The distance of more than ten meters does not seem long.

However, there are areas such as fire protection area, disinfection area, and pollution isolation area in the middle. The divisions can be described as distinct.

Boss Liu and some factory executives will also come to inspect the anatomy workshop from time to time. They are not happy to be exposed to any filth and pollution while wearing suits and leather shoes.

Mr. Lu didn't care at all about the blood flowing on the ground, or the oncoming smog-like pollution.

He had his hands in his pockets.

The speed seems slow.

But I don’t know why.

A few seconds.

Just like shrinking to an inch, he was behind Qin Feng in the blink of an eye.

Qin Feng's heart froze.

This moment.

He felt that the other person's gaze was like a blazing laser, traveling on his back, so hot that it seemed to leave a deep and long scar.

"You are Qin Feng, right?"

There was a polite smile in Mr. Lu's cold voice.

"Uh... ah? Oh, yes, it's me..."

Qin Feng seemed to have just noticed that Mr. Lu appeared behind him. He looked like he had recovered from his work state and turned to look at Mr. Lu behind him.

He took a special look at the exquisite and expensive blue suit on the other party, pretending to be a bit stunned as if he had never seen it before.

Then he swallowed his saliva.

He asked:

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"My last name is Lu, and my given name is Yunsong. You can just call me Lu Yunsong."

Lu Yunsong said with a smile.

At the same time, he handed Qin Feng a business card.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand.

He looked down.

The business card was extremely exquisite, with a full sense of design, and quite high-end. In addition to the three words "Lu Yunsong", it also wrote the other party's contact information.

But there was no company name or corresponding position.

"Let me ask you something. Did you find a blood-red crystal substance similar to a crystal gem in the body of the six-winged strange boa tiger you dissected a week ago?"

Just as Qin Feng was observing the business card.

Lu Yunsong suddenly asked.


Qin Feng's neck stiffened, and his eyes staring at the business card in his hand trembled violently.

What's the situation?

Why did Mr. Lu... ask this question?

At this moment

Although Qin Feng lowered his head.

He seemed to be able to "see" that Lu Yunsong's eyes were filled with a deep red and fiery strange sight!

This sight was as if it were real, as if it was a red-hot steel needle piercing his head, making him feel that his soul was suffering from the torment of the sting!

"Could it be that this person has noticed the matter about the Titan Blood Crystal?!"

"No, that's not right..."

"If that's the case, the other party can't use this way of attracting my attention with a business card and then suddenly asking me a question to deceive me..."

When a person's attention is attracted by something, and then someone suddenly asks a question, there is a high probability that he will subconsciously say what he knows.

This Lu Yunsong.

Obviously testing him!

"This Lu Yunsong is a warrior, and his observation must be extremely sharp. If I am abnormal, he will definitely be able to detect it!"

"Calm down, calm down... Don't show any abnormality, otherwise it's over..."

For ordinary people.

The sight of a warrior naturally has a coercive force, which is not only at the level of strength, but also a kind of suppression at the genetic level.

After all, the gene of a warrior is called "king gene".

Plus strong and sharp observation.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to act in front of a warrior. Even if the facial micro-expressions can be accurately controlled, the fast beating heart, the abnormal secretion of hormones when nervous, and so on, all kinds of abnormalities can be detected by the warrior.

But fortunately...

Qin Feng, who has the foundation of the martial arts of breathing heaven and earth, can keep all the subtle expressions, even the hormones of the internal organs, as still as a mountain, flowing freely, without any abnormal fluctuations.


It is a skill of self-cultivation.

Breathing heaven and earth.

It brings the effect of self-cultivation to the extreme.

In an instant, Qin Feng became calm and natural, without showing any abnormality.

He raised his head.

His brows were slightly frowned.

There was a bit of doubt in his eyes, and he looked like he was recalling something. He said:

"A crystalline substance similar to a crystal gem? I have never seen it before. If there is such a thing, I will definitely be very impressed. After all, crystal gems are obviously very valuable. How can I not remember it?"

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Lu Yunsong narrowed his eyes slightly, and his sight suddenly became as sharp as a knife, piercing into Qin Feng's eyes.

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