We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 128 Preparations complete, start becoming a warrior!

He watched as the dazzling halo of breath shone brighter and brighter, blooming from the pulp of the Dragon Essence Ginseng Fruit, outlining a figure with slender wings that looked like an insect or a dragon.

Qin Feng was dumbfounded.


Another "etheric dragon spirit" was dissected out?

Is this the third time in a row?

"Is it true that Lord Yama is coming to claim my life?"

Qin Feng was happy again.

Shocked again.

This is absolutely amazing.

But the worst is yet to come.

Just when he thought that three shipments in a row was extremely good luck, the third Dragon Essence Ginseng Fruit on the dissecting table trembled slightly.

The next moment.

As the first "Ether Dragon Spirit" floated out.

Behind it!

There was another bright and dazzling light blooming out!

That was shocking...another "Ether Dragon Spirit"!

This is like a "double yolk egg"!

One fruit and two dragons! !

"What the hell?!"

Qin Feng was completely shocked.

Can it still be like this?

"I never expected it, I really never expected it! This koi-possessed one is so cool. Not only did it come to me in three consecutive shipments, but one of the Dragon Essence Ginseng Fruits was actually "Double Dragon Spirit!"

"In this way, not only did we meet the goal of obtaining three more 'Ether Dragon Spirits', we even got one more!"

Qin Feng quickly collected the dissected "Ether Dragon Essence".

I feel quite happy inside.

Although this good luck is a bit like shortening his life, it seems that the Lord of Hell will come to his door the next moment and give him a cordial greeting.

But Qin Feng wished he could "short life" a few more points and gain a few more points of good luck for himself.


His martial arts foundation of "Tu Tian Na Di" contains the mysterious and wonderful effect of "Strengthening the Fu Organs and Turtle Breath".

Every breath.

It's equivalent to extending your life by a few points.

As long as you are breathing, you can live longer.

I don't care at all if my life span is shortened a little bit.

"Speaking of which, the more I breathe, the longer my life will be. Is there any way to specifically measure the length of my life and the years of my life?"

"Otherwise, although the more I breathe, the longer my life will be, I don't have a specific idea of ​​how long it will be."

When Qin Feng's thoughts were diverging.

Continue to dissect the remaining dragon essence ginseng fruit.

have to say.

The probability of shipment of this Dragon Essence Ginseng Fruit is too mysterious.

I was extremely lucky before.

What happened next was terrible luck.

A dozen in a row.

None shipped.

But now that he had achieved his goal, Qin Feng didn't force anything. His mentality was very stable, and he even hummed a little tune at the end of the dissection.

After dissecting eighteen Longjing Ginseng fruits.

The final harvest is as follows:

Four "Ether Dragon Spirits".

Twenty-two additional Filthy Dragon Eye Seeds.

Including the previous eighteen, Qin Feng now has a total of forty Filthy Dragon Eye seeds in his hand. It is estimated that with two more cycles of planting, he can reach the goal of one hundred seeds.

"Next, I will absorb the 'Ether Dragon Essence', and tonight... I will officially become a warrior."

Think of this.

Qin Feng felt quite emotional in his heart.

After time travel.

Always work hard.

Desperate roll.

Isn't it just to become a powerful warrior?

And now.

He is about to officially enter the ranks of warriors.

Qin Feng's state of mind... was not only not excited, but also very peaceful.

Because he knows that the journey of a warrior and the "opening" of the nine orifices is only the first step to step into the threshold of a warrior. There will be a longer and more difficult road to walk in the future.

after all.

He has decided not to choose to believe in gods or to beg for the so-called "martial arts gifts" from gods.

Instead, choose to go the extreme route.

Practice extreme martial arts!

Create a unique path... your own martial arts path!


Qin Feng's heart was filled with enthusiasm.

But he suddenly realized a problem: "How should I practice extreme martial arts and create a unique martial arts path for myself? It doesn't seem to be written in the military martial arts practice notes..."

Qin Feng fell into deep thought.


By the way, what are the “martial arts paths of gods” that choose to believe in gods? I remember it was written in the martial arts practice notes...



The dazzling upper city seemed quite noisy.

In a secret room.

While Lu Yunsong was swaying the azure-blue "Living Kingdom" wine in the wine glass, he was counting the latest batch of Titan blood crystals harvested today, but his face looked a little gloomy.

"Lu Qingran...has been missing for nearly twenty days..."

Although for that woman Lu Qingran.

The woman who calls herself her cousin and is willing to do anything for her.

Lu Yunsong didn't care about the other person's life or death at all.


Missing this time.

But it's really a bit strange.

"That night, some changes occurred among the demons in the lower city, which triggered the early arrival of the demon god's power... According to the reports submitted by the demons, the root cause of everything was that a rebellious beast appeared there The fox demon.”

"The power of the demon god came to punish the fox demon."

"So Lu Qingran's disappearance is probably because he was affected by the polluted power of the demon god, and died there with bad luck."

"But is it really so?"

Lu Yunsong's eyebrows couldn't stop twitching.

This is a spiritual warning.

It can make him feel that something is wrong.

As a veteran warrior.

He is not like those new warriors who just entered the field, who only focus on the practice of acupoints and have a pitiful low spirituality.

Except for some gifted people, generally new warriors have to go through the unified training of the Goddess Church, practice meditation, and increase their spirituality.

Why do they have to go through the unified training of the Goddess Church?

The reason is simple.

It looks like training.

In fact, it is brainwashing.

Absorb these newly promoted warriors in Canglang City into their own forces, so as to...cultivate a group of warriors belonging to their own army.

Lu Yunsong.

That's how I got through it back then.

In Canglang City, the power of Yanxia officials has become increasingly weak. All the city's political, economic, military and other powers have long been controlled by the Goddess Church.

Originally swore to be loyal to the country.

The guys who were loyal to Yanxia.

Either corrupted.

Or killed.

Thrown into the mouths of monsters.

Now basically only the "Yanxia Bank" is left.

The president of "Yanxia Bank" is a smart man. Although the other party has not surrendered to the Goddess Church, he has no intention of reporting to the higher authorities. At present, the main focus is on a third-party bystander.


Lu Yunsong knows.

The other party is already lingering.

If you don't choose to surrender.

You will only be purged.

"My spirituality tells me that Qin Feng is very wrong."

"But even if he is wrong, what can he do? Could it be that he can really rely on that Dragon Tiger Secret Pillar Martial Arts Chip to step into the martial arts and practice to become a martial artist?"

Lu Yunsong thinks this idea is absurd and outrageous.

A lowly genetic anatomist from the lower city.

How could he possibly become a warrior?


Absolutely impossible!

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